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  1. 12r5 -- Unemployed jobseekers, persons in services and vacant jobs at the end of the month (1001), 2006M01-2024M06

    Select part: View table: Size: 7980670 Modified: 20240723 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, Akaa, Alajärvi, Alavieska, ..., ELY16 Åland (414)
    2. Month: 2006M01, 2006M02, 2006M03, 2006M04, ..., 2024M06 (222)
    3. Information: Jobseekers on calculation date (number), Unemployed jobseekers on calculation date (number), Workforce in Statistic Finland’s RES (number), Proportion of unemployed jobseekers as a percentage of total workforce (%), ..., New vacancies during the month (number) (23)

  2. 12t8 -- Jobseekers by employment code at the end of the month (1205), 2006M01-2024M06

    Select part: View table: Size: 126361479 Modified: 20240723 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, Akaa, Alajärvi, Alavieska, ..., ELY16 Åland (414)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age groups: Total, 15 - 19, 20 - 24, 25 - 29, ..., 65 - (12)
    4. Employment code: Total, Employed, Employed in the open labour market, Unemployed, ..., Unknown (12)
    5. Month: 2006M01, 2006M02, 2006M03, 2006M04, ..., 2024M06 (222)
    6. Information: Jobseekers on calculation date (number), (1)

  3. 12t9 -- Foreign unemployed jobseekers at the end of the month by province (1206), 2006M01-2024M06

    Select part: View table: Size: 23887472 Modified: 20240723 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MK01 Uusimaa, MK02 Southwest Finland, MK04 Satakunta, ..., Unknown (21)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age groups: Total, 15 - 19, 20 - 24, 25 - 29, ..., 65 - (12)
    4. Duration of employment code: Total, Less than 1 week, 1-2 weeks, 3-4 weeks, ..., Unknown (16)
    5. Month: 2006M01, 2006M02, 2006M03, 2006M04, ..., 2024M06 (222)
    6. Information: Foreign unemployed jobseekers on calculation date (number), Average duration of job search by foreign unemployed jobseekers (wk), Foreign long-term unemployed (number), (3)

  4. 12ta -- Unemployed jobseekers by duration of unemployment at the end of the month (1207), 2006M01-2024M06

    Select part: View table: Size: 159540842 Modified: 20240723 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, Akaa, Alajärvi, Alavieska, ..., ELY16 Åland (414)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age groups2: Total, Young jobseekers aged 15-19, Jobseekers aged 25–49, Jobseekers aged over 50, (4)
    4. Duration of employment code: Total, Less than 1 week, 1-2 weeks, 3-4 weeks, ..., Unknown (16)
    5. Month: 2006M01, 2006M02, 2006M03, 2006M04, ..., 2024M06 (222)
    6. Information: Unemployed jobseekers on calculation date (number), Average duration of job search by unemployed jobseekers (wk), Long-term unemployed (number), (3)

  5. 12tb -- Foreign jobseekers by occupation in each province at the end of the month (1208), 2006M01-2024M06

    Select part: View table: Size: 137353167 Modified: 20240723 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MK01 Uusimaa, MK02 Southwest Finland, MK04 Satakunta, ..., Unknown (21)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age groups: Total, 15 - 19, 20 - 24, 25 - 29, ..., 65 - (12)
    4. Labour market status: Total, At work, Unemployed jobseekers, Outside labour force, ..., Unknown (6)
    5. Occupation: SSS Total, 11 Chief executives, senior officials and legislators, 12 Administrative and commercial managers, 13 Production and specialised services managers, ..., X9 Undefined and removed classes (51)
    6. Month: 2006M01, 2006M02, 2006M03, 2006M04, ..., 2024M06 (222)
    7. Information: Foreign jobseekers on calculation date (number), (1)

  6. 12tc -- Foreign jobseekers by education in each province at the end of the month (1209), 2006M01-2024M06

    Select part: View table: Size: 139767280 Modified: 20240723 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MK01 Uusimaa, MK02 Southwest Finland, MK04 Satakunta, ..., Unknown (21)
    2. Age groups2: Total, Young jobseekers aged 15-19, Jobseekers aged 25–49, Jobseekers aged over 50, (4)
    3. Labour market status: Total, At work, Unemployed jobseekers, Outside labour force, ..., Unknown (6)
    4. Education: SSS Total, 0011 Pre-Primary Education, 1011 Primary School, 1019 Other General Education, Primary Education, ..., 9999 Other Education, Level of Education Unknown (522)
    5. Month: 2006M01, 2006M02, 2006M03, 2006M04, ..., 2024M06 (222)
    6. Information: Foreign jobseekers on calculation date (number), (1)

  7. 12td -- Jobseekers by education in each province at the end of the month (1220), 2006M01-2024M06

    Select part: View table: Size: 93553720 Modified: 20240723 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MK01 Uusimaa, MK02 Southwest Finland, MK04 Satakunta, ..., Unknown (21)
    2. Employment: Total, Unemployed jobseekers, Other jobseekers, (3)
    3. Education: SSS Total, 001101 Pre-Primary Education in Comprehensive Schools, 001102 Pre-Primary Education in Day-Care Centres, 101151 Primary School, ..., 999999 Other or Unknown Education, Level of Education Unknown (2196)
    4. Month: 2006M01, 2006M02, 2006M03, 2006M04, ..., 2024M06 (222)
    5. Information: Jobseekers on calculation date (number), (1)

  8. 12te -- Jobseekers by level of education and labour market status at the end of the month (1221), 2006M01-2024M06

    Select part: View table: Size: 210587650 Modified: 20240723 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, Akaa, Alajärvi, Alavieska, ..., ELY16 Åland (414)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age groups2: Total, Young jobseekers aged 15-19, Jobseekers aged 25–49, Jobseekers aged over 50, (4)
    4. Labour market status: Total, At work, Unemployed jobseekers, Outside labour force, ..., Unknown (6)
    5. Level of education: Total, Primary education, Lower secondary education, Upper secondary education, ..., Basic education or level of education unknown (10)
    6. Month: 2006M01, 2006M02, 2006M03, 2006M04, ..., 2024M06 (222)
    7. Information: Jobseekers on calculation date (number), (1)

  9. 12tf -- Percentage of unemployed jobseekers of the entire workforce at the end of the month (1260), 2006M01-2024M06

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 1327659 Modified: 20240723 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, Akaa, Alajärvi, Alavieska, ..., ELY16 Åland (414)
    2. Month: 2006M01, 2006M02, 2006M03, 2006M04, ..., 2024M06 (222)
    3. Information: Unemployed jobseekers on calculation date (number), Workforce in Statistic Finland’s RES (number), Proportion of unemployed jobseekers as a percentage of total workforce (%), (3)

  10. 12tg -- Percentage of foreign unemployed jobseekers of the entire foreign workforce at the end of the month (1261), 2009M01-2024M06

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 995513 Modified: 20240723 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, Akaa, Alajärvi, Alavieska, ..., ELY16 Åland (414)
    2. Month: 2009M01, 2009M02, 2009M03, 2009M04, ..., 2024M06 (186)
    3. Information: Foreign unemployed jobseekers on calculation date (number), Foreign workforce in Statistics Finland’s RES (number), Proportion of foreign unemployed jobseekers as a percentage of total foreign workforce (%), (3)

  11. 12th -- Percentage of unemployed jobseekers aged under 25 of the entire workforce aged under 25 at the end of the month (1263), 2013M01-2024M06

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 753705 Modified: 20240723 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, Akaa, Alajärvi, Alavieska, ..., ELY16 Åland (414)
    2. Month: 2013M01, 2013M02, 2013M03, 2013M04, ..., 2024M06 (138)
    3. Information: Unemployed jobseekers aged under 25 (number), Workforce aged under 25 in Statistics Finland’s RES (number), Proportion of unemployed jobseekers aged under 25 as a percentage of total workforce aged under 25 (number), (3)

