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  1. 118g -- Producer price index (2015=100), monthly data, 1995M01-2024M07

    Select part: View table: Size: 15180285 Modified: 20240826 08.00

    1. Products by activity (CPA 2015, MIG): Total, A Products of agriculture, forestry and fishing, 01 Products of agriculture, hunting and related services, 01.1 Non-perennial crops, ..., MIG5 Energy (308)
    2. Month: 1995M01, 1995M02, 1995M03, 1995M04, ..., 2024M07 (355)
    3. Index series: Producer price index for manufactured products, Producer price index for manufactured products, domestic goods, Producer price index for manufactured products, export goods, Export price index, ..., Basic price index for domestic supply, including taxes, import goods (11)
    4. Information: Point figure (2015=100), Monthly change, %, Annual change, %, (3)

  2. 118h -- Producer price index (2015=100), annual data, 1995-2023

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 890263 Modified: 20240124 08.00

    1. Products by activity (CPA 2015, MIG): Total, A Products of agriculture, forestry and fishing, 01 Products of agriculture, hunting and related services, 01.1 Non-perennial crops, ..., MIG5 Energy (306)
    2. Year: 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, ..., 2023 (29)
    3. Index series: Producer price index for manufactured products, Producer price index for manufactured products, domestic goods, Producer price index for manufactured products, export goods, Export price index, ..., Basic price index for domestic supply, including taxes, import goods (11)
    4. Information: Point figure (2015=100), Annual change, %, (2)

  3. 118i -- Producer price index (2010=100), monthly data, 1995M01-2024M07

    Select part: View table: Size: 15868484 Modified: 20240826 08.00

    1. Industry (NACE, MIG): Total, A Agriculture, forestry and fishing (01-03), 01 Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities, 011 Growing of non-perennial crops, ..., MIG Energy (321)
    2. Month: 1995M01, 1995M02, 1995M03, 1995M04, ..., 2024M07 (355)
    3. Index series: Producer price index for manufactured products, Producer price index for manufactured products, domestic goods, Producer price index for manufactured products, export goods, Export price index, ..., Basic price index for domestic supply, including taxes, import goods (11)
    4. Information: Point figure (2010=100), Monthly change, %, Annual change, %, (3)

  4. 118j -- Producer price pndex (2010=100), annual data, 1995-2023

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 939729 Modified: 20240124 08.00

    1. Industry (NACE, MIG): Total, A Agriculture, forestry and fishing (01-03), 01 Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities, 011 Growing of non-perennial crops, ..., MIG Energy (319)
    2. Year: 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, ..., 2023 (29)
    3. Index series: Producer price index for manufactured products, Producer price index for manufactured products, domestic goods, Producer price index for manufactured products, export goods, Export price index, ..., Basic price index for domestic supply, including taxes, import goods (11)
    4. Information: Point figure (2010=100), Annual change, %, (2)

  5. 118k -- Producer price index (2005=100), monthly data, 1995M01-2024M07

    Select part: View table: Size: 15412321 Modified: 20240826 08.00

    1. Industry (NACE, MIG): Total, A Agriculture, forestry and fishing (01-03), 01 Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities, 011 Growing of non-perennial crops, ..., MIG Energy (313)
    2. Month: 1995M01, 1995M02, 1995M03, 1995M04, ..., 2024M07 (355)
    3. Index series: Producer price index for manufactured products, Producer price index for manufactured products, domestic goods, Producer price index for manufactured products, export goods, Export price index, ..., Wholesale price index, import goods (11)
    4. Information: Point figure (2005=100), Monthly change, %, Annual change, %, (3)

  6. 118l -- Producer price Iindex (2005=100), annual data, 1995-2023

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 909755 Modified: 20240124 08.00

    1. Industry (NACE, MIG): Total, A Agriculture, forestry and fishing (01-03), 01 Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities, 011 Growing of non-perennial crops, ..., MIG Energy (310)
    2. Year: 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, ..., 2023 (29)
    3. Index series: Producer price index for manufactured products, Producer price index for manufactured products, domestic goods, Producer price index for manufactured products, export goods, Export price index, ..., Wholesale price index, import goods (11)
    4. Information: Point figure (2005=100), Annual change, %, (2)

  7. 118m -- Producer price index (1949=100), monthly data, 1949M01-2024M07

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 1135764 Modified: 20240826 08.00

    1. Industry (ISIC, SITC): TOTAL INDEX 0-8, 0 Food, SITC 0, 24 Crude materials: wood, SITC 24, 26 Crude materials: textile fibres, SITC 26, ..., 40-41 Manufacturing industry: electricity, gas, water and sanitary services ISIC, rev.1:40-41 (33)
    2. Month: 1949M01, 1949M02, 1949M03, 1949M04, ..., 2024M07 (907)
    3. Index series: Producer price index for manufactured products, Producer price index for manufactured products, domestic goods, Producer price index for manufactured products, export goods, Export price index, ..., Wholesale price index, import goods (8)
    4. Information: Point figure (1949=100), (1)

  8. 118n -- Producer price index (1949=100), annual data, 1949-2023

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 104989 Modified: 20240124 08.00

    1. Industry (ISIC, SITC): TOTAL INDEX 0-8, 0 Food, SITC 0, 24 Crude materials: wood, SITC 24, 26 Crude materials: textile fibres, SITC 26, ..., 40-41 Manufacturing industry: electricity, gas, water and sanitary services ISIC, rev.1:40-41 (33)
    2. Year: 1949, 1950, 1951, 1952, ..., 2023 (75)
    3. Index series: Producer price index for manufactured products, Producer price index for manufactured products, domestic goods, Producer price index for manufactured products, export goods, Export price index, ..., Wholesale price index, import goods (8)
    4. Information: Point figure (1949=100), (1)

  9. 13m8 -- Producer price indices (2021=100), monthly data, 1995M01-2024M07

    Select part: View table: Size: 15098197 Modified: 20240826 08.00

    1. Products by activity (CPA 2015, MIG): Total, A Products of agriculture, forestry and fishing, 01 Products of agriculture, hunting and related services, 01.1 Non-perennial crops, ..., MIG5 Energy (308)
    2. Month: 1995M01, 1995M02, 1995M03, 1995M04, ..., 2024M07 (355)
    3. Index series: Producer price index for manufactured products, Producer price index for manufactured products, domestic goods, Producer price index for manufactured products, export goods, Export price index, ..., Basic price index for domestic supply, including taxes, import goods (11)
    4. Information: Point figure (2021=100), Monthly change, %, Annual change, %, (3)