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  1. 11q7 -- Debtors by age, gender and main type of activity, 2008-2023

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 244857 Modified: 20240429 08.00

    1. Year: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, ..., 2023 (16)
    2. Debtors age: Total, 0 - 14, 15 - 24, 25 - 34, ..., Unknown (10)
    3. Debtors gender: Total, Males, Females, Unknown, (4)
    4. Debtors main type of activity: Total, Labour force, Employed, Unemployed, ..., Unknown (9)
    5. Pendency: Total, Open, Closed, (3)
    6. Information: Amount of debtors, Total debt in recovery proceedings, euro, Amount of enforcements matters, (3)

  2. 11q8 -- Debtors by educational level, occupation and earned income, 2008-2023

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 617347 Modified: 20240429 08.00

    1. Year: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, ..., 2023 (16)
    2. Debtors level of education: Total, Upper secondary education or post-secondary non-tertiary education 3, 4, Short-cycle tertiary education, Bachelor's or equivalent level, ..., Basic education or level of education unknown (6)
    3. Debtors occupation: Total, Managers, Professionals, Technicians and associate professionals, ..., Unknown (12)
    4. Debtors income decile: Total, I (least wealthy 10 %), II, III, ..., Unknown (12)
    5. Pendency: Total, Open, Closed, (3)
    6. Information: Amount of debtors, Total debt in recovery proceedings, euro, Amount of enforcements matters, (3)

  3. 11q9 -- Debtors by gender, family type and number of children, 2008-2023

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 117087 Modified: 20240429 08.00

    1. Year: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, ..., 2023 (16)
    2. Debtors gender: Total, Males, Females, Unknown, (4)
    3. Family type: Total, Married, Cohabiting, Single parent, ..., Unknown (6)
    4. Number of children: Total, 0, 1, 2, ..., 4+ (6)
    5. Pendency: Total, Open, Closed, (3)
    6. Information: Amount of debtors, Total debt in recovery proceedings, euro, Amount of enforcements matters, (3)

  4. 137z -- Debtors by municipality and region, 2009-2023

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 421150 Modified: 20240429 08.00

    1. Year: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, ..., 2023 (15)
    2. Pendency: Total, Open, Closed, (3)
    3. Area: WHOLE COUNTRY, MK01 Uusimaa, Espoo, Helsinki, ..., Unknown (331)
    4. Information: Amount of debtors, Total debt in recovery proceedings, euro, Amount of enforcements matters, Debtors per 1,000 inhabitants, Debtors per 10,000 inhabitants (5)

  5. 13k1 -- Debtors, 2008-2023

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 12443 Modified: 20240429 08.00

    1. Year: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, ..., 2023 (16)
    2. Type of debtor: Total, Natural person, Legal person, (3)
    3. Pendency: Total, Open, Closed, (3)
    4. Information: Amount of debtors, Total debt in recovery proceedings, euro, Total debt in recovery proceedings, billion euros, Amount of enforcements matters, (4)