  12. 12ti -- Unemployed jobseekers and vacancies by occupation at the end of the month (1270), 2006M01-2024M06

    Select part: View table: Size: 208431942 Modified: 20240723 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, Akaa, Alajärvi, Alavieska, ..., ELY16 Åland (414)
    2. Occupation: SSS Total, 1111 Legislators, 1112 Senior central government officials, 1114 Senior officials of special-interest organiäations, ..., X999 Undefined and removed classes (433)
    3. Month: 2006M01, 2006M02, 2006M03, 2006M04, ..., 2024M06 (222)
    4. Information: Unemployed jobseekers on calculation date (number), Vacancies on end-of-month calculation date (number), (2)

  13. 12tj -- Unemployed, fully laid off and on reduced working week by occupation at the end of the month (1271), 2006M01-2024M06

    Select part: View table: Size: 296413166 Modified: 20240723 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, Akaa, Alajärvi, Alavieska, ..., ELY16 Åland (414)
    2. Occupation: SSS Total, 1111 Legislators, 1112 Senior central government officials, 1114 Senior officials of special-interest organiäations, ..., X999 Undefined and removed classes (433)
    3. Työllisyyskoodi: Työtön, Lomautettu, Lyhennetyllä työvkolla, (3)
    4. Month: 2006M01, 2006M02, 2006M03, 2006M04, ..., 2024M06 (222)
    5. Information: Jobseekers on calculation date (number), (1)

  14. 12tk -- Jobseekers by occupation and level of education in each province during the month (1310), 2006M01-2024M06

    Select part: View table: Size: 426371575 Modified: 20240723 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MK01 Uusimaa, MK02 Southwest Finland, MK04 Satakunta, ..., Unknown (21)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age groups: Total, 15 - 19, 20 - 24, 25 - 29, ..., 65 - (12)
    4. Occupation: SSS Total, 1 Managers, 2 Professionals, 3 Technicians and associate professionals, ..., X Unknown (12)
    5. Level of education: Total, Primary education, Lower secondary education, Upper secondary education, ..., Basic education or level of education unknown (10)
    6. Month: 2006M01, 2006M02, 2006M03, 2006M04, ..., 2024M06 (222)
    7. Information: Jobseekers during the month (number), Unemployed jobseekers during the month (number), Job searches started (number), Job searches ended (number), ..., Average duration of unemployment periods ended (wk) (7)

  15. 12tl -- Started job seekings and periods by occupation in each province during the month (1311), 2006M01-2024M06

    Select part: View table: Size: 273011069 Modified: 20240723 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MK01 Uusimaa, MK02 Southwest Finland, MK04 Satakunta, ..., Unknown (21)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age groups2: Total, Young jobseekers aged 15-19, Jobseekers aged 15-29, Jobseekers aged 25–49, ..., Jobseekers aged over 55 (6)
    4. Occupation: SSS Total, 11 Chief executives, senior officials and legislators, 12 Administrative and commercial managers, 13 Production and specialised services managers, ..., X9 Undefined and removed classes (51)
    5. Employment code: Total, Employed, Employed in the open labour market, Unemployed, ..., Unknown (12)
    6. Month: 2006M01, 2006M02, 2006M03, 2006M04, ..., 2024M06 (222)
    7. Information: Job searches started (number), Periods started (number), (2)

  16. 12tm -- Foreign jobseekers by occupation and level of education in each province during the month (1314), 2006M01-2024M06

    Select part: View table: Size: 136281394 Modified: 20240723 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MK01 Uusimaa, MK02 Southwest Finland, MK04 Satakunta, ..., Unknown (21)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age groups2: Total, Young jobseekers aged 15-19, Jobseekers aged 25–49, Jobseekers aged over 50, (4)
    4. Occupation: SSS Total, 1 Managers, 2 Professionals, 3 Technicians and associate professionals, ..., X Unknown (12)
    5. Level of education: Total, Primary education, Lower secondary education, Upper secondary education, ..., Basic education or level of education unknown (10)
    6. Month: 2006M01, 2006M02, 2006M03, 2006M04, ..., 2024M06 (222)
    7. Information: Foreign jobseekers (number), Foreign unemployed jobseekers (number), Job searches started by foreigners (number), Job searches ended by foreigners (number), ..., Average duration of periods of unemployment among foreigners (wk) (7)

  17. 12tn -- Periods of unemployment ended by reason and by duration of unemployment in each province dur-ing the month (1315), 2006M01-2024M06

    Select part: View table: Size: 127067801 Modified: 20240723 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MK01 Uusimaa, MK02 Southwest Finland, MK04 Satakunta, ..., Unknown (21)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age groups: Total, 15 - 19, 20 - 24, 25 - 29, ..., 65 - (12)
    4. Duration of employment code: Total, Less than 1 week, 1-2 weeks, 3-4 weeks, ..., Unknown (16)
    5. Change in employment: Total, Employed, Placed at work in the open labour market, Lay-off/Shortened week ended, ..., Siirtynyt osa-aikatyöhön (18)
    6. Month: 2006M01, 2006M02, 2006M03, 2006M04, ..., 2024M06 (222)
    7. Information: Periods of unemployment ended (number), (1)

  18. 12tp -- Foreigners’ periods of unemployment ended by reason and by duration of unemployment in each province during the month (1316), 2006M01-2024M06

    Select part: View table: Size: 109673073 Modified: 20240723 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MK01 Uusimaa, MK02 Southwest Finland, MK04 Satakunta, ..., Unknown (21)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age groups: Total, 15 - 19, 20 - 24, 25 - 29, ..., 65 - (12)
    4. Duration of employment code: Total, Less than 1 week, 1-2 weeks, 3-4 weeks, ..., Unknown (16)
    5. Change in employment: Total, Employed, Placed at work in the open labour market, Lay-off/Shortened week ended, ..., Siirtynyt osa-aikatyöhön (18)
    6. Month: 2006M01, 2006M02, 2006M03, 2006M04, ..., 2024M06 (222)
    7. Information: Periods of unemployment ended by foreigners (number), (1)

  19. 12tr -- Ended job seekings and periods in each province during the month (1319), 2006M01-2024M06

    Select part: View table: Size: 102503606 Modified: 20240723 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MK01 Uusimaa, MK02 Southwest Finland, MK04 Satakunta, ..., Unknown (21)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age groups2: Total, Young jobseekers aged 15-19, Jobseekers aged 15-29, Jobseekers aged 25–49, ..., Jobseekers aged over 55 (6)
    4. Employment code: Total, Employed, Employed in the open labour market, Unemployed, ..., Unknown (12)
    5. Change in employment: Total, Employed, Placed at work in the open labour market, Lay-off/Shortened week ended, ..., Unknown (20)
    6. Month: 2006M01, 2006M02, 2006M03, 2006M04, ..., 2024M06 (222)
    7. Information: Job searches ended (number), Periods ended (number), (2)

  20. 12ts -- Unemployment flow over a certain duration in relation to unemployments begun a month earlier (1355), 2006M01-2024M06

    Select part: View table: Size: 474252306 Modified: 20240723 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, Akaa, Alajärvi, Alavieska, ..., ELY16 Åland (414)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age groups: Total, 15 - 19, 20 - 24, 25 - 29, ..., 65 - (12)
    4. Graduation: Total, Recently graduated, Other jobseekers, (3)
    5. Month: 2006M01, 2006M02, 2006M03, 2006M04, ..., 2024M06 (222)
    6. Information: Periods of unemployment started (number), Unemployment periods started 1 month earlier (number), Exceeds 1 month of unemployment (number), % flow to more than 1 month of unemployment (%), ..., % flow to more than 12 months of unemployment (%) (13)

  21. 12tt -- Jobseekers and vacancies by occupation during the month (1370), 2006M01-2024M06

