13x3 -- Gross value and value added of establishments of enterprises by industry, region and size category, 2018-2023
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- Year: 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, ..., 2023 (6)
- Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MK01 Uusimaa, MK02 Southwest Finland, MK04 Satakunta, ..., Unknown (21)
- Industry (TOL 2008): Total, A Agriculture, forestry and fishing (01-03), B-E Total industry (05-39), B Mining and quarrying (05-09), ..., Unknown (25)
- Size category of personnel: Total, 0 to 4 persons, 5 to 9 persons, 10 to 19 persons, ..., 200 or more persons (8)
- Information: Establishments of enterprises (number), Personnel in establishments of enterprises (staff-years), Gross value of output of establishments of enterprises (EUR 1,000), Value added of output of establishments of enterprises (EUR 1,000), Personnel in establishments of enterprises (staff-years)/establishment (5)