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  1. 112k -- Price index of old dwellings in housing companies (2015=100) and numbers of transactions, quarterly, 2015Q1-2021Q4*

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    1. Region: Whole country, Greater Helsinki, Whole country excluding Greater Helsinki, Uusimaa, ..., Rovaniemi (84)
    2. Building type: Building types total, Terraced houses, Blocks of flats, (3)
    3. Number of rooms: Total, One-room flat, Two-room flat, Three-room flat+, (4)
    4. Quarter: 2015Q1, 2015Q2, 2015Q3, 2015Q4, ..., 2021Q4* (28)
    5. Information: Price per square meter (EUR/m2), Index (2015=100), Quarterly change (index 2015=100), Annual change (index 2015=100), ..., Number of sales, asset transfer tax data starting from 2020 (9)

  2. 112n -- Price index of old dwellings in housing companies (2015=100) and numbers of transactions, monthly, 2015M01-2022M02*

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    1. Region: Whole country, Greater Helsinki, Whole country excluding Greater Helsinki, Helsinki, ..., Northern Finland (14)
    2. Building type: Building types total, Terraced houses, Blocks of flats, (3)
    3. Month: 2015M01, 2015M02, 2015M03, 2015M04, ..., 2022M02* (86)
    4. Information: Price per square meter (EUR/m2), Index (2015=100), Monthly change (index 2015=100), Annual change (index 2015=100), ..., Average time to sale (11)

  3. 12r3 -- Number and value of house sales, 2015Q1-2021Q4*

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    1. Quarter: 2015Q1, 2015Q2, 2015Q3, 2015Q4, ..., 2021Q4* (28)
    2. Building type: New multi-unit dwellings, New single-unit dwellings, Existing multi-unit dwellings, Existing single-unit dwellings, ..., Building types total (excluding new single-unit dwellings) (6)
    3. Region: Whole country, Greater Helsinki, Whole country excluding Greater Helsinki, Helsinki, ..., Whole country excluding Major cities (15)
    4. Information: Number of house sales until 2019, Number of house sales starting from 2020, Value of house sales until 2019, Value of house sales starting from 2020, (4)

  4. 112m -- Distributions of prices per square meter of existing dwellings since 2015, 2015Q1-2021Q4*

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    1. Region: Helsinki, Helsinki 1, Helsinki 2, Helsinki 3, ..., Oulu (21)
    2. Building type: Terraced houses, Blocks of flats, (2)
    3. Number of rooms: Total, One-room flat, Two-room flat, Three-room flat+, (4)
    4. Quarter: 2015Q1, 2015Q2, 2015Q3, 2015Q4, ..., 2021Q4* (28)
    5. Information: Lower quartile, Median, Upper quartile, (3)

  5. 112l -- Price index of old dwellings in housing companies (2015=100) and numbers of transactions, yearly, 2015-2021

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    1. Region: Whole country, Greater Helsinki, Whole country excluding Greater Helsinki, Uusimaa, ..., Rovaniemi (84)
    2. Building type: Building types total, Terraced houses, Blocks of flats, (3)
    3. Number of rooms: Total, One-room flat, Two-room flat, Three-room flat+, (4)
    4. Year: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, ..., 2021 (7)
    5. Information: Price per square meter (EUR/m2), Index (2015=100), Annual change (index 2015=100), Change in prices compared to 2015, ..., Number of sales, asset transfer tax data starting from 2020 (9)

  6. 112p -- Average prices of old dwellings in housing companies and numbers of transactions by postal code area, 2010Q1-2021Q4*

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    1. Postal code: 00100 Helsinki Keskusta - Etu-Töölö (Helsinki ), 00120 Punavuori (Helsinki ), 00130 Kaartinkaupunki (Helsinki ), 00140 Kaivopuisto - Ullanlinna (Helsinki ), ..., 99980 Utsjoki Keskus (Utsjoki ) (1687)
    2. Building type: Blocks of flats, one-room flat, Blocks of flats, two-room flat, Blocks of flats, three-room flat+, Blocks of flats total, ..., Building types total (6)
    3. Quarter: 2010Q1, 2010Q2, 2010Q3, 2010Q4, ..., 2021Q4* (48)
    4. Information: Price per square meter (EUR/m2), Number of sales, (2)