    Select part: View table: Size: 237284260 Modified: 20240723 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, Akaa, Alajärvi, Alavieska, ..., ELY16 Åland (414)
    2. Occupation: SSS Total, 111 Legislators and senior officials, 112 Managing directors and chief executives, 121 Business services and administration managers, ..., X99 Undefined and removed classes (139)
    3. Employment: Total, Unemployed jobseekers, Other jobseekers, (3)
    4. Month: 2006M01, 2006M02, 2006M03, 2006M04, ..., 2024M06 (222)
    5. Information: Jobseekers during the period (number), Vacancies during the month (number), (2)

  22. 12tu -- Jobseekers and vacancies by occupation in each province during the month (1371), 2006M01-2024M06

    Select part: View table: Size: 75544663 Modified: 20240723 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MK01 Uusimaa, MK02 Southwest Finland, MK04 Satakunta, ..., Unknown (21)
    2. Occupation: SSS Total, 1111 Legislators, 1112 Senior central government officials, 1114 Senior officials of special-interest organiäations, ..., X999 Undefined and removed classes (433)
    3. Labour market status: Total, At work, Unemployed jobseekers, Outside labour force, ..., Unknown (6)
    4. Month: 2006M01, 2006M02, 2006M03, 2006M04, ..., 2024M06 (222)
    5. Information: Jobseekers during the period (number), Vacancies during the month (number), (2)

  23. 12tw -- Vacancies by sector in each province at the end of the month (2206), 2006M01-2024M06

    Select part: View table: Size: 170544097 Modified: 20240723 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MK01 Uusimaa, MK02 Southwest Finland, MK04 Satakunta, ..., Unknown (21)
    2. Industry: Total, A Agriculture, forestry and fishing, 01 Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities, 02 Forestry and logging, ..., Other industries (113)
    3. Employer sector: Total, State, Municipality, Private employer, community, excl. company, ..., Unknown (9)
    4. Duration of work in a workplace: Total, Below 11 days, 11 days-1 month, 1-3 months, ..., Unknown (8)
    5. Month: 2006M01, 2006M02, 2006M03, 2006M04, ..., 2024M06 (222)
    6. Information: Vacancies on end-of-month calculation date (number), Average vacancy duration on calculation date (days), (2)

  24. 12tv -- Vacancies in each province at the end of the month (2205), 2006M01-2024M06

    Select part: View table: Size: 81292667 Modified: 20240723 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MK01 Uusimaa, MK02 Southwest Finland, MK04 Satakunta, ..., Unknown (21)
    2. Occupation: SSS Total, 11 Chief executives, senior officials and legislators, 12 Administrative and commercial managers, 13 Production and specialised services managers, ..., X9 Undefined and removed classes (51)
    3. Employer sector: Total, State, Municipality, Private employer, community, excl. company, ..., Unknown (9)
    4. Duration of work in a workplace: Total, Below 11 days, 11 days-1 month, 1-3 months, ..., Unknown (8)
    5. Month: 2006M01, 2006M02, 2006M03, 2006M04, ..., 2024M06 (222)
    6. Information: Vacancies on end-of-month calculation date (number), Average vacancy duration on calculation date (days), (2)

  25. 12tx -- Vacancy events by industry during the month (2310), 2006M01-2024M06

    Select part: View table: Size: 51551304 Modified: 20240723 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, Akaa, Alajärvi, Alavieska, ..., ELY16 Åland (414)
    2. Occupation: SSS Total, 11 Chief executives, senior officials and legislators, 12 Administrative and commercial managers, 13 Production and specialised services managers, ..., X9 Undefined and removed classes (51)
    3. Month: 2006M01, 2006M02, 2006M03, 2006M04, ..., 2024M06 (222)
    4. Information: Vacancies during the month (number), New vacancies during the month (number), Vacancies filled during the month (number), Average vacancy duration of filled jobs (days), (4)

  26. 12ty -- Vacancy events by industry during the month (2311), 2006M01-2024M06

    Select part: View table: Size: 106597798 Modified: 20240723 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, Akaa, Alajärvi, Alavieska, ..., ELY16 Åland (414)
    2. Industry: Total, A Agriculture, forestry and fishing, 01 Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities, 02 Forestry and logging, ..., Other industries (113)
    3. Month: 2006M01, 2006M02, 2006M03, 2006M04, ..., 2024M06 (222)
    4. Information: Vacancies during the month (number), New vacancies during the month (number), Vacancies filled during the month (number), Average vacancy duration of filled jobs (days), (4)

  27. 12tz -- Vacancy events by sector during the month (2312), 2006M01-2024M06

    Select part: View table: Size: 72641817 Modified: 20240723 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, Akaa, Alajärvi, Alavieska, ..., ELY16 Åland (414)
    2. Employer sector: Total, State, Municipality, Private employer, community, excl. company, ..., Unknown (9)
    3. Duration of work in a workplace: Total, Below 11 days, 11 days-1 month, 1-3 months, ..., Unknown (8)
    4. Month: 2006M01, 2006M02, 2006M03, 2006M04, ..., 2024M06 (222)
    5. Information: Vacancies during the month (number), New vacancies during the month (number), Vacancies filled during the month (number), Average vacancy duration of filled jobs (days), (4)

  28. 12u1 -- Those participating in training in each province at the end of the month (3241), 2006M01-2024M06

    Select part: View table: Size: 87757347 Modified: 20240723 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MK01 Uusimaa, MK02 Southwest Finland, MK04 Satakunta, ..., Unknown (21)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age groups: Total, 15 - 19, 20 - 24, 25 - 29, ..., 65 - (12)
    4. Occupation: SSS Total, 11 Chief executives, senior officials and legislators, 12 Administrative and commercial managers, 13 Production and specialised services managers, ..., X9 Undefined and removed classes (51)
    5. Training: Total, Training for job seeking, Training for working life, Career training, Unknown (5)
    6. Month: 2006M01, 2006M02, 2006M03, 2006M04, ..., 2024M06 (222)
    7. Information: In training on calculation date (number), (1)

  29. 12u2 -- Labour market training by province at the end of and during the month (3310), 2006M01-2024M06

    Select part: View table: Size: 106707493 Modified: 20240723 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MK01 Uusimaa, MK02 Southwest Finland, MK04 Satakunta, ..., Unknown (21)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age groups2: Total, Young jobseekers aged 15-19, Jobseekers aged 25–49, Jobseekers aged over 50, (4)
    4. Occupation: SSS Total, 11 Chief executives, senior officials and legislators, 12 Administrative and commercial managers, 13 Production and specialised services managers, ..., X9 Undefined and removed classes (51)
    5. Government-funded training: Total, Government-funded training, Normal training, (3)
    6. Month: 2006M01, 2006M02, 2006M03, 2006M04, ..., 2024M06 (222)
    7. Information: In labour market training on calculation date (number), In labour market training during the month (number), Labour market training periods started during the month (number), Labour market training periods completed during the month (number), Average number of labour market training days completed (days) (5)

  30. 12u3 -- Labour market training by prior employment and reason for ending in each province at the end of and during the month (3311), 2006M01-2024M06

    Select part: View table: Size: 81317950 Modified: 20240723 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MK01 Uusimaa, MK02 Southwest Finland, MK04 Satakunta, ..., Unknown (21)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age groups2: Total, Young jobseekers aged 15-19, Jobseekers aged 25–49, Jobseekers aged over 50, (4)
    4. Prior employment: Total, Unemployed jobseekers, Other jobseekers, (3)
    5. Reason why training ended: Total, Completed training, Dropped out, employed in the field of study, Dropped out, employed elsewhere, ..., Unknown (13)
    6. Government-funded training: Total, Government-funded training, Normal training, (3)
    7. Month: 2006M01, 2006M02, 2006M03, 2006M04, ..., 2024M06 (222)
    8. Information: In labour market training on calculation date (number), In labour market training during the month (number), Labour market training periods started during the month (number), Labour market training periods completed during the month (number), Average number of labour market training days completed (days) (5)

