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  1. 12gb -- Prices of Domestic Fuels in Energy Production (VAT not included), 1999Q3-2024Q4

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 20616 Modified: 20250313 08.00

    1. Quarter: 1999Q3, 1999Q4, 2000Q1, 2000Q2, ..., 2024Q4 (102)
    2. Domestic fuel: Milled peat delivered (incl. excise duty), (1999Q3- ), Milled peat delivered (excl. excise duty), (2005Q3- ), Sod peat delivered (incl. excise duty), (1999Q3- ), Sod peat delivered (excl. excise duty), (2005Q2- ), Forest chips delivered, (2016Q1- ) (5)
    3. Information: Price (eur/MWh), Price, year-on-year change (%), (2)

  2. 12gd -- Price of District Heating by Type of Consumer, 1996M01-2024M12

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    1. Month: 1996M01, 1996M02, 1996M03, 1996M04, ..., 2024M12 (348)
    2. Type of consumer: Detached house,(500 m3, 20 MWh/a), (1996M1-2010M7), Semidetached house, (2000 m3, 100 MWh/a), (1996M1-2010M7), Apartment building, small (5000 m3, 225 MWh/a), (1996M1-2010M7), Apartment building, (10 000 m3, 450 MWh/a), (1996M1-2010M7), ..., Apartment building, (230 kW, 20 000 m3, 600 MWh/a), (2011M1-) (8)
    3. Information: District heating price (eur/MWh), District heating price, year-on-year change (%), (2)

  3. 12ge -- Consumer Prices of Liquid Fuels (includes VAT), 1988M01-2024M12

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    1. Month: 1988M01, 1988M02, 1988M03, 1988M04, ..., 2024M12 (444)
    2. Fuel: Motor Gasoline 95 E 10, c/l, Diesel fuel, c/l, Light fuel oil, c/l, Light fuel oil, eur/MWh, (4)
    3. Information: Price, Price, year-on-year change (%), (2)

  4. 12gv -- Consumer Prices of Wood pellet in Heat Production and Index (VAT included), 2015M02-2024M11

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    1. Month: 2015M02, 2015M05, 2015M08, 2015M11, ..., 2024M11 (40)
    2. Information: Consumer price of wood pellet, eur/t, Price (c/kWh), Consumer price index for wood pellet, 2015=100, Price, year-on-year change (%), (4)

  5. 12gw -- Price of natural gas to transmission network customers (excl. taxes), 2021M01-2024M12

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    1. Month: 2021M01, 2021M02, 2021M03, 2021M04, ..., 2024M12 (48)
    2. Type of consumer of natural gas: Consumption 27 778 - 277 777 MWh/year, Consumption 277 778 - 1 111 111 MWh/year, (2)
    3. Information: Price (eur/MWh), Price, year-on-year change (%), (2)

  6. 12he -- Consumer Prices of Hard Coal in Energy Production (VAT not included), 1990M01-2024M12*

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    1. Month: 1990M01, 1990M02, 1990M03, 1990M04, ..., 2024M12* (420)
    2. Price of coal: Hard Coal, On the Coast (incl. Excise Taxes), Hard Coal, On the Coast (excl. Excise Taxes), (2)
    3. Information: Price (eur/t), Price (eur/MWh), Price, year-on-year change (%), (3)

  7. 12hf -- Price of natural gas to distribution network customers (excl. taxes), 2021M01-2024M12

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    1. Month: 2021M01, 2021M02, 2021M03, 2021M04, ..., 2024M12 (48)
    2. Type of consumer of natural gas: Consumption < 278 MWh/year, Consumption 278 - 2 777 MWh/year, Consumption 2 778 - 27 777 MWh/year, Consumption 27 778 - 277 777 MWh/year, (4)
    3. Information: Price (eur/MWh), Price, year-on-year change (%), (2)

  8. 13nl -- Purchase price of residential heating energy, the most important energy sources, 2011M01-2024M12

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    1. Month: 2011M01, 2011M02, 2011M03, 2011M04, ..., 2024M12 (168)
    2. Building type: Detached house, Terraced houses, Blocks of flats, (3)
    3. Energy source: District heat, Electricity, Light fuel oil, (3)
    4. Information: Purchase price (euro/MWh), (1)

  9. 13p7 -- Fuel prices in electricity production, most important fuels, 2010M01-2024M12

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    1. Month: 2010M01, 2010M02, 2010M03, 2010M04, ..., 2024M12 (180)
    2. Fuel price in electricity production: Natural gas, Coal, Forest chips, Milled peat, (4)
    3. Information: fuel price eur/MWh, (1)

  10. 13rb -- Price of electricity by type of consumer, 2008M01-2024M12

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    1. Month: 2008M01, 2008M02, 2008M03, 2008M04, ..., 2024M12 (204)
    2. Price component: Electric energy (excluding tax), Distribution price (excluding tax), Taxes (electricity tax and VAT), Total price, (4)
    3. Type of consumer: Household customer, annual consumption < 1 000 kW, Household customer, annual consumption 1 000 kWh - 2 499 kWh, Household customer, annual consumption 2 500 kWh - 4 999 kWh, Household customer, annual consumption 5 000 kWh - 15 000 kWh, ..., Enterprise and corporate clients, annual consumption 70 000 - 150 000 MWh (11)
    4. Information: Price (c/kWh), Price, year-on-year change (%), (2)

  11. 142i -- The price of electric energy to households by type of consumer (incl. VAT 24/10 %), 2022M01-2023M05

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    1. Month: 2022M01, 2022M02, 2022M03, 2022M04, ..., 2023M05 (17)
    2. Compensation of electricity costs: Electric energy incl. compensation for electricity cost, Electric energy excl. compensation for electricity costs, (2)
    3. Type of consumer: Household customer, annual consumption < 1 000 kW, Household customer, annual consumption 1 000 kWh - 2 499 kWh, Household customer, annual consumption 2 500 kWh - 4 999 kWh, Household customer, annual consumption 5 000 kWh - 15 000 kWh, ..., Household customers total (6)
    4. Information: Price (c/kWh), Price, year-on-year change (%), (2)