  7. 112q -- Average prices of old dwellings in housing companies and numbers of transactions by postal code area and year of construction, 2010-2021*

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    1. Postal code: 00100 Helsinki Keskusta - Etu-Töölö (Helsinki ), 00120 Punavuori (Helsinki ), 00130 Kaartinkaupunki (Helsinki ), 00140 Kaivopuisto - Ullanlinna (Helsinki ), ..., 99980 Utsjoki Keskus (Utsjoki ) (1687)
    2. Building type: Blocks of flats, one-room flat, Blocks of flats, two-room flat, Blocks of flats, three-room flat+, Blocks of flats total, ..., Building types total (6)
    3. Year of construction: -1949, 1950-1959, 1960-1969, 1970-1979, ..., Year of construction, total (9)
    4. Year: 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, ..., 2021* (12)
    5. Information: Price per square meter (EUR/m2), Number of sales, (2)

  8. 112r -- Average prices of old dwellings in housing companies and numbers of transactions, quarterly, 2006-, 2006Q1-2021Q4*

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    1. Region: Whole country, Greater Helsinki, Whole country excluding Greater Helsinki, Uusimaa, ..., Rovaniemi (84)
    2. Building type: Building types total, Terraced houses, Blocks of flats, (3)
    3. Number of rooms: Total, One-room flat, Two-room flat, Three-room flat+, (4)
    4. Quarter: 2006Q1, 2006Q2, 2006Q3, 2006Q4, ..., 2021Q4* (64)
    5. Information: Price per square meter (EUR/m2), Number of sales, asset transfer tax data, until 2019, Number of sales, asset transfer tax data starting from 2020, (3)

  9. 112s -- Average prices of old dwellings in housing companies and numbers of transactions, 2006-, 2006-2021

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    1. Region: Whole country, Greater Helsinki, Whole country excluding Greater Helsinki, Uusimaa, ..., Rovaniemi (84)
    2. Building type: Building types total, Terraced houses, Blocks of flats, (3)
    3. Number of rooms: Total, One-room flat, Two-room flat, Three-room flat+, (4)
    4. Year: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, ..., 2021 (16)
    5. Information: Price per square meter (EUR/m2), Number of sales, asset transfer tax data, until 2019, Number of sales, asset transfer tax data starting from 2020, (3)

  10. 112t -- Price indices of old dwellings in housing companies, (1970=100, 1983=100, 2000=100, 2005=100, 2010=100), 1988Q1-2021Q4*

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    1. Region: Whole country, Greater Helsinki, Whole country - Greater Helsinki, Uusimaa, ..., Rovaniemi (83)
    2. Building type: Building types total, Terraced houses, Blocks of flats, (3)
    3. Number of rooms: Total, One-room flat, Two-room flat, Three-room flat+, (4)
    4. Quarter: 1988Q1, 1988Q2, 1988Q3, 1988Q4, ..., 2021Q4* (136)
    5. Information: Index (1970=100), Real price index (1970=100), Index (1983=100), Real price index (1983=100), ..., Real price index (2010=100) (10)

  11. 112u -- Price indices of old dwellings in housing companies, (1970=100, 1983=100, 2000=100, 2005=100, 2010=100), yearly, 1988-2021

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    1. Region: Whole country, Greater Helsinki, Whole country - Greater Helsinki, Uusimaa, ..., Rovaniemi (83)
    2. Building type: Building types total, Terraced houses, Blocks of flats, (3)
    3. Number of rooms: Total, One-room flat, Two-room flat, Three-room flat+, (4)
    4. Year: 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, ..., 2021 (34)
    5. Information: Index (1970=100), Real price index (1970=100), Index (1983=100), Real price index (1983=100), ..., Real price index (2010=100) (10)

