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Accommodation statistics
Air emission accounts
Air transport
Annual national accounts
Balance of payments and international investment position
Bankruptcies and business restructuring proceedings
Building and dwelling production
Building cost index
Buildings and free-time residences
Causes of death
Central government monthly salaries
Changes in marital status
Citizenships granted
Consumer confidence
Consumer price index
Consumption of hard coal
Cost index of civil engineering works
County elections
Culture satellite accounts
CVTS, continuing vocational training
Discontinuation of education
Domestic waterborne traffic
Dwellings and housing conditions
Economic accounts for agriculture (EAA)
Economy-wide material flow accounts
Educational finances
Educational structure of population
Employment service statistics (Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment)
Energy Accounts
Energy consumption in households
Energy prices
Energy supply and consumption
Energy use in manufacturing
Enforcement matters
Enterprise openings and closures
Entrance to education
Environmental and energy taxes
Environmental goods and services sector
Environmental protection expenditure accounts
European Parliament elections
Finance of housing companies
Financial accounts
Finnish affiliates abroad
Finnish Meteorological Institute
Finnish road statistics
Finnish Travel
First registrations of motor vehicles
Foreign affiliates in Finland
Foreign direct investments
Foreign shipping traffic
General government debt by quarter
General government deficit and debt
General government expenditure by function
General government revenue and expenditure by quarter
Goods transport by road
Government R&D funding in the state budget
Greenhouse gases
Growth and productivity measures
Households' assets
Households' consumption
Income distribution statistics
Index of producer prices of agricultural products
Index of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production
Index of real estate maintenance costs
Index of turnover in industry
Index of turnover of construction
Index of wage and salary earnings
Industrial output
Institute of Criminology and Legal Policy
International price comparison
International trade in goods and services
Job vacancy survey
Labour cost index
Labour cost survey
Labour force survey
Liberal adult education
Local government sector wages and salaries
Mass media statistics
Merchant fleet
Motor vehicle stock
Municipal elections
New orders in manufacturing
Occupational accident statistics
Parliamentary elections
110 -- Parliamentary elections 1983-2019, data on voting [351 Kb] [4/24/2019]
120 -- Parliamentary elections 1983-2019, support for parties [4257 Kb] [4/24/2019]
1. Age distribution of candidates by sex, party and constituency in Parliamentary elections 2015 [229 Kb] [4/10/2015]
1. Age distribution of candidates by sex, party and constituency in Parliamentary elections 2011 [241 Kb] [3/31/2011]
101 -- 1. Age distribution of candidates by sex, party and constituency in Parliamentary elections 2019 [239 Kb] [4/5/2019]
2. Data on voting in Parliamentary elections 2011 [649 Kb] [5/17/2011]
2. Data on voting in Parliamentary elections 2015 [764 Kb] [4/30/2015]
102 -- 2. Data on voting in Parliamentary elections 2019 [703 Kb] [4/24/2019]
2.1 Persons entitled to vote, persons who voted and advance voters by sex and constituency in Parliamentary elections in 2015 [27 Kb] [4/30/2015]
1021 -- 2.1 Persons entitled to vote, persons who voted and advance voters by sex and constituency in Parliamentary elections in 2019 [27 Kb] [4/24/2019]
2.2 Persons entitled to vote, persons who voted and advance voters by sex and municipality in Parliamentary elections in 2015 and 2011 [121 Kb] [4/30/2015]
2.2 Persons entitled to vote, persons who voted and advance voters by sex and municipality in Parliamentary elections in 2011 and 2007 [101 Kb] [3/27/2012]
1022 -- 2.2 Persons entitled to vote, persons who voted and advance voters by sex and municipality in Parliamentary elections in 2019 and 2015 [120 Kb] [4/24/2019]
2.3. Discarded ballots by cause and constituency in the Parliamentary elections 2015 [12 Kb] [4/30/2015]
2.3 Discarded ballots by cause and constituency in Parliamentary elections 2011 [6 Kb] [3/27/2012]
1023 -- 2.3 Discarded ballots by cause and constituency in the Parliamentary elections 2019 [13 Kb] [4/24/2019]
3. Support for parties in Parliamentary elections 2015 [3121 Kb] [4/30/2015]
