Test tables of national accounts and government finance
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Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery
Government Finance
National Accounts
Annual national accounts
Balance of payments and international investment position
114s -- Balance of payments, monthly, 2006M01-2020M02 [27 Kb] [20200414 08.00]
12gf -- Current account and capital account, monthly, 2006M01-2020M02 [115 Kb] [20200414 08.00]
12gg -- Current account and capital account by region, quarterly, 2006Q1-2019Q4 [636 Kb] [20200320 08.00]
12gi -- Financial account, monthly, 2006M01-2020M03 [106 Kb] [20200513 08.00]
12gj -- International investment position by sector and region, quarterly, 2006Q1-2020Q1 [2458 Kb] [20200622 08.00]
12gk -- Financial account and international investment position by instrument, quarterly, 2006Q1-2020Q1 [256 Kb] [20200622 08.00]
12gp -- Balance of payments and international trade indicators, quarterly, 2006Q1-2019Q4 [20 Kb] [20200320 08.00]
Financial accounts
International trade in goods and services
Regional Account