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  1. 14mh -- Volume index of industrial output (2021=100), 1995M01-2025M01

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 1215302 Modified: 20250310 08.00

    1. Month: 1995M01, 1995M02, 1995M03, 1995M04, ..., 2025M01 (361)
    2. Standard Industrial Classification (TOL 2008): BCD Total industries, B Mining and quarrying, C Manufacturing, C Manufacturing excl. Electrical and electronics industry (26-27), ..., 07 Mining of metal ores (38)
    3. Information: Share of industry in total industries (BCD), Original index, Annual change of the original index series, %, Cumulative annual change of the original index series, %, ..., Change of trend from previous month % (10)

  2. 14s8 -- Revisions in these statistics, 2024M01-2025M01

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 16596 Modified: 20250310 08.00

    1. Month: 2024M01, 2024M02, 2024M03, 2024M04, ..., 2025M01 (13)
    2. Standard Industrial Classification (TOL 2008): BCD Total industries, B Mining and quarrying, C Manufacturing, D Eletricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply, (4)
    3. Revision: First release, Previous release, Latest release, Revision with regard to first, (4)
    4. Information: Original index, Seasonally adjusted index series, Working day adjusted index series, Trend series, (4)