  12. 112v -- Average prices of old dwellings in housing companies and numbers of transactions by municipality, 2006-2020

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    1. Building type: Building types total, Terraced houses, Blocks of flats, (3)
    2. Municipality: Akaa, Alajärvi, Alavieska, Alavus, ..., Äänekoski (301)
    3. Year: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, ..., 2020 (15)
    4. Information: Price per square meter (EUR/m2), Number of sales, asset transfer tax data, until 2019, Number of sales, asset transfer tax data starting from 2020, (3)

  13. 112y -- Prices and indices of new dwellings, quarterly, (2010=100), 2010Q1-2019Q3

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    1. Quarter: 2010Q1, 2010Q2, 2010Q3, 2010Q4, ..., 2019Q3 (39)
    2. Region: Whole country, Greater Helsinki, Rest of Uusimaa, Southern Finland, ..., Whole country - Greater Helsinki (8)
    3. Building type: Building types total, Terraced houses, Blocks of flats, (3)
    4. Information: Price per square metre (eur / m²), Index (2010=100), Quarterly change, Yearly change, (4)

  14. 112z -- Prices and indices of new dwellings, yearly, 2010-, 2010-2018

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    1. Region: Whole country, Greater Helsinki, Rest of Uusimaa, Southern Finland, ..., Whole country - Greater Helsinki (8)
    2. Building type: Building types total, Terraced houses, Blocks of flats, (3)
    3. Year: 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, ..., 2018 (9)
    4. Information: Price per square metre (eur / m²), Index (2010=100), Yearly change, (3)

  15. 113a -- Distributions of prices per square metre of new dwellings and number of included transactions starting from 2005, 2005Q1-2019Q3

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    1. Region: Whole country, Greater Helsinki, Rest of Uusimaa, Southern Finland, ..., Whole country - Greater Helsinki (8)
    2. Building type: Blocks of flats, one-room flat, Blocks of flats, two-room flat, Blocks of flats, three-room flat+, Blocks of flats total, Terraced houses total (5)
    3. Quarter: 2005Q1, 2005Q2, 2005Q3, 2005Q4, ..., 2019Q3 (59)
    4. Information: Number, Lower quartile, Median, Upper quartile, (4)

  16. 136a -- Number and value of house sales, yearly, 2015-2020

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    1. Year: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, ..., 2020 (6)
    2. Building type: New multi-unit dwellings, New single-unit dwellings, Existing multi-unit dwellings, Existing single-unit dwellings, ..., Building types total (excluding new single-unit dwellings) (6)
    3. Region: Whole country, Greater Helsinki, Whole country excluding Greater Helsinki, Helsinki, ..., Whole country excluding Major cities (15)
    4. Information: Number of house sales until 2019, Number of house sales starting from 2020, Value of house sales until 2019, Value of house sales starting from 2020, Average area of the apartment (5)

  17. 001 -- Price index of old dwellings in housing companies 2010=100 and numbers of transactions, quarterly

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    1. Year: 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, ..., 2017 (8)
    2. Region: Whole country, Greater Helsinki, Whole country - Greater Helsinki, Uusimaa, ..., Rovaniemi (82)
    3. Quarter: Whole year, 1st quarter, 2nd quarter, 3rd quarter, 4th quarter (5)
    4. Building type: Building types total, Terraced houses, Blocks of flats, (3)
    5. Number of rooms: Total, One-room flat, Two-room flat, Three-room flat+, (4)
    6. Information: Price per square meter (EUR/m2), Index (2010=100), Quarterly change (index 2010=100), Annual change (index 2010=100), ..., Number (8)

  18. 002 -- Distributions of prices per square meter of existing dwellings since 2010

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    1. Quarter: 2010Q1, 2010Q2, 2010Q3, 2010Q4, ..., 2017Q4 (32)
    2. Region: Helsinki, Helsinki 1, Helsinki 2, Helsinki 3, ..., Oulu (17)
    3. Building type: Terraced houses, Blocks of flats, (2)
    4. Number of rooms: Total, One-room flat, Two-room flat, Three-room flat+, (4)
    5. Information: Lower quartile, Median, Upper quartile, (3)

