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  1. 11if -- Criminal convictions of district court confirmed and changed in the courts of appeal, 2016-2023

    Select part: View table: Size: 3521509 Modified: 20240925 08.00

    1. Year: 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, ..., 2023 (8)
    2. Court of appeal: Total, Helsinki Court of Appeal, Court of Appeal in Eastern Finland, Turku Court of Appeal, ..., Rovaniemi Court of Appeal (6)
    3. Offence group: Total, A. Offences against property, Theft, aggravated theft 28:1-2, 34a:1, Petty theft 28:3, ..., Offence category unknown (59)
    4. District Court Judgment: Total (district court), Life imprisonment (district court), Combination sentence (district court), Unconditional imprisonment (district court), ..., Other sanction (district court) (18)
    5. Court of Appeal judgment: Total (court of appeal), Life imprisonment (court of appeal), Combination sentence (court of appeal), Unconditional imprisonment (court of appeal), ..., Corporate fine (court of appeal) (17)
    6. Information: Number of penalties, (1)

  2. 126m -- Changes in penalties sentenced by district court in Court of Appeal, 2016-2023

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    1. Year: 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, ..., 2023 (8)
    2. Court of appeal: Total, Helsinki Court of Appeal, Court of Appeal in Eastern Finland, Turku Court of Appeal, ..., Rovaniemi Court of Appeal (6)
    3. Offence group: Total, A. Offences against property, Theft, aggravated theft 28:1-2, 34a:1, Petty theft 28:3, ..., Offence category unknown (59)
    4. Penalty change at Court of Appeal: Combination sentence unchanged, Combination sentence increased, Combination sentence lowered, Unconditional imprisonment unchanged, ..., Corporate fine lowered (21)
    5. Information: Number of penalties, (1)

  3. 126n -- Criminal convictions decided in courts of appeal according to the appellant, 2016-2023

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    1. Year: 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, ..., 2023 (8)
    2. Court of appeal: Total, Helsinki Court of Appeal, Court of Appeal in Eastern Finland, Turku Court of Appeal, ..., Rovaniemi Court of Appeal (6)
    3. Offence group: Total, A. Offences against property, Theft, aggravated theft 28:1-2, 34a:1, Petty theft 28:3, ..., Offence category unknown (59)
    4. Appellant: Total, Accused, Prosecutor, Other appellants, ..., Unknown (6)
    5. Court of Appeal decision: Total, Decision confirmed in Court of Appeal, Punishment hardened at Court of Appeal, Punishment reduced at Court of Appeal, The charge was dismissed at the Court of Appeal (5)
    6. Information: Number of penalties, (1)

  4. 126p -- Sentences by citizenship, place of residence and offence (district courts and courts of appeal as first court instance, summary penal orders and fine orders and petty fines), 2009-2023

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    1. Year: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, ..., 2023 (15)
    2. Places of residence: Total, Has a permanent place of residence in Finland, No permanent place of residence in Finland, (3)
    3. Nationality: Total, Finland, Total other nationalities, Europe, ..., Unknown (26)
    4. Offence group: Total, A. Offences against property, Theft, aggravated theft 28:1-2, 34a:1, Petty theft 28:3, ..., Offence category unknown (59)
    5. Statistic: Number of penalties, Average penalty, Median of the penalty, Lower quartile of the penalty, Upper quartile of the penalty (5)
    6. Information: Persons sentenced in court, summary penal fines and petty fines, total (number), Persons sentenced in court (number), Persons sentenced to life imprisonment (number), Persons sentenced to combination sentence, fixed-term unconditional imprisonment, a monitoring sentence or community service, total, ..., Lapsed charges, total (number) (40)

  5. 126q -- Prohibitions to keep animals by gender, age, principal offence of the sentence and region, 2009-2023

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    1. Year: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, ..., 2023 (15)
    2. Gender: Total, Males, Females, Unknown, (4)
    3. Court: Total, Territory of the Helsinki Court of Appeal, Territory of the Court of Appeal in Eastern Finland, Territory of the Turku Court of Appeal, ..., District Court of Åland (34)
    4. Age: Total, 15 - 17, 18 - 20, 21 - 24, ..., Unknown (12)
    5. Principal offence: ALL CRIME, Violent resistance to a public official 16:1§1/1-3, Animal welfare offence 17:14§1/1-4, Aggravated animal welfare offence 17:14a§1/1-3, ..., Animal disease offence (441/2013) (30)
    6. Duration of the prohibition: Total number of prohibitions, Periodic prohibitions to keep animals (number), Periodic prohibitions to keep animals (years), Under 1 year, ..., Unknown (12)
    7. Information: Number of prohibitions, Average prohibition, Median of prohibition, Lower quartile, Upper quartile (5)

