13rb -- Price of electricity by type of consumer, 2008M01-2024M12
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20250313 08.00
- Month: 2008M01, 2008M02, 2008M03, 2008M04, ..., 2024M12 (204)
- Price component: Electric energy (excluding tax), Distribution price (excluding tax), Taxes (electricity tax and VAT), Total price, (4)
- Type of consumer: Household customer, annual consumption < 1 000 kW, Household customer, annual consumption 1 000 kWh - 2 499 kWh, Household customer, annual consumption 2 500 kWh - 4 999 kWh, Household customer, annual consumption 5 000 kWh - 15 000 kWh, ..., Enterprise and corporate clients, annual consumption 70 000 - 150 000 MWh (11)
- Information: Price (c/kWh), Price, year-on-year change (%), (2)