3. Support for parties in Parliamentary elections 2011 [2437 Kb] [4/29/2011]
103 -- 3. Support for parties in Parliamentary elections 2019 [3447 Kb] [4/24/2019]
4. Numbers of votes cast for the parties and voting turnout by municipality in Parliamentary elections 2015 and change from the previous elections [120 Kb] [5/6/2015]
4. Numbers of votes cast for the parties and voting turnout by municipality in Parliamentary elections 2011 and change from the previous elections [97 Kb] [4/29/2011]
104 -- 4. Numbers of votes cast for the parties and voting turnout by municipality in Parliamentary elections 2019 and change from the previous el [130 Kb] [4/24/2019]
5. Numbers of votes cast for the candidates by order of magnitude and comparison figure [433 Kb] [4/30/2015]
5. Numbers of votes cast for the candidates by order of magnitude and comparison figure, those indicated with * were elected [181 Kb] [4/29/2011]
105 -- 5. Numbers of votes cast for the candidates by order of magnitude and comparison figure in Parliamentary elections 2019 [494 Kb] [4/24/2019]
6. Age distribution of elected MPs by sex, party and constituency in Parliamentary elections 2015 [26 Kb] [4/30/2015]
6. Age distribution of elected MPs by sex, party and constituency in Parliamentary elections 2011 [26 Kb] [4/29/2011]
106 -- 6. Age distribution of elected MPs by sex, party and constituency in Parliamentary elections 2019 [26 Kb] [4/24/2019]
7.1 Helsinki constituency, Candidates by municipality and voting district in Parliamentary elections 2015 [1004 Kb] [4/30/2015]
7.1 Helsinki constituency, Candidates by municipality and voting district in Parliamentary elections 2011 [913 Kb] [4/29/2011]
170 -- 7.1 Helsinki constituency, Candidates by municipality and voting district in Parliamentary elections 2019 [1114 Kb] [4/24/2019]
7.2 Uusimaa constituency, Candidates by municipality and voting district in Parliamentary elections 2015 [3364 Kb] [4/30/2015]
7.2 Uusimaa constituency, Candidates by municipality and voting district in Parliamentary elections 2011 [3533 Kb] [4/29/2011]
171 -- 7.2 Uusimaa constituency, Candidates by municipality and voting district in Parliamentary elections 2019 [3898 Kb] [4/24/2019]
7.3 Varsinais-Suomi constituency, Candidates by municipality and voting district in Parliamentary elections 2015 [703 Kb] [4/30/2015]
7.3 Varsinais-Suomi constituency, Candidates by municipality and voting district in Parliamentary elections 2011 [832 Kb] [4/29/2011]
172 -- 7.3 Varsinais-Suomi constituency, Candidates by municipality and voting district in Parliamentary elections 2019 [721 Kb] [4/24/2019]
7.4 Satakunta constituency, Candidates by municipality and voting district in Parliamentary elections 2015 [323 Kb] [4/30/2015]
7.4 Satakunta constituency, Candidates by municipality and voting district in Parliamentary elections 2011 [270 Kb] [4/29/2011]
173 -- 7.4 Satakunta constituency, Candidates by municipality and voting district in Parliamentary elections 2019 [267 Kb] [4/24/2019]
7.5 Häme constituency, Candidates by municipality and voting district in Parliamentary elections 2015 [453 Kb] [4/30/2015]
7.5 Häme constituency, Candidates by municipality and voting district in Parliamentary elections 2011 [471 Kb] [4/29/2011]
174 -- 7.5 Häme constituency, Candidates by municipality and voting district in Parliamentary elections 2019 [468 Kb] [4/24/2019]
7.6 Pirkanmaa constituency, Candidates by municipality and voting district in Parliamentary elections 2015 [935 Kb] [4/30/2015]
7.6 Pirkanmaa constituency, Candidates by municipality and voting district in Parliamentary elections 2011 [923 Kb] [4/29/2011]
175 -- 7.6 Pirkanmaa constituency, Candidates by municipality and voting district in Parliamentary elections 2019 [1140 Kb] [4/24/2019]
7.7 Southeast Finland constituency, Candidates by municipality and voting district in Parliamentary elections 2015 [832 Kb] [4/30/2015]
7.7 Kymi constituency, Candidates by municipality and voting district in Parliamentary elections 2011 [432 Kb] [4/29/2011]
176 -- 7.7 Southeast Finland constituency, Candidates by municipality and voting district in Parliamentary elections 2019 [823 Kb] [4/24/2019]
7.8 Savo-Karelia constituency, Candidates by municipality and voting district in Parliamentary elections 2015 [658 Kb] [4/30/2015]
7.8 South Savo constituency, Candidates by municipality and voting district in Parliamentary elections 2011 [226 Kb] [4/29/2011]
