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  1. 13vg -- Use of information technology in enterprises, 2002-2024

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 84463 Modified: 20241217 08.00

    1. Year: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, ..., 2024 (23)
    2. Size category of personnel: Total, 10 to 19 persons, 20 to 49 persons, 50 to 99 persons, 100 or more persons (5)
    3. Information: At least 100 Mbps broadband connection, % of enterprises, Website, % of enterprises, Web sales, % of enterprises, Enterprise resource planning (ERP), % of enterprises, ..., Enterprise has documents on instructions, practices or procedures on use of artificial intelligence software or systems (42)

  2. 14yc -- Use of information technology in enterprises, 2021-2024

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 66246 Modified: 20241217 08.00

    1. Year: 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, (4)
    2. Industry: Total, C-E Manufacturing; electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning and water supply; sewerage and waste management (10-39), 41-43 Construction, 45-46 Wholesale and sale of motor vehicles, ..., M Professional, scientific and technical activities (69-75) (10)
    3. Information: At least 100 Mbps broadband connection, % of enterprises, Website, % of enterprises, Web sales, % of enterprises, Enterprise resource planning (ERP), % of enterprises, ..., The enterprise has documents on instructions, practices or procedures on the use of artificial intelligence software or systems (38)