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  1. 11pk -- Employees aged 15-74 by type of employment relationship and sex, 2009-2024

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    1. Year: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, ..., 2024 (16)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Information: Employees total, 1000 persons, Employees, permanent full-time work, 1000 persons, Employees, permanent part-time work, 1000 persons, Employees, permanent work total, 1000 persons, ..., Part-time work total, proportion of employees, % (17)

  2. 12bt -- Employees aged 15 to 74 in permanent and temporary (fixed-term) work by employer sector and sex, 2009-2024

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    1. Year: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, ..., 2024 (16)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Employer sector: Employer sector total, Central government, Local government, Private sector, Public sector (5)
    4. Information: Employees total, 1000 persons, Employees, permanent work total, 1000 persons, Employees, temporary (fixed-term) work total, 1000 persons, Permanent work total, proportion of employees, %, Temporary (fixed-term) work total, proportion of employees, % (5)

  3. 135y -- Population by labour force status, sex and age, monthly data, 2009M01-2025M02

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    1. Month: 2009M01, 2009M02, 2009M03, 2009M04, ..., 2025M02 (194)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age group: 15 - 74, 15 - 64, 15 - 24, 20 - 64, ..., 55 - 64 (9)
    4. Information: Population, 1000 persons, Active population, 1000 persons, Employed, 1000 persons, Unemployed, 1000 persons, ..., Activity rate, % (8)

  4. 135z -- Key indicators of the Labour Force Survey and their seasonal adjusted series and trends adjusted for random and seasonal variation, 2010M01-2025M02

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    1. Month: 2010M01, 2010M02, 2010M03, 2010M04, ..., 2025M02 (182)
    2. Information: Employment rate, persons aged 15-64, %, Employment rate, persons aged 15-64, %, trend, Employment rate, persons aged 15-64, %, seasonally adjusted, Employment rate, persons aged 20-64, %, ..., Unemployment rate, persons aged 15-24, %, trend (21)

  5. 137h -- Population by labour force status, sex and age, quarterly data, 2009Q1-2024Q4

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    1. Quarter: 2009Q1, 2009Q2, 2009Q3, 2009Q4, ..., 2024Q4 (64)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age group: 15 - 74, 15 - 64, 15 - 24, 20 - 64, ..., 55 - 64 (9)
    4. Information: Population, 1000 persons, Active population, 1000 persons, Employed total, 1000 persons, Unemployed, 1000 persons, ..., Activity rate, % (8)

  6. 137i -- Population aged 15-74 by labour force status, sex and major region, quarterly data, 2012Q1-2024Q4

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    1. Quarter: 2012Q1, 2012Q2, 2012Q3, 2012Q4, ..., 2024Q4 (52)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Major regions 2012: WHOLE COUNTRY, SA1 Helsinki-Uusimaa, SA2 Southern Finland, SA3 Western Finland, SA4 Northern and Eastern Finland (5)
    4. Information: Population, 1000 persons, Active population, 1000 persons, Employed total, 1000 persons, Unemployed, 1000 persons, ..., Unemployment rate, % (8)

  7. 137k -- Employees and self-employed persons aged 15-74 by sex, quarterly data, 2009Q1-2024Q4

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    1. Quarter: 2009Q1, 2009Q2, 2009Q3, 2009Q4, ..., 2024Q4 (64)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Information: Employed total, 1000 persons, Employees, 1000 persons, Self-employed persons and unpaid family workers, 1000 persons, Self-employed persons, 1000 persons, ..., Self-employed without employees (excl. agriculture, forestry and fishing), 1000 persons (8)

  8. 137l -- Employed persons and employees aged 15-74 and hours actually worked by employed persons and employees by industry (TOL 2008), quarterly data, 2009Q1-2024Q4

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    1. Industry: Total, A, B Agriculture, forestry and fishing; mining and quarrying (01-09), 01 Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities, C Manufacturing (10-33), ..., Unknown (37)
    2. Quarter: 2009Q1, 2009Q2, 2009Q3, 2009Q4, ..., 2024Q4 (64)
    3. Information: Employed total, 1000 persons, Employees, 1000 persons, Hours actually worked by employed persons, 1000 hours, Hours actually worked by employees, 1000 hours, (4)

