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142h -- Regional time series, 1987-2023

Choose variables

Land area, km2:
Population increase:
Population increase, per mil of mean population:
Population change from the previous year, %:
Population change in five years, %:
Women per 1,000 men:
Persons aged under 7, %:
Persons aged under 15, %:
Change in the number of persons aged under 15 from the previous year, %:
Change in the number of persons aged under 15 in five years, %:
Persons aged 15 to 64, %:
Change in the number of persons aged 15 to 64 from the previous year, %:
Change in the number of persons aged 15 to 64 in five years, %:
Persons aged 64 or over, %:
Persons aged under 15 and over 64, %:
Demographic dependency ratio:
Average age of the population:
Average age of the population, men:
Average age of the population, women:
Swedish-speaking, %:
Foreign citizens, %:
Degree of urbanisation, %:
Births/1,000 population:
Deaths/1,000 population:
Excess of births, persons:
Excess of births (natural population increase), per mil:
Net migration:
Migration balance, per mil of mean population:
Net immigration:
Net immigration, per mil of mean population:
Intermunicipal out-migration:
Intermunicipal in-migration:
Intermunicipal migration gain/loss, persons:
Intermunicipal migration balance, per mil of mean population:
Average floor area of dwellings, m2:
Average size of household-dwelling units, persons:
Overcrowded household-dwelling units, %:
One-person household-dwelling units, %:
Two-person household-dwelling units, %:
Three-person household-dwelling units, %:
More than three-person household-dwelling units, %:
Floor area of permanently occupied dwellings, m2:
Floor area of dwellings, m2 per person when floor area is known:
Household-dwelling units living in terraced houses and detached houses, %:
Household-dwelling units living in detached houses, %:
Household-dwelling units living in terraced houses and attached houses, %:
Household-dwelling units living in blocks of flats, %:
Household-dwelling units living in other buildings, %:
Dwellings not in permanent dwelling use, %:
Household-dwelling units living in owner-occupied dwellings, %:
Household-dwelling units living in rental dwellings, %:
Household-dwelling units living in right-of-occupancy dwellings or dwellings with unknown tenure status/other dwellings, %:
Household-dwelling units living in dwellings with a low standard of equipment or with unknown equipment, %:
Elderly household-dwelling units living in dwellings with a high standard of equipment, %:
Elderly household-dwelling units living in dwellings with a low standard of equipment, %:
Gross floor area of buildings, m2:
Gross floor area of residential buildings, m2:
Gross floor area of residential buildings, %:
Gross floor area of commercial and office buildings, m2:
Gross floor area of commercial and office buildings, %:
Gross floor area of educational and assembly buildings, buildings for institutional care and other buildings, m2:
Gross floor area of educational and assembly buildings, buildings for institutional care and other buildings, %:
Gross floor area of industrial buildings, warehouses and transport buildings, m2:
Gross floor area of industrial buildings, warehouses and transport buildings, %:
Free-time residences/1,000 inhabitants:
Summer residents/100 inhabitants:
Private free-time residences owned by those living in other municipalities, %:
No post-basic level qualification, persons aged 25 to 29, share of age group, %:
No post-basic level qualification, share of persons aged 15 or over, %:
No post-basic level qualification, share of men aged 15 or over, %:
No post-basic level qualification, share of women aged 15 or over, %:
Share of persons aged 15 or over with at least upper secondary qualifications, %:
Men with at least upper secondary qualifications, share of men aged 15 or over, %:
Women with at least upper secondary qualifications, share of women aged 15 or over, %:
Persons with tertiary level qualifications, share of persons aged 15 or over, %:
Persons with upper secondary and specialist vocational qualifications, share of persons aged 15 or over, %:
Men with upper secondary and specialist vocational qualifications, share of men aged 15 or over, %:
Women with upper secondary and specialist vocational qualifications, share of women aged 15 or over, %:
Persons with lowest level tertiary qualifications, share of persons aged 15 or over, %:
Share of persons aged 15 or over with lowest level tertiary qualifications, %:
Women with lowest level tertiary qualifications, share of women aged 15 or over, %:
Persons with bachelor's degrees, share of persons aged 15 or over%:
Men with bachelor's degrees, share of men aged 15 or over, %:
Women with bachelor's degrees, share of women aged 15 or over, %:
Persons with master's degrees, share of persons aged 15 or over, %:
Share of persons aged 15 or over with doctoral or equivalent level degrees, %:
No post-basic level qualification, persons aged 20+, share of age group, %:
Persons aged 20+ with upper secondary qualifications, share of age group, %:
Persons aged 20+ with master's degrees, share of age group, %:
Persons aged 20+ with doctoral or equivalent level degrees, share of age group, %:
Economic dependency ratio:
Workplace self-sufficiency:
Share of employed labour force of the population, %:
Change in the number of employed persons from previous year, %:
Share of employed persons in primary production of all employed persons, %:
Share of employed persons in secondary production of all employed persons, %:
Share of employed persons in service industries of all employed persons, %:
Employment rate of persons aged 20 to 64, %:
Employees working in their municipality of residence, share of employed persons, %:
Persons working outside their municipality of residence:
Persons working outside their municipality of residence, % of employed labour force in the area:
Persons commuting to the municipality where the workplace is located:
Persons commuting to the municipality where the workplace is located, % of persons working in the area:
Share of unemployed persons of the population, %:
Share of unemployed persons in the labour force, %:
Unemployment risk, %:
Unemployment risk, men, %:
Unemployment risk, women, %:
Share of students in the population, %:
Share of those in military and non-military service in the population, %:
Share of pensioners in the population, %:
Share of persons on unemployment pension in the population, %:
Share of other inactive population in the population, %:
Employment rate of persons aged 18 to 24, %:
Employment rate of persons aged 25 to 34, %:
Employment rate of persons aged 35 to 44, %:
Employment rate of persons aged 45 to 54, %:
Employment rate of persons aged 55 to 59, %:
Employment rate of persons aged 60 to 64, %:
Share of self-employed persons among the employed, %:
Share of male entrepreneurs of employed men, %:
Share of female entrepreneurs of employed women, %:
Change in the number of staff years from previous year, %:
Change in the number of jobs in five years, %:
Share of jobs in primary production, %:
Share of jobs in secondary production, %:
Share of jobs in services, %:
Share of jobs with unknown industry, %:
Share of jobs in manufacturing, %:
Share of jobs in manufacturing of men's all jobs, %:
Share of jobs in manufacturing of women's all jobs, %:
Share of jobs in construction, %:
Share of jobs in construction of men's all jobs, %:
Share of jobs in construction of women's all jobs, %:
Share of jobs in trade, %:
Share of jobs in trade of men's all jobs, %:
Share of jobs in trade of women's all jobs, %:
Share of jobs in accommodation and food service activities, %:
Share of jobs in education, %:
Share of jobs in education of men's all jobs, %:
Share of jobs in education of women's all jobs, %:
Share of jobs in human health and social work activities, %:
Share of jobs in human health and social work activities of men's all jobs, %:
Share of jobs in human health and social work activities of women's all jobs, %:
Share of jobs in the information sector, %:
Statistics Finland
Now you have come to the page, Choose variable. This page give you the oportunity to select which variables and values you want to display in your result of the table. A variable is a property of a statistical unit. The page is divided into several boxes, one for each variable, where you can select values by click to highlight one or more values. It always starts with the statistics variable which is the main value counted in the table.
Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.Land area, km2 , Population with known coordinates , Population ,

