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  1. 13gz -- Debts, rate of indebtedness and income of household-dwelling units by major region and income decile groups, prices of the most recent statistical year, 2002-2023

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    1. Decile: Total, I (Lowest-income 10 %), II, III, ..., X (Highest-income 10 %) (11)
    2. Household-dwelling units: All household-dwelling units, Household-dwelling units with debts, Household-dwelling units with housing loans, Household-dwelling units with other debts, ..., Household-dwelling units without study loans (10)
    3. Major region: Total, Capital district, Other Helsinki-Uusimaa, Southern Finland, ..., Åland (7)
    4. Year: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, ..., 2023 (22)
    5. Information: Debts total (euros), Rate of indebtedness (per cent), Disposable monetary income (euros), Disposable monetary income, mean (euros), ..., Number of household-dwelling units (6)

  2. 13hh -- Debts of household-dwelling units by age and structure of household, prices of the most recent statistical year, 2002-2023

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    1. Type of debt: Debts total, Housing loans, Other debts, Loans charged on business activities or a source of income, Study loans (5)
    2. Information: Debts (euros), Debts, mean (euros), Interest (euros), Interest, mean (euros), ..., Number of household-dwelling units (7)
    3. Year: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, ..., 2023 (22)
    4. Structure of Household-dwelling unit: Total, One person, One adult with children, Two or more adults with children, ..., Other household (6)
    5. Age of reference person: Total, 0-24, 24-34, 35-44, ..., 75- (8)
    6. Household-dwelling units: All household-dwelling units, Household-dwelling units with debts, Household-dwelling units with housing loans, Household-dwelling units with other debts, ..., Household-dwelling units without study loans (10)

  3. 13iy -- Debts of household-dwelling units by age of reference person and major region, prices of the most recent statistical year, 2002-2023

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    1. Type of debt: Debts total, Housing loans, Other debts, Loans charged on business activities or a source of income, Study loans (5)
    2. Household-dwelling units: All household-dwelling units, Household-dwelling units with debts, Household-dwelling units with housing loans, Household-dwelling units with other debts, ..., Household-dwelling units without study loans (10)
    3. Information: Debts (euros), Debts, mean (euros), Interest (euros), Interest, mean (euros), ..., Number of household-dwelling units (7)
    4. Year: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, ..., 2023 (22)
    5. Major region: Total, Capital district, Other Helsinki-Uusimaa, Southern Finland, ..., Åland (7)
    6. Age of reference person: Total, 0-24, 25-34, 35-44, ..., 65- (7)

  4. 13ks -- Debts, rate of indebtedness and income of household-dwelling units by structure of household and rate of indebtedness, prices of the most recent statistical year, 2002-2023

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    1. Household-dwelling units: All household-dwelling units, Household-dwelling units with debts, Household-dwelling units with housing loans, Household-dwelling units with other debts, ..., Household-dwelling units without study loans (10)
    2. Rate of indebtedness: All household-dwelling units, 0-99 per cent, 100-199 per cent, 200-299 per cent, ..., 500- per cent (7)
    3. Information: Debts total (euros), Rate of indebtedness (per cent), Disposable monetary income (euros), Disposable monetary income, mean (euros), ..., Number of household-dwelling units (6)
    4. Year: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, ..., 2023 (22)
    5. Structure of Household-dwelling unit: Total, One person, One adult with children, Two or more adults with children, ..., Other household (6)

  5. 13kt -- Debts, rate of indebtedness and income of household-dwelling units by age of reference person and region, prices of the most recent statistical year, 2002-2023

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    1. Year: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, ..., 2023 (22)
    2. Information: Debts total (euros), Rate of indebtedness (per cent), Disposable monetary income (euros), Disposable monetary income, mean (euros), ..., Number of household-dwelling units (6)
    3. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MK01 Uusimaa, MK02 Varsinais-Suomi, MK04 Satakunta, ..., MK21 Åland (20)
    4. Age of reference person: Total, 0-24, 24-34, 35-44, ..., 75- (8)
    5. Household-dwelling units: All household-dwelling units, Household-dwelling units with debts, Household-dwelling units with housing loans, Household-dwelling units with other debts, ..., Household-dwelling units without study loans (10)

  6. 13kw -- Debts, rate of indebtedness and income of household-dwelling units by municipalities, prices of the most recent statistical year, 2002-2023

