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  1. 11n9 -- Financial assets and liabilities, quarterly, 1995Q1-2024Q3

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    1. Instrument: F0 Financial assets total, F1 Monetary gold and special drawing rights, F11 Monetary gold, F12 Special drawing rights (SDRs), ..., F89 Other assets and liabilities than trade credits and advances (43)
    2. Sector: S0 Total, S1 Total economy, S11 Non-financial corporations, S11, S14, S15 Non-financial corporations, households and non-profit institutions serving households, ..., S2 Rest of the world (35)
    3. Debtor sector: S0 Total, S1 Total economy, S11 Non-financial corporations, S11, S14, S15 Non-financial corporations, households and non-profit institutions serving households, ..., S2 Rest of the world (35)
    4. Quarter: 1995Q1, 1995Q2, 1995Q3, 1995Q4, ..., 2024Q3 (119)
    5. Information: Stocks, millions of euro, Transactions, millions of euro, (2)

  2. 11qp -- Financial assets and liabilities, annually, 1995-2023

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    1. Instrument: F0 Financial assets total, F1 Monetary gold and special drawing rights, F11 Monetary gold, F12 Special drawing rights (SDRs), ..., F89 Other assets and liabilities than trade credits and advances (43)
    2. Sector: S0 Total, S1 Total economy, S11 Non-financial corporations, S11, S14, S15 Non-financial corporations, households and non-profit institutions serving households, ..., S2 Rest of the world (34)
    3. Debtor sector: S0 Total, S1 Total economy, S11 Non-financial corporations, S11, S14, S15 Non-financial corporations, households and non-profit institutions serving households, ..., S2 Rest of the world (34)
    4. Year: 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, ..., 2023 (29)
    5. Information: Stocks, millions of euro, Transactions, millions of euro, (2)

  3. 11zx -- Non-financial assets, annually, 1995-2023

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    1. Sector: S0 Total, S11 Non-financial corporations, S12 Financial and insurance corporations, S1311 Central government, ..., S15 Non-profit institutions serving households (8)
    2. Instrument: N0 Non-financial assets total, N111 Residential buildings, N112 Other buildings and structures, N113 Machinery, equipment and transport equipment, ..., N211 Land (10)
    3. Year: 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, ..., 2023 (29)
    4. Information: Stock, millions of euro, Change, millions of euro, (2)

  4. 129g -- Households' indicators, quarterly, 2000Q1-2024Q3

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    1. Quarter: 2000Q1, 2000Q2, 2000Q3, 2000Q4, ..., 2024Q3 (99)
    2. Sector: S14 Households, (1)
    3. Information: Disposable income (sum of four preceding quarters), millions of euro, Loans, millions of euro, Households' share of housing company loans, millions of euro, Indebtedness ratio, %, (4)

  5. 12kc -- Pension entitlements, annually, 2015-2021

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    1. Pension scheme: E1 Social security pension schemes (statutory earnings-related pension scheme), E11 Social security pension schemes (statutory earnings-related pension scheme), private branches, E12 Social security pension schemes (statutory earnings-related pension scheme), public branches, E2 Other employment-related pension schemes (voluntary supplementary pension schemes), ..., E22 Other employment-related pension schemes (voluntary supplementary pension schemes), defined benefit schemes and other non-defined contribution schemes (6)
    2. Year: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, ..., 2021 (7)
    3. Information: Pension entitlements at discount rate 2% (base scenario), millions of euro, Pension entitlements at discount rate 1%, millions of euro, Pension entitlements at discount rate 3%, millions of euro, Pension entitlements at undefined discount rate, millions of euro, ..., Pension entitlements at undefined discount rate, ratio to GDP, % (8)