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  1. 123u -- , 1975-2020*

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    1. Sector: S1 Total economy, S11 Non-financial corporations, S12 Financial and insurance corporations, S121 Central bank, ..., S15 Non-profit institutions serving households (20)
    2. Industry: Total, A Primary production, A Agriculture, forestry and fishing (01-03), 01 Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities, ..., 97-98 Household service activities (136)
    3. Year: 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, ..., 2020* (46)
    4. Information: Labour productivity (value added per working hour), annual change, %, Labour productivity (gross output per working hour), annual change, %, Labour productivity (value added per working hour), index, 2010=100, Labour productivity (gross output per working hour), index, 2010=100, (4)

  2. 001 -- Gross domestic product and -national income 1975-2018

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    1. Transaction: P1R Output at basic prices, P2K Intermediate consumption, B1GPHT Value added, gross at basic prices, D21R Taxes on products, ..., B5NT National income (D1R+D4+B2N+B3N+D2NT) (59)
    2. Year: 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, ..., 2018 (44)
    3. Information: Current prices, At year 2010 prices, At year 2018 prices, Changes in values, %, ..., Ar previous year's prices (7)

  3. 002 -- Key indicators of households sector 1975-2018

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    1. Transaction: B6NT/CP Households' disposable income, at current prices, B6NT/VV00 Households' disposable income, at reference year 2010 prices, B6NT/VI Households' disposable income, volume index, 2010=100, B6NT/VOL Households' disposable income, year-on-year change, percentages, ..., LKOTK Number of households, 1 000 households (28)
    2. Year: 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, ..., 2018 (44)

  4. 003 -- Key indicators per capita 1975-2018

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    1. Transaction: B1GMHT/CP Gross domestic product, at current prices, euros, B1GMHT2/VI Gross domestic product, volume index, 2010=100, B1GMHT/VOL Gross domestic product, year-on-year change, percentages, B5GT/CP Gross national income, at current prices, euros, ..., EPKT Mean population, 1 000 persons (34)
    2. Year: 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, ..., 2018 (44)

  5. 004 -- Main aggregates, percentages 1975-2018

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    1. Transaction: D11R/B1GMHT Wages and salaries, (receivable) percentage of Gross domestic product, D12R/B1GMHT Employers' social contributions percentages of Gross domestic product, B13NT/B1GMHT Operating surplus + mixed income, percentage of Gross domestic product, D2R/B1GMHT Taxes on production and imports (receivable), percentage of Gross domestic product, ..., B5NT/B5NT National income, percentage of national income (38)
    2. Year: 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, ..., 2018 (44)

  6. 005 -- Main aggregates at reference year 2010 prices, volume indices and change in volume indices 1975-2018

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    1. Transaction: P1R Output at basic prices, P2K Intermediate consumption, B1GPHT Value added, gross at basic prices, D21R Taxes on products, ..., B6NT1/VOL Disposable income, net, year-on-year change % (74)
    2. Year: 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, ..., 2018 (44)

  7. 006 -- Main aggregates, price indices and changes in prices 1975-2018

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    1. Transaction: P3K/HI00 Final consumption expenditure, price index 2010 = 100, P3YK/HI00 Private consumption expenditure, price index 2010 = 100, P3JK/HI00 Government consumption expenditure, price index 2010 = 100, P31K/HI00 Individual consumption expenditure, price index 2010 = 100, ..., B6NT/HM Disposable income, (net) changes in price % (38)
    2. Year: 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, ..., 2018 (44)

  8. 007 -- Production and generation of income accounts 1975-2017

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    1. Industry: 0 Industries total, A Agriculture, forestry and fishing, 01 Agriculture and hunting, 011_016 Agriculture, ..., G_T_pl_S13 Private services (141)
    2. Sector: S1 Total economy, S11 Non-financial corporations, S12 Financial and insurance corporations, S121 Central bank, ..., S15 Non-profit institutions serving households (20)
    3. Transaction: P1R Output at basic prices, P11R Market output, P12R Output for own final use, P119R Financial intermediation services indirectly measured (FISIM), ..., B3NT Mixed income, net (18)
    4. Information: Current prices, At year 2010 prices, Changes in volume indices, %, Ar previous year's prices, (4)
    5. Year: 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, ..., 2017 (43)

