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  1. 11tj -- Employment and hours worked quarterly, 1990Q1-2024Q1

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 363561 Modified: 20240619 08.00

    1. Quarter: 1990Q1, 1990Q2, 1990Q3, 1990Q4, ..., 2024Q1 (137)
    2. Transaction: E1 Employment, domestic (1 000 persons), E11 Employment, self-employed, domestic (1 000 persons), E12 Employees, domestic (1 000 persons), E2 Hours worked, domestic (1 000 000 h), ..., ESE Self-employed, national (1 000 persons) (10)
    3. Industry: Total, 0 excl. S13, Industries total, private sectors, 0, S13 Industries total, general government, A Agriculture, forestry and fishing (01-03), ..., R-U Arts, entertainment and recreation; other service activities (90-99) (14)
    4. Information: Seasonally and working day adjusted series, Original series, Trend series, Working day adjusted series, (4)

  2. 132g -- Income and production by industry, quarterly, 1990Q1-2024Q1

    Select part: View table: Size: 2233201 Modified: 20240619 08.00

    1. Quarter: 1990Q1, 1990Q2, 1990Q3, 1990Q4, ..., 2024Q1 (137)
    2. Transaction: B1GMH Gross domestic product at market prices, B1GPH Gross value added at basic prices, P51CK Consumption of fixed capital, expenditure, D11K Wages and salaries, expenditure, ..., D31R Subsidies on products, income (11)
    3. Industry: Total, 0 excl. S13, Industries total, private sectors, 0, S13 Industries total, general government, A Agriculture, forestry and fishing (01-03), ..., R-U Arts, entertainment and recreation; other service activities (90-99) (31)
    4. Information: Seasonally and per working day adjusted series at current prices, millions of euro, Original series at current prises, millions of euro, Trend series at current prices, millions of euro, Per working day adjusted series at current prices, millions of euro, ..., Change in volume of per working day adjusted series from previous year, % (14)

  3. 132h -- Gross domestic product and national income, supply and demand, quarterly, 1990Q1-2024Q1

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 636569 Modified: 20240619 13.00

    1. Quarter: 1990Q1, 1990Q2, 1990Q3, 1990Q4, ..., 2024Q1 (137)
    2. Transaction: B1GMH Gross domestic product at market prices, P51CK Consumption of fixed capital, expenditure, D1K Compensation of employees, expenditure, P7R Imports of goods and services, income, ..., USEX Domestic total demand (57)
    3. Information: Seasonally and per working day adjusted series at current prices, millions of euro, Original series at current prises, millions of euro, Trend series at current prices, millions of euro, Per working day adjusted series at current prices, millions of euro, ..., Change in volume of per working day adjusted series from previous year, % (14)