Criminal matters decided at district courts in 2009 to 2013 Region, Data, composition of the district court, Crime and Year as variables
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- Year: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 (5)
- Region: Regions total, Territory of Court of Appeal in Helsinki, Espoo, Helsinki, ..., Kemi-Tornio (34)
- Crime: 00Y ALL PENAL CASES, A-H A-H ACTUAL CRIMINAL CASES, A-F A-F CRIMINAL CASES AGAINST THE PENAL CODE, 00A A Offences against property, ..., 709 Other matters (110)
- Composition of the district court: Compositions total, Composition of one judge, Composition of three judges, Juror composition, ..., Written proceedings (7)
- Data: Decided cases total, Number of defendants in them, Allowed, Dismissed, ..., Carried over to the following year (96)