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  1. 12lu -- Line, level-separated-crossings and level-crossings, railway operating points and investments, 2011-2023

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 54428 Modified: 20240828 08.00

    1. Year: 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, ..., 2023 (13)
    2. Information: Length of line total, .Length of single-track railway, .Length of line of electrified single-track railway, .Length of line of double-track or multiple-track railway, ..., Investments in track construction and maintenance (at fixed prices of the statistical year) (37)

  2. 12lx -- Main data on train stock performance, 2005-2023

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    1. Category of train: Total, Passenger traffic, Freight traffic, (3)
    2. Year: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, ..., 2023 (19)
    3. Information: Trainkilometres, Gross-tonnekilometres, Drawn gross-tonnekilometres, Wagonaxlekilometres, (4)

  3. 12lz -- Tractive stock performance, 2005-2023

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    1. Type of locomotive: Total, Diesel tractive stock total, Diesel locomotives, Diesel railcars, ..., Electric railcars (7)
    2. Year: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, ..., 2023 (19)
    3. Information: Trainkilometres, Locomotivekilometres, (2)

  4. 12m1 -- Vehicle-axle-kilometres, 2005-2022

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    1. Year: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, ..., 2022 (18)
    2. Information: Vehicle-axle-kilometres total, Passenger stock, vehicle-axle-km, Coaches, vehicle-axle-km, Electric railcars, vehicle-axle-km, ..., Coefficient of empty running of a wagon (9)

  5. 12m2 -- Vehicle-axle kilometers by category of train and vehicle, 2013-2022

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    1. Type of train: Total, Passenger and freight traffic total, Passenger traffic total, Long-distance train, ..., Pick-up freight train (8)
    2. Type of locomotive: Total, Diesel locomotives, Diesel railcars, Electric locomotives, Electric railcars (5)
    3. Type of carriage: Total, Passenger coaches, Electric railcars, Diesel railcars, ..., Private owners wagons (11)
    4. Year: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, ..., 2022 (10)
    5. Information: Wagonaxlekilometres, (1)

  6. 12m3 -- Gross tonne-km and average train weights (including locomotive) by type of traction and category of train, 2011-2023

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    1. Type of locomotive: Total, Hauled by locomotives total, Diesel locomotives, Electric locomotives, ..., Single locomotives (8)
    2. Type of train: Total, Passenger traffic total, Long-distance train, Commuter train in the Helsinki Area, ..., Single locomotives (8)
    3. Year: 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, ..., 2023 (13)
    4. Information: Gross-tonnekilometres, Average train weight, (2)

  7. 12m4 -- Energy consumption in train traffic, 1983-2023

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    1. Year: 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, ..., 2023 (41)
    2. Information: Total energy consumption, petajoule, Electricity consumption, mill. kWh, Electricity consumption, petajoule, Light fuel oil, mill. litres, Light fuel oil, petajoule (5)

  8. 12m5 -- Passenger traffic by category, 2009-2023

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    1. Year: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, ..., 2023 (15)
    2. Traffic type: Total, Long-distance services, Domestic long-distance services, International traffic, Commuter traffic (5)
    3. Information: Number of journeys in passenger traffic (1000 journeys), Passenger kilometres (million pkm), Average length of journey, (3)

  9. 12m6 -- Freight traffic, 2009-2023

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    1. Year: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, ..., 2023 (15)
    2. Traffic type: Total, Domestic traffic, International traffic, (3)
    3. Information: Weight of freight (1000 t), Tonnekilometres (million tkm), Average length of journey, (3)

  10. 12m7 -- Wagon-loads carried and tonne-kilometres per freight category, 2010-2023

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    1. Year: 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, ..., 2023 (14)
    2. Freight category: Total, Plants and animal products, Mineral products, Wood and wood products, ..., Miscellanous products (9)
    3. Information: Weight of freight (mill. tonnes), Tonnekilometres (million tkm), (2)

  11. 12m8 -- Amount wagons and coaches in traffic between Finland and foreign countries, 2007-2023

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    1. Year: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, ..., 2023 (17)
    2. Wagon type: Passenger coaches total, Finnish passenger coaches, Foreign passenger coaches, Wagons total, ..., Empty foreign wagons (12)
    3. Type of traffic between Finland and other countries: Number of vehicles carried between Finnish and foreign railways, Western traffic, ...Tornio, Eastern traffic, ..., ...Vartius (8)
    4. Direction: Total, Despatched from Finland, Arrived in Finland, (3)
    5. Information: Number, (1)

  12. 12m9 -- Weight of freight carried in commercial wagon-load traffic by distance, 2005-2023

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    1. Year: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, ..., 2023 (19)
    2. Distance group: Total, 1-100 km, 101-200 km, 201-300 km, ..., 501 km - (7)
    3. Information: Weight of freight (mill. tonnes), (1)

  13. 12mc -- Significant railway accidents and level-crossing accidents, 1992-2023

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    1. Year: 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, ..., 2023 (32)
    2. Type of accident: Significant accidents total, ...Collisions, ...Derailments, ...Accidents involving level crossings, ..., Level-crossing accidents total (8)
    3. Information: Accidents, Killed, Seriously injured, Significant accidents per 1 million train-km, Killed and seriously injured per 1 million train-km (5)

  14. 12md -- Historical overview, 1862-2023

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    1. Year: 1862, 1870, 1880, 1890, ..., 2023 (53)
    2. Information: Length of line total, Track length total, Steam locomotives, Diesel locomotives, ..., Tonnekilometres (1000 tkm) (16)

  15. 12ra -- Passenger traffic by quarter, 2011Q1-2024Q4

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    1. Quarter: 2011Q1, 2011Q2, 2011Q3, 2011Q4, ..., 2024Q4 (56)
    2. Information: Number of journeys in passenger traffic (1000 journeys), Passenger kilometres (million pkm), Number of journeys in passenger traffic (1000 journeys), cumulative from the beginning of the year, Passenger kilometres (million pkm), cumulative from the beginning of the year, (4)

  16. 12rb -- Freight traffic by quarter, 2011Q1-2024Q4

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    1. Quarter: 2011Q1, 2011Q2, 2011Q3, 2011Q4, ..., 2024Q4 (56)
    2. Information: Weight of freight (1000 t), Tonnekilometres (million tkm), Weight of freight (1000 t), cumulative from the beginning of the year, Tonnekilometres (million tkm), cumulative from the beginning of the year, (4)