  31. 12u4 -- Activation rate and service participants on calculation date (4250), 2006M01-2024M06

    Select part: View table: Size: 116163592 Modified: 20240723 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, Akaa, Alajärvi, Alavieska, ..., ELY16 Åland (414)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age groups: Total, 15 - 19, 20 - 24, 25 - 29, ..., 65 - (12)
    4. Month: 2006M01, 2006M02, 2006M03, 2006M04, ..., 2024M06 (222)
    5. Information: Activation rate on calculation date (%), Unemployed jobseekers on calculation date (number), Service participants in total (number), In labour market training on calculation date (number), ..., In independent study on calculation date (number) (10)

  32. 12u5 -- Foreigners’ activation rate and service participants on calculation date (4251), 2006M01-2024M06

    Select part: View table: Size: 95909345 Modified: 20240723 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, Akaa, Alajärvi, Alavieska, ..., ELY16 Åland (414)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age groups: Total, 15 - 19, 20 - 24, 25 - 29, ..., 65 - (12)
    4. Month: 2006M01, 2006M02, 2006M03, 2006M04, ..., 2024M06 (222)
    5. Information: Foreigners’ activation rate on calculation date (%), Foreign unemployed jobseekers on calculation date (number), Foreign service participants in total on calculation date (number), Foreigners in labour market training on calculation date (number), ..., Foreigners in independent study on calculation date (number) (10)

  33. 12u6 -- Employment activity by type during and at the end of the month in each province (4310), 2006M01-2024M06

    Select part: View table: Size: 25534469 Modified: 20240723 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MK01 Uusimaa, MK02 Southwest Finland, MK04 Satakunta, ..., Unknown (21)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age groups2: Total, Young jobseekers aged 15-19, Jobseekers aged 25–49, Jobseekers aged over 50, (4)
    4. Type of employment activity: Total, Pay subsidy to municipality (duration of unempl.), Pay subsidy to municipality (disability/illness), Pay subsidy to private (duration of unempl.), ..., Unknown (33)
    5. Month: 2006M01, 2006M02, 2006M03, 2006M04, ..., 2024M06 (222)
    6. Information: In employment activity on calculation date (number), In employment activity during the month (number), Employment activity periods started during the month (number), Employment activity periods ended during the month (number), Average duration of completed employment activity (wk) (5)

  34. 12u7 -- Employment activity by occupation during and at the end of the month in each province (4315), 2006M01-2024M06

    Select part: View table: Size: 265050256 Modified: 20240723 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MK01 Uusimaa, MK02 Southwest Finland, MK04 Satakunta, ..., Unknown (21)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age groups2: Total, Young jobseekers aged 15-19, Jobseekers aged 25–49, Jobseekers aged over 50, (4)
    4. Type of employment activity: Total, Pay subsidy to municipality (duration of unempl.), Pay subsidy to municipality (disability/illness), Pay subsidy to private (duration of unempl.), ..., Unknown (33)
    5. Occupation: SSS Total, 1 Managers, 2 Professionals, 3 Technicians and associate professionals, ..., X Unknown (12)
    6. Month: 2006M01, 2006M02, 2006M03, 2006M04, ..., 2024M06 (222)
    7. Information: In employment activity on calculation date (number), In employment activity during the month (number), Employment activity periods started during the month (number), Employment activity periods ended during the month (number), Average duration of completed employment activity (wk) (5)

  35. 12u8 -- Those participating in work and training trials in each province at the end of the month (5231), 2006M01-2024M06

    Select part: View table: Size: 13630657 Modified: 20240723 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MK01 Uusimaa, MK02 Southwest Finland, MK04 Satakunta, ..., Unknown (21)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age groups: Total, 15 - 19, 20 - 24, 25 - 29, ..., 65 - (12)
    4. Prior employment: Total, Unemployed jobseekers, Other jobseekers, (3)
    5. Assessment(trials): Total, Work trial in a work place, Work trial in a workshop, Recruitment trial, Training trial (5)
    6. Month: 2006M01, 2006M02, 2006M03, 2006M04, ..., 2024M06 (222)
    7. Information: In work and training trials on calculation date (number), Average duration of unemployment prior to work/training trial (wk), (2)

  36. 12u9 -- Participants in other services during and at the end of the month in each province (5315), 2006M01-2024M06

    Select part: View table: Size: 70539575 Modified: 20240723 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MK01 Uusimaa, MK02 Southwest Finland, MK04 Satakunta, ..., Unknown (21)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age groups: Total, 15 - 19, 20 - 24, 25 - 29, ..., 65 - (12)
    4. Prior employment: Total, Unemployed jobseekers, Other jobseekers, (3)
    5. Other services: On job alternation leave, Job alternation leave substitutes, Assessments and trials, Work trial, ..., Labour policy opinions (9)
    6. Month: 2006M01, 2006M02, 2006M03, 2006M04, ..., 2024M06 (222)
    7. Information: In other services on calculation date (number), In other services during the month (number), Other service periods started (number), Other service periods ended (number), Average duration of other services completed (wk) (5)

  37. 12ua -- Structurally unemployed by age and occupation group at the end of the month (6210), 2006M01-2024M06

    Select part: View table: Size: 204531690 Modified: 20240723 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, Akaa, Alajärvi, Alavieska, ..., ELY16 Åland (414)
    2. Age groups: Total, 15 - 19, 20 - 24, 25 - 29, ..., 65 - (12)
    3. Occupation: SSS Total, 1 Managers, 2 Professionals, 3 Technicians and associate professionals, ..., X Unknown (12)
    4. Month: 2006M01, 2006M02, 2006M03, 2006M04, ..., 2024M06 (222)
    5. Information: Structurally unemployed, total (number), Long-term unemployed (number), Equivalent to long-term unemployed (number), Unemployed after services (number), Moved from services to services (number) (5)

  38. 12ub -- Structurally unemployed by gender and level of education at the end of the month (6211), 2006M01-2024M06

    Select part: View table: Size: 48913710 Modified: 20240723 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, Akaa, Alajärvi, Alavieska, ..., ELY16 Åland (414)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Level of education: Total, Primary education, Lower secondary education, Upper secondary education, ..., Basic education or level of education unknown (10)
    4. Month: 2006M01, 2006M02, 2006M03, 2006M04, ..., 2024M06 (222)
    5. Information: Structurally unemployed, total (number), Long-term unemployed (number), Equivalent to long-term unemployed (number), Unemployed after services (number), Moved from services to services (number) (5)

  39. 12uc -- Unemployed jobseekers and participants in services in each province 3 months after completion of labour market training (3445), Tammi-Huhtikuu 2006-2024

    Select part: View table: Size: 10004224 Modified: 20240522 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MK01 Uusimaa, MK02 Southwest Finland, MK04 Satakunta, ..., Unknown (21)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age groups2: Total, Young jobseekers aged 15-19, Jobseekers aged 25–49, Jobseekers aged over 50, (4)
    4. Occupation: SSS Total, 11 Chief executives, senior officials and legislators, 12 Administrative and commercial managers, 13 Production and specialised services managers, ..., X9 Undefined and removed classes (51)
    5. Government-funded training: Total, Government-funded training, Normal training, (3)
    6. Year: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, ..., 2024 (19)
    7. Information: Periods of labour market training completed, January–April (number), Unemployed 3 months after completion of labour market training, January–April (number), In services 3 months after completion of labour market training, January–April (number), Proportion of jobseekers unemployed after 3 months as a percentage of completed periods of labour market training, January–April (%), Proportion of service participants after 3 months as a percentage of completed periods of labour market training, January–April (%) (5)