  6. 126u -- Business prohibitions by gender, age, principal offence of the sentence and region, 2009-2023

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    1. Year: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, ..., 2023 (15)
    2. Gender: Total, Males, Females, Unknown, (4)
    3. Court: Total, Territory of the Helsinki Court of Appeal, Territory of the Court of Appeal in Eastern Finland, Territory of the Turku Court of Appeal, ..., District Court of Åland (34)
    4. Age: Total, 15 - 17, 18 - 20, 21 - 24, ..., Unknown (12)
    5. Principal offence: ALL CRIME, Registration offence 16:7§1/1-2, Breach of a prohibition to pursue a business 16:11§, Aggravated giving of bribes 16:14§1/1-2, ..., Offence category unknown (no ruling given, because charges were withdrawn) (47)
    6. Duration of the prohibition: Total number of prohibitions, Duration of the business ban (year), 3,0 < 3,5 year, 3,5 < 4,0 year, ..., Unknown (11)
    7. Information: Number of prohibitions, Average prohibition, Median of prohibition, Lower quartile, Upper quartile (5)

  7. 126v -- Petty fines by sex, age and amount of fine, 2013-2023

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    1. Year: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, ..., 2023 (11)
    2. Gender: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Amount of fine: Total, 0 euro, 10 euro, 20 euro, ..., 240 euro (28)
    4. Age: Total, 15, 16, 17, ..., Unknown (12)
    5. Information: Without stopping the vehicle, Total petty fines, (2)

  8. 126x -- Hunting prohibitions by gender, age, principal offence of the sentence and region, 2009-2023

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    1. Year: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, ..., 2023 (15)
    2. Gender: Total, Males, Females, Unknown, (4)
    3. Court: Total, Territory of the Helsinki Court of Appeal, Territory of the Court of Appeal in Eastern Finland, Territory of the Turku Court of Appeal, ..., District Court of Åland (34)
    4. Age: Total, 15 - 17, 18 - 20, 21 - 24, ..., Unknown (12)
    5. Principal offence: ALL CRIME, Animal welfare offence 17:14§1/1-4, Grossly negligent bodily injury 21:11§, Imperilment 21:13§, ..., Aggravated hunting offence 48a:1a§1/1-5 (8)
    6. Duration of the prohibition: Total number of prohibitions, Duration of hunting ban (year), Under 1,5 year, 1,5 < 2,0 year, ..., Unknown (11)
    7. Information: Number of prohibitions, Average prohibition, Median of prohibition, Lower quartile, Upper quartile (5)

  9. 12cj -- First court instance fine sentences and summary penal orders and fine orders by amount and number of day fines, gender, age and group of offence, 2015-2023

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    1. Year: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, ..., 2023 (9)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, Unknown, (4)
    3. Age: Total, 15 - 17, 18 - 20, 21 - 24, ..., Unknown (12)
    4. Offence group: Total, A. Offences against property, Theft, aggravated theft 28:1-2, 34a:1, Petty theft 28:3, ..., Offence category unknown (54)
    5. Day-fine: Fines total, Thedeprivation of oflibertyregardedasfulfilmentofthefullpunishment, Average number of day fines, Median number of day fines, ..., Total amount of day fine 3000- euro (57)
    6. Information: Persons sentenced to a fine, total, Persons sentenced to a fine in court (number or number of day fines), Only one offence in the punishment (at trial), Joint fine (at trial), ..., Joint fine, (a fine by a police officer) (13)

  10. 12d2 -- Recidivism by gender, age, group of offences and sanction, 1990-2023

    Select part: View table: Size: 2881993 Modified: 20240925 08.00

    1. Year: 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, ..., 2023 (34)
    2. Gender: Total, Males, Females, Unknown, (4)
    3. Age: Total, 15 - 17, 18 - 20, 21 - 24, ..., 80 - (11)
    4. Principal offence: Total, Thefts, Unauthorised use, Fraud and embezzlement offences, ..., Other drunk driving offences (23)
    5. Sanction: Sanctions, total, Fine, Conditional imprisonment and supplementary fine, Conditional imprisonment, no supplementary fine, ..., Other sanction (7)
    6. Information: Convicted, number, Recidivists, number, Non-recidivists, number, Recidivism percentage, (4)

