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  1. 101 -- 1.1. European Parliament elections 1996 to 2019, voting data

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    1. Area: Whole country, 01 Helsinki constituency, 091 Helsinki, 02 Uusimaa constituency, ..., 941 Vårdö (480)
    2. Year: 2019, 2014, 2009, 2004, ..., 1996 (6)
    3. Data on voting: Persons entitled to vote, total, Persons entitled to vote, Finnish citizens living in Finland, Persons entitled to vote, Finnish citizens living abroad, Persons entitled to vote, other EU citizens, ..., Invalid ballots (13)
    4. Sex: Both sexes, Males, Females, (3)

  2. 102 -- 1.2. European Parliament elections 1996 to 2019, support for parties

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    1. Area: Whole country, 01 Helsinki constituency, 091 Helsinki, 02 Uusimaa constituency, ..., 941 Vårdö (480)
    2. Year: 2019, 2014, 2009, 2004, ..., 1996 (6)
    3. Party: All parties, KOK, VIHR, SDP, ..., Others (30)
    4. Support for parties: Number of votes cast for candidates, Proportion of votes cast, (2)
    5. Sex: All candidates, Male candidates, Female candidates, (3)

  3. Age distribution of candidates by sex and party in European Parliament elections in 2004

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    1. Party: Total, CENT, SDP, KOK, ..., KA (15)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Number: Total, Age group 18, Age group 19, Age group 20-24, ..., MPs (16)

  4. 103 -- 2.1. European Parliament elections 2019, candidates

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    1. Voting district: Whole country, 01 Helsinki constituency, 091 Helsinki, 091 001A Kruununhaka A, ..., 941 001 Vårdö (2268)
    2. Candidate: Azaize Miikkael / KESK, Eskelinen Riku / KESK, Hatva Teuvo / KESK, Kaisanlahti Janne / KESK, ..., Lokka Junes / Constituency associations (269)
    3. Data on voting: Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, Election status, Candidate's number (5)

  5. European Parliament elections 2004, candidates

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    1. Voting district: Whole country, 01 Helsinki constituency, 091 Helsinki, 091 001A Kruununhaka A, ..., 941 001 Ä-alue 001 (3236)
    2. Candidate: Jäätteenmäki Anneli / CENT, Kentala Johanna / CENT, Kontro Lauri / CENT, Kulkas Laura / CENT, ..., Töyrylä Seija / KA (227)
    3. Data on voting: Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, Election status, ..., Voting turnout, persons living in Finland (12)

  6. 2.1. European Parliament elections 2009, candidates

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    1. Voting district: Whole country, 01 Helsinki constituency, 091 Helsinki, 091 001A Kruununhaka A, ..., 941 001 Ä-alue 001 (2867)
    2. Candidate: Autto Heikki / KOK, Itälä Ville / KOK, Kauma Pia / KOK, Kauppi Heikki / KOK, ..., Sulkakoski Liisa / Voters associations (241)
    3. Data on voting: Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, Election status, Number of candidate (5)

  7. 2.1. European Parliament elections 2014, candidates

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    1. Voting district: Whole country, 01 Helsinki constituency, 091 Helsinki, 091 001A Kruununhaka A, ..., 941 001 Vårdö (2545)
    2. Candidate: Andersson Jari / KOK, Häkkänen Antti / KOK, Kauma Pia / KOK, Kaunistola Mari / KOK, ..., Ilmarinen Kristiina / Voters' associations (251)
    3. Data on voting: Number of votes cast, total, Proportion of votes cast, Advance votes, Election status, Candidate's number (5)

  8. 104 -- 2.2. Candidates and votes cast for them by party and constituency in European Parliament elections 2019

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    1. Party and candidate: Total, KESK, Azaize Miikkael, Eskelinen Riku, ..., Lokka Junes (288)
    2. Constituency: Whole country, Helsinki constituency, Uusimaa constituency, Varsinais-Suomi constituency, ..., Region of Åland constituency (14)

