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  1. 11gv -- Index of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production (2015=100), monthly data, 2000M01-2024M12

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 271281 Modified: 20250214 08.00

    1. Month: 2000M01, 2000M02, 2000M03, 2000M04, ..., 2024M12 (300)
    2. Classification of index of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production: 200000 GOODS AND SERVICES CURRENTLY CONSUMED IN AGRICULTURE (INPUT 1), 201000 SEEDS AND PLANTING STOCK, 202000 ENERGY, LUBRICANTS, 202100 Electricity, ..., 220000 INPUT TOTAL (INPUT 1 + INPUT 2) (46)
    3. Information: Index of Purchase Prices of the Means of Agricultural Production (2015=100), Index of Purchase Prices of the Means of Agricultural Production monthly change (2015=100), Index of Purchase Prices of the Means of Agricultural Production Yearly change (2015=100), (3)

  2. 11gw -- Index of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production (2015=100), quarterly data, 2000Q1-2024Q4

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 103900 Modified: 20250214 08.00

    1. Quarter: 2000Q1, 2000Q2, 2000Q3, 2000Q4, ..., 2024Q4 (100)
    2. Classification of index of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production: 200000 GOODS AND SERVICES CURRENTLY CONSUMED IN AGRICULTURE (INPUT 1), 201000 SEEDS AND PLANTING STOCK, 202000 ENERGY, LUBRICANTS, 202100 Electricity, ..., 220000 INPUT TOTAL (INPUT 1 + INPUT 2) (46)
    3. Information: Index of Purchase Prices of the Means of Agricultural Production (2015=100), Index of Purchase Prices of the Means of Agricultural Production quarterly change (2015=100), Index of Purchase Prices of the Means of Agricultural Production Yearly change (2015=100), (3)

  3. 11gx -- Index of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production (2015=100), annual data, 2000-2024

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 32327 Modified: 20250214 08.00

    1. Year: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, ..., 2024 (25)
    2. Classification of index of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production: 200000 GOODS AND SERVICES CURRENTLY CONSUMED IN AGRICULTURE (INPUT 1), 201000 SEEDS AND PLANTING STOCK, 202000 ENERGY, LUBRICANTS, 202100 Electricity, ..., 220000 INPUT TOTAL (INPUT 1 + INPUT 2) (46)
    3. Information: Index of Purchase Prices of the Means of Agricultural Production (2015=100), Index of Purchase Prices of the Means of Agricultural Production Yearly change (2015=100), (2)

  4. 11gy -- Index of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production (2010=100), monthly data, 2010M01-2024M12

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 157942 Modified: 20250214 08.00

    1. Month: 2010M01, 2010M02, 2010M03, 2010M04, ..., 2024M12 (180)
    2. Classification of index of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production: 200000 GOODS AND SERVICES CURRENTLY CONSUMED IN AGRICULTURE (INPUT 1), 201000 SEEDS AND PLANTING STOCK, 202000 ENERGY, LUBRICANTS, 202100 Electricity, ..., 220000 INPUT TOTAL (INPUT 1 + INPUT 2) (44)
    3. Information: Index of Purchase Prices of the Means of Agricultural Production (2010=100), Index of Purchase Prices of the Means of Agricultural Production monthly change (2010=100), Index of Purchase Prices of the Means of Agricultural Production Yearly change (2010=100), (3)

  5. 11gz -- Index of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production (2010=100), quarterly data, 2010Q1-2024Q4

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 66747 Modified: 20250214 08.00

    1. Quarter: 2010Q1, 2010Q2, 2010Q3, 2010Q4, ..., 2024Q4 (60)
    2. Classification of index of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production: 200000 GOODS AND SERVICES CURRENTLY CONSUMED IN AGRICULTURE (INPUT 1), 201000 SEEDS AND PLANTING STOCK, 202000 ENERGY, LUBRICANTS, 202100 Electricity, ..., 220000 INPUT TOTAL (INPUT 1 + INPUT 2) (44)
    3. Information: Index of Purchase Prices of the Means of Agricultural Production (2010=100), Index of Purchase Prices of the Means of Agricultural Production quarterly change (2010=100), Index of Purchase Prices of the Means of Agricultural Production Yearly change (2010=100), (3)

