12kc -- Pension entitlements, annually, 2015-2021
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20240429 08.00
- Pension scheme: E1 Social security pension schemes (statutory earnings-related pension scheme), E11 Social security pension schemes (statutory earnings-related pension scheme), private branches, E12 Social security pension schemes (statutory earnings-related pension scheme), public branches, E2 Other employment-related pension schemes (voluntary supplementary pension schemes), ..., E22 Other employment-related pension schemes (voluntary supplementary pension schemes), defined benefit schemes and other non-defined contribution schemes (6)
- Year: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, ..., 2021 (7)
- Information: Pension entitlements at discount rate 2% (base scenario), millions of euro, Pension entitlements at discount rate 1%, millions of euro, Pension entitlements at discount rate 3%, millions of euro, Pension entitlements at undefined discount rate, millions of euro, ..., Pension entitlements at undefined discount rate, ratio to GDP, % (8)