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  1. 114s -- Balance of payments, monthly, 2006M01-2024M05

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    1. Month: 2006M01, 2006M02, 2006M03, 2006M04, ..., 2024M05 (221)
    2. BOP item: CA Current account, KA Capital account, FA Financial account, EO Net errors and omissions, (4)
    3. Information: Net, millions of euro, Net, 3-month moving total, millions of eur, Net, 12-month moving total, millions of euro, Net, 36-month moving total, millions of euro, (4)

  2. 12gf -- Current account and capital account, monthly, 2006M01-2024M05

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    1. Month: 2006M01, 2006M02, 2006M03, 2006M04, ..., 2024M05 (221)
    2. BOP item: CA Current account, GS Goods and services, G Goods, S Services, ..., KA Capital account (10)
    3. Information: Income, millions of euro, Expenditure, millions of euro, Income minus expenditure (net), millions of euro, Income, 3-month moving total, millions of euro, ..., Income minus expenditure (net), 36-month moving total, millions of euro (12)

  3. 12gg -- Current account and capital account by region, quarterly, 2006Q1-2024Q1

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    1. BOP item: CA Current account, GS Goods and services, G Goods, S Services, ..., KA Capital account (10)
    2. Country: Foreign countries, total, Other countries excl. EU(27, 2020-), Other countries excl. EU (28, 2013-2020), EU countries (27, 2020-), ..., United States (53)
    3. Quarter: 2006Q1, 2006Q2, 2006Q3, 2006Q4, ..., 2024Q1 (73)
    4. Information: Income, millions of euro, Expenditure, millions of euro, Income minus expenditure (net), millions of euro, Income, 4-quarter moving total, millions of euro, ..., Income minus expenditure (net), 4-quarter moving total, millions of euro (6)

  4. 12gi -- Financial account, monthly, 2006M01-2024M05

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    1. Functional category: Total, D Direct investment, P Portfolio investment, O Other investment, ..., R Reserve assets (6)
    2. Instrument: F0 Financial assets total, F229, F29, F3, F4, F61, F62, F64, F66, F8 Debt instruments (FDI), F3 Debt securities, F31 Short-term debt securities, ..., F5 Shares and investments in mutual funds (6)
    3. Month: 2006M01, 2006M02, 2006M03, 2006M04, ..., 2024M05 (221)
    4. Information: Transactions, assets, millions of euro, Transactions, liabilities, millions of euro, Transactions, assets minus liabilities (net), millions of euro, Transactions, assets, 3-month moving total, millions of euro, ..., Transactions, assets minus liabilities (net), 36-month moving total, millions of euro (12)

  5. 12gj -- Financial account and international investment position by sector and region, quarterly, 2006Q1-2024Q1

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    1. Sector: S1 Total economy, S11 Non-financial corporations, S121 Central bank, S122 Other monetary financial institutions, ..., S15 Non-profit institutions serving households (17)
    2. Country: Foreign countries, total, Other countries excl. EU(27, 2020-), Other countries excl. EU (28, 2013-2020), EU countries (27, 2020-), ..., United States (45)
    3. Quarter: 2006Q1, 2006Q2, 2006Q3, 2006Q4, ..., 2024Q1 (73)
    4. Functional category: Total, D Direct investment, P Portfolio investment, O Other investment, ..., R Reserve assets (6)
    5. Information: Stock, assets, millions of euro, Stock, liabilities, millions of euro, Stock, assets minus liabilites (net), millions of euro, Transactions, assets, millions of euro, ..., Other changes in positions, assets minus liabilities (net), millions of euro (12)

  6. 12gk -- Financial account and international investment position by instrument, quarterly, 2006Q1-2024Q1

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    1. Functional category: Total, D Direct investment, P Portfolio investment, O Other investment, ..., R Reserve assets (6)
    2. Instrument: F0 Financial assets total, F1 Monetary gold and special drawing rights, F2 Cash and deposits, F3 Debt securities, ..., F89 Other assets and liabilities than trade credits and advances (17)
    3. Information: Stock, assets, millions of euro, Stock, liabilities, millions of euro, Stock, assets minus liabilites (net), millions of euro, Transactions, assets, millions of euro, ..., Transactions, assets minus liabilities (net), 4-quarter moving total, millions of euro (15)
    4. Quarter: 2006Q1, 2006Q2, 2006Q3, 2006Q4, ..., 2024Q1 (73)

  7. 12gl -- Gross external debt, quarterly, 2006Q1-2024Q1

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    1. Functional category: Total, D Direct investment, D1 Direct investment, direct investor in direct invesment enterprises, D2 Direct investments, direct investment enterprises in direct investor, ..., SSSXD All functional categories (total) excluding direct investment (6)
    2. Instrument: F12, F2, F3, F4, F6, F8 Debt instruments (GFSM/PSDSG), F12 Special drawing rights (SDRs), F2 Cash and deposits, F3 Debt securities, ..., F81 Trade credits and advances (7)
    3. Maturity: Total, S Short-term, L Long-term, (3)
    4. Quarter: 2006Q1, 2006Q2, 2006Q3, 2006Q4, ..., 2024Q1 (73)
    5. Sector: S1 Total economy, S11, S14, S15, S123-S129 Sectors other than deposit-taking corporations and general government, S121 Central bank, S122 Other monetary financial institutions, S13 General government (5)
    6. Information: Stock, liabilities, millions of euro, (1)

  8. 12gp -- Balance of payments and international trade indicators, quarterly, 2006Q1-2024Q1

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    1. Quarter: 2006Q1, 2006Q2, 2006Q3, 2006Q4, ..., 2024Q1 (73)
    2. Information: Current account in relation to quarterly GDP, %, Imports of goods and services in relation to quarterly GDP, %, Exports of goods and services in relation to quarterly GDP, %, Net international investment position in relation to annual GDP, %, Debt instruments F12, F2, F3, F4, F6, F8 (i.e. gross external debt) in relation to annual GDP, % (5)