  6. 11h1 -- Index of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production (2010=100), annual data, 2010-2024

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 25561 Modified: 20250214 08.00

    1. Year: 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, ..., 2024 (15)
    2. Classification of index of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production: 200000 GOODS AND SERVICES CURRENTLY CONSUMED IN AGRICULTURE (INPUT 1), 201000 SEEDS AND PLANTING STOCK, 202000 ENERGY, LUBRICANTS, 202100 Electricity, ..., 220000 INPUT TOTAL (INPUT 1 + INPUT 2) (44)
    3. Information: Index of Purchase Prices of the Means of Agricultural Production (2010=100), Index of Purchase Prices of the Means of Agricultural Production Yearly change (2010=100), (2)

  7. 11h2 -- Index of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production (2005=100), monthly data, 2000M01-2024M12

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 247975 Modified: 20250214 08.00

    1. Month: 2000M01, 2000M02, 2000M03, 2000M04, ..., 2024M12 (300)
    2. Classification of index of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production: 200000 GOODS AND SERVICES CURRENTLY CONSUMED IN AGRICULTURE (INPUT 1), 201000 SEEDS AND PLANTING STOCK, 202000 ENERGY, LUBRICANTS, 202100 Electricity, ..., 220000 INPUT TOTAL (INPUT 1 + INPUT 2) (44)
    3. Information: Index of Purchase Prices of the Means of Agricultural Production (2005=100), Index of Purchase Prices of the Means of Agricultural Production monthly change (2005=100), Index of Purchase Prices of the Means of Agricultural Production Yearly change (2005=100), (3)

  8. 11h3 -- Index of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production (2005=100), quarterly data, 2000Q1-2024Q4

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 97701 Modified: 20250214 08.00

    1. Quarter: 2000Q1, 2000Q2, 2000Q3, 2000Q4, ..., 2024Q4 (100)
    2. Classification of index of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production: 200000 GOODS AND SERVICES CURRENTLY CONSUMED IN AGRICULTURE (INPUT 1), 201000 SEEDS AND PLANTING STOCK, 202000 ENERGY, LUBRICANTS, 202100 Electricity, ..., 220000 INPUT TOTAL (INPUT 1 + INPUT 2) (44)
    3. Information: Index of Purchase Prices of the Means of Agricultural Production (2005=100), Index of Purchase Prices of the Means of Agricultural Production quarterly change (2005=100), Index of Purchase Prices of the Means of Agricultural Production Yearly change (2005=100), (3)

  9. 11h4 -- Index of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production (2005=100), annual data, 2000-2024

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 31365 Modified: 20250214 08.00

    1. Year: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, ..., 2024 (25)
    2. Classification of index of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production: 200000 GOODS AND SERVICES CURRENTLY CONSUMED IN AGRICULTURE (INPUT 1), 201000 SEEDS AND PLANTING STOCK, 202000 ENERGY, LUBRICANTS, 202100 Electricity, ..., 220000 INPUT TOTAL (INPUT 1 + INPUT 2) (44)
    3. Information: Index of Purchase Prices of the Means of Agricultural Production (2005=100), Index of Purchase Prices of the Means of Agricultural Production Yearly change (2005=100), (2)

  10. 11h5 -- Index of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production (2000=100), monthly data, 1995M01-2024M12

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 293293 Modified: 20250214 08.00

    1. Month: 1995M01, 1995M02, 1995M03, 1995M04, ..., 2024M12 (360)
    2. Classification of index of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production: 200000 GOODS AND SERVICES CURRENTLY CONSUMED IN AGRICULTURE (INPUT 1), 201000 SEEDS AND PLANTING STOCK, 202000 ENERGY, LUBRICANTS, 202100 Electricity, ..., 220000 INPUT TOTAL (INPUT 1 + INPUT 2) (44)
    3. Information: Index of Purchase Prices of the Means of Agricultural Production (2000=100), Index of Purchase Prices of the Means of Agricultural Production monthly change (2000=100), Index of Purchase Prices of the Means of Agricultural Production Yearly change (2000=100), (3)

