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  1. 143t -- Environmental subsidies by sector, 2014-2022

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 59570 Modified: 20240426 08.00

    1. Year: 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, ..., 2022 (9)
    2. Payer of environmental subsidies: Finland, European union, Finland + European union, (3)
    3. Transaction: Total transfers, D3 Subsidies, D6-D7 Other current transfers, D9 Capital transfers, (4)
    4. Environmental protection and resource management activity: Total, 01 Protection of ambient air and climate, 02 Wastewater management, 03 Waste management, ..., 16 Other resource management activities (18)
    5. Sectors: S0 Total, S1 Total economy, S11, S12 Corporations, S13 General government, ..., S2 Rest of the world (7)
    6. Information: Environmental subsidies, million euro, (1)

  2. 14az -- Environmental subsidies by industry, 2014-2022

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 82104 Modified: 20240426 08.00

    1. Year: 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, ..., 2022 (9)
    2. Payer of environmental subsidies: Finland, European union, Finland + European union, (3)
    3. Transaction: Total transfers, D3 Subsidies, D6-D7 Other current transfers, D9 Capital transfers, (4)
    4. Environmental protection and resource management activity: Total, 01 Protection of ambient air and climate, 02 Wastewater management, 03 Waste management, ..., 16 Other resource management activities (18)
    5. Industry: Industries total, A Agriculture, forestry and fishing, B Mining and quarrying, C Manufacturing, ..., I-U Other services (10)
    6. Information: Environmental subsidies, million euro, (1)