Selected 1 of total 265

Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.WHOLE COUNTRY , Akaa , AlajƤrvi ,

Selected 0 of total 551

Optional variable
Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.1987 , 1988 , 1989 ,

Selected 1 of total 37

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Population refers to the population permanently living in the area. People, who according to the Population Information System had a permanent place of residence in Finland at the end of the year, belong to the population regardless of their nationality. Source: Population structure, Statistics Finland.

Population increase

Population increase is the sum of natural population increase, net intermunicipal migration and net migration. Source: Population statistics, Statistics Finland

Population increase, per mil of mean population

Population increase is the sum of natural population increase, net intermunicipal migration and net migration. Per mil of mean population. Source: Population statistics, Statistics Finland

Population change from the previous year, %

Population change refers to population change in percentages during one year. Source: Population structure, Statistics Finland.

Population change in five years, %

Population change refers to population change in percentages during five years. Source: Population structure, Statistics Finland.


Population refers to the population permanently living in the area. People, who according to the Population Information System had a permanent place of residence in Finland at the end of the year, belong to the population regardless of their nationality. Source: Population structure, Statistics Finland.


Population refers to the population permanently living in the area. People, who according to the Population Information System had a permanent place of residence in Finland at the end of the year, belong to the population regardless of their nationality. Source: Population structure, Statistics Finland

Women per 1,000 men

Population refers to the population permanently living in the area. People, who according to the Population Information System had a permanent place of residence in Finland at the end of the year, belong to the population regardless of their nationality. Source: Population structure, Statistics Finland

Persons aged under 7

Population refers to the population permanently living in the area. People, who according to the Population Information System had a permanent place of residence in Finland at the end of the year, belong to the population regardless of their nationality. Age refers to a persons age in whole years at the end of the year. Source: Population structure, Statistics Finland

Persons aged under 7, %

Share of persons aged under 7 of the whole population. Population refers to the population permanently living in the area. People, who according to the Population Information System had a permanent place of residence in Finland at the end of the year, belong to the population regardless of their nationality. Age refers to a persons age in whole years at the end of the year. Source: Population structure, Statistics Finland

Persons aged under 15

Population refers to the population permanently living in the area. People, who according to the Population Information System had a permanent place of residence in Finland at the end of the year, belong to the population regardless of their nationality. Age refers to a persons age in whole years at the end of the year. Source: Population structure, Statistics Finland

