12a6 -- General government expenditure by function, annually, 1990-2022*
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- Sector: S13 General government, S1311 Central government, S1313 Local government, S1314 Social security funds, ..., S13149 Other social security funds (6)
- Transaction: P2K Intermediate consumption, expenditure, D1K Compensation of employees, expenditure, D11K Wages and salaries, expenditure, D12K Employer's social security contributions, expenditure, ..., OTES Expenditure, total, consolidated (23)
- Function: Total, G01 General public services, G0101 Executive and legislative organs, financial, fiscal and external affairs, G0102 Foreign economic aid, ..., G1009 Social protection, not elsewhere classified (80)
- Year: 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, ..., 2022* (33)
- Information: At current prices, millions of euro, Ratio to GDP, %, Per capita, euros, (3)