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    1. Municipality: WHOLE COUNTRY, Espoo, Helsinki, Hyvinkää, ..., Vårdö (310)
    2. Household-dwelling units: All household-dwelling units, Household-dwelling units with debts, Household-dwelling units with housing loans, Household-dwelling units with other debts, ..., Household-dwelling units without study loans (10)
    3. Information: Debts total (euros), Rate of indebtedness (per cent), Disposable monetary income (euros), Disposable monetary income, mean (euros), ..., Number of household-dwelling units (6)
    4. Year: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, ..., 2023 (22)

  7. 13ug -- Debts of household-dwelling units by age and region, prices of the most recent statistical year, 2002-2023

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    1. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MK01 Uusimaa, MK02 Varsinais-Suomi, MK04 Satakunta, ..., MK21 Åland (20)
    2. Age of reference person: Total, 0-24, 24-34, 35-44, ..., 75- (8)
    3. Type of debt: Debts total, Housing loans, Other debts, Loans charged on business activities or a source of income, Study loans (5)
    4. Household-dwelling units: All household-dwelling units, Household-dwelling units with debts, Household-dwelling units with housing loans, Household-dwelling units with other debts, ..., Household-dwelling units without study loans (10)
    5. Year: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, ..., 2023 (22)
    6. Information: Debts (euros), Debts, mean (euros), Interest (euros), Interest, mean (euros), ..., Number of household-dwelling units (7)

  8. 13xy -- Debts of household-dwelling units by structure of household and region, in 2022 money, 2002-2023

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    1. Year: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, ..., 2023 (22)
    2. Region: Total, Uusimaa, Varsinais-Suomi, Satakunta, ..., Ahvenanmaa - Åland (20)
    3. Structure of Household-dwelling unit: Total, One person, One adult with children, Two or more adults with children, ..., Other household (6)
    4. Household-dwelling units: All household-dwelling units, Household-dwelling units with debts, Household-dwelling units with housing loans, Household-dwelling units with other debts, ..., Household-dwelling units without study loans (10)
    5. Type of debt: Debts total, Housing loans, Other debts, Loans charged on business activities or a source of income, Study loans (5)
    6. Information: Debts (euros), Debts, mean (euros), Interest (euros), Interest, mean (euros), ..., Number of household-dwelling units (7)

  9. 13xz -- Debts of household-dwelling units by structure of household and major region, in 2022 money, 2002-2023

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    1. Year: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, ..., 2023 (22)
    2. Structure of Household-dwelling unit: Total, One person, One adult with children, Two or more adults with children, ..., Other household (6)
    3. Major region: Total, Capital district, Other Helsinki-Uusimaa, Southern Finland, ..., Åland (7)
    4. Type of debt: Debts total, Housing loans, Other debts, Loans charged on business activities or a source of income, Study loans (5)
    5. Household-dwelling units: All household-dwelling units, Household-dwelling units with debts, Household-dwelling units with housing loans, Household-dwelling units with other debts, ..., Household-dwelling units without study loans (10)
    6. Information: Debts (euros), Debts, mean (euros), Interest, mean (euros), Number of household-dwelling units with type of debt, ..., Number of household-dwelling units (6)

  10. 13y1 -- Debts of household-dwelling units by municipalities, in 2022 money, 2002-2023

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    1. Year: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, ..., 2023 (22)
    2. Municipality: WHOLE COUNTRY, Espoo, Helsinki, Hyvinkää, ..., Vårdö (310)
    3. Type of debt: Debts total, Housing loans, Other debts, Loans charged on business activities or a source of income, Study loans (5)
    4. Household-dwelling units: All household-dwelling units, Household-dwelling units with debts, Household-dwelling units with housing loans, Household-dwelling units with other debts, ..., Household-dwelling units without study loans (10)
    5. Information: Debts (euros), Debts, mean (euros), Interest (euros), Interest, mean (euros), ..., Number of household-dwelling units (7)

  11. 13y3 -- Debts of household-dwelling units by number of children and major region, in 2022 money, 2002-2023

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    1. Year: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, ..., 2023 (22)
    2. Major region: Total, Capital district, Other Helsinki-Uusimaa, Southern Finland, ..., Åland (7)
    3. Number of children: Total, No children, 1 child, 2 children, 3+ children (5)
    4. Household-dwelling units: All household-dwelling units, Household-dwelling units with debts, Household-dwelling units with housing loans, Household-dwelling units with other debts, ..., Household-dwelling units without study loans (10)
    5. Type of debt: Debts total, Housing loans, Other debts, Loans charged on business activities or a source of income, Study loans (5)
    6. Information: Debts (euros), Debts, mean (euros), Interest (euros), Interest, mean (euros), ..., Number of household-dwelling units (7)