  9. Candidates and votes cast for them by party and constituency in European Parliament elections 2004

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    1. Party and candidate: Total, CENT, Jäätteenmäki Anneli, Kentala Johanna, ..., Töyrylä Seija (242)
    2. Constituency: Whole country, Helsinki constituency, Uusimaa constituency, Varsinais-Suomi constituency, ..., Region of Åland constituency (16)

  10. 2.2. Candidates and votes cast for them by party and constituency in European Parliament elections 2009

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    1. Party and candidate: Total, KOK, Autto Heikki, Itälä Ville, ..., Sulkakoski Liisa (256)
    2. Constituency: Whole country, Helsinki constituency, Uusimaa constituency, Varsinais-Suomi constituency, ..., Region of Åland constituency (16)

  11. 2.2. Candidates and votes cast for them by party and constituency in European Parliament elections 2014

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    1. Party and candidate: Total, KOK, Andersson Jari, Häkkänen Antti, ..., Ilmarinen Kristiina (267)
    2. Constituency: Whole country, Helsinki constituency, Uusimaa constituency, Varsinais-Suomi constituency, ..., Region of Åland constituency (16)

  12. 105 -- 2.3. Number of votes cast for the candidates by order of magnitude and comparison figure and election status in European Parliament elections 2019

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    1. Candidate: Heinäluoma Eero / SDP, Niinistö Ville / VIHR, Huhtasaari Laura / PS, Hautala Heidi / VIHR, ..., Ronkola Sami / STL (269)
    2. Data on voting: Number of votes, Share of votes, Comparison figure, Election status, (4)

  13. Number of votes cast for the candidates by order of magnitude and comparison figure, those indicated with * were elected

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    1. Candidate / Party: *Jäätteenmäki Anneli / CENT, *Stubb Alexander / KOK, *Hassi Satu / GREENS, *Seppänen Esko / LEFT, ..., Kähkönen-Niiranen Päivi / KA (227)
    2. Data on voting: Number of votes, Percentage, Comparison figure, (3)

  14. 2.3. Number of votes cast for the candidates by order of magnitude and comparison figure, those indicated with * were elected

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    1. Candidate: *Soini Timo / PS, *Jäätteenmäki Anneli / CENT, *Repo Mitro / SDP, *Itälä Ville / KOK, ..., Kujansuu Kauko / SSP (241)
    2. Data on voting: Number of votes, Percentage, Comparison figure, (3)

  15. 2.3. Number of votes cast for the candidates by order of magnitude and comparison figure and election status in European Parliament elections 2014

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    1. Candidate: Stubb Alexander / KOK, Halla-aho Jussi / PS, Rehn Olli / CENT, Väyrynen Paavo / CENT, ..., Mättö Saku / IP (251)
    2. Data on voting: Number of votes, Share of votes, Comparison figure, Election status, (4)

  16. 106 -- 2.4. Elected members of European Parliament and number of votes cast for them by municipality in 2019

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    1. Constituency, municipality: Whole country, Urban municipalities, Semi-urban municipalities, Rural municipalities, ..., 941 Vårdö (364)
    2. Name of the elected Member: Heinäluoma Eero / SDP, Niinistö Ville / VIHR, Huhtasaari Laura / PS, Hautala Heidi / VIHR, ..., Hakkarainen Teuvo / PS (13)
    3. Number: Votes for the candidate total, (1)

  17. Elected members of European Parliament and number of votes cast for them by municipality in 2004

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    1. Constituency, municipality: Whole country, Urban municipalities, Semi-urban municipalities, Rural municipalities, ..., 941 Vårdö (505)
    2. Candidate: Jäätteenmäki Anneli / CENT, Stubb Alexander / KOK, Hassi Satu / GREENS, Seppänen Esko / LEFT, ..., Lax Henrik / RKP (14)

  18. 2.4. Elected members of European Parliament and number of votes cast for them by municipality in 2009

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    1. Constituency, municipality: Whole country, Urban municipalities, Semi-urban municipalities, Rural municipalities, ..., 941 Vårdö (408)
    2. Candidate: Soini Timo / PS, Jäätteenmäki Anneli / KESK, Repo Mitro / SDP, Itälä Ville / KOK, ..., Haglund Carl / RKP (13)

  19. 2.4. Elected members of European Parliament and number of votes cast for them by municipality in 2014

