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  1. 117s -- Accommodation establishment capacity by municipality, 1995-2024*

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    1. Municipality: WHOLE FINLAND, Akaa, Alajärvi, Alavieska, ..., Äänekoski (287)
    2. Type of establishment: All accommodation establishments, Hotels, Camping sites, Other accommodation establishments, (4)
    3. Year: 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, ..., 2024* (30)
    4. Information: Number of establishments, Number of bedrooms, Number of bed-places, Number of caravan places, (4)

  2. 11is -- Accommodation establishment capacity by region, 1995-2024*

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    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, Uusimaa, Southwest Finland, Satakunta, ..., Åland (20)
    2. Type of establishment: All accommodation establishments, Hotels, Camping sites, Other accommodation establishments, (4)
    3. Size category: All size categories, 0 -19rooms, 20-49rooms, 50-99rooms, Min. 100 rooms (5)
    4. Opening period: All opening periods, Open seasonally, Open all year round, (3)
    5. Year: 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, ..., 2024* (30)
    6. Information: Number of establishments, Number of bedrooms, Number of bed-places, Number of caravan places, (4)

  3. 11ix -- Accommodation establishment monthly capacity and capacity utilization, 1995M01-2024M09*

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    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MAINLAND FINLAND, Uusimaa, Southwest Finland, ..., Åland (21)
    2. Type of accommodation establishment: All accommodation establishments, Hotels, (2)
    3. Month: 1995M01, 1995M02, 1995M03, 1995M04, ..., 2024M09* (357)
    4. Information: Number of establishments, Number of bedrooms, Occupancy rate of bedrooms, %, Average room price, ..., Average price per night (7)

  4. 11iy -- Accommodation establishment average annual capacity and capacity utilization, 1995-2024*

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    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MAINLAND FINLAND, Uusimaa, Southwest Finland, ..., Åland (21)
    2. Type of accommodation establishment: All accommodation establishments, Hotels, (2)
    3. Year: 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, ..., 2024* (30)
    4. Information: Number of establishments, Number of bedrooms, Occupancy rate of bedrooms, %, Average room price, ..., Average price per night (7)

  5. 11iz -- Monthly nights spent and arrivals by country of residence, 1995M01-2024M09*

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    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MAINLAND FINLAND, Uusimaa, Southwest Finland, ..., Åland (21)
    2. Country: Total, Finland, Foreign countries, Europe, ..., China (29)
    3. Type of accommodation establishment: All accommodation establishments, Hotels, (2)
    4. Month: 1995M01, 1995M02, 1995M03, 1995M04, ..., 2024M09* (357)
    5. Information: Arrivals, Nights spent, Change of nights spent, %, (3)

  6. 11j1 -- Yearly nights spent and arrivals by country of residence, 1995-2024*

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    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MAINLAND FINLAND, Uusimaa, Southwest Finland, ..., Åland (21)
    2. Country: Total, Finland, Foreign countries, Europe, ..., China (29)
    3. Type of accommodation establishment: All accommodation establishments, Hotels, (2)
    4. Year: 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, ..., 2024* (30)
    5. Information: Arrivals, Nights spent, Change of nights spent, %, (3)

  7. 11lm -- Monthly hotel capacity and nights spent by municipality, 1995M01-2024M09*

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    1. Municipality: Espoo, Helsinki, Inari, Joensuu, ..., Vantaa (20)
    2. Month: 1995M01, 1995M02, 1995M03, 1995M04, ..., 2024M09* (357)
    3. Information: Number of establishments, Number of bedrooms, Occupancy rate of bedrooms, %, Average room price, ..., Foreign nights (11)

  8. 11sl -- Yearly hotel capacity and nights spent by municipality, 1995-2024*

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    1. Municipality: Espoo, Helsinki, Inari, Joensuu, ..., Vantaa (20)
    2. Year: 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, ..., 2024* (30)
    3. Information: Number of establishments, Number of bedrooms, Occupancy rate of bedrooms, %, Average room price, ..., Foreign nights (11)