177 -- 7.8 Savo-Karelia constituency, Candidates by municipality and voting district in Parliamentary elections 2019 [740 Kb] [4/24/2019]
7.9 Vaasa constituency, Candidates by municipality and voting district in Parliamentary elections 2015 [1063 Kb] [4/30/2015]
7.9 North Savo constituency, Candidates by municipality and voting district in Parliamentary elections 2011 [349 Kb] [4/29/2011]
178 -- 7.9 Vaasa constituency, Candidates by municipality and voting district in Parliamentary elections 2019 [1096 Kb] [4/24/2019]
7.10 Central Finland constituency, Candidates by municipality and voting district in Parliamentary elections 2015 [353 Kb] [4/30/2015]
7.10 North Karelia constituency, Candidates by municipality and voting district in Parliamentary elections 2011 [258 Kb] [4/29/2011]
179 -- 7.10 Central Finland constituency, Candidates by municipality and voting district in Parliamentary elections 2019 [390 Kb] [4/24/2019]
7.11 Oulu constituency, Candidates by municipality and voting district in Parliamentary elections 2015 [903 Kb] [4/30/2015]
7.11 Vaasa constituency, Candidates by municipality and voting district in Parliamentary elections 2011 [1125 Kb] [4/29/2011]
180 -- 7.11 Oulu constituency, Candidates by municipality and voting district in Parliamentary elections 2019 [918 Kb] [4/24/2019]
7.12 Lapland constituency, Candidates by municipality and voting district in Parliamentary elections 2015 [390 Kb] [4/30/2015]
7.12 Central Finland constituency, Candidates by municipality and voting district in Parliamentary elections 2011 [397 Kb] [4/29/2011]
181 -- 7.12 Lapland constituency, Candidates by municipality and voting district in Parliamentary elections 2019 [312 Kb] [4/24/2019]
7.13 Region of Åland constituency, Candidates by municipality and voting district in Parliamentary elections 2015 [17 Kb] [4/30/2015]
7.13 Oulu constituency, Candidates by municipality and voting district in Parliamentary elections 2011 [979 Kb] [4/29/2011]
182 -- 7.13 Region of Åland constituency, Candidates by municipality and voting district in Parliamentary elections 2019 [13 Kb] [4/24/2019]
7.14 Lapland constituency, Candidates by municipality and voting district in Parliamentary elections 2011 [362 Kb] [4/29/2011]
7.15 Region of Åland constituency, Candidates by municipality and voting district in Parliamentary elections 2011 [10 Kb] [4/29/2011]
8.1 Electoral alliances and votes cast per electoral alliance by constituency in Parliamentary elections in 2011 [17 Kb] [3/27/2012]
185 -- 8.1 Electoral alliances and votes cast per electoral alliance by constituency in Parliamentary elections in 2019 [44 Kb] [4/24/2019]
8.1 Electoral alliances and votes cast per electoral alliance by constituency in Parliamentary elections in 2015 [33 Kb] [4/30/2015]
8.2 The smallest number of votes and comparison figure by which a candidate was elected by party and constituency in Parliamentary elections 2015 [8 Kb] [4/30/2015]
8.2 The smallest number of votes and comparison figure by which a candidate was elected by party and constituency in Parliamentary elections 2011 [4 Kb] [3/27/2012]
186 -- 8.2 The smallest number of votes and comparison figure by which a candidate was elected by party and constituency in Parliamentary elections 2019 [8 Kb] [4/24/2019]
9.1 Advance voters by gender, polling station and constituency in Parliamentary elections 2011 [20 Kb] [3/27/2012]
9.2 Voters who cast their ballots at Finnish embassies and ships by sex in Parliamentary elections 2011 [7 Kb] [3/27/2012]
153 -- 10. Parliamentary elections 2019, analysis [63 Kb] [4/24/2019]
151 -- 9.1. Advance voters by sex, polling station and constituency in Parliamentary elections 2019 [52 Kb] [10/16/2019]
9.1. Advance voters by sex, polling station and constituency in Parliamentary elections 2015 [42 Kb] [12/13/2016]
9.2. Voters who cast their ballots at Finnish embassies and ships by sex in Parliamentary elections 2015 [7 Kb] [12/13/2016]
152 -- 9.2. Voters who cast their ballots at Finnish embassies and ships by sex in Parliamentary elections 2019 [13 Kb] [10/16/2019]
Voting turnout of Finnish citizens resident in Finland in the Parliamentary Elections in 1908-2019 [17 Kb] [4/16/2019]
1. Election map data by municipality - Parliamentary elections 2015 [39 Kb] [4/24/2015]
1. Election map data by municipality - Parliamentary elections 2019 [55 Kb] [4/24/2019]
2. Election map data by constituency - Parliamentary elections 2015 [6 Kb] [4/24/2015]
2. Election map data by constituency - Parliamentary elections 2019 [13 Kb] [4/24/2019]