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    1. Constituency, municipality: Whole country, Urban municipalities, Semi-urban municipalities, Rural municipalities, ..., 941 Vårdö (380)
    2. Name of the elected Member: Stubb Alexander / KOK, Halla-aho Jussi / PS, Rehn Olli / CENT, Väyrynen Paavo / CENT, ..., Torvalds Nils / RKP (13)

  20. 107 -- 2.5. European Parliament elections 2019, data on voting

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    1. Voting district: Whole country, 01 Helsinki constituency, 091 Helsinki, 091 001A Kruununhaka A, ..., 941 001 Vårdö (2268)
    2. Data on voting: Persons entitled to vote, Persons who voted, Voting turnout, Advance voters, ..., Valid ballots in advance voting (16)
    3. Sex: Both sexes, Males, Females, (3)

  21. European Parliament elections 2004, data on voting

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    1. District: Whole country, 01 Helsinki constituency, 091 Helsinki, 091 001A Kruununhaka A, ..., 941 001 Ä-alue 001 (3236)
    2. Data on voting: Persons entitled to vote, Persons who voted, Voting turnout, Advance voters, ..., Valid ballots in advance voting (16)
    3. Sex: Genders total, Males, Females, (3)

  22. 2.5. European Parliament elections 2009, data on voting

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    1. Voting district: Whole country, 01 Helsinki constituency, 091 Helsinki, 091 001A Kruununhaka A, ..., 941 001 Ä-alue 001 (2867)
    2. Data on voting: Persons entitled to vote, Persons who voted, Voting turnout, Advance voters, ..., Valid ballots in advance voting (16)
    3. sex: Both sexes, Males, Females, (3)

  23. 2.5. European Parliament elections 2014, data on voting

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    1. Voting district: Whole country, 01 Helsinki constituency, 091 Helsinki, 091 001A Kruununhaka A, ..., 941 001 Vårdö (2545)
    2. Data on voting: Persons entitled to vote, Persons who voted, Voting turnout, Advance voters, ..., Valid ballots in advance voting (16)
    3. Sex: Both sexes, Males, Females, (3)

  24. 108 -- 2.6. European Parliament elections 2019, support for parties

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    1. Voting district: Whole country, 01 Helsinki constituency, 091 Helsinki, 091 001A Kruununhaka A, ..., 941 001 Vårdö (2268)
    2. Party: Total, KESK, PS, KOK, ..., Constituency associations (19)
    3. Support for parties: Votes cast, total, Proportion of all votes cast, Advance votes, Proportion of advance votes, (4)
    4. Sex: All candidates, Male candidates, Female candidates, (3)

  25. European Parliament elections 2004, support for parties

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    1. District: Whole country, 01 Helsinki constituency, 091 Helsinki, 091 001A Kruununhaka A, ..., 941 001 Ä-alue 001 (3236)
    2. Party: Total, CENT, SDP, KOK, ..., KA (15)
    3. Support for parties: Votes cast, total, Proportion of all votes cast, Advance votes, Proportion of advance votes, (4)
    4. Sex: All candidates, Male candidates, Female candidates, (3)

  26. 2.6. European Parliament elections 2009, support for parties

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    1. Voting district: Whole country, 01 Helsinki constituency, 091 Helsinki, 091 001A Kruununhaka A, ..., 941 001 Ä-alue 001 (2867)
    2. Party: Total, KOK, SDP, CENT, ..., Voters associations (15)
    3. Support for parties: Votes cast, total, Proportion of all votes cast, Advance votes, Proportion of advance votes, (4)
    4. Sex: All candidates, Male candidates, Female candidates, (3)

  27. 2.6. European Parliament elections 2014, support for parties

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    1. Voting district: Whole country, 01 Helsinki constituency, 091 Helsinki, 091 001A Kruununhaka A, ..., 941 001 Vårdö (2545)
    2. Party: Total, KOK, SDP, PS, ..., Constituency associations (16)
    3. Support for parties: Votes cast, total, Proportion of all votes cast, Advance votes, Proportion of advance votes, (4)
    4. Sex: All candidates, Male candidates, Female candidates, (3)