  19. 003 -- Price indices of old dwellings in housing companies, 1970=100, 1983=100, 2000=100 and 2005=100

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    1. Year: 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, ..., 2017 (30)
    2. Regional classification: Whole country, Greater Helsinki, Whole country - Greater Helsinki, Uusimaa, ..., Rovaniemi (83)
    3. Quarter: Whole year, 1st quarter, 2nd quarter, 3rd quarter, 4th quarter (5)
    4. Building type: Building types total, Terraced houses, Blocks of flats, (3)
    5. Number of rooms: Total, One-room flat, Two-room flat, Three-room flat+, (4)
    6. Data: Index (2005=100), Real price index (2005=100), Index (2000=100), Real price index (2000=100), ..., Real price index (1970=100) (8)

  20. 004 -- Average prices of old dwellings in housing companies and numbers of transactions by postal code area and year of construction

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    1. Year: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, ..., 2017 (13)
    2. Quarter: Whole year, 1st quarter, 2nd quarter, 3rd quarter, 4th quarter (5)
    3. Building type: Blocks of flats, one-room flat, Blocks of flats, two-room flat, Blocks of flats, three-room flat+, Blocks of flats total, ..., Terraced houses total (6)
    4. Postal code: 00100, 00120, 00130, 00140, ..., 99980 (1683)
    5. Year of construction: -1949, 1960-1969, Year of construction, total, 1970-1979, ..., 1950-1959 (8)
    6. Tiedot: Mean, Number, (2)

  21. 005 -- Prices and indices of new dwellings from 2010

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    1. Year: 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, ..., 2017 (8)
    2. Quarter: Whole year, 1st quarter, 2nd quarter, 3rd quarter, 4th quarter (5)
    3. Information: Price per square metre(EUR/m²), Index (2010=100), Quarterly change, Yearly change, (4)
    4. Building type: Building types total, Terraced houses, Blocks of flats, (3)
    5. Region: Whole country, Greater Helsinki, Rest of Uusimaa, Southern Finland, ..., Whole country - Greater Helsinki (8)

  22. 006 -- Distributions and numbers of new dwellings from 2005

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    1. Quarter: 2005Q1, 2005Q2, 2005Q3, 2005Q4, ..., 2017Q4 (52)
    2. Information: Number, Lower quartile, Median, Upper quartile, (4)
    3. Building type: Blocks of flats, one-room flat, Blocks of flats, two-room flat, Blocks of flats, three-room flat+, Blocks of flats total, Terraced houses total (5)
    4. Region: Whole country, Greater Helsinki, Rest of Uusimaa, Southern Finland, ..., Whole country - Greater Helsinki (8)

  23. 007 -- Price index of old dwellings in housing companies 2010=100 and numbers of transactions, monthly

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    1. Month: 2010M01, 2010M02, 2010M03, 2010M04, ..., 2018M02 (98)
    2. Information: Price per square meter (EUR/m2), Index, Monthly change (index 2010 = 100), Annual change (index 2010 = 100), ..., Number (8)
    3. Building type: Building types total, Terraced houses, Blocks of flats, (3)
    4. Region: Whole country, Greater Helsinki, Satellite municipalities, Whole country - Greater Helsinki, ..., Oulu (14)

  24. 903 -- Prices and indices of new dwellings from 2005

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    1. Year: 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, ..., 2014 (10)
    2. Quarter: Whole year, 1st quarter, 2nd quarter, 3rd quarter, 4th quarter (5)
    3. Information: Price per square metre(€/m²), Index (2005=100), Quarterly change, Yearly change, (4)
    4. Building type: Building types total, Terraced houses, Blocks of flats, (3)
    5. Region: Whole country, Greater Helsinki, Rest of Uusimaa, Southern Finland, ..., Whole country - Greater Helsinki (8)