126u -- Business prohibitions by gender, age, principal offence of the sentence and region, 2009-2023
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- Year: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, ..., 2023 (15)
- Gender: Total, Males, Females, Unknown, (4)
- Court: Total, Territory of the Helsinki Court of Appeal, Territory of the Court of Appeal in Eastern Finland, Territory of the Turku Court of Appeal, ..., District Court of Åland (34)
- Age: Total, 15 - 17, 18 - 20, 21 - 24, ..., Unknown (12)
- Principal offence: ALL CRIME, Registration offence 16:7§1/1-2, Breach of a prohibition to pursue a business 16:11§, Aggravated giving of bribes 16:14§1/1-2, ..., Offence category unknown (no ruling given, because charges were withdrawn) (47)
- Duration of the prohibition: Total number of prohibitions, Duration of the business ban (year), 3,0 < 3,5 year, 3,5 < 4,0 year, ..., Unknown (11)
- Information: Number of prohibitions, Average prohibition, Median of prohibition, Lower quartile, Upper quartile (5)