008 -- Output and employment by region 2000-2016*, 30 industries
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- Transaction: P1R Output at basic prices, P2K Intermediate consumption, B1GPHT Value added, gross at basic prices, D1K Compensation of employees, ..., P51TOT Gross fixed capital formation (11)
- Area: WHOLE COUNTRY, Uusimaa, Varsinais-Suomi, Satakunta, ..., Extra-regio territory (21)
- Industry: 0 Industries total, 01 Agriculture and hunting, 02_03 Forestry: Fishing, 05_09 Mining and quarrying, ..., 97_98 Household service activities (31)
- Sector: S1 Total economy, S1Y Private sector, S13 General government, (3)
- Data: Current prices, At previous year`s prices, (2)
- Year: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, ..., 2016 (17)