  40. 12ud -- Unemployed jobseekers and participants in services 3 months after completion of training (3471), Tammi-Huhtikuu 2013-2024

    Select part: View table: Size: 5069929 Modified: 20240522 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, Akaa, Alajärvi, Alavieska, ..., ELY16 Åland (414)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age groups2: Total, Young jobseekers aged 15-19, Jobseekers aged 25–49, Jobseekers aged over 50, (4)
    4. Training: Total, Training for job seeking, Training for working life, Career training, Unknown (5)
    5. Year: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, ..., 2024 (12)
    6. Information: Periods of training completed, January–April (number), Unemployed 3 months after completion of training, January–April (number), In services 3 months after completion of training, January–April (number), Proportion of jobseekers unemployed after 3 months as a percentage of completed periods of training, January–April (number), Proportion of service participants after 3 months as a percentage of completed periods of training, January–April (%) (5)

  41. 12ue -- Unemployed jobseekers and participants in services 3 months after completion of employment activities (4445), Tammi-Huhtikuu 2006-2024

    Select part: View table: Size: 39545717 Modified: 20240522 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, Akaa, Alajärvi, Alavieska, ..., ELY16 Åland (414)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age groups2: Total, Young jobseekers aged 15-19, Jobseekers aged 25–49, Jobseekers aged over 50, (4)
    4. Type of employment activity: Total, Pay subsidy to municipality (duration of unempl.), Pay subsidy to municipality (disability/illness), Pay subsidy to private (duration of unempl.), ..., Unknown (33)
    5. Year: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, ..., 2024 (19)
    6. Information: Periods of employment activity ended, January–April (number), Unemployed 3 months after employment activity ended, January–April (number), In services 3 months after employment activity ended, January–April (number), Proportion of jobseekers unemployed after 3 months as a percentage of completed periods of employment activity, January–April (%), Proportion of service participants after 3 months as a percentage of completed periods of employment activity, January–April (number) (5)

  42. 12uf -- Other services by participant occupation in each province (5415), Tammi-Huhtikuu 2006-2024

    Select part: View table: Size: 63398237 Modified: 20240522 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MK01 Uusimaa, MK02 Southwest Finland, MK04 Satakunta, ..., Unknown (21)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age groups: Total, 15 - 19, 20 - 24, 25 - 29, ..., 65 - (12)
    4. Prior employment: Total, Unemployed jobseekers, Other jobseekers, (3)
    5. Other services: On job alternation leave, Job alternation leave substitutes, Assessments and trials, Rehabilitative work, ..., Labour policy opinions (9)
    6. Occupation: SSS Total, 1 Managers, 2 Professionals, 3 Technicians and associate professionals, ..., X Unknown (12)
    7. Year: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, ..., 2024 (19)
    8. Information: In other services during the period, January–April (number), Other service periods started, January–April (number), Other service periods ended, January–April (number), Average duration of other services completed, January–April (wk), Average duration of unemployment prior to other services, January–April (wk) (5)

  43. 12ug -- Work and training trial by employment in each province (5431), Tammi-Huhtikuu 2013-2024

    Select part: View table: Size: 8240763 Modified: 20240522 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MK01 Uusimaa, MK02 Southwest Finland, MK04 Satakunta, ..., Unknown (21)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age groups2: Total, Young jobseekers aged 15-19, Jobseekers aged 25–49, Jobseekers aged over 50, (4)
    4. Occupation: SSS Total, 1 Managers, 2 Professionals, 3 Technicians and associate professionals, ..., X Unknown (12)
    5. Prior employment: Total, Unemployed jobseekers, Other jobseekers, (3)
    6. Assessment(trials): Total, Work trial in a work place, Work trial in a workshop, Recruitment trial, Training trial (5)
    7. Year: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, ..., 2024 (12)
    8. Information: In work/training trials during the period, January–April (number), Work/training trials started, January–April (number), Work/training trials ended, January–April (number), Average duration of work/training trials completed, January–April (wk), Average duration of unemployment prior to work/training trial, January–April (wk) (5)

  44. 12uh -- Unemployed jobseekers and participants in services 3 months after completion of a work and training trial (5471), Tammi-Huhtikuu 2013-2024

    Select part: View table: Size: 4820599 Modified: 20240522 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, Akaa, Alajärvi, Alavieska, ..., ELY16 Åland (414)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age groups2: Total, Young jobseekers aged 15-19, Jobseekers aged 25–49, Jobseekers aged over 50, (4)
    4. Assessment(trials): Total, Work trial in a work place, Work trial in a workshop, Recruitment trial, Training trial (5)
    5. Year: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, ..., 2024 (12)
    6. Information: Periods of work/training trials completed, January–April (number), Unemployed 3 months after completion of work/training trial, January–April (number), In services 3 months after completion of work/training trial, January–April (number), Proportion of jobseekers unemployed after 3 months as a percentage of completed work/training trials, January–April (%), Proportion of service participants after 3 months as a percentage of completed work/training trials, January–April (%) (5)

  45. 12ui -- Unemployed jobseekers and participants in services 3 months after completion of other service activities (5475), Tammi-Huhtikuu 2006-2024

    Select part: View table: Size: 13030687 Modified: 20240522 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, Akaa, Alajärvi, Alavieska, ..., ELY16 Åland (414)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age groups: Total, 15 - 19, 20 - 24, 25 - 29, ..., 65 - (12)
    4. Other services: Job alternation leave substitutes, Rehabilitative work, Self-motivated study, (3)
    5. Year: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, ..., 2024 (19)
    6. Information: Periods of other services ended, January–April (number), Unemployed 3 months after other services ended, January–April (number), In services 3 months after other services ended, January–April (number), Proportion of jobseekers unemployed after 3 months as a percentage of completed periods of other services, January–April (%), Proportion of service participants after 3 months as a percentage of completed periods of other services, January–April (number) (5)

  46. 12uj -- Unemployed jobseekers and participants in services in each province 3 months after completion of labour market training (3445), Tammi-Elokuu 2006-2023

    Select part: View table: Size: 9930470 Modified: 20230926 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MK01 Uusimaa, MK02 Southwest Finland, MK04 Satakunta, ..., Unknown (21)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age groups2: Total, Young jobseekers aged 15-19, Jobseekers aged 25–49, Jobseekers aged over 50, (4)
    4. Occupation: SSS Total, 11 Chief executives, senior officials and legislators, 12 Administrative and commercial managers, 13 Production and specialised services managers, ..., X9 Undefined and removed classes (51)
    5. Government-funded training: Total, Government-funded training, Normal training, (3)
    6. Year: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, ..., 2023 (18)
    7. Information: Periods of labour market training completed, January–August (number), Unemployed 3 months after completion of labour market training, January–August (number), In services 3 months after completion of labour market training, January–August (number), Proportion of jobseekers unemployed after 3 months as a percentage of completed periods of labour market training, January–August (%), Proportion of service participants after 3 months as a percentage of completed periods of labour market training, January–August (%) (5)

  47. 12uk -- Unemployed jobseekers and participants in services 3 months after completion of training (3471), Tammi-Elokuu 2013-2023

    Select part: View table: Size: 4929299 Modified: 20230926 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, Akaa, Alajärvi, Alavieska, ..., ELY16 Åland (414)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age groups2: Total, Young jobseekers aged 15-19, Jobseekers aged 25–49, Jobseekers aged over 50, (4)
    4. Training: Total, Training for job seeking, Training for working life, Career training, Unknown (5)
    5. Year: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, ..., 2023 (11)
    6. Information: Periods of training completed, January–August (number), Unemployed 3 months after completion of training, January–August (number), In services 3 months after completion of training, January–August (number), Proportion of jobseekers unemployed after 3 months as a percentage of completed periods of training, January–August (number), Proportion of service participants after 3 months as a percentage of completed periods of training, January–August (%) (5)