Persons aged under 15, %

Share of persons aged under 15 of the whole population. Population refers to the population permanently living in the area. People, who according to the Population Information System had a permanent place of residence in Finland at the end of the year, belong to the population regardless of their nationality. Age refers to a persons age in whole years at the end of the year. Source: Population structure, Statistics Finland

Change in the number of persons aged under 15 from the previous year, %

Change in the number of persons aged under 15 from the previous year as percentages. Population refers to the population permanently living in the area. People, who according to the Population Information System had a permanent place of residence in Finland at the end of the year, belong to the population regardless of their nationality. Source: Population structure, Statistics Finland

Change in the number of persons aged under 15 in five years, %

Change in the number of persons aged under 15 in five years as percentages. Population refers to the population permanently living in the area. People, who according to the Population Information System had a permanent place of residence in Finland at the end of the year, belong to the population regardless of their nationality. Source: Population structure, Statistics Finland

Persons aged 15 to 64

Population refers to the population permanently living in the area. People, who according to the Population Information System had a permanent place of residence in Finland at the end of the year, belong to the population regardless of their nationality. Age refers to a persons age in whole years at the end of the year. Source: Population structure, Statistics Finland

Persons aged 15 to 64, %

Share of persons aged 15 to 64 of the whole population Population refers to the population permanently living in the area. People, who according to the Population Information System had a permanent place of residence in Finland at the end of the year, belong to the population regardless of their nationality. Age refers to a persons age in whole years at the end of the year. Source: Population structure, Statistics Finland

Change in the number of persons aged 15 to 64 from the previous year, %

Change in the number of persons aged 15 to 64 from the previous year as percentages. Population refers to the population permanently living in the area. People, who according to the Population Information System had a permanent place of residence in Finland at the end of the year, belong to the population regardless of their nationality. Source: Population structure, Statistics Finland

Change in the number of persons aged 15 to 64 in five years, %

Change in the number of persons aged 15 to 64 in five years as percentages. Population refers to the population permanently living in the area. People, who according to the Population Information System had a permanent place of residence in Finland at the end of the year, belong to the population regardless of their nationality. Source: Population structure, Statistics Finland

Persons aged 64 or over

Population refers to the population permanently living in the area. People, who according to the Population Information System had a permanent place of residence in Finland at the end of the year, belong to the population regardless of their nationality. Age refers to a persons age in whole years at the end of the year. Source: Population structure, Statistics Finland

Persons aged 64 or over, %

Share of persons aged over 64 of the whole population. Population refers to the population permanently living in the area. People, who according to the Population Information System had a permanent place of residence in Finland at the end of the year, belong to the population regardless of their nationality. Age refers to a persons age in whole years at the end of the year. Source: Population structure, Statistics Finland

Persons aged under 15 and over 64

Population refers to the population permanently living in the area. People, who according to the Population Information System had a permanent place of residence in Finland at the end of the year, belong to the population regardless of their nationality. Age refers to a persons age in whole years at the end of the year. Source: Population structure, Statistics Finland

Persons aged under 15 and over 64, %

The combined share of persons aged under 15 and over 64 in total population. Population refers to the population permanently living in the area. People, who according to the Population Information System had a permanent place of residence in Finland at the end of the year, belong to the population regardless of their nationality. Age refers to a persons age in whole years at the end of the year. Source: Population structure, Statistics Finland

Demographic dependency ratio

The demographic dependency ratio is given as the ratio of the numbers of persons of not working age and the number of persons of working age per one hundred persons of working age in some specified area. Persons aged 15 to 64 are included in working-age population. Source: Population structure, Statistics Finland.

Average age of the population

Age data concerning population changes refer to age on the day of the event. Average age is obtained by adding up the ages of all persons involved in the same event at the time of the event, after which the sum is divided by the number of these persons. As the used age of a person is given in full years at the time of the event, it is not the exact age of that person. For this reason, it is assumed when computing average age that the persons were aged x+0.5, on average, at the time of the event. Source: Population structure, Statistics Finland.

Average age of the population, men

Age data concerning population changes refer to age on the day of the event. Average age is obtained by adding up the ages of all persons involved in the same event at the time of the event, after which the sum is divided by the number of these persons. As the used age of a person is given in full years at the time of the event, it is not the exact age of that person. For this reason, it is assumed when computing average age that the persons were aged x+0.5, on average, at the time of the event. Source: Population structure, Statistics Finland

Average age of the population, women

Age data concerning population changes refer to age on the day of the event. Average age is obtained by adding up the ages of all persons involved in the same event at the time of the event, after which the sum is divided by the number of these persons. As the used age of a person is given in full years at the time of the event, it is not the exact age of that person. For this reason, it is assumed when computing average age that the persons were aged x+0.5, on average, at the time of the event. Source: Population structure, Statistics Finland


Population refers to the population permanently living in the area. People, who according to the Population Information System had a permanent place of residence in Finland at the end of the year, belong to the population regardless of their nationality. Source: Population structure, Statistics Finland