  9. 137m -- Employees aged 15-74 by type of employment relationship and sex, quarterly data, 2009Q1-2024Q4

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    1. Quarter: 2009Q1, 2009Q2, 2009Q3, 2009Q4, ..., 2024Q4 (64)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Information: Employees total, 1000 persons, Employees, permanent full-time work, 1000 persons, Employees, permanent part-time work, 1000 persons, Employees, permanent work total, 1000 persons, ..., Part-time work total, proportion of employees, % (17)

  10. 13aj -- Population by labour force status, sex and age, 2009-2024

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    1. Year: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, ..., 2024 (16)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age group: 15 - 74, 15 - 64, 15 - 19, 15 - 24, ..., 70 - 74 (22)
    4. Information: Population, 1000 persons, Active population, 1000 persons, Employed total, 1000 persons, Unemployed, 1000 persons, ..., Activity rate, % (8)

  11. 13ak -- Population aged 15-74 by labour force status, sex and major region, 2012-2024

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    1. Year: 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, ..., 2024 (13)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Major regions 2012: WHOLE COUNTRY, SA1 Helsinki-Uusimaa, SA2 Southern Finland, SA3 Western Finland, SA4 Northern and Eastern Finland (5)
    4. Information: Population, 1000 persons, Active population, 1000 persons, Employed total, 1000 persons, Unemployed, 1000 persons, ..., Unemployment rate, % (8)

  12. 13al -- Population aged 15-74 by labour force status and region, 2009-2024

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    1. Year: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, ..., 2024 (16)
    2. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MK01 Uusimaa, MK02 Southwest Finland, MK04 Satakunta, ..., MK21 Åland (20)
    3. Information: Population, 1000 persons, Active population, 1000 persons, Employed total, 1000 persons, Unemployed, 1000 persons, ..., Activity rate, % (7)

  13. 13am -- Participation of young people (15-29) in education and the labour market by sex and age, 2009-2024

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    1. Year: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, ..., 2024 (16)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age group: 15 - 29, 15 - 18, 15 - 19, 15 - 24, ..., 25 - 29 (6)
    4. Information: Population, 1000 persons, Employed total, 1000 persons, Of employed, in education or training, 1,000 persons, Of employed, not in education nor training, 1,000 persons, ..., Non-employed persons not in education or training nor performing compulsory military service, share of age group, % (9)

  14. 13ap -- Employed persons, employees and self-employed persons aged 15-74 by sex, 2009-2024

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    1. Year: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, ..., 2024 (16)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Information: Employed total, 1000 persons, Employees, 1000 persons, Self-employed persons and unpaid family workers, 1000 persons, Self-employed persons, 1000 persons, ..., Self-employed without employees (excl. agriculture, forestry and fishing), 1000 persons (8)

  15. 13aq -- Employed persons and employees aged 15-74 and hours actually worked by employed persons and employees by industry (TOL 2008), 2009-2024

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    1. Year: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, ..., 2024 (16)
    2. Industry: Total, A, B Agriculture, forestry and fishing; mining and quarrying (01-09), 01 Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities, C Manufacturing (10-33), ..., Unknown (37)
    3. Information: Employed total, 1000 persons, Employees, 1000 persons, Hours actually worked by employed persons, 1000 hours, Hours actually worked by employees, 1000 hours, (4)

  16. 13ar -- Employed persons and employees aged 15-74 and hours actually worked by employed persons and employees by industry (TOL 2008) and sex, 2009-2024

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    1. Year: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, ..., 2024 (16)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Industry: Total, A, B Agriculture, forestry and fishing; mining and quarrying (01-09), C Manufacturing (10-33), D, E Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning and water supply; sewerage and waste management (35-39), ..., Unknown (18)
    4. Information: Employed total, 1000 persons, Employees, 1000 persons, Hours actually worked by employed persons, 1000 hours, Hours actually worked by employees, 1000 hours, (4)

  17. 13as -- Employed persons and employees aged 15-74 by employer sector and industry (TOL 2008), 2009-2024