  48. 12ul -- Unemployed jobseekers and participants in services 3 months after completion of employment activities (4445), Tammi-Elokuu 2006-2023

    Select part: View table: Size: 38819391 Modified: 20230926 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, Akaa, Alajärvi, Alavieska, ..., ELY16 Åland (414)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age groups2: Total, Young jobseekers aged 15-19, Jobseekers aged 25–49, Jobseekers aged over 50, (4)
    4. Type of employment activity: Total, Pay subsidy to municipality (duration of unempl.), Pay subsidy to municipality (disability/illness), Pay subsidy to private (duration of unempl.), ..., Unknown (33)
    5. Year: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, ..., 2023 (18)
    6. Information: Periods of employment activity ended, January–August (number), Unemployed 3 months after employment activity ended, January–August (number), In services 3 months after employment activity ended, January–August (number), Proportion of jobseekers unemployed after 3 months as a percentage of completed periods of employment activity, January–August (%), Proportion of service participants after 3 months as a percentage of completed periods of employment activity, January–August (number) (5)

  49. 12um -- Other services by participant occupation in each province (5415), Tammi-Elokuu 2006-2023

    Select part: View table: Size: 61302629 Modified: 20230926 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MK01 Uusimaa, MK02 Southwest Finland, MK04 Satakunta, ..., Unknown (21)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age groups: Total, 15 - 19, 20 - 24, 25 - 29, ..., 65 - (12)
    4. Prior employment: Total, Unemployed jobseekers, Other jobseekers, (3)
    5. Other services: On job alternation leave, Job alternation leave substitutes, Assessments and trials, Rehabilitative work, ..., Labour policy opinions (9)
    6. Occupation: SSS Total, 1 Managers, 2 Professionals, 3 Technicians and associate professionals, ..., X Unknown (12)
    7. Year: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, ..., 2023 (18)
    8. Information: In other services during the period, January–August (number), Other service periods started, January–August (number), Other service periods ended, January–August (number), Average duration of other services completed, January–August (wk), Average duration of unemployment prior to other services, January-August (wk) (5)

  50. 12un -- Work and training trial by employment in each province (5431), Tammi-Elokuu 2013-2023

    Select part: View table: Size: 7692886 Modified: 20230926 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MK01 Uusimaa, MK02 Southwest Finland, MK04 Satakunta, ..., Unknown (21)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age groups2: Total, Young jobseekers aged 15-19, Jobseekers aged 25–49, Jobseekers aged over 50, (4)
    4. Occupation: SSS Total, 1 Managers, 2 Professionals, 3 Technicians and associate professionals, ..., X Unknown (12)
    5. Prior employment: Total, Unemployed jobseekers, Other jobseekers, (3)
    6. Assessment(trials): Total, Work trial in a work place, Work trial in a workshop, Recruitment trial, Training trial (5)
    7. Year: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, ..., 2023 (11)
    8. Information: In work/training trials during the period, January-August (number), Work/training trials started, January-August (number), Work/training trials ended, January-August (number), Average duration of work/training trials completed, January–August (wk), Average duration of unemployment prior to work/training trial, January–August (wk) (5)

  51. 12up -- Unemployed jobseekers and participants in services 3 months after completion of a work and training trial (5471), Tammi-Elokuu 2013-2023

    Select part: View table: Size: 4662140 Modified: 20230926 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, Akaa, Alajärvi, Alavieska, ..., ELY16 Åland (414)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age groups2: Total, Young jobseekers aged 15-19, Jobseekers aged 25–49, Jobseekers aged over 50, (4)
    4. Assessment(trials): Total, Work trial in a work place, Work trial in a workshop, Recruitment trial, Training trial (5)
    5. Year: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, ..., 2023 (11)
    6. Information: Periods of work/training trials completed, January–August (number), Unemployed 3 months after completion of work/training trial, January–August (number), In services 3 months after completion of work/training trial, January–August (number), Proportion of jobseekers unemployed after 3 months as a percentage of completed work/training trials, January–August (%), Proportion of service participants after 3 months as a percentage of completed work/training trials, January–August (%) (5)

  52. 12uq -- Unemployed jobseekers and participants in services 3 months after completion of other service activities (5475), Tammi-Elokuu 2006-2023

    Select part: View table: Size: 12919542 Modified: 20230926 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, Akaa, Alajärvi, Alavieska, ..., ELY16 Åland (414)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age groups: Total, 15 - 19, 20 - 24, 25 - 29, ..., 65 - (12)
    4. Other services: Job alternation leave substitutes, Rehabilitative work, Self-motivated study, (3)
    5. Year: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, ..., 2023 (18)
    6. Information: Periods of other services ended, January–August (number), Unemployed 3 months after other services ended, January–August (number), In services 3 months after other services ended, January–August (number), Proportion of jobseekers unemployed after 3 months as a percentage of completed periods of other services, January–August (%), Proportion of service participants after 3 months as a percentage of completed periods of other services, January–August (%) (5)

  53. 12ur -- Unemployed jobseekers and participants in services in each province 3 months after completion of labour market training (3445), Tammi-Joulukuu 2006-2023

    Select part: View table: Size: 10168631 Modified: 20240125 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MK01 Uusimaa, MK02 Southwest Finland, MK04 Satakunta, ..., Unknown (21)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age groups2: Total, Young jobseekers aged 15-19, Jobseekers aged 25–49, Jobseekers aged over 50, (4)
    4. Occupation: SSS Total, 11 Chief executives, senior officials and legislators, 12 Administrative and commercial managers, 13 Production and specialised services managers, ..., X9 Undefined and removed classes (51)
    5. Government-funded training: Total, Government-funded training, Normal training, (3)
    6. Year: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, ..., 2023 (18)
    7. Information: Periods of labour market training completed, January–December (number), Unemployed 3 months after completion of labour market training, January–December (number), In services 3 months after completion of labour market training, January–December (number), Proportion of jobseekers unemployed after 3 months as a percentage of completed periods of labour market training, January–December (%), Proportion of service participants after 3 months as a percentage of completed periods of labour market training, January–December (%) (5)

  54. 12us -- Unemployed jobseekers and participants in services 3 months after completion of training (3471), Tammi-Joulukuu 2013-2023

    Select part: View table: Size: 5070264 Modified: 20240125 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, Akaa, Alajärvi, Alavieska, ..., ELY16 Åland (414)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age groups2: Total, Young jobseekers aged 15-19, Jobseekers aged 25–49, Jobseekers aged over 50, (4)
    4. Training: Total, Training for job seeking, Training for working life, Career training, Unknown (5)
    5. Year: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, ..., 2023 (11)
    6. Information: Periods of training completed, January–December (number), Unemployed 3 months after completion of training, January–December (number), In services 3 months after completion of training, January–December (number), Proportion of jobseekers unemployed after 3 months as a percentage of completed periods of training, January–December (%), Proportion of service participants after 3 months as a percentage of completed periods of training, January–December (%) (5)

  55. 12ut -- Unemployed jobseekers and participants in services 3 months after completion of employment activities (4445), Tammi-Joulukuu 2006-2023

    Select part: View table: Size: 39726793 Modified: 20240125 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, Akaa, Alajärvi, Alavieska, ..., ELY16 Åland (414)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age groups2: Total, Young jobseekers aged 15-19, Jobseekers aged 25–49, Jobseekers aged over 50, (4)
    4. Type of employment activity: Total, Pay subsidy to municipality (duration of unempl.), Pay subsidy to municipality (disability/illness), Pay subsidy to private (duration of unempl.), ..., Unknown (33)
    5. Year: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, ..., 2023 (18)
    6. Information: Periods of employment activity ended, January–December (number), Unemployed 3 months after employment activity ended, January–December (number), In services 3 months after employment activity ended, January–December (number), Proportion of jobseekers unemployed after 3 months as a percentage of completed periods of employment activity, January–December (%), Proportion of service participants after 3 months as a percentage of completed periods of employment activity, January–December (%) (5)

