12by -- Prison sentences by length of total sentence, gender, age and group of offence (district courts and courts of appeal as first court instance), 2014-2020
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20210923 08.00
- Year: 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, ..., 2020 (7)
- Gender: Total, Males, Females, Unknown, (4)
- Age: Total, 15 - 17, 18 - 20, 21 - 24, ..., Unknown (12)
- Offence group: Total, A.Offences against property, Theft, aggravated theft 28:1-2, 34a:1, Petty theft 28:3, ..., Offence category unknown (51)
- Prison term: Sentenced of imprisonment total, Imprisonment < 30 days, Imprisonment 30-59 days, Imprisonment 60-89 days, ..., Length of sentence unkown (30)
- Information: Combination sentence, unconditional imprisonment, monitoring sentence, community service and conditional imprisonment total, number, Persons sentenced to combination sentence, fixed-term unconditional imprisonment, a monitoring sentence or community service, total (number), Combination sentence (number), Persons sentenced to unconditional imprisonment (number), ..., Previous unconditional imprisonment or community service a sufficient sanction (number) (8)