Swedish-speaking, %

Population refers to the population permanently living in the area. People, who according to the Population Information System had a permanent place of residence in Finland at the end of the year, belong to the population regardless of their nationality. Source: Population structure, Statistics Finland

Foreign citizens

Nationality refers to being a citizen of a particular country. Citizenship is usually determined at birth, but it can be changed when a person moves to live in another country. A person may also have more than one nationality (Nationality Act, 1985/699 and Nationality Decree 1985/699). If a person has two nationalities and one of them is Finnish, they will be included in statistics as Finnish nationals. If a foreign national living in Finland has several nationalities, that person will be entered in the statistics as a citizen of the country on whose passport they arrived in the country. Population structure, Statistics Finland

Foreign citizens, %

Nationality refers to being a citizen of a particular country. Citizenship is usually determined at birth, but it can be changed when a person moves to live in another country. A person may also have more than one nationality (Nationality Act, 1985/699 and Nationality Decree 1985/699). If a person has two nationalities and one of them is Finnish, they will be included in statistics as Finnish nationals. If a foreign national living in Finland has several nationalities, that person will be entered in the statistics as a citizen of the country on whose passport they arrived in the country. Population structure, Statistics Finland

Locality population

Urban settlements are all groups of building with at least 200 inhabitants, where the distance between buildings usually is no more than 200 metres. Source: Population structure, Statistics Finland.

Degree of urbanisation, %

Degree of urbanisation means the proportion of people living in urban settlements among the population whose location is known. Urban settlements are all groups of building with at least 200 inhabitants, where the distance between buildings usually is no more than 200 metres. Source: Population structure, Statistics Finland.


Number of liveborn children. Liveborn is the term for a newborn who breathes or shows other signs of life after birth. Only liveborn children given birth to by women living permanently in Finland are taken into account in the population statistics. Source: Births, Statistics Finland.

Births/1,000 population

Number of live births per 1,000 population. The population concept used is the mean population. Liveborn is the term for a newborn who breathes or shows other signs of life after birth. Only liveborn children given birth to by women living permanently in Finland are taken into account in the population statistics. Source: Births, Statistics Finland.


People who lived permanently in Finland at the time of their death are entered in the statistics on deaths in Finland. Source: Deaths, Statistics Finland.

Deaths/1,000 population

People who lived permanently in Finland at the time of their death are entered in the statistics on deaths in Finland. Number of deaths relative to 1,000 population. The population concept used is the mean population. Source: Deaths, Statistics Finland.

Excess of births, persons

The excess of births, that is, the natural population increase, refers to the difference between live births and deaths. Source: Population statistics, Statistics Finland

Excess of births (natural population increase), per mil

The excess of births, that is, the natural population increase, refers to the difference between live births and deaths. Per mil of mean population. Source: Population statistics, Statistics Finland

Migration balance, per mil of mean population

The migration balance is the share of the migration gain or loss of the year in question, i.e. the share of net migration of the area's mean population. It is usually reported in per mil. Source: Migration, Statistics Finland.


An immigrant is a person who has moved to live permanently in Finland during the statistical year. Source: Migration, Statistics Finland.


An emigrant is a person who has moved permanently from the country during the statistical year. Source: Migration, Statistics Finland.

Net immigration

Net immigration is the difference between immigrants and emigrants. Source: Migration, Statistics Finland.

Net immigration, per mil of mean population

Net immigration is the difference between immigrants and emigrants. Per mil of mean population. Source: Migration, Statistics Finland.

Intermunicipal out-migration

Intermunicipal out-migration refers to persons who have moved from one municipality to another. Source: Migration, Statistics Finland.

Intermunicipal in-migration

Intermunicipal in-migration refers to persons who have moved to a municipality from another municipality. Source: Migration, Statistics Finland.

Intermunicipal migration gain/loss, persons

Intermunicipal migration gain/loss refers to intermunicipal net migration. Intermunicipal net migration is the difference between intermunicipal in-migration and intermunicipal out-migration according to municipality-based regional divisions when presenting data. Source: Migration statistics, Statistics Finland

Intermunicipal migration balance, per mil of mean population

The intermunicipal migration balance is the share of the migration gain or loss between municipalities, i.e. net migration of the area's mean population. It is usually reported in per mil.

Average floor area of dwellings, m2

Average floor area of dwellings in permanent residential use (m2). Source: Dwellings and housing conditions, Statistics Finland


A family consists of a married or cohabiting couple or persons in a registered partnership and their children living together; or either of the parents and his or her children living together; or a married or cohabiting couple and persons in a registered partnership without children. Same-sex persons have been able to register their partnership as of 1 March 2002. Source: Family statistics, Statistics Finland

Household-dwelling units

A household-dwelling unit is formed by all persons living permanently in the same dwelling. Persons who according to the Central Population Register are institutionalised, or are homeless, or are abroad, or are registered as unknown, do not constitute household-dwelling units. Source: Dwellings and housing conditions, Statistics Finland

