11gj -- Maatalouden tuottajahintaindeksi (2010=100), monthly data, 2000M01-2024M12*
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20250214 08.00
- Month: 2000M01, 2000M02, 2000M03, 2000M04, ..., 2024M12* (300)
- Classification for index of producer prices of agricultural products: 010000 CEREALS (including seeds), 011000 Wheat and spelt, 011100 Soft wheat and spelt, 012000 Rye and winter cereal mixtures (meslin), ..., 141000 AGRICULTURAL GOODS OUTPUT, excluding fruits and vegetables (58)
- Information: Index of Producer Prices of Agricultural Products (2010=100), Index of Producer Prices of Agricultural Products monthly change (2010=100), Index of Producer Prices of Agricultural Products yearly change (2010=100), (3)