  11. 12d3 -- Recidivists by group of offence, similarity of offence and sanction, 1990-2023

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    1. Year: 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, ..., 2023 (34)
    2. Principal offence: Total, Thefts, Unauthorised use, Fraud and embezzlement offences, ..., Other drunk driving offences (23)
    3. Sanction: Sanctions, total, Fine, Conditional imprisonment and supplementary fine, Conditional imprisonment, no supplementary fine, ..., Other sanction (7)
    4. Similarity of offences: Similarity, total, Similar offence, Not similar offence, (3)
    5. Information: Recidivists, number, Sentencings during the past 10 years, on average, number, Time between sentence and next offence for recidivists, months, Number of offences, (4)

  12. 13r7 -- Sentences by district court and offence (district courts and courts of appeal as first court instance), 2019-2023

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    1. Year: 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 (5)
    2. Court: Total, Territory of the Helsinki Court of Appeal, Territory of the Court of Appeal in Eastern Finland, Territory of the Turku Court of Appeal, ..., Rovaniemi Court of Appeal as first court instance (40)
    3. Principal offence: ALL CRIME, CRIMINAL CODE OF FINLAND (39/1889), Chapter 11 On War Crimes and Crimes against the Humanity, Genocide 11:1§1/1-5, ..., Violation of the preconditions for taxi services permitted under the road transport agreement between Finland and Russia (128/2016) (1203)
    4. Sentence: Persons sentenced in court (number), Persons sentenced to life imprisonment (number), Persons sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment (number), Persons sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment (months), ..., Corporate criminal liability, demand for corporate fine dismissed (number) (65)
    5. Information: Number of penalties, Average sentence, Median of sentence, Lower quartile of sentence, Upper quartile of sentence (5)

  13. 13r8 -- Sentences by gender, age and offence (district courts and courts of appeal as first court instance, summary penal orders and fine orders and petty fines), 2019-2023

    Select part: View table: Size: 195354200 Modified: 20240925 08.00

    1. Year: 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 (5)
    2. Principal offence: ALL CRIME, CRIMINAL CODE OF FINLAND (39/1889), Chapter 11 On War Crimes and Crimes against the Humanity, Genocide 11:1§1/1-5, ..., Violation of the preconditions for taxi services permitted under the road transport agreement between Finland and Russia (128/2016) (1203)
    3. Sentence: Persons sentenced in court, summary penal orders and fine orders and petty fines, total (number), Persons sentenced in court (number), Persons sentenced to life imprisonment (number), Persons sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment (number), ..., Corporate criminal liability, demand for corporate fine dismissed (number) (84)
    4. Gender: Total, Males, Females, Unknown, (4)
    5. Age: Total, 15 - 17, 18 - 20, 21 - 24, ..., Unknown (12)
    6. Information: Number of penalties, Average sentence, Median of sentence, (3)

  14. 13re -- Prison sentences by length of total sentence, gender, age and group of offence (district courts and courts of appeal as first court instance), 2014-2023

    Select part: View table: Size: 14661394 Modified: 20240925 08.00

    1. Year: 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, ..., 2023 (10)
    2. Gender: Total, Males, Females, Unknown, (4)
    3. Age: Total, 15 - 17, 18 - 20, 21 - 24, ..., Unknown (12)
    4. Offence group: Total, A. Offences against property, Theft, aggravated theft 28:1-2, 34a:1, Petty theft 28:3, ..., Offence category unknown (56)
    5. Length of sentence: Sentenced of imprisonment total, Imprisonment < 30 days, Imprisonment 30-59 days, Imprisonment 60-89 days, ..., Length of sentence unkown (30)
    6. Information: Combination sentence, unconditional imprisonment, monitoring sentence, community service and conditional imprisonment total, Persons sentenced to combination sentence, fixed-term unconditional imprisonment, a monitoring sentence or community service, total, Combination sentence, Persons sentenced to unconditional imprisonment, ..., Earlier sentence a sufficient sanction (8)