Average size of household-dwelling units, persons

A household-dwelling unit is formed by all persons living permanently in the same dwelling. Persons who according to the Central Population Register are institutionalised, or are homeless, or are abroad, or are registered as unknown, do not constitute household-dwelling units in the population census. Source: Dwellings and housing conditions, Statistics Finland

Overcrowded household-dwelling units

Household-dwelling units are defined as living in an overcrowded dwelling if there are more than one person per one room, when the kitchen is not counted as a room. A household-dwelling unit is formed by all persons living permanently in the same dwelling. Persons who according to the Central Population Register are institutionalised, or are homeless, or are abroad, or are registered as unknown, do not constitute household-dwelling units in the population census. Source: Dwellings and housing conditions, Statistics Finland

Overcrowded household-dwelling units, %

The share of overcrowded household-dwelling units of all household-dwelling units. Household-dwelling units are defined as living in an overcrowded dwelling if there are more than one person per one room, when the kitchen is not counted as a room. A household-dwelling unit is formed by all persons living permanently in the same dwelling. Persons who according to the Central Population Register are institutionalised, or are homeless, or are abroad, or are registered as unknown, do not constitute household-dwelling units in the population census. Source: Dwellings and housing conditions, Statistics Finland

One-person household-dwelling units

A household-dwelling unit is formed by all persons living permanently in the same dwelling. Persons who according to the Central Population Register are institutionalised, or are homeless, or are abroad, or are registered as unknown, do not constitute household-dwelling units in the population census. Source: Dwellings and housing conditions, Statistics Finland.

One-person household-dwelling units, %

The share of household-dwelling units formed by one person in all household-dwelling units. A household-dwelling unit is formed by all persons living permanently in the same dwelling. Persons who according to the Central Population Register are institutionalised, or are homeless, or are abroad, or are registered as unknown, do not constitute household-dwelling units in the population census. Source: Dwellings and housing conditions, Statistics Finland

Two-person household-dwelling units

A household-dwelling unit is formed by all persons living permanently in the same dwelling. Persons who according to the Central Population Register are institutionalised, or are homeless, or are abroad, or are registered as unknown, do not constitute household-dwelling units in the population census. Source: Dwellings and housing conditions, Statistics Finland

Two-person household-dwelling units, %

The share of household-dwelling units formed by two persons in all household-dwelling units. A household-dwelling unit is formed by all persons living permanently in the same dwelling. Persons who according to the Central Population Register are institutionalised, or are homeless, or are abroad, or are registered as unknown, do not constitute household-dwelling units in the population census. Source: Dwellings and housing conditions, Statistics Finland

Three-person household-dwelling units

A household-dwelling unit is formed by all persons living permanently in the same dwelling. Persons who according to the Central Population Register are institutionalised, or are homeless, or are abroad, or are registered as unknown, do not constitute household-dwelling units in the population census. Source: Dwellings and housing conditions, Statistics Finland

Three-person household-dwelling units, %

The share of household-dwelling units formed by three persons in all household-dwelling units. A household-dwelling unit is formed by all persons living permanently in the same dwelling. Persons who according to the Central Population Register are institutionalised, or are homeless, or are abroad, or are registered as unknown, do not constitute household-dwelling units in the population census. Source: Dwellings and housing conditions, Statistics Finland

More than three-person household-dwelling units

A household-dwelling unit is formed by all persons living permanently in the same dwelling. Persons who according to the Central Population Register are institutionalised, or are homeless, or are abroad, or are registered as unknown, do not constitute household-dwelling units in the population census. Source: Dwellings and housing conditions, Statistics Finland

More than three-person household-dwelling units, %

The share of household-dwelling units formed by four or more persons of all household-dwelling units. A household-dwelling unit is formed by all persons living permanently in the same dwelling. Persons who according to the Central Population Register are institutionalised, or are homeless, or are abroad, or are registered as unknown, do not constitute household-dwelling units in the population census. Source: Dwellings and housing conditions, Statistics Finland

Floor area of permanently occupied dwellings, m2

Total area of occupied dwellings, m2. Source: Dwellings and housing conditions, Statistics Finland

Floor area of dwellings, m2 per person when floor area is known

Floor area of occupied dwellings m2 per person (included are dwellings whose floor area is known)

Household-dwelling units living in terraced houses and detached houses

A household-dwelling unit is formed by all persons living permanently in the same dwelling. Persons who according to the Population Information System are institutionalised, or are homeless, or are abroad, or are registered as unknown, do not constitute household-dwelling units. Terraced houses are residential buildings with at least three adjoining dwellings. Detached houses refer to single-family houses, semi-detached houses and two-storey detached houses with two apartments. Source: Dwellings and housing conditions, Statistics Finland

Household-dwelling units living in terraced houses and detached houses, %

Share of household-dwelling units living in terraced houses and detached houses of all household-dwelling units. A household-dwelling unit is formed by all persons living permanently in the same dwelling. Persons who according to the Population Information System are institutionalised, or are homeless, or are abroad, or are registered as unknown, do not constitute household-dwelling units. Terraced houses are residential buildings with at least three adjoining dwellings. Detached houses refer to single-family houses, semi-detached houses and two-storey detached houses with two apartments. Source: Dwellings and housing conditions, Statistics Finland

