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Statfin archive database

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  1. 001 -- Annual financial accounts data starting from 1995

    Select part: View table: Size: 3004723 Modified: 3/28/2019

    1. Instrument: AF0 Assets and liabilities total, AF1 Monetary gold and special drawing rights, AF11 Monetary gold, AF12 Special drawing rights, ..., AF89 Other accounts receivable and payable, excluding trade credits and advances (32)
    2. Creditor: S0 Sectors total, S1 Total economy, S11 Non-financial corporations, S111 Non-financial corporations excl. housing corporations, ..., S2 Rest of the world (23)
    3. Debtor: S0 Sectors total, S1 Total economy, S11 Non-financial corporations, S111 Non-financial corporations excl. housing corporations, ..., S2 Rest of the world (23)
    4. Year: 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, ..., 2018 (24)
    5. Stocks/Transactions: Stocks, Transactions, (2)

  2. 002 -- Quarterly financial accounts data starting from 1997

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    1. Instrument: AF0 Assets and liabilities total, AF1 Monetary gold and special drawing rights, AF2 Currency and deposits, AF21 Currency, ..., AF8 Other accounts receivable and payable (24)
    2. Creditor: S0 Sectors total, S1 Total economy, S11 Non-financial corporations, S111 Non-financial corporations excl. housing corporations, ..., S11+S14+S15 Non-financial corporations, households and non-profit institutions serving households (19)
    3. Debtor: S0 Sectors total, S1 Total economy, S11 Non-financial corporations, S111 Non-financial corporations excl. housing corporations, ..., S11+S14+S15 Non-financial corporations, households and non-profit institutions serving households (19)
    4. Quarter: 1997Q4, 1998Q1, 1998Q2, 1998Q3, ..., 2020Q2 (91)
    5. Stocks/Transactions: Stocks, Transactions, (2)

  3. 003 -- Non-financial assets by sector 1995-2017

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    1. Sector: S1 Total economy, S11 Non-financial corporations, S12 Financial and insurance corporations, S1311 Central government, ..., S15 Non-profit institutions serving households (8)
    2. Asset: N0 Non-financial assets total, N111 Dwellings, N112 Other buildings and structures, N113 Machinery, equipment and transport equipment, ..., N211 Land (10)
    3. Transaction: Annual change, Stock at the end of the year, (2)
    4. Year: 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, ..., 2017 (23)

  4. 901 -- Financial Accounts Stocks 1970-1994

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 23847 Modified: 9/15/2014

    1. Sector: S1 Total national economy, S11 Non-financial corporations and housing corporations, S12 Financial and insurance corporations, S121 The central bank, ..., S2 Rest of the world (13)
    2. Information: Assets, Liabilities, (2)
    3. Instrument: AF0 Assets and liabilities total, AF1 Monetary gold and special drawing rights, AF2 Currency and transferable deposits, AF3 Money-market instruments and bonds, ..., AF8 Other accounts receivable and payable (7)
    4. Year: 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, ..., 1994 (25)