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    1. Year: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, ..., 2024 (16)
    2. Industry: Total, A, B Agriculture, forestry and fishing; mining and quarrying (01-09), C-E Manufacturing; electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning and water supply; sewerage and waste management (10-39), F Construction (41-43), ..., R-U Arts, entertainment and recreation; other service activities (90-99) (14)
    3. Employer sector: Employer sector total, Private sector, Public sector, (3)
    4. Information: Employed total, 1000 persons, Employees, 1000 persons, (2)

  18. 13at -- Annual hours actually worked per employed and employee, by employer sector and industry (TOL 2008), persons aged 15 to 74, 2009-2024

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    1. Year: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, ..., 2024 (16)
    2. Industry: Total, A, B Agriculture, forestry and fishing; mining and quarrying (01-09), C Manufacturing (10-33), D, E Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning and water supply; sewerage and waste management (35-39), ..., S-U Other service activities (94-99) (17)
    3. Employer sector: Employer sector total, Private sector, Public sector, (3)
    4. Information: Annual hours actually worked per employed (hours/employed), Annual hours actually worked per employee (hours/employee), (2)

  19. 13au -- Employed persons aged 15 to 74 by occupation (Classification of Occupations 2010) and sex, 2013-2024

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    1. Year: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, ..., 2024 (12)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Occupation 2010: SSS Total, 0 Armed forces, 1 Managers, 11 Chief executives, senior officials and legislators, ..., X Unknown (51)
    4. Information: Employed total, 1000 persons, (1)

  20. 13av -- Employed persons aged 15-74 by educational level and sex, 2009-2024

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    1. Year: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, ..., 2024 (16)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Educational level: Total, 3-4 Upper secondary education or post-secondary non-tertiary education, 5 Short-cycle tertiary education, 5-8 Tertiary education, ..., 9, X Basic education or level of education unknown (7)
    4. Information: Employed total, 1000 persons, (1)

  21. 13aw -- Employed persons and employees in part-time or full-time work by sex and age, 2009-2024

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    1. Year: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, ..., 2024 (16)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age group: 15 - 74, 15 - 64, 15 - 24, 25 - 34, ..., 65 - 74 (8)
    4. Part-time employed: Total, Full-time work, Part-time work, (3)
    5. Information: Employed total, 1000 persons, Employees, 1000 persons, (2)

  22. 13ge -- Population aged 15-74 by labour force status and Regional State Administrative Agencies (AVI), monthly data, 2010M01-2025M02

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    1. Month: 2010M01, 2010M02, 2010M03, 2010M04, ..., 2025M02 (182)
    2. Regional State Administrative Agency: WHOLE COUNTRY, AVI1 Southern Finland AVI, AVI2 Southwestern Finland AVI, AVI3 Eastern Finland AVI, ..., AVI6 Lapland AVI (7)
    3. Information: Population, 1000 persons, Active population, 1000 persons, Employed, 1000 persons, Unemployed, 1000 persons, ..., Unemployment rate, % (8)

  23. 13gf -- Employed persons aged 15-74 by employer sector, monthly data, 2009M01-2025M02

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    1. Month: 2009M01, 2009M02, 2009M03, 2009M04, ..., 2025M02 (194)
    2. Employer sector: Employer sector total, Central government, Local government, Private sector, Public sector (5)
    3. Information: Employed, 1000 persons, (1)

  24. 13gg -- Employed persons, employees and self-employed persons aged 15-74, monthly data, 2009M01-2025M02

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    1. Month: 2009M01, 2009M02, 2009M03, 2009M04, ..., 2025M02 (194)
    2. Information: Employed, 1000 persons, Employees, 1000 persons, Self-employed persons and unpaid family workers, 1000 persons, (3)

  25. 13gh -- Employed persons and employees aged 15-74 in part-time or full-time work by sex, monthly data, 2009M01-2025M02

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    1. Month: 2009M01, 2009M02, 2009M03, 2009M04, ..., 2025M02 (194)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Part-time employed: Total, Full-time work, Part-time work, (3)
    4. Information: Employed, 1000 persons, Employees, 1000 persons, (2)

  26. 13gi -- Employees aged 15-74 by type of employment relationship, monthly data, 2009M01-2025M02