3.1 Helsinki constituency, elected candidates share of voting rights by municipality in Parliamentary elections 2015 [2 Kb] [4/24/2015]
3.1 Helsinki constituency, elected candidates share of voting rights by municipality in Parliamentary elections 2019 [7 Kb] [4/24/2019]
3.2 Uusimaa constituency, elected candidates share of voting rights by municipality in Parliamentary elections 2015 [7 Kb] [4/24/2015]
3.2 Uusimaa constituency, elected candidates share of voting rights by municipality in Parliamentary elections 2019 [13 Kb] [4/24/2019]
3.3 Varsinais-Suomi constituency, elected candidates share of voting rights by municipality in Parliamentary elections 2015 [4 Kb] [4/24/2015]
3.3 Varsinais-Suomi constituency, elected candidates share of voting rights by municipality in Parliamentary elections 2019 [10 Kb] [4/24/2019]
3.4 Satakunta constituency, elected candidates share of voting rights by municipality in Parliamentary elections 2015 [3 Kb] [4/24/2015]
3.4 Satakunta constituency, elected candidates share of voting rights by municipality in Parliamentary elections 2019 [7 Kb] [4/24/2019]
3.5 Region of Åland constituency, elected candidates share of voting rights by municipality in Parliamentary elections 2015 [2 Kb] [4/24/2015]
3.5 Region of Åland constituency, elected candidates share of voting rights by municipality in Parliamentary elections 2019 [6 Kb] [4/24/2019]
3.6 Häme constituency, elected candidates share of voting rights by municipality in Parliamentary elections 2015 [4 Kb] [4/24/2015]
3.6 Häme constituency, elected candidates share of voting rights by municipality in Parliamentary elections 2019 [8 Kb] [4/24/2019]
3.7 Pirkanmaa constituency, elected candidates share of voting rights by municipality in Parliamentary elections 2015 [4 Kb] [4/24/2015]
3.7 Pirkanmaa constituency, elected candidates share of voting rights by municipality in Parliamentary elections 2019 [9 Kb] [4/24/2019]
3.8 Southeast Finland constituency, elected candidates share of voting rights by municipality in Parliamentary elections 2015 [5 Kb] [4/24/2015]
3.8 Southeast Finland constituency, elected candidates share of voting rights by municipality in Parliamentary elections 2019 [10 Kb] [4/24/2019]
3.9 Savo-Karelia constituency, elected candidates share of voting rights by municipality in Parliamentary elections 2015 [5 Kb] [4/24/2015]
3.9 Savo-Karelia constituency, elected candidates share of voting rights by municipality in Parliamentary elections 2019 [10 Kb] [4/24/2019]
3.10 Vaasa constituency, elected candidates share of voting rights by municipality in Parliamentary elections 2015 [5 Kb] [4/24/2015]
3.10 Vaasa constituency, elected candidates share of voting rights by municipality in Parliamentary elections 2019 [11 Kb] [4/24/2019]
3.11 Central Finland constituency, elected candidates share of voting rights by municipality in Parliamentary elections 2015 [3 Kb] [4/24/2015]
3.11 Central Finland constituency, elected candidates share of voting rights by municipality in Parliamentary elections 2019 [8 Kb] [4/24/2019]
3.12 Oulu constituency, elected candidates share of voting rights by municipality in Parliamentary elections 2015 [6 Kb] [4/24/2015]
3.12 Oulu constituency, elected candidates share of voting rights by municipality in Parliamentary elections 2019 [11 Kb] [4/24/2019]
3.13 Lapland constituency, elected candidates share of voting rights by municipality in Parliamentary elections 2015 [3 Kb] [4/24/2015]
3.13 Lapland constituency, elected candidates share of voting rights by municipality in Parliamentary elections 2019 [7 Kb] [4/24/2019]
4.1. Election map data by voting district in the Parliamentary elections 2015, Greater Helsinki region. [27 Kb] [4/24/2015]
4.1. Election map data by voting district in the Parliamentary elections 2019, Greater Helsinki region. [53 Kb] [4/24/2019]
4.2. Election map data by voting district in the Parliamentary elections 2015, Tampere. [8 Kb] [4/24/2015]
4.2. Election map data by voting district in the Parliamentary elections 2019, Tampere. [17 Kb] [4/24/2019]
4.3. Election map data by voting district in the Parliamentary elections 2015, Oulu. [7 Kb] [4/24/2015]
4.3. Election map data by voting district in the Parliamentary elections 2019, Oulu. [15 Kb] [4/24/2019]
4.4. Election map data by voting district in the Parliamentary elections 2015, Turku. [8 Kb] [4/24/2015]
4.4. Election map data by voting district in the Parliamentary elections 2019, Turku. [16 Kb] [4/24/2019]
