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Ratio to national income, %:
Statistics Finland, annual national accounts
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National income by sector, percentages of National income, by Transaction, Year and Information

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National income by sector, percentages of National income, by Transaction, Information and Year
 Ratio to national income, %
D1R Compensation of employees, income57.461.059.760.061.661.160.259.659.257.457.558.157.257.758.260.6
D11R Wages and salaries received, income46.349.348.748.950.149.749.048.548.147.347.848.448.248.048.450.4
D12R Employer's social security contributions, income11.111.711.011.111.511.411.
D4_B4N Property and entrepreneurial income, net29.124.925.724.
D4_B4NS11 Property and entrepreneurial income, non-financial corporations, net9.
D4_B4NS12 Property and entrepreneurial income, finance and insurance corporations, net1.
D4_B4NS13 Property and entrepreneurial income, general government, net4.
D4_B4NS14 Property and entrepreneurial income, housholds, net13.113.513.713.713.413.713.913.913.913.713.413.513.313.312.912.4
D4_B4NS15 Property and entrepreneurial income, non-profit institutions serving households, net0.
D2N Taxes on production and imports minus subsidies13.514.114.615.816.416.916.816.517.116.717.017.015.916.016.415.9
B5N Net national income100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0100.0

Saved query 092ccbc4-0fd6-4000-8e42-a12548aa34af
Fixed start time point 2008 and all newer time periods
Documentation of statistics


* preliminary data



* preliminary data
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