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  1. 12qp -- Overnight trips by type of trip, 1991-2023

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    1. Type of trip: TRIPS, TOTAL, Leisure trips, Business trips, DOMESTIC TRIPS, TOTAL, ..., Business cruises abroad, overnight on board only (12)
    2. Year: 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, ..., 2023 (33)
    3. Information: Overnight trips, thousand trips, (1)

  2. 133e -- Overnight trips by gender, age group and area of residence, 2012-2023

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    1. Trip direction: Total, Domestic, Abroad, (3)
    2. Trip purpose: Total, Leisure, Business, (3)
    3. Accommodation: Total, Paid accommodation, Free accommodation, Cruise, (4)
    4. Year: 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, ..., 2023 (12)
    5. Gender: Both sexes, Males, Females, (3)
    6. Age group: Total, 15 - 24, 25 - 64, 65 - 84, (4)
    7. Area of residence: WHOLE COUNTRY, SA3 Western Finland, PKS Helsinki area, SA2, MK01 pl. PKS Southern Finland incl. Uusimaa excl. Helsinki area, ..., MK17-MK19 Northern Finland (6)
    8. Information: Overnight trips, thousand trips, Change of trips, %, Overnight stays, thousand overnight stays, Change of nights, %, ..., Share of package trips, % (7)

  3. 13fa -- Overnight trips by duration, 2012-2024

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    1. Trip direction: Total, Domestic, Abroad, (3)
    2. Trip purpose: Total, Leisure, Business, (3)
    3. Accommodation: Total, Paid accommodation, Free accommodation, Cruise, (4)
    4. Trip duration: Total, 1 - 3 nights, Over 3 nights, (3)
    5. Transport: Total, Car, Airplane, Train, ..., Other (7)
    6. Year: 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, ..., 2024 (13)
    7. Season: Total, Spring (January-April), Summer (May-August), Autumn (September-December), (4)
    8. Information: Overnight trips, thousand trips, Change of trips, %, Overnight stays, thousand overnight stays, Change of nights, %, ..., Share of package trips, % (7)

  4. 13fi -- Domestic leisure trips with overnight stay, 2012-2024

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    1. Trip's destination region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MK01 Uusimaa, MK02 Southwest Finland, MK04 Satakunta, ..., MK21 Åland (20)
    2. Accommodation: Total, Paid accommodation, Free accommodation, (3)
    3. Year: 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, ..., 2024 (13)
    4. Season: Total, Spring (January-April), Summer (May-August), Autumn (September-December), (4)
    5. Information: Overnight trips, thousand trips, Change of trips, %, Overnight stays, thousand overnight stays, Change of nights, %, ..., Median length of trip, nights (6)

  5. 13gp -- Trips abroad by country of destination, 2012-2024

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    1. Trip purpose: Total, Leisure, Business, (3)
    3. Year: 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, ..., 2024 (13)
    4. Season: Total, Spring (January-April), Summer (May-August), Autumn (September-December), (4)
    5. Type of trip abroad: Total, Overnight in destination country, Cruise, overnight only onboard, Day trip or day cruise, (4)
    6. Information: Trips, thousand trips, Change of trips, %, Overnight stays, thousand overnight stays, Change of nights, %, ..., Share of package trips, % (7)

  6. 13h2 -- Domestic leisure trips with overnight stay by destination municipality, 2012-2024

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    1. Year: 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, ..., 2024 (13)
    2. Accommodation: Total, Paid accommodation, Free accommodation, (3)
    3. Trip's destination municipality: WHOLE COUNTRY, Alajärvi, Alavus, Asikkala, ..., Äänekoski (109)
    4. Season: Total, Spring (January-April), Summer (May-August), Autumn (September-December), (4)
    5. Information: Overnight trips, thousand trips, Change of trips, %, Overnight stays, thousand overnight stays, Change of nights, %, ..., Median length of trip, nights (6)

  7. 13h3 -- Nights by type of accommodation, 2012-2024

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    1. Trip direction: Total, Domestic, Abroad, (3)
    2. Trip purpose: Total, Leisure, Business, (3)
    3. Trip duration: Total, 1 - 3 nights, Over 3 nights, (3)
    4. Year: 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, ..., 2024 (13)
    5. Season: Total, Spring (January-April), Summer (May-August), Autumn (September-December), (4)
    6. Information: Overnight stays, thousand overnight stays, Nights in hotels, thousand overnight stays, Nights on camping sites, thousand overnight stays, Nights in rented free-time residences, thousand overnight stays, ..., Nights on ship or train, thousand overnight stays (9)

  8. 13mn -- Domestic day trips by destination county, 2018 and 2021

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    1. Trip's destination region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MK01 Uusimaa, MK02 Southwest Finland, MK04 Satakunta, ..., MK21 Åland (20)
    2. Trip purpose: Total, Leisure, Business, (3)
    3. Year: 2018, 2021, (2)
    4. Season: Total, Spring (January-April), Summer (May-August), Autumn (September-December), (4)
    5. Information: Trips, no. in thousands, (1)

  9. 13q6 -- Trips abroad, monthly, 2012M01-2025M01

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    1. Trip purpose: Total, Leisure, Business, (3)
    2. Type of trip abroad: Total, Overnight in destination country, Cruise, overnight only onboard, Day trip or day cruise, (4)
    3. Month: 2012M01, 2012M02, 2012M03, 2012M04, ..., 2025M01 (157)
    4. Information: Trips, thousand trips, Change of trips, %, Overnight stays, thousand overnight stays, Change of nights, %, ..., Share of package trips, % (7)

  10. 13q8 -- Domestic trips with overnight stay, monthly, 2012M01-2025M01

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    1. Trip purpose: Total, Leisure, Business, (3)
    2. Accommodation: Total, Paid accommodation, Free accommodation, (3)
    3. Month: 2012M01, 2012M02, 2012M03, 2012M04, ..., 2025M01 (157)
    4. Information: Overnight trips, thousand trips, Change of trips, %, Overnight stays, thousand overnight stays, Change of nights, %, ..., Median length of trip, nights (6)

  11. 13q9 -- Nights by type of accommodation and month, 2012M01-2025M01

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    1. Trip direction: Total, Domestic, Abroad, (3)
    2. Trip purpose: Total, Leisure, Business, (3)
    3. Month: 2012M01, 2012M02, 2012M03, 2012M04, ..., 2025M01 (157)
    4. Information: Overnight stays, thousand overnight stays, Nights in hotels, thousand overnight stays, Nights on camping sites, thousand overnight stays, Nights in rented free-time residences, thousand overnight stays, ..., Nights on ship or train, thousand overnight stays (9)

  12. 13yi -- Percentage of population having made trips of different types, 2012-2023

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    1. Area of residence: WHOLE COUNTRY, SA3 Western Finland, PKS Helsinki area, SA2, MK01 pl. PKS Southern Finland incl. Uusimaa excl. Helsinki area, ..., MK17-MK19 Northern Finland (6)
    2. Household type: Households total, One-person household, Two-person household, Three or more person household, (4)
    3. Education level: Total, Basic education, Upper secondary education, Tertiary education, (4)
    4. Year: 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, ..., 2023 (12)
    5. Age group: Total, 15 - 24, 25 - 64, 65 - 84, (4)
    6. Gender: Both sexes, Males, Females, (3)
    7. Information: Percentage of population having made a leisure trip abroad, %, Percentage of population having been on a cruise, %, Percentage of population having made a same-day visit abroad, %, Percentage of population having made a domestic leisure trip, %, ..., Percentage of population having made a domestic business trip, % (10)