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  1. 11fp -- Index of producer prices of agricultural products (2015=100), monthly data, 2000M01-2024M12*

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 336486 Modified: 20250214 08.00

    1. Month: 2000M01, 2000M02, 2000M03, 2000M04, ..., 2024M12* (300)
    2. Classification for index of producer prices of agricultural products: 010000 CEREALS (including seeds), 011000 Wheat and spelt, 011100 Soft wheat and spelt, 012000 Rye and winter cereal mixtures (meslin), ..., 141000 AGRICULTURAL GOODS OUTPUT, excluding fruits and vegetables (58)
    3. Information: Index of producer prices of agricultural products (2015=100), Index of producer prices of agricultural products monthly change (2015=100), Index of producer prices of agricultural products yearly change (2015=100), (3)

  2. 11fu -- Index of producer prices of agricultural products (2015=100), quarterly data, 2000Q1-2024Q4*

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 124049 Modified: 20250214 08.00

    1. Quarter: 2000Q1, 2000Q2, 2000Q3, 2000Q4, ..., 2024Q4* (100)
    2. Classification for index of producer prices of agricultural products: 010000 CEREALS (including seeds), 011000 Wheat and spelt, 011100 Soft wheat and spelt, 012000 Rye and winter cereal mixtures (meslin), ..., 141000 AGRICULTURAL GOODS OUTPUT, excluding fruits and vegetables (58)
    3. Information: Index of producer prices of agricultural products (2015=100), Index of producer prices of agricultural products quarterly change (2015=100), Index of producer prices of agricultural products yearly change (2015=100), (3)

  3. 11fv -- Index of producer prices of agricultural products (2015=100), annual data, 2000-2024*

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 34828 Modified: 20250214 08.00

    1. Year: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, ..., 2024* (25)
    2. Classification for index of producer prices of agricultural products: 010000 CEREALS (including seeds), 011000 Wheat and spelt, 011100 Soft wheat and spelt, 012000 Rye and winter cereal mixtures (meslin), ..., 141000 AGRICULTURAL GOODS OUTPUT, excluding fruits and vegetables (58)
    3. Information: Index of producer prices of agricultural products (2015=100), Index of producer prices of agricultural products yearly change (2015=100), (2)

  4. 11gj -- Maatalouden tuottajahintaindeksi (2010=100), monthly data, 2000M01-2024M12*

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 329307 Modified: 20250214 08.00

    1. Month: 2000M01, 2000M02, 2000M03, 2000M04, ..., 2024M12* (300)
    2. Classification for index of producer prices of agricultural products: 010000 CEREALS (including seeds), 011000 Wheat and spelt, 011100 Soft wheat and spelt, 012000 Rye and winter cereal mixtures (meslin), ..., 141000 AGRICULTURAL GOODS OUTPUT, excluding fruits and vegetables (58)
    3. Information: Index of Producer Prices of Agricultural Products (2010=100), Index of Producer Prices of Agricultural Products monthly change (2010=100), Index of Producer Prices of Agricultural Products yearly change (2010=100), (3)

  5. 11gk -- Index of producer prices of agricultural products (2010=100), quarterly data, 2000Q1-2024Q4*

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 122422 Modified: 20250214 08.00

    1. Quarter: 2000Q1, 2000Q2, 2000Q3, 2000Q4, ..., 2024Q4* (100)
    2. Classification for index of producer prices of agricultural products: 010000 CEREALS (including seeds), 011000 Wheat and spelt, 011100 Soft wheat and spelt, 012000 Rye and winter cereal mixtures (meslin), ..., 141000 AGRICULTURAL GOODS OUTPUT, excluding fruits and vegetables (58)
    3. Information: Index of Producer Prices of Agricultural Products (2010=100), Index of Producer Prices of Agricultural Products quarterly change (2010=100), Index of Producer Prices of Agricultural Products yearly change (2010=100), (3)

  6. 11gl -- Index of producer prices of agricultural products (2010=100), annual data, 2000-2024*

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 34730 Modified: 20250214 08.00

    1. Year: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, ..., 2024* (25)
    2. Classification for index of producer prices of agricultural products: 010000 CEREALS (including seeds), 011000 Wheat and spelt, 011100 Soft wheat and spelt, 012000 Rye and winter cereal mixtures (meslin), ..., 141000 AGRICULTURAL GOODS OUTPUT, excluding fruits and vegetables (58)
    3. Information: Index of Producer Prices of Agricultural Products (2010=100), Index of Producer Prices of Agricultural Products yearly change (2010=100), (2)

  7. 11gm -- Index of producer prices of agricultural products (2005=100), monthly data, 2000M01-2024M12*

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 332323 Modified: 20250214 08.00

    1. Month: 2000M01, 2000M02, 2000M03, 2000M04, ..., 2024M12* (300)
    2. Classification for index of producer prices of agricultural products: 010000 CEREALS (including seeds), 011000 Wheat and spelt, 011100 Soft wheat and spelt, 012000 Rye and winter cereal mixtures (meslin), ..., 141000 AGRICULTURAL GOODS OUTPUT, excluding fruits and vegetables (58)
    3. Information: Index of Producer Prices of Agricultural Products (2005=100), Index of Producer Prices of Agricultural Products monthly change (2005=100), Index of Producer Prices of Agricultural Products yearly change (2005=100), (3)

  8. 11gn -- Index of producer prices of agricultural products (2005=100), quarterly data, 2000Q1-2024Q4*

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 123488 Modified: 20250214 08.00