  28. 109 -- 2.7. Number and percentage of votes cast for the parties by municipality, voting turnout, invalid ballots and advance voters in 2019 and change from the previous European Parliament elections

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    1. Constituency and municipality: Whole country, Urban municipalities, Semi-urban municipalities, Rural municipalities, ..., 941 Vårdö (364)
    2. Number: Number of votes cast / Number, Proportion %, Change from 2014 elections, (3)
    3. Party and data on voting: Total, KESK, PS, KOK, ..., Advance voters (22)

  29. Number and percentage of votes cast for the parties by municipality, voting turnout, invalid ballots and advance voters in 2004 and change from the previous European Parliament elections

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    1. Constituency and municipality: Whole country, Urban municipalities, Semi-urban municipalities, Rural municipalities, ..., 941 Vårdö (505)
    2. Number: Number of votes cast / Number, Proportion %, Change from 1999 elections, (3)
    3. Party and data on voting: Total, CENT, SDP, KOK, ..., Advance voters (18)

  30. 2.7. Number and percentage of votes cast for the parties by municipality, voting turnout, invalid ballots and advance voters in 2009 and change from the previous European Parliament elections

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    1. Constituency and municipality: Whole country, Urban municipalities, Semi-urban municipalities, Rural municipalities, ..., 941 Vårdö (408)
    2. Number: Number of votes cast / Number, Proportion %, Change from 2004 elections, (3)
    3. Party and data on voting: Total, KOK, SDP, CENT, ..., Advance voters (18)

  31. 2.7. Number and percentage of votes cast for the parties by municipality, voting turnout, invalid ballots and advance voters in 2014 and change from the previous European Parliament elections

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    1. Constituency and municipality: Whole country, Urban municipalities, Semi-urban municipalities, Rural municipalities, ..., 941 Vårdö (380)
    2. Number: Number of votes cast / Number, Proportion %, Change from 2009 elections, (3)
    3. Party and data on voting: Total, KOK, SDP, PS, ..., Advance voters (19)

  32. 110 -- 2.8. Persons entitled to vote, persons who voted and advance voters by sex and municipality in European Parliament elections in 2019 and 2014

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    1. Constituency and municipality: Whole country, Finnish citizens living in Finland, Urban municipalities, Semi-urban municipalities, ..., 05M Other EU citizens (420)
    2. Number: Number 2019, % 2019, Number 2014, % 2014, (4)
    3. Data on voting: Dist., Persons entitled to vote, total, Persons entitled to vote, men, Persons entitled to vote, women, ..., Advance voters, women (10)

  33. Persons entitled to vote, persons who voted and advance voters by sex and municipality in European Parliament elections in 2004 and 1999

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    1. Constituency and municipality: Whole country, Finnish citiz. liv. in Finland, Urban municipalities, Semi-urban municipalities, ..., 05M Other EU citizens (569)
    2. Number: Number 2004, % 2004, Number 1999, % 1999, (4)
    3. Data on voting: Dist., Persons entitled to vote, total, Persons entitled to vote, men, Persons entitled to vote, women, ..., Advance voters, women (10)

  34. 2.8. Persons entitled to vote, persons who voted and advance voters by sex and municipality in European Parliament elections in 2009 and 2004

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    1. Constituency and municipality: Whole country, Finnish citiz. liv. in Finland, Urban municipalities, Semi-urban municipalities, ..., 05M Other EU citizens (472)
    2. Number: Number 2009, % 2009, Number 2004, % 2004, (4)
    3. Data on voting: Dist., Persons entitled to vote, total, Persons entitled to vote, men, Persons entitled to vote, women, ..., Advance voters, women (10)

  35. 2.8. Persons entitled to vote, persons who voted and advance voters by sex and municipality in European Parliament elections in 2014 and 2009

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    1. Constituency and municipality: Whole country, Finnish citiz. liv. in Finland, Urban municipalities, Semi-urban municipalities, ..., 05M Other EU citizens (444)
    2. Number: Number 2014, % 2014, Number 2009, % 2009, (4)
    3. Data on voting: Dist., Persons entitled to vote, total, Persons entitled to vote, men, Persons entitled to vote, women, ..., Advance voters, women (10)