  56. 12uu -- Other services by participant occupation in each province (5415), Tammi-Joulukuu 2006-2023

    Select part: View table: Size: 61924708 Modified: 20240125 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MK01 Uusimaa, MK02 Southwest Finland, MK04 Satakunta, ..., Unknown (21)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age groups: Total, 15 - 19, 20 - 24, 25 - 29, ..., 65 - (12)
    4. Prior employment: Total, Unemployed jobseekers, Other jobseekers, (3)
    5. Other services: On job alternation leave, Job alternation leave substitutes, Assessments and trials, Rehabilitative work, ..., Labour policy opinions (9)
    6. Occupation: SSS Total, 1 Managers, 2 Professionals, 3 Technicians and associate professionals, ..., X Unknown (12)
    7. Year: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, ..., 2023 (18)
    8. Information: In other services during the period, January–December (number), Other service periods started, January–December (number), Other service periods ended, January–December (number), Average duration of other services completed, January–December (wk), Average duration of unemployment prior to other services, January–December (wk) (5)

  57. 12uw -- Unemployed jobseekers and participants in services 3 months after completion of a work and training trial (5471), Tammi-Joulukuu 2013-2023

    Select part: View table: Size: 4758875 Modified: 20240125 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, Akaa, Alajärvi, Alavieska, ..., ELY16 Åland (414)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age groups2: Total, Young jobseekers aged 15-19, Jobseekers aged 25–49, Jobseekers aged over 50, (4)
    4. Assessment(trials): Total, Work trial in a work place, Work trial in a workshop, Recruitment trial, Training trial (5)
    5. Year: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, ..., 2023 (11)
    6. Information: Periods of work/training trials completed, January–December (number), Unemployed 3 months after completion of work/training trial, January–December (number), In services 3 months after completion of work/training trial, January–December (number), Proportion of jobseekers unemployed after 3 months as a percentage of completed work/training trials, January–December (%), Proportion of service participants after 3 months as a percentage of completed work/training trials, January–December (%) (5)

  58. 12uv -- Work and training trial by employment in each province (5431), Tammi-Joulukuu 2013-2023

    Select part: View table: Size: 7800230 Modified: 20240125 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MK01 Uusimaa, MK02 Southwest Finland, MK04 Satakunta, ..., Unknown (21)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age groups2: Total, Young jobseekers aged 15-19, Jobseekers aged 25–49, Jobseekers aged over 50, (4)
    4. Occupation: SSS Total, 1 Managers, 2 Professionals, 3 Technicians and associate professionals, ..., X Unknown (12)
    5. Prior employment: Total, Unemployed jobseekers, Other jobseekers, (3)
    6. Assessment(trials): Total, Work trial in a work place, Work trial in a workshop, Recruitment trial, Training trial (5)
    7. Year: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, ..., 2023 (11)
    8. Information: In work/training trials during the period, January–December (number), Work/training trials started, January–December (number), Work/training trials ended, January–December (number), Average duration of work/training trials, January–December (wk), Average duration of unemployment prior to work/training trial, January–December (wk) (5)

  59. 12ux -- Unemployed jobseekers and participants in services 3 months after completion of other service activities (5475), Tammi-Joulukuu 2006-2023

    Select part: View table: Size: 13355321 Modified: 20240125 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, Akaa, Alajärvi, Alavieska, ..., ELY16 Åland (414)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age groups: Total, 15 - 19, 20 - 24, 25 - 29, ..., 65 - (12)
    4. Other services: Job alternation leave substitutes, Rehabilitative work, Self-motivated study, (3)
    5. Year: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, ..., 2023 (18)
    6. Information: Periods of other services ended, January–December (number), Unemployed 3 months after other services ended, January–December (number), In services 3 months after other services ended, January–December (number), Proportion of jobseekers unemployed after 3 months as a percentage of completed periods of other services, January–December (%), Proportion of service participants after 3 months as a percentage of completed periods of other services, January–December (%) (5)

  60. 12uy -- Jobseekers by occupation and level of education in each province (1510), Tammi-Kesäkuu 2006-2024

    Select part: View table: Size: 61342200 Modified: 20240723 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MK01 Uusimaa, MK02 Southwest Finland, MK04 Satakunta, ..., Unknown (21)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age groups2: Total, Young jobseekers aged 15-19, Jobseekers aged 25–49, Jobseekers aged over 50, (4)
    4. Occupation: SSS Total, 11 Chief executives, senior officials and legislators, 12 Administrative and commercial managers, 13 Production and specialised services managers, ..., X9 Undefined and removed classes (51)
    5. Level of education: Total, Primary education, Lower secondary education, Upper secondary education, ..., Basic education or level of education unknown (10)
    6. Year: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, ..., 2024 (19)
    7. Information: Jobseekers during January–June (number), Unemployed jobseekers during January–June (number), Job searches started during January–June (number), Job searches ended during January–June (number), ..., Long-term unemployed during January–June (number) (8)

  61. 12uz -- Vacancies by occupation and sector in each province (2510), Tammi-Kesäkuu 2006-2024

    Select part: View table: Size: 15178323 Modified: 20240723 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MK01 Uusimaa, MK02 Southwest Finland, MK04 Satakunta, ..., Unknown (21)
    2. Occupation: SSS Total, 11 Chief executives, senior officials and legislators, 12 Administrative and commercial managers, 13 Production and specialised services managers, ..., X9 Undefined and removed classes (51)
    3. Employer sector: Total, State, Municipality, Private employer, community, excl. company, ..., Unknown (9)
    4. Duration of work in a workplace: Total, Below 11 days, 11 days-1 month, 1-3 months, ..., Unknown (8)
    5. Year: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, ..., 2024 (19)
    6. Information: Vacancies during January–June (number), New vacancies during January–June (number), Vacancies filled during January–June (number), Average vacancy duration of jobs filled during January–June (days), (4)

  62. 12v1 -- Participants in labour market training and those starting a training course by target occupation in each province (3510), Tammi-Kesäkuu 2006-2024

    Select part: View table: Size: 33698218 Modified: 20240723 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MK01 Uusimaa, MK02 Southwest Finland, MK04 Satakunta, ..., Unknown (21)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age groups: Total, 15 - 19, 20 - 24, 25 - 29, ..., 65 - (12)
    4. Prior employment: Total, Unemployed jobseekers, Other jobseekers, (3)
    5. Occupation: SSS Total, 11 Chief executives, senior officials and legislators, 12 Administrative and commercial managers, 13 Production and specialised services managers, ..., X9 Undefined and removed classes (51)
    6. Government-funded training: Total, Government-funded training, Normal training, (3)
    7. Year: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, ..., 2024 (19)
    8. Information: In labour market training during January–June (number), Labour market training periods started during January–June (number), (2)

  63. 12v2 -- Those who completed labour market training by prior employment status in each province (3530), Tammi-Kesäkuu 2006-2024

    Select part: View table: Size: 10306271 Modified: 20240723 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MK01 Uusimaa, MK02 Southwest Finland, MK04 Satakunta, ..., Unknown (21)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age groups: Total, 15 - 19, 20 - 24, 25 - 29, ..., 65 - (12)
    4. Prior employment: Total, Unemployed jobseekers, Other jobseekers, (3)
    5. Reason why training ended: Total, Completed training, Dropped out, employed in the field of study, Dropped out, employed elsewhere, ..., Unknown (13)
    6. Government-funded training: Total, Government-funded training, Normal training, (3)
    7. Year: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, ..., 2024 (19)
    8. Information: Labour market training periods completed, January–June (number), Average number of labour market training days completed during January–June (days), (2)

  64. 12v3 -- Training programmes by reason for ending in each province (3570), Tammi-Kesäkuu 2006-2024

