11gv -- Index of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production (2015=100), monthly data, 2000M01-2024M12
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20250214 08.00
- Month: 2000M01, 2000M02, 2000M03, 2000M04, ..., 2024M12 (300)
- Classification of index of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production: 200000 GOODS AND SERVICES CURRENTLY CONSUMED IN AGRICULTURE (INPUT 1), 201000 SEEDS AND PLANTING STOCK, 202000 ENERGY, LUBRICANTS, 202100 Electricity, ..., 220000 INPUT TOTAL (INPUT 1 + INPUT 2) (46)
- Information: Index of Purchase Prices of the Means of Agricultural Production (2015=100), Index of Purchase Prices of the Means of Agricultural Production monthly change (2015=100), Index of Purchase Prices of the Means of Agricultural Production Yearly change (2015=100), (3)