  36. European Parliament elections 2009, analysis

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    1. Year: 2009, (1)
    2. Area: Whole country, Helsinki constituency, Uusimaa constituency, Varsinais-Suomi constituency, ..., Lapland constituency (15)
    3. Party: KOK, CENT, SDP, GREENS, ..., Others (9)
    4. Classification variable: Strong support for the National Coalition Party, Medium support for the National Coalition Party, Weak support for the National Coalition Party, Strong support for the Social Democratic Party, ..., Low unemployment (42)
    5. Data: Support %, Change in support %, (2)

  37. 111 -- 2.9. Voters who cast their ballots at Finnish embassies and ships by sex in European Parliamentary elections 2019

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    1. Voting place: Total, Representations, Ships, Europe, ..., Australia (89)
    2. Voters: Total, Living in Finland (incl. other EU citizens), Finnish citizens living abroad, (3)
    3. Sex: Total, Men, Women, (3)

  38. 2.9. Voters who cast their ballots at Finnish embassies and ships by sex in the European Parliament elections 2009

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    1. Voting place: TOTAL, Representations, Ships, EUROPE, ..., New Zealand (93)
    2. Sex: Total, Men, Women, Finnish citizens living in Finland, total, ..., Other EU citizens, women (12)

  39. 112 -- 2.10. Advance voters by sex, polling station and constituency in European Parliamentary elections 2019

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    1. Constituency: Whole country, Urban municipalities, Semi-urban municipalities, Rural municipalities, ..., 053 Rural municipalities (53)
    2. Data on election: Advance voters total, Advance voters living in Finland (incl. other EU citizens), Advance voting by Finnish citizens living abroad, (3)
    3. Sex: Total, Men, Women, (3)
    4. Advance polling station: All advance polling stations, total, Municipal/City Hall, Library in shopping centre, Library not in shopping centre, ..., Letter (21)

  40. 2.10. Advance voters by polling station and constituency in the European Parliament elections 2009

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    1. Voters: Advance voters total, Advance voters living in Finland (incl. other EU citizens), Advance voting by Finnish citizens living abroad, (3)
    2. Constituency: Whole country, Urban municipalities, Semi-urban municipalities, Rural municipalities, ..., 053 Rural municipalities (60)
    3. Polling staion: All advance polling stations, total, All advance polling stations, men, All advance polling stations, women, Municipal/City Hall, total, ..., Institution, women (39)

  41. 113 -- 2.11. Discarded ballots by cause and constituency in the European Parliament elections 2019

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    1. Constituency: Whole country, Urban municipalities, Semi-urban municipalities, Rural municipalities, ..., 053 Rural municipalities (53)
    2. Reason of discard: Invalid ballots total, More than one ballot or something unappropriate in the envelope, Irrelevant mark on the envelope of ballot, Non-official ballot, ..., Blank ballot (8)

  42. 2.11. Discarded ballots by cause and constituency in the European Parliament elections 2009

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    1. Constituency: Whole country, Urban municipalities, Semi-urban municipalities, Rural municipalities, ..., 053 Rural municipalities (60)
    2. Reason of discard: Invalid ballots total, More than one ballot or something unappropriate in the envelope, Irrelevant mark on the envelope of ballot, Non-official ballot, ..., Blank ballot (8)

  43. 2.11. Discarded ballots by cause and constituency in the European Parliament elections 2014

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    1. Constituency: Whole country, Urban municipalities, Semi-urban municipalities, Rural municipalities, ..., 053 Rural municipalities (60)
    2. Reason of discard: Invalid ballots total, More than one ballot or something unappropriate in the envelope, Irrelevant mark on the envelope of ballot, Non-official ballot, ..., Blank ballot (8)

  44. European Parliament elections 2014 - election map data

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    1. Municipality: Whole country, Akaa, Alajärvi, Alavieska, ..., Äänekoski (321)
    2. Number: Voting turnout, Voting turnout, change from previous elections, Party with the most votes, KOK-Proportion of votes cast, ..., Torvalds Nils / RKP (25)