    Select part: View table: Size: 14753191 Modified: 20240723 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MK01 Uusimaa, MK02 Southwest Finland, MK04 Satakunta, ..., Unknown (21)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age groups: Total, 15 - 19, 20 - 24, 25 - 29, ..., 65 - (12)
    4. Prior employment: Total, Unemployed jobseekers, Other jobseekers, (3)
    5. Reason why training ended: Total, Completed training, Dropped out, employed in the field of study, Dropped out, employed elsewhere, ..., Unknown (13)
    6. Training: Training for job seeking, Training for working life, Career training, (3)
    7. Year: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, ..., 2024 (19)
    8. Information: In training during January–June (number), Training periods started during January–June (number), Training periods completed during January–June (number), Average number of training days completed during January–June (days), (4)

  65. 12v4 -- Employment activity by type in each province (4515), Tammi-Kesäkuu 2006-2024

    Select part: View table: Size: 5122950 Modified: 20240723 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MK01 Uusimaa, MK02 Southwest Finland, MK04 Satakunta, ..., Unknown (21)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age groups: Total, 15 - 19, 20 - 24, 25 - 29, ..., 65 - (12)
    4. Type of employment activity: Total, Pay subsidy to municipality (duration of unempl.), Pay subsidy to municipality (disability/illness), Pay subsidy to private (duration of unempl.), ..., Unknown (33)
    5. Year: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, ..., 2024 (19)
    6. Information: In employment activity during January–June (number), Employment activity periods started during January–June (number), Employment activity periods ended during January–June (number), Average duration of employment activity completed during January–June (wk), (4)

  66. 12v5 -- Jobseekers by occupation and level of education in each province (1510), Tammi-Joulukuu 2006-2023

    Select part: View table: Size: 59346430 Modified: 20240220 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MK01 Uusimaa, MK02 Southwest Finland, MK04 Satakunta, ..., Unknown (21)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age groups2: Total, Young jobseekers aged 15-19, Jobseekers aged 25–49, Jobseekers aged over 50, (4)
    4. Occupation: SSS Total, 11 Chief executives, senior officials and legislators, 12 Administrative and commercial managers, 13 Production and specialised services managers, ..., X9 Undefined and removed classes (51)
    5. Level of education: Total, Primary education, Lower secondary education, Upper secondary education, ..., Basic education or level of education unknown (10)
    6. Year: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, ..., 2023 (18)
    7. Information: Jobseekers during January–December (number), Unemployed jobseekers during January–December (number), Job searches started during January–December (number), Job searches ended during January–December (number), ..., Long-term unemployed during January–December (number) (8)

  67. 12v6 -- Vacancies by occupation and sector in each province (2510), Tammi-Joulukuu 2006-2023

    Select part: View table: Size: 14752258 Modified: 20240220 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MK01 Uusimaa, MK02 Southwest Finland, MK04 Satakunta, ..., Unknown (21)
    2. Occupation: SSS Total, 11 Chief executives, senior officials and legislators, 12 Administrative and commercial managers, 13 Production and specialised services managers, ..., X9 Undefined and removed classes (51)
    3. Employer sector: Total, State, Municipality, Private employer, community, excl. company, ..., Unknown (9)
    4. Duration of work in a workplace: Total, Below 11 days, 11 days-1 month, 1-3 months, ..., Unknown (8)
    5. Year: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, ..., 2023 (18)
    6. Information: Vacancies during January–December (number), New vacancies during January–December (number), Vacancies filled during January–December (number), Average vacancy duration of jobs filled during January–December (days), (4)

  68. 12v7 -- Participants in labour market training and those starting a training course by target occupation in each province (3510), Tammi-Joulukuu 2006-2023

    Select part: View table: Size: 33087355 Modified: 20240220 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MK01 Uusimaa, MK02 Southwest Finland, MK04 Satakunta, ..., Unknown (21)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age groups: Total, 15 - 19, 20 - 24, 25 - 29, ..., 65 - (12)
    4. Prior employment: Total, Unemployed jobseekers, Other jobseekers, (3)
    5. Occupation: SSS Total, 11 Chief executives, senior officials and legislators, 12 Administrative and commercial managers, 13 Production and specialised services managers, ..., X9 Undefined and removed classes (51)
    6. Government-funded training: Total, Government-funded training, Normal training, (3)
    7. Year: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, ..., 2023 (18)
    8. Information: In labour market training during January–December (number), Labour market training periods started during January–December (number), (2)

  69. 12v8 -- Those who completed labour market training by prior employment status in each province (3530), Tammi-Joulukuu 2006-2023

    Select part: View table: Size: 10195957 Modified: 20240220 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MK01 Uusimaa, MK02 Southwest Finland, MK04 Satakunta, ..., Unknown (21)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age groups: Total, 15 - 19, 20 - 24, 25 - 29, ..., 65 - (12)
    4. Prior employment: Total, Unemployed jobseekers, Other jobseekers, (3)
    5. Reason why training ended: Total, Completed training, Dropped out, employed in the field of study, Dropped out, employed elsewhere, ..., Unknown (13)
    6. Government-funded training: Total, Government-funded training, Normal training, (3)
    7. Year: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, ..., 2023 (18)
    8. Information: Labour market training periods completed during January–December (number), Average number of labour market training days completed during January–December (days), (2)

  70. 12v9 -- Training programmes by reason for ending in each province (3570), Tammi-Joulukuu 2006-2023

    Select part: View table: Size: 14030923 Modified: 20240220 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MK01 Uusimaa, MK02 Southwest Finland, MK04 Satakunta, ..., Unknown (21)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age groups: Total, 15 - 19, 20 - 24, 25 - 29, ..., 65 - (12)
    4. Prior employment: Total, Unemployed jobseekers, Other jobseekers, (3)
    5. Reason why training ended: Total, Completed training, Dropped out, employed in the field of study, Dropped out, employed elsewhere, ..., Unknown (13)
    6. Training: Training for job seeking, Training for working life, Career training, (3)
    7. Year: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, ..., 2023 (18)
    8. Information: In training during January–December (number), Training periods started during January–December (number), Training periods completed during January–December (number), Average number of training days completed during January–December (days), (4)

  71. 12va -- Employment activity by type in each province (4515), Tammi-Joulukuu 2006-2023

    Select part: View table: Size: 4938499 Modified: 20240220 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MK01 Uusimaa, MK02 Southwest Finland, MK04 Satakunta, ..., Unknown (21)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age groups: Total, 15 - 19, 20 - 24, 25 - 29, ..., 65 - (12)
    4. Type of employment activity: Total, Pay subsidy to municipality (duration of unempl.), Pay subsidy to municipality (disability/illness), Pay subsidy to private (duration of unempl.), ..., Unknown (33)
    5. Year: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, ..., 2023 (18)
    6. Information: In employment activity during January–December (number), Employment activity periods started during January–December (number), Employment activity periods ended during January–December (number), Average duration of employment activity completed during January–December (wk), (4)

  72. 135e -- Ended job seekings and periods by occupation during the month (1318), 2006M01-2024M06

    Select part: View table: Size: 259586708 Modified: 20240723 08.00

    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MK01 Uusimaa, MK02 Southwest Finland, MK04 Satakunta, ..., Unknown (21)
    2. Employment code: Total, Employed, Employed in the open labour market, Unemployed, ..., Unknown (12)
    3. Change in employment: Total, Employed, Placed at work in the open labour market, Lay-off/Shortened week ended, ..., Unknown (20)
    4. Occupation: SSS Total, 11 Chief executives, senior officials and legislators, 12 Administrative and commercial managers, 13 Production and specialised services managers, ..., X9 Undefined and removed classes (51)
    5. Month: 2006M01, 2006M02, 2006M03, 2006M04, ..., 2024M06 (222)
    6. Information: Job searches ended (number), Periods ended (number), (2)