14mw -- Revisions in index of turnover in industry monthly (2021=100), 2024M01-2024M09
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20241204 08.00
- Month: 2024M01, 2024M02, 2024M03, 2024M04, ..., 2024M09 (9)
- Industry: B Mining and quarrying, B-C Mining, quarrying and manufacturing, 07 Mining of metal ores, 08 Other mining and quarrying, ..., MIG Non-durable consumer goods (41)
- Variable: Turnover, Export turnover, Domestic turnover, (3)
- Information: 1st release, annual change of the original index series, %, Latest release, annual change of the original index series, %, Revision of the original index series, percentage points, 1st release, annual change of the working day adjusted index series, %, ..., Revision of the seasonally adjusted index series, percentage points (9)