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    1. Month: 2009M01, 2009M02, 2009M03, 2009M04, ..., 2025M02 (194)
    2. Information: Employees total, 1000 persons, Employees, permanent full-time work, 1000 persons, Employees, permanent part-time work, 1000 persons, Employees, permanent work total, 1000 persons, ..., Part-time work total, proportion of employees, % (17)

  27. 13lw -- Population aged 15-74 by labour force status and Regional State Administrative Agencies (AVI), quarterly data, 2010Q1-2024Q4

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    1. Quarter: 2010Q1, 2010Q2, 2010Q3, 2010Q4, ..., 2024Q4 (60)
    2. Regional State Administrative Agency: WHOLE COUNTRY, AVI1 Southern Finland AVI, AVI2 Southwestern Finland AVI, AVI3 Eastern Finland AVI, ..., AVI6 Lapland AVI (7)
    3. Information: Population, 1000 persons, Active population, 1000 persons, Employed total, 1000 persons, Unemployed, 1000 persons, ..., Unemployment rate, % (8)

  28. 13lx -- Population aged 15-74 by labour force status and region, quarterly data, 2009Q1-2024Q4

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    1. Quarter: 2009Q1, 2009Q2, 2009Q3, 2009Q4, ..., 2024Q4 (64)
    2. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MK01 Uusimaa, MK02 Southwest Finland, MK04 Satakunta, ..., MK19 Lapland (19)
    3. Information: Population, 1000 persons, Active population, 1000 persons, Employed total, 1000 persons, Unemployed, 1000 persons, ..., Activity rate, % (8)

  29. 13ly -- Employed persons aged 15-74 by employer sector, quarterly data, 2009Q1-2024Q4

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    1. Quarter: 2009Q1, 2009Q2, 2009Q3, 2009Q4, ..., 2024Q4 (64)
    2. Employer sector: Employer sector total, Central government, Local government, Private sector, Public sector (5)
    3. Information: Employed total, 1000 persons, (1)

  30. 13lz -- Employed persons and employees aged 15-74 in part-time or full-time work by sex, quarterly data, 2009Q1-2024Q4

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    1. Quarter: 2009Q1, 2009Q2, 2009Q3, 2009Q4, ..., 2024Q4 (64)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Part-time employed: Total, Full-time work, Part-time work, (3)
    4. Information: Employed total, 1000 persons, Employees, 1000 persons, (2)

  31. 13nx -- Population aged 20-59 by labour force status, sex and age of youngest child, 2013-2023

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    1. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    2. Age of youngest child: Total, Parents of children under 18 years, total, Youngest child aged under 3, Youngest child aged 3 to 6, ..., No children under 18 years (6)
    3. Year: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, ..., 2023 (11)
    4. Information: Population, 1000 persons, Active population, 1000 persons, Employed total, 1000 persons, Unemployed, 1000 persons, ..., Activity rate, % (8)

  32. 13ny -- Population aged 20-59 by labour force status, sex and number of children, 2013-2023

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    1. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    2. Number of children: Total, 0 aged 17 or under, Parents of children under 18 years, total, 1 aged 17 or under, ..., 3+ aged 17 or under (6)
    3. Year: 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, ..., 2023 (11)
    4. Information: Population, 1000 persons, Active population, 1000 persons, Employed total, 1000 persons, Unemployed, 1000 persons, ..., Activity rate, % (8)

  33. 14bp -- Employed aged 15 to 74 by reason of part-time work and gender, quarterly data, 2021Q1-2024Q4

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    1. Quarter: 2021Q1, 2021Q2, 2021Q3, 2021Q4, ..., 2024Q4 (16)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Reason for part-time work: Part-time workers in total, Full-time work was not available, Studies, Takes care of own children or another relative, ..., Works part-time for some other reason (6)
    4. Information: Employed total, 1000 persons, Percentage of employed working part-time, (2)

  34. 14bq -- Employed aged 15 to 74 by reason of part-time work and gender, annual data, 2021-2024

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    1. Year: 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, (4)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Reason for part-time work: Part-time workers in total, Full-time work was not available, Studies, Takes care of own children or another relative, ..., Works part-time for some other reason (6)
    4. Information: Employed total, 1000 persons, Percentage of employed working part-time, (2)