  9. 008 -- Employment and hours worked 1975-2017

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    1. Industry: 0 Industries total, A Agriculture, forestry and fishing, 01 Agriculture and hunting, 011_016 Agriculture, ..., G_T_pl_S13 Private services (141)
    2. Sector: S1 Total economy, S11 Non-financial corporations, S12 Financial and insurance corporations, S121 Central bank, ..., S15 Non-profit institutions serving households (20)
    3. Transaction: E1 Employment, domestic concept, 1000 persons, E11 Employment, self-employed, E12 Employees, domestic, E2 Total hours worked, domestic concept, (1 000 000 h), ..., E22 Hours worked, employees (6)
    4. Year: 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, ..., 2017 (43)

  10. 009 -- Changes in inventories and net acquisition of valuables 1975-2017

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    1. Industry: 0 Industries total, A Agriculture, forestry and fishing, 01 Agriculture and hunting, 011_016 Agriculture, ..., G_T_pl_S13 Private services (133)
    2. Sector: S1 Total economy, S11 Non-financial corporations, S12 Financial and insurance corporations, S122 Other monetary financial institutions, ..., S15 Non-profit institutions serving households (9)
    3. Transaction: P52 Changes in inventories, P53 Net acquisitions of valuables, (2)
    4. Year: 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, ..., 2017 (28)

  11. 010 -- Private consumption expenditure 1975-2017

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    1. Transaction: C01+C02 Food, beverages and tobacco, C011 Food, C0111 Bread and cereals, C0112 Meat and meat products, ..., P41K Actual individual consumption (66)
    2. Information: Current prices, At year 2010 prices, At year 2017 prices, Changes in volume indices, %, ..., Ar previous year's prices (6)
    3. Year: 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, ..., 2017 (43)

  12. 011 -- Government consumption expenditure 1975-2017

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    1. Sector: S13 General government, S1311 Central government, S1313 Local government, S1314 Social security funds, ..., S13149 Other social security funds (6)
    2. Transaction: P31K Individual consumption expenditure, P32K Collective consumption expenditure, P3K Final consumption expenditure, (3)
    3. Information: Current prices, At year 2010 prices, Changes in volume indices, %, Proportion of transaction, %, Ar previous year's prices (5)
    4. Year: 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, ..., 2017 (43)

  13. 012 -- Sector accounts 1975-2018

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    1. Sector: S1 Total economy, S11 Non-financial corporations, S12 Financial and insurance corporations, S121 Central bank, ..., S2 Rest of the world (20)
    2. Transaction: P1R Output at basic prices, P11R Market output, P12R Output for own final use, P119R Financial intermediation services indirectly measured (FISIM), ..., OTEK Total expenditure (257)
    3. Year: 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, ..., 2018 (44)

  14. 013 -- Sector accounts (main transactions) 1975-2018

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    1. Sector:: S1 Total economy, S11 Non-financial corporations, S12 Financial and insurance corporations, S121 Central bank, ..., S2 Rest of the world (20)
    2. Transaction: P1R Output at basic prices, P2K Intermediate consumption, B1GPHT Value added, gross at basic prices, P51CK Consumption of fixed capital, ..., OTEK Total expenditure (83)
    3. Year: 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, ..., 2018 (44)

  15. 014 -- General government's total revenue and -expenditure 1975-2018

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    1. Sector:: S13 General government, S1311 Central government, S1313 Local government, S13141 Employment pension schemes, S13149 Other social security funds (5)
    2. Transaction: P11R Market output, P12R Output for own final use, P131R Sales of non-market products, D2R Taxes on production and imports, receivable, ..., B9T Net lending (+) / net borrowing (-) (34)
    3. Information: Current prices, Ratio to GDP, %, (2)
    4. Year:: 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, ..., 2018 (44)

