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  1. 12gq -- International trade in goods and services, quarterly, 2013Q1-2024Q1

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 695777 Modified: 20240620 08.00

    1. Region: Foreign countries, total, Other countries excl. EU(27, 2020-), Other countries excl. EU (28, 2013-2020), EU countries (27, 2020-), ..., United States (53)
    2. Information: Export, millions of euro, Import, millions of euro, Import by countries of origin, millions of euro, Import by countries of consignment, millions of euro, (4)
    3. Quarter: 2013Q1, 2013Q2, 2013Q3, 2013Q4, ..., 2024Q1 (45)
    4. Service item: GS Goods and services, G Goods, S Services, SA Manufacturing services on physical inputs owned by others, ..., SL Government goods and services n.i.e (18)

  2. 12gr -- International trade in services by region and service item, annually, 2013-2023

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    1. Service item: S Services, SA Manufacturing services on physical inputs owned by others, SB Maintenance and repair services not included elsewhere, SC Transport, ..., SL Government goods and services n.i.e (61)
    2. Region: Foreign countries, total, Other countries excl. EU(27, 2020-), Other countries excl. EU (28, 2013-2020), EU countries (27, 2020-), ..., Zimbabwe (249)
    3. Year: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, ..., 2023 (11)
    4. Information: Export, millions of euro, Import, millions of euro, (2)

  3. 12gs -- Differences in statistical terms for trade in goods between customs and balance of payments, quarterly, 2013Q1-2024Q1

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    1. Quarter: 2013Q1, 2013Q2, 2013Q3, 2013Q4, ..., 2024Q1 (45)
    2. Service item: GB Goods trade in balance of payments terms, G11 Goods trade in customs terms, GV Factoryless production, goods sent abroad for processing and merchanting, G121 CIF-FOB conversion, GO Other differences in goods trade in balance of payments and customs terms (5)
    3. Information: Export, millions of euro, Import, millions of euro, (2)

  4. 14mc -- International trade in services, trade value by activity sector, enterprise size class and region, annually, 2019-2022

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    1. Size of personnel: Total, 0 to 49 persons, 50 to 249 persons, 250 or more persons, Unknown (5)
    2. Region: Foreign countries, total, Other countries excl. EU(27, 2020-), EU countries (27, 2020-), (3)
    3. Information: Export, millions of euro, Import, millions of euro, (2)
    4. Year: 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, (4)
    5. Industrial classification: Total, A, B Agriculture, forestry and fishing; mining and quarrying (01-09), C Manufacturing (10-33), D, E Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning and water supply; sewerage and waste management (35-39), ..., Unknown (13)

  5. 14md -- International trade and services, trade value by service item and activity sector, annually, 2019-2022

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    1. Industrial classification: Total, A, B Agriculture, forestry and fishing; mining and quarrying (01-09), C Manufacturing (10-33), D, E Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning and water supply; sewerage and waste management (35-39), ..., Unknown (13)
    2. Year: 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, (4)
    3. Service item: S Services, SA Manufacturing services on physical inputs owned by others, SB Maintenance and repair services not included elsewhere, SC Transport, ..., SL Government goods and services n.i.e (16)
    4. Information: Export, millions of euro, Import, millions of euro, (2)

  6. 14me -- International trade in services, trade value by main economic activity and type of ownership, annually, 2019-2022

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 10317 Modified: 20240620 08.00

    1. Ownership form: Total, Domestic, Foregin controlled MNE, Non-attributed ownership, (4)
    2. Year: 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, (4)
    3. Industrial classification: Total, A, B Agriculture, forestry and fishing; mining and quarrying (01-09), C Manufacturing (10-33), D, E Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning and water supply; sewerage and waste management (35-39), ..., Unknown (13)
    4. Information: Export, millions of euro, Import, millions of euro, (2)