  11. 11h6 -- Index of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production (2000=100), quarterly data, 1995Q1-2024Q4

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 113266 Modified: 20250214 08.00

    1. Quarter: 1995Q1, 1995Q2, 1995Q3, 1995Q4, ..., 2024Q4 (120)
    2. Classification of index of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production: 200000 GOODS AND SERVICES CURRENTLY CONSUMED IN AGRICULTURE (INPUT 1), 201000 SEEDS AND PLANTING STOCK, 202000 ENERGY, LUBRICANTS, 202100 Electricity, ..., 220000 INPUT TOTAL (INPUT 1 + INPUT 2) (44)
    3. Information: Index of Purchase Prices of the Means of Agricultural Production (2000=100), Index of Purchase Prices of the Means of Agricultural Production quarterly change (2000=100), Index of Purchase Prices of the Means of Agricultural Production Yearly change (2000=100), (3)

  12. 11h7 -- Index of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production (2000=100), annual data, 1995-2024

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 34267 Modified: 20250214 08.00

    1. Year: 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, ..., 2024 (30)
    2. Classification of index of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production: 200000 GOODS AND SERVICES CURRENTLY CONSUMED IN AGRICULTURE (INPUT 1), 201000 SEEDS AND PLANTING STOCK, 202000 ENERGY, LUBRICANTS, 202100 Electricity, ..., 220000 INPUT TOTAL (INPUT 1 + INPUT 2) (44)
    3. Information: Index of Purchase Prices of the Means of Agricultural Production (2000=100), Index of Purchase Prices of the Means of Agricultural Production Yearly change (2000=100), (2)

  13. 14nz -- Index of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production (2020=100), monthly data, 2020M01-2024M12

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 67828 Modified: 20250214 08.00

    1. Month: 2020M01, 2020M02, 2020M03, 2020M04, ..., 2024M12 (60)
    2. Classification of index of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production: 200000 GOODS AND SERVICES CURRENTLY CONSUMED IN AGRICULTURE (INPUT 1), 201000 SEEDS AND PLANTING STOCK, 202000 ENERGY, LUBRICANTS, 202100 Electricity, ..., 220000 INPUT TOTAL (INPUT 1 + INPUT 2) (46)
    3. Information: Index of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production (2020=100), Index of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production monthly change (2020=100), Index of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production yearly change (2020=100), (3)

  14. 14p1 -- Index of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production (2020=100), quarterly data, 2020Q1-2024Q4

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 36080 Modified: 20250214 08.00

    1. Quarter: 2020Q1, 2020Q2, 2020Q3, 2020Q4, ..., 2024Q4 (20)
    2. Classification of index of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production: 200000 GOODS AND SERVICES CURRENTLY CONSUMED IN AGRICULTURE (INPUT 1), 201000 SEEDS AND PLANTING STOCK, 202000 ENERGY, LUBRICANTS, 202100 Electricity, ..., 220000 INPUT TOTAL (INPUT 1 + INPUT 2) (46)
    3. Information: Index of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production (2020=100), Index of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production yearly change (2020=100), Index of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production quarterly change (2020=100), (3)

  15. 14p2 -- Index of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production (2020=100), annual data, 2020-2024

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 20171 Modified: 20250214 08.00

    1. Year: 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 (5)
    2. Classification of index of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production: 200000 GOODS AND SERVICES CURRENTLY CONSUMED IN AGRICULTURE (INPUT 1), 201000 SEEDS AND PLANTING STOCK, 202000 ENERGY, LUBRICANTS, 202100 Electricity, ..., 220000 INPUT TOTAL (INPUT 1 + INPUT 2) (46)
    3. Information: Index of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production (2020=100), Index of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production yearly change (2020=100), (2)