Household-dwelling units living in detached houses

A household-dwelling unit is formed by all persons living permanently in the same dwelling. Persons who according to the Population Information System are institutionalised, or are homeless, or are abroad, or are registered as unknown, do not constitute household-dwelling units. Detached houses refer to single-family houses, semi-detached houses and two-storey detached houses with two apartments. Source: Dwellings and housing conditions, Statistics Finland

Household-dwelling units living in detached houses, %

Share of household-dwelling units living in detached houses of all household-dwelling units. A household-dwelling unit is formed by all persons living permanently in the same dwelling. Persons who according to the Population Information System are institutionalised, or are homeless, or are abroad, or are registered as unknown, do not constitute household-dwelling units. Detached houses refer to single-family houses, semi-detached houses and two-storey detached houses with two apartments. Source: Dwellings and housing conditions, Statistics Finland

Household-dwelling units living in terraced houses and attached houses

A household-dwelling unit is formed by all persons living permanently in the same dwelling. Persons who according to the Population Information System are institutionalised, or are homeless, or are abroad, or are registered as unknown, do not constitute household-dwelling units. Attached houses are houses with at least three dwellings that are joined together through store sheds, shelters, etc. Source: Dwellings and housing conditions, Statistics Finland

Household-dwelling units living in terraced houses and attached houses, %

Share of household-dwelling units living in terraced houses and attached houses of all household-dwelling units. A household-dwelling unit is formed by all persons living permanently in the same dwelling. Persons who according to the Population Information System are institutionalised, or are homeless, or are abroad, or are registered as unknown, do not constitute household-dwelling units. Attached houses are houses with at least three dwellings that are joined together through store sheds, shelters, etc. Source: Dwellings and housing conditions, Statistics Finland

Household-dwelling units living in blocks of flats

A household-dwelling unit is formed by all persons living permanently in the same dwelling. Persons who according to the Population Information System are institutionalised, or are homeless, or are abroad, or are registered as unknown, do not constitute household-dwelling units. A house of at least three dwellings that has at least two dwellings on top of each other is classified as residential blocks of flats. Source: Dwellings and housing conditions, Statistics Finland

Household-dwelling units living in blocks of flats, %

Share of household-dwelling units living in rental dwellings of all household-dwelling units. A household-dwelling unit is formed by all persons living permanently in the same dwelling. Persons who according to the Population Information System are institutionalised, or are homeless, or are abroad, or are registered as unknown, do not constitute household-dwelling units. A house of at least three dwellings that has at least two dwellings on top of each other is classified as residential blocks of flats. Source: Dwellings and housing conditions, Statistics Finland

Household-dwelling units living in other buildings

A household-dwelling unit is formed by all persons living permanently in the same dwelling. Persons who according to the Population Information System are institutionalised, or are homeless, or are abroad, or are registered as unknown, do not constitute household-dwelling units. Other buildings include others than detached houses, terraced houses and residential blocks of flats. Source: Dwellings and housing conditions, Statistics Finland

Household-dwelling units living in other buildings, %

Share of household-dwelling units living in other buildings of all household-dwelling units. A household-dwelling unit is formed by all persons living permanently in the same dwelling. Persons who according to the Population Information System are institutionalised, or are homeless, or are abroad, or are registered as unknown, do not constitute household-dwelling units. Other buildings include others than detached houses, terraced houses and residential blocks of flats. Source: Dwellings and housing conditions, Statistics Finland

Dwellings not in permanent residential use

Those dwellings in which no person is permanently resident according to the population information system of the Population Register Centre are classified as a dwelling not in permanent residential use. Source: Dwellings and housing conditions, Statistics Finland

Dwellings not in permanent dwelling use, %

The share of dwellings not in permanent residence use of all dwellings. Source: Dwellings and housing conditions, Statistics Finland

Household-dwelling units living in owner-occupied dwellings

Those household-dwelling units where the occupant of the dwelling owns the house or shares in the dwelling are defined as living in owner-occupied dwellings. Source: Dwellings and housing conditions, Statistics Finland

Household-dwelling units living in owner-occupied dwellings, %

Share of household-dwelling units living in owner-occupied dwellings of all household-dwelling units. Those household-dwelling units where the occupant of the dwelling owns the house or shares in the dwelling are defined as living in owner-occupied dwellings. Source: Dwellings and housing conditions, Statistics Finland

Household-dwelling units living in rental dwellings

A household-dwelling unit is formed by all persons living permanently in the same dwelling. Persons who according to the Population Information System are institutionalised, or are homeless, or are abroad, or are registered as unknown, do not constitute household-dwelling units. A rental dwelling refers to a dwelling which the tenant occupies on the basis of a rental agreement, in which case the tenant pays rent for the right to use the dwelling and the related benefits. Government-subsidised rental dwellings, interest-subsidised rental dwellings and other rental dwellings are classified as rental dwellings. Source: Dwellings and housing conditions, Statistics Finland