  12. 13y4 -- Debts of household-dwelling units by structure of household and debt class, in 2022 money, 2002-2023

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    1. Year: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, ..., 2023 (22)
    2. Debt class: Total, Debt class < 9 999, Debt class 10 000-19 999, Debt class 20 000-29 999, ..., Debt class No debt (12)
    3. Structure of Household-dwelling unit: Total, One person, One adult with children, Two or more adults with children, ..., Other household (6)
    4. Household-dwelling units: All household-dwelling units, Household-dwelling units with debts, Household-dwelling units with housing loans, Household-dwelling units with other debts, ..., Household-dwelling units without study loans (10)
    5. Type of debt: Debts total, Housing loans, Other debts, Loans charged on business activities or a source of income, Study loans (5)
    6. Information: Debts (euros), Debts, mean (euros), Interest (euros), Interest, mean (euros), ..., Number of household-dwelling units (7)

  13. 13y5 -- Debts of household-dwelling units by debt class and major region, in 2022 money, 2002-2023

    Select part: View table: Size: 3556520 Modified: 20240618 08.00

    1. Year: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, ..., 2023 (22)
    2. Major region: Total, Capital district, Other Helsinki-Uusimaa, Southern Finland, ..., Åland (7)
    3. Debt class: Total, Debt class < 9 999, Debt class 10 000-19 999, Debt class 20 000-29 999, ..., Debt class No debt (12)
    4. Household-dwelling units: All household-dwelling units, Household-dwelling units with debts, Household-dwelling units with housing loans, Household-dwelling units with other debts, ..., Household-dwelling units without study loans (10)
    5. Type of debt: Debts total, Housing loans, Other debts, Loans charged on business activities or a source of income, Study loans (5)
    6. Information: Debts (euros), Debts, mean (euros), Interest (euros), Interest, mean (euros), ..., Number of household-dwelling units (7)

  14. 13y6 -- Debts of household-dwelling units by debt class and interest class, in 2022 money, 2002-2023

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    1. Year: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, ..., 2023 (22)
    2. Interest class: Total, Interest class < 499, Interest class 500-999, Interest class 1000-1499, ..., Interest class No interest (15)
    3. Debt class: Total, Debt class < 9 999, Debt class 10 000-19 999, Debt class 20 000-29 999, ..., Debt class No debt (12)
    4. Household-dwelling units: All household-dwelling units, Household-dwelling units with debts, Household-dwelling units with housing loans, Household-dwelling units with other debts, ..., Household-dwelling units without study loans (10)
    5. Type of debt: Debts total, Housing loans, Other debts, Loans charged on business activities or a source of income, Study loans (5)
    6. Information: Debts (euros), Debts, mean (euros), Interest (euros), Interest, mean (euros), ..., Number of household-dwelling units (7)

  15. 13y7 -- Debts of persons by age and sex, in 2022 money, 2002-2023

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    1. Year: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, ..., 2023 (22)
    2. Age-class: Total, 0-19, 20-29, 30-39, ..., 60- (7)
    3. Sex: Both sexes, Males, Females, (3)
    4. Persons: All persons, Persons with debts, Persons with housing loans, Persons with other debts, ..., Persons without study loans (10)
    5. Type of debt: Debts total, Housing loans, Other debts, Loans charged on business activities or a source of income, Study loans (5)
    6. Information: Debts (euros), Debts, mean (euros), Interest (euros), Interest, mean (euros), ..., Number of persons (7)

  16. 142c -- Depts of household-dwelling units by structure of household and region, in 2022 and in nominal money, 2002-2023

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    1. Year: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, ..., 2023 (22)
    2. Region: Total, Uusimaa, Varsinais-Suomi, Satakunta, ..., Ahvenanmaa - Åland (20)
    3. Structure of Household-dwelling unit: Total, One person, One adult with children, Two or more adults with children, ..., Other household (6)
    4. Type of debt: Debts total, Housing loans, Other debts, Loans charged on business activities or a source of income, Study loans (5)
    5. Value of money: In 2023 euros, In nominal euros, (2)
    6. Information: Debts (euros), Debts, mean (euros), Interest (euros), Interest, mean (euros), ..., Number of household-dwelling units (7)