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  1. 11lj -- Preliminary population structure by area, 2024M01*-2024M06*

    Select part: View table: Size: 1770505 Modified: 20240725 08.00

    1. Month: 2024M01*, 2024M02*, 2024M03*, 2024M04*, ..., 2024M06* (6)
    2. Area: WHOLE COUNTRY, Akaa, Alajärvi, Alavieska, ..., Äänekoski (310)
    3. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    4. Age: Total, 0, 1, 2, ..., 100 - (102)
    5. Information: Population, (1)

  2. 11lk -- Preliminary vital statistics by area, 2024Q1*-2024Q2*

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 85407 Modified: 20240725 08.00

    1. Area: WHOLE COUNTRY, Akaa, Alajärvi, Alavieska, ..., Äänekoski (310)
    2. Quarter: 2024Q1*, 2024Q2*, (2)
    3. Information: Live births, Deaths, Natural increase, Intermunicipal in-migration, ..., Population (21)

  3. 11ll -- Vital statistics by month, 1990M01-2024M06*

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 97681 Modified: 20240725 08.00

    1. Month: 1990M01, 1990M02, 1990M03, 1990M04, ..., 2024M06* (414)
    2. Information: Live births, Deaths, Natural increase, Intermunicipal migration, ..., Population (18)