    1. Quarter: 2000Q1, 2000Q2, 2000Q3, 2000Q4, ..., 2024Q4* (100)
    2. Classification for index of producer prices of agricultural products: 010000 CEREALS (including seeds), 011000 Wheat and spelt, 011100 Soft wheat and spelt, 012000 Rye and winter cereal mixtures (meslin), ..., 141000 AGRICULTURAL GOODS OUTPUT, excluding fruits and vegetables (58)
    3. Information: Index of Producer Prices of Agricultural Products (2005=100), Index of Producer Prices of Agricultural Products quarterly change (2005=100), Index of Producer Prices of Agricultural Products yearly change (2005=100), (3)

  9. 11gp -- Index of producer prices of agricultural products (2005=100), annual data, 2000-2024*

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 35040 Modified: 20250214 08.00

    1. Year: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, ..., 2024* (25)
    2. Classification for index of producer prices of agricultural products: 010000 CEREALS (including seeds), 011000 Wheat and spelt, 011100 Soft wheat and spelt, 012000 Rye and winter cereal mixtures (meslin), ..., 141000 AGRICULTURAL GOODS OUTPUT, excluding fruits and vegetables (58)
    3. Information: Index of Producer Prices of Agricultural Products (2005=100), Index of Producer Prices of Agricultural Products yearly change (2005=100), (2)

  10. 11gq -- Index of producer prices of agricultural products (2000=100), monthly data, 1995M01-2024M12*

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 397610 Modified: 20250214 08.00

    1. Month: 1995M01, 1995M02, 1995M03, 1995M04, ..., 2024M12* (360)
    2. Classification for index of producer prices of agricultural products: 010000 CEREALS (including seeds), 011000 Wheat and spelt, 011100 Soft wheat and spelt, 012000 Rye and winter cereal mixtures (meslin), ..., 141000 AGRICULTURAL GOODS OUTPUT, excluding fruits and vegetables (58)
    3. Information: Index of Producer Prices of Agricultural Products (2000=100), Index of Producer Prices of Agricultural Products monthly change (2000=100), Index of Producer Prices of Agricultural Products yearly change (2000=100), (3)

  11. 11gr -- Index of producer prices of agricultural products (2000=100), quarterly data, 1995Q1-2024Q4*

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 144592 Modified: 20250214 08.00

    1. Quarter: 1995Q1, 1995Q2, 1995Q3, 1995Q4, ..., 2024Q4* (120)
    2. Classification for index of producer prices of agricultural products: 010000 CEREALS (including seeds), 011000 Wheat and spelt, 011100 Soft wheat and spelt, 012000 Rye and winter cereal mixtures (meslin), ..., 141000 AGRICULTURAL GOODS OUTPUT, excluding fruits and vegetables (58)
    3. Information: Index of Producer Prices of Agricultural Products (2000=100), Index of Producer Prices of Agricultural Products quarterly change (2000=100), Index of Producer Prices of Agricultural Products yearly change (2000=100), (3)

  12. 11gs -- Index of producer prices of agricultural products (2000=100), annual data, 1995-2024*

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 38648 Modified: 20250214 08.00

    1. Year: 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, ..., 2024* (30)
    2. Classification for index of producer prices of agricultural products: 010000 CEREALS (including seeds), 011000 Wheat and spelt, 011100 Soft wheat and spelt, 012000 Rye and winter cereal mixtures (meslin), ..., 141000 AGRICULTURAL GOODS OUTPUT, excluding fruits and vegetables (58)
    3. Information: Index of Producer Prices of Agricultural Products (2000=100), Index of Producer Prices of Agricultural Products yearly change (2000=100), (2)

  13. 14nu -- Index of producer prices of agricultural products (2020=100), quarterly data, 2020Q1-2024Q4*

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 41220 Modified: 20250214 08.00

    1. Quarter: 2020Q1, 2020Q2, 2020Q3, 2020Q4, ..., 2024Q4* (20)
    2. Classification for index of producer prices of agricultural products: 010000 CEREALS (including seeds), 011000 Wheat and spelt, 011100 Soft wheat and spelt, 012000 Rye and winter cereal mixtures (meslin), ..., 141000 AGRICULTURAL GOODS OUTPUT, excluding fruits and vegetables (63)
    3. Information: Index of producer prices of agricultural products (2020=100), Index of producer prices of agricultural products quarterly change (2020=100), Index of producer prices of agricultural products yearly change (2020=100), (3)

  14. 14nw -- Index of producer prices of agricultural products (2020=100), annual data, 2020-2024*

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 20396 Modified: 20250214 08.00

    1. Year: 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024* (5)
    2. Classification for index of producer prices of agricultural products: 010000 CEREALS (including seeds), 011000 Wheat and spelt, 011100 Soft wheat and spelt, 012000 Rye and winter cereal mixtures (meslin), ..., 141000 AGRICULTURAL GOODS OUTPUT, excluding fruits and vegetables (63)
    3. Information: Index of producer prices of agricultural products (2020=100), Index of producer prices of agricultural products yearly change (2020=100), (2)

  15. 14nv -- Index of producer prices of agricultural products (2020=100), monthly data, 2020M01-2024M12*

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 84936 Modified: 20250214 08.00

    1. Month: 2020M01, 2020M02, 2020M03, 2020M04, ..., 2024M12* (60)
    2. Classification for index of producer prices of agricultural products: 010000 CEREALS (including seeds), 011000 Wheat and spelt, 011100 Soft wheat and spelt, 012000 Rye and winter cereal mixtures (meslin), ..., 141000 AGRICULTURAL GOODS OUTPUT, excluding fruits and vegetables (63)
    3. Information: Index of producer prices of agricultural products (2020=100), Index of producer prices of agricultural products monthly change (2020=100), Index of producer prices of agricultural products yearly change (2020=100), (3)