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  1. 11g5 -- General government establishments by industry and general government type, 2013-2023

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 111270 Modified: 20241219 08.00

    1. Year: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, ..., 2023 (11)
    2. Industry (TOL 2008): Total, A Agriculture, forestry and fishing (01-03), 01 Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities, 02 Forestry and logging, ..., S Other service activities (94-96) (48)
    3. General government type: Total, State agency, Municipality, Joint municipal authority, ..., Other general government (10)
    4. Information: General government establishments (number), Wage and salary earners of general government establishments (staff-years), Wage and salary earners of general government establishments (staff-years)/establishment, (3)

  2. 11ge -- General government establishments by region and general government type, 2013-2023

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 51898 Modified: 20241219 08.00

    1. Year: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, ..., 2023 (11)
    2. General government type: Total, State agency, Municipality, Joint municipal authority, ..., Other general government (10)
    3. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MK01 Uusimaa, MK02 Southwest Finland, MK04 Satakunta, ..., Unknown (21)
    4. Information: General government establishments (number), Wage and salary earners of general government establishments (staff-years), Wage and salary earners of general government establishments (staff-years)/establishment, (3)

  3. 11gh -- General government establishments by region and industry, 2013-2023

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 83366 Modified: 20241219 08.00

    1. Year: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, ..., 2023 (11)
    2. Industry (TOL 2008): Total, A Agriculture, forestry and fishing (01-03), B Mining and quarrying (05-09), C Manufacturing (10-33), ..., S Other service activities (94-96) (20)
    3. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MK01 Uusimaa, MK02 Southwest Finland, MK04 Satakunta, ..., Unknown (21)
    4. Information: General government establishments (number), Wage and salary earners of general government establishments (staff-years), Wage and salary earners of general government establishments (staff-years)/establishment, (3)

  4. 13ww -- Establishments of enterprises by industry and region, 2018-2023

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 567373 Modified: 20241219 08.00

    1. Year: 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, ..., 2023 (6)
    2. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MK01 Uusimaa, MK02 Southwest Finland, MK04 Satakunta, ..., Unknown (21)
    3. Industry (TOL 2008): Total, A Agriculture, forestry and fishing (01-03), 01 Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities, 02 Forestry and logging, ..., Unknown (104)
    4. Information: Establishments of enterprises (number), Personnel in establishments of enterprises (staff-years), Turnover of establishments of enterprises (EUR 1,000), Turnover of establishments of enterprises per person (EUR 1,000), ..., Annual change of turnover of establishments of enterprises per person (%) (8)

  5. 13wv -- Establishments of enterprises by industryEstablishments of enterprises by industry, 2018-2023

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 741613 Modified: 20241219 08.00

    1. Year: 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, ..., 2023 (6)
    2. Industry (TOL 2008): Total, A Agriculture, forestry and fishing (01-03), 01 Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities, 011 Growing of non-perennial crops, ..., Unknown (1721)
    3. Information: Establishments of enterprises (number), Personnel in establishments of enterprises (staff-years), Turnover of establishments of enterprises (EUR 1,000), Turnover of establishments of enterprises per person (EUR 1,000), ..., Annual change of turnover of establishments of enterprises per person (%) (8)

  6. 13wx -- Establishments of enterprises by industry and size category of personnel, 2018-2023

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 139365 Modified: 20241219 08.00

    1. Year: 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, ..., 2023 (6)
    2. Industry (TOL 2008): Total, A Agriculture, forestry and fishing (01-03), 01 Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities, 02 Forestry and logging, ..., Unknown (104)
    3. Size category of personnel: Total, 0 to 4 persons, 5 to 9 persons, 10 to 19 persons, ..., 200 or more persons (8)
    4. Information: Establishments of enterprises (number), Personnel in establishments of enterprises (staff-years), Turnover of establishments of enterprises (EUR 1,000), Turnover of establishments of enterprises per person (EUR 1,000), (4)

  7. 13wy -- Establishments of enterprises by industry and size category of turnover, 2018-2023

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 71508 Modified: 20241219 08.00

    1. Year: 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, ..., 2023 (6)
    2. Industry (TOL 2008): Total, A Agriculture, forestry and fishing (01-03), B-S excl. K INDUSTRIES B-S excl. K (05-96 excl. 64-66), B-E Total industry (05-39), ..., Unknown (23)
    3. Size category of turnover: Total, 0 - 39, 40 to 99, 100 to 199, ..., 10 000 or more (8)
    4. Information: Establishments of enterprises (number), Personnel in establishments of enterprises (staff-years), Turnover of establishments of enterprises (EUR 1,000), Turnover of establishments of enterprises per person (EUR 1,000), ..., Annual change of turnover of establishments of enterprises per person (%) (8)

  8. 13wz -- Establishments of enterprises by municipality, 2018-2023

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 71146 Modified: 20241219 08.00

    1. Year: 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, ..., 2023 (6)
    2. Municipality: WHOLE COUNTRY, Akaa, Alajärvi, Alavieska, ..., Unknown (322)
    3. Information: Establishments of enterprises (number), Personnel in establishments of enterprises (staff-years), Turnover of establishments of enterprises (EUR 1,000), Turnover of establishments of enterprises per person (EUR 1,000), (4)

  9. 13x1 -- Retail trade establishments by municipality, 2018-2023

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 61424 Modified: 20241219 08.00

    1. Year: 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, ..., 2023 (6)
    2. Municipality: WHOLE COUNTRY, Akaa, Alajärvi, Alavieska, ..., Unknown (313)
    3. Information: Retail trade establishments (number), Personnel in retail trade establishments (staff-years), Turnover of retail trade establishments (EUR 1,000), Turnover of retail trade establishments per person (EUR 1,000), (4)

  10. 13x2 -- Gross value and value added of establishments of enterprises by industry and region, 2018-2023

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 739750 Modified: 20241219 08.00

    1. Year: 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, ..., 2023 (6)
    2. Industry (TOL 2008): Total, A Agriculture, forestry and fishing (01-03), 01 Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities, 02 Forestry and logging, ..., Unknown (114)
    3. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MK01 Uusimaa, MK02 Southwest Finland, MK04 Satakunta, ..., Unknown (21)
    4. Information: Establishments of enterprises (number), Personnel in establishments of enterprises (staff-years), Gross value of output of establishments of enterprises (EUR 1,000), Value added of output of establishments of enterprises (EUR 1,000), ..., Annual change of turnover of establishments of enterprises per person (%) (10)

  11. 13x3 -- Gross value and value added of establishments of enterprises by industry, region and size category, 2018-2023

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 676385 Modified: 20241219 08.00

    1. Year: 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, ..., 2023 (6)
    2. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MK01 Uusimaa, MK02 Southwest Finland, MK04 Satakunta, ..., Unknown (21)
    3. Industry (TOL 2008): Total, A Agriculture, forestry and fishing (01-03), B-E Total industry (05-39), B Mining and quarrying (05-09), ..., Unknown (25)
    4. Size category of personnel: Total, 0 to 4 persons, 5 to 9 persons, 10 to 19 persons, ..., 200 or more persons (8)
    5. Information: Establishments of enterprises (number), Personnel in establishments of enterprises (staff-years), Gross value of output of establishments of enterprises (EUR 1,000), Value added of output of establishments of enterprises (EUR 1,000), Personnel in establishments of enterprises (staff-years)/establishment (5)