4.5. Election map data by voting district in the Parliamentary elections 2015, Jyväskylä. [5 Kb] [4/24/2015]
4.5. Election map data by voting district in the Parliamentary elections 2019, Jyväskylä. [12 Kb] [4/24/2019]
4.6. Election map data by voting district in the Parliamentary elections 2015, Kuopio. [6 Kb] [4/24/2015]
4.6. Election map data by voting district in the Parliamentary elections 2019, Lahti. [12 Kb] [4/24/2019]
4.7. Election map data by voting district in the Parliamentary elections 2019, Kuopio. [15 Kb] [4/24/2019]
4.7. Election map data by voting district in the Parliamentary elections 2015, Lahti. [5 Kb] [4/24/2015]
4.8. Election map data by voting district in the Parliamentary elections 2015, Kouvola. [5 Kb] [4/24/2015]
4.8. Election map data by voting district in the Parliamentary elections 2019, Pori. [12 Kb] [4/24/2019]
4.9. Election map data by voting district in the Parliamentary elections 2019, Kouvola. [11 Kb] [4/24/2019]
4.9. Election map data by voting district in the Parliamentary elections 2015, Pori. [6 Kb] [4/24/2015]
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Participation in adult education
Participation in leisure activities
Population projection
Population structure
Preliminary population statistics
Presidential elections
Price index of public expenditure
Prices of dwellings in housing companies
Private sector hourly wages
Private sector monthly salaries
Producer price indices
Producer price indices for services
Production of electricity and heat
Progress of studies
Prosecutions, sentences and punishments
Providers of education and educational institutions
Quality of work life
Quarterly national accounts
Quarterly sector accounts
Railway statistics
Real estate prices
Regional accounts
Regional statistics on entrepreneurial activity
Renovation building
Rents of dwellings
Research and development
Restructuring of debts
Statistics on business subsidies
Statistics on labour disputes
Statistics on living conditions
Statistics on offences and coercive measures
Statistics on road traffic accidents
Statistics on service industry commodities
Statistics on the finances of agricultural and forestry enterprises
Structural business and financial statement statistics
Structure of Earnings
Students and qualifications
Subject choices of students
Supply, use and input-output tables
Support for learning
Time use survey
Transition from school to further education and work
Trend Indicator of Output
Turnover of service industries
Turnover of trade
Use of information and communications technology by individuals
Use of information technology in enterprises
Wage and salary indices
Value of household production
Waste statistics
Volume index of industrial output
zzz DISCONTINUED - Bankruptcies
zzz DISCONTINUED - Business restructuring proceedings
zzz DISCONTINUED - Central government guarantees
zzz DISCONTINUED - Decisions by district courts in civil cases
zzz DISCONTINUED - Decisions by district courts in criminal cases
zzz DISCONTINUED - Employment of students
zzz DISCONTINUED - Environmental protection expenditure in industry
zzz DISCONTINUED - Financial activities
zzz DISCONTINUED - Financial leasing
zzz DISCONTINUED - Financial statement statistics on credit institutions
zzz DISCONTINUED - Finnish enterprises
zzz DISCONTINUED - General government financial accounts
zzz DISCONTINUED - Human resources of science and technology
zzz DISCONTINUED - Income and expenditure of foreign sea transport
zzz DISCONTINUED - Indices of owner-occupied housing prices
zzz DISCONTINUED - Insurance Activities
zzz DISCONTINUED - International trade in services
zzz DISCONTINUED - Investment service companies
zzz DISCONTINUED - Local government finances
zzz DISCONTINUED - Outstanding credit
zzz DISCONTINUED - Patenting
zzz DISCONTINUED - Polytechnic education
zzz DISCONTINUED - Pre-primary and comprehensive school education
zzz DISCONTINUED - Public sector environmental protection expenditure
zzz DISCONTINUED - Quarterly local government finances
zzz DISCONTINUED - Regional and industrial statistics on manufacturing
zzz DISCONTINUED - Statistics on manufacturing and trade inventories
zzz DISCONTINUED - Taxable incomes
zzz DISCONTINUED - Taxes and tax-like payments
zzz DISCONTINUED - Total statistics on income distribution
zzz DISCONTINUED - Tourism account
zzz DISCONTINUED - Turnover estimate of large enterprises
zzz DISCONTINUED - University education
zzz DISCONTINUED - Upper secondary general school education
zzz DISCONTINUED - Vocational education