  16. 015 -- Additional information 1975-2018

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    1. Transaction: B1GMHT/CP Gross domestic product, at current prices, euros, LVOK Tax revenue, OECD, LVOKP GDP share of tax revenue, %, LKTTH Balance of trade (Board of Customs), EUR million, ..., USD average annual exchange rate (25)
    2. Year: 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, ..., 2018 (44)

  17. 016 -- Gross fixed capital formation 1975-2017

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    1. Industry: 0 Industries total, A Agriculture, forestry and fishing, 01 Agriculture and hunting, 011_016 Agriculture, ..., PALV Services (139)
    2. Sector: S1 Total economy, S11 Non-financial corporations, S12 Financial and insurance corporations, S121 Central bank, ..., S15 Non-profit institutions serving households (20)
    3. Asset: TOT Assets total, N111 Dwellings, N111+N112 Buildings and structures, N112 Other buildings and structures, ..., N117 Intellectual property products (14)
    4. Information: Current prices, At year 2010 prices, At year 2017 prices, Changes in volume indices, %, ..., Ar previous year's prices (6)
    5. Year: 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, ..., 2017 (43)

  18. 017 -- Gross capital, Net capital, consumption and retirements of fixed capital 1975-2017

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    1. Industry: 0 Industries total, A Agriculture, forestry and fishing, 01 Agriculture and hunting, 011_016 Agriculture, ..., PALV Services (134)
    2. Sector: S1 Total economy, S11 Non-financial corporations, S12 Financial and insurance corporations, S121 Central bank, ..., S15 Non-profit institutions serving households (20)
    3. Asset: TOT Assets total, N111 Dwellings, N111+N112 Buildings and structures, N112 Other buildings and structures, ..., N117 Intellectual property products (13)
    4. Type: B Gross stock, N Net stock, P51CK Consumption of fixed capital, P Retirement, (4)
    5. Information: Current prices, At year 2010 prices, (2)
    6. Year: 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, ..., 2017 (43)

  19. 018 -- Research and development gross capital formation, gross capital stock and net capital stock 1975-2017

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    1. Industry: 0 Industries total, A Agriculture, forestry and fishing, B_E Manufacturing, total, B Mining and quarrying, ..., PALV Services (40)
    2. Sector: S1 Total economy, S11 Non-financial corporations, S12 Financial and insurance corporations, S13 General government, ..., S15 Non-profit institutions serving households (9)
    3. Type: B Gross stock, N Net stock, P51 Gross fixed capital formation, (3)
    4. Information: Current prices, At year 2010 prices, Ar previous year's prices, (3)
    5. Year: 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, ..., 2017 (43)

  20. 019 -- Historical time series: National accounts 1860-2017

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    1. Transaction: B1GMHT/VOLI Gross domestic product at market prices, volume index 1926=100, B1GMHT/CAP Gross domestic product at market prices per capita, volume index 1926=100, B1GMHT/MK Gross domestic product at current prices 1860-1960, MMK, B1GMHT/MK Gross domestic product at current prices 1860-1960, 1000 FIM, ..., B1GPHT/PALV/MK Gross value added in services at current prices 1975-2001, FIM million, ESA2010 (164)
    2. Year: 1860, 1861, 1862, 1863, ..., 2017 (158)

  21. 901 -- Historical time series: Structure of private consumption, exports and imports 1860-1970

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    1. Transaction: Structure of private consumption, Share of food, %, Share of nutrition and beverages, %, Share of tobacco, %, ..., Share of other goods, imports, % (21)
    2. Year: 1860, 1865, 1869, 1870, ..., 1970 (26)

  22. 902 -- Households' indebtedness 1980-2008

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    1. Transaction: Total outstanding credit, Housing loans, Consumer credits and study loans, Other loans, ..., Indebtedness rate from other loans, % (9)
    2. Year: 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, ..., 2008 (29)