Household-dwelling units living in rental dwellings, %

Share of household-dwelling units living in rental dwellings of all household-dwelling units. A household-dwelling unit is formed by all persons living permanently in the same dwelling. Persons who according to the Population Information System are institutionalised, or are homeless, or are abroad, or are registered as unknown, do not constitute household-dwelling units. A rental dwelling refers to a dwelling which the tenant occupies on the basis of a rental agreement, in which case the tenant pays rent for the right to use the dwelling and the related benefits. Government-subsidised rental dwellings, interest-subsidised rental dwellings and other rental dwellings are classified as rental dwellings. Source: Dwellings and housing conditions, Statistics Finland

Household-dwelling units living in right-of-occupancy dwellings or dwellings with unknown tenure status/other dwellings

A household-dwelling unit is formed by all persons living permanently in the same dwelling. Persons who according to the Population Information System are institutionalised, or are homeless, or are abroad, or are registered as unknown, do not constitute household-dwelling units. Source: Dwellings and housing conditions, Statistics Finland

Household-dwelling units living in right-of-occupancy dwellings or dwellings with unknown tenure status/other dwellings, %

The share of household-dwelling units living in right of occupancy dwellings or dwellings with unknown tenure status or other dwellings in all household-dwelling units. A household-dwelling unit is formed by all persons living permanently in the same dwelling. Persons who according to the Population Information System are institutionalised, or are homeless, or are abroad, or are registered as unknown, do not constitute household-dwelling units. Source: Dwellings and housing conditions, Statistics Finland

Elderly household-dwelling units living in dwellings with a high standard of equipment

An elderly household-dwelling unit includes at least one person aged 65 or over. A dwelling with a high standard of equipment has running water, sewage, hot water, toilet, washing facilities (either a shower, bathroom or sauna in the dwelling) and central or electric heating. Source: Dwellings and housing conditions, Statistics Finland

Elderly household-dwelling units living in dwellings with a high standard of equipment, %

The share of elderly household-dwelling units living in dwellings with a high standard of equipment of all elderly household-dwelling units. An elderly household-dwelling unit includes at least one person aged 65 or over. A dwelling with a high standard of equipment has running water, sewage, hot water, toilet, washing facilities (either a shower, bathroom or sauna in the dwelling) and central or electric heating. Source: Dwellings and housing conditions, Statistics Finland

Elderly household-dwelling units living in dwellings with a low standard of equipment or with unknown level of equipment

An elderly household-dwelling unit includes at least one person aged 65 or over. A dwelling with a low standard of equipment does not have one of the following: running water, sewage, hot water, toilet, washing facilities (either a shower, bathroom or sauna in the dwelling) and central or electric heating. Source: Dwellings and housing conditions, Statistics Finland

Elderly household-dwelling units living in dwellings with a low standard of equipment, %

The share of elderly household-dwelling units living in dwellings with a low standard of equipment in all elderly household-dwelling units. An elderly household-dwelling unit includes at least one person aged 65 or over. A dwelling with a low standard of equipment does not have one of the following: running water, sewage, hot water, toilet, washing facilities (either a shower, bathroom or sauna in the dwelling) and central or electric heating. Source: Dwellings and housing conditions, Statistics Finland

Gross floor area of buildings, m2

Gross floor area of all buildings (m2). The gross floor area of a building comprises the floor areas of the different storeys and the area of attic or basement storeys in which there are dwelling or working rooms or other space conforming to the principal intended use of the building. Source: Buildings and free-time residences, Statistics Finland

Gross floor area of residential buildings, m2

Share of the gross floor area of residential buildings of the gross floor area of all buildings. The gross floor area of a building comprises the floor areas of the different storeys and the area of attic or basement storeys in which there are dwelling or working rooms or other space conforming to the principal intended use of the building. Source: Buildings and free-time residences, Statistics Finland

Gross floor area of residential buildings, %

Share of the gross floor area of all buildingsgross floor area of residential buildings of the gross floor area of all buildings. The gross floor area of a building comprises the floor areas of the different storeys and the area of attic or basement storeys in which there are dwelling or working rooms or other space conforming to the principal intended use of the building. Source: Buildings and free-time residences, Statistics Finland

Gross floor area of commercial and office buildings, m2

Gross floor area of commercial and office buildings (m2). The gross floor area of a building comprises the floor areas of the different storeys and the area of attic or basement storeys in which there are dwelling or working rooms or other space conforming to the principal intended use of the building. Source: Buildings and free-time residences, Statistics Finland

Gross floor area of commercial and office buildings, %

Share of the gross floor area of commercial and office buildings of the gross floor area of all buildings. The gross floor area of a building comprises the floor areas of the different storeys and the area of attic or basement storeys in which there are dwelling or working rooms or other space conforming to the principal intended use of the building. Source: Buildings and free-time residences, Statistics Finland

Gross floor area of educational and assembly buildings, buildings for institutional care and other buildings, m2

Gross floor area of educational and assembly buildings, buildings for institutional care and other buildings, (m2). The gross floor area of a building comprises the floor areas of the different storeys and the area of attic or basement storeys in which there are dwelling or working rooms or other space conforming to the principal intended use of the building. Source: Buildings and free-time residences, Statistics Finland

Gross floor area of educational and assembly buildings, buildings for institutional care and other buildings, %

The share of gross floor area of educational and assembly buildings, buildings for institutional care and other buildings of the gross floor area of all buildings. The gross floor area of a building comprises the floor areas of the different storeys and the area of attic or basement storeys in which there are dwelling or working rooms or other space conforming to the principal intended use of the building. Source: Buildings and free-time residences, Statistics Finland

Gross floor area of industrial buildings, warehouses and transport buildings, m2

Gross floor area of industrial buildings, warehouses and transport buildings (m2). The gross floor area of a building comprises the floor areas of the different storeys and the area of attic or basement storeys in which there are dwelling or working rooms or other space conforming to the principal intended use of the building. Source: Buildings and free-time residences, Statistics Finland

Gross floor area of industrial buildings, warehouses and transport buildings, %

The share of gross floor area of industrial buildings, warehouses and transport buildings of the gross floor area of all buildings. The gross floor area of a building comprises the floor areas of the different storeys and the area of attic or basement storeys in which there are dwelling or working rooms or other space conforming to the principal intended use of the building. Source: Buildings and free-time residences, Statistics Finland

Free-time residences

A free-time residence refers to a recreational building constructed permanently on the site of its location or to a residential building that is used as a holiday dwelling. Source: Buildings and free-time residences, Statistics Finland

Free-time residences/1,000 inhabitants

A free-time residence refers to a recreational building constructed permanently on the site of its location or to a residential building that is used as a holiday dwelling. Source: Buildings and free-time residences, Statistics Finland

Summer residents

The number of summer residents is counted from the total number of persons in the household-dwelling units of the free-time residence owners. The number of summer residents does not include persons whose free-time residence is located in their municipality of residence. If a household-dwelling unit owns a free-time residence in more than one municipality, the said persons have been counted as summer residents in all these municipalities. It has not been possible to include the free-time residences owned by death estates or foreigners, or of those in joint ownership when counting the number of summer residents. Source: Buildings and free-time residences, Statistics Finland

Summer residents/100 inhabitants

Summer residents per 100 permanent resident of the municipality. The number of summer residents is counted from the total number of persons in the household-dwelling units of the free-time residence owners. The number of summer residents does not include persons whose free-time residence is located in their municipality of residence. If a household-dwelling unit owns a free-time residence in more than one municipality, the said persons have been counted as summer residents in all these municipalities. It has not been possible to include the free-time residences owned by death estates or foreigners, or of those in joint ownership when counting the number of summer residents. Source: Buildings and free-time residences, Statistics Finland

Private free-time residences owned by those living in other municipalities

A free-time residence refers to a recreational building constructed permanently on the site of its location or to a residential building that is used as a holiday dwelling. Source: Buildings and free-time residences, Statistics Finland

Private free-time residences owned by those living in other municipalities, %

A free-time residence refers to a recreational building constructed permanently on the site of its location or to a residential building that is used as a holiday dwelling. Source: Buildings and free-time residences, Statistics Finland

No post-basic level qualification, persons aged 25 to 29

Individuals who have completed basic level education have a maximum of nine years of education. These include elementary, intermediate and primary school education. Source: Educational structure of population, Statistics Finland.

No post-basic level qualification, persons aged 25 to 29, share of age group, %

Share of persons aged 25 to 29 with at most basic level qualifications among all persons aged 25 to 29. Individuals who have completed basic level education have a maximum of nine years of education. These include elementary, intermediate and primary school education. Source: Educational structure of population, Statistics Finland.

No post-basic level qualification, persons aged 15 or over

Individuals who have completed basic level education have a maximum of nine years of education. These include elementary, intermediate and primary school education. Source: Educational structure of population, Statistics Finland.

No post-basic level qualification, share of persons aged 15 or over, %

Share of persons with at most basic level qualifications among all persons aged 15 or over. Individuals who have completed basic level education have a maximum of nine years of education. These include elementary, intermediate and primary school education. Source: Educational structure of population, Statistics Finland.

No post-basic level qualification, men aged 15 or over

Individuals who have completed basic level education have a maximum of nine years of education. These include elementary, intermediate and primary school education. Source: Educational structure of population, Statistics Finland.

No post-basic level qualification, share of men aged 15 or over, %

Share of persons with at most basic level qualifications among all persons aged 15 or over. Individuals who have completed basic level education have a maximum of nine years of education. These include elementary, intermediate and primary school education. Source: Educational structure of population, Statistics Finland.

No post-basic level qualification, women aged 15 or over

Individuals who have completed basic level education have a maximