017 -- Gross capital, Net capital, consumption and retirements of fixed capital 1975-2017
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- Industry: 0 Industries total, A Agriculture, forestry and fishing, 01 Agriculture and hunting, 011_016 Agriculture, ..., PALV Services (134)
- Sector: S1 Total economy, S11 Non-financial corporations, S12 Financial and insurance corporations, S121 Central bank, ..., S15 Non-profit institutions serving households (20)
- Asset: TOT Assets total, N111 Dwellings, N111+N112 Buildings and structures, N112 Other buildings and structures, ..., N117 Intellectual property products (13)
- Type: B Gross stock, N Net stock, P51CK Consumption of fixed capital, P Retirement, (4)
- Information: Current prices, At year 2010 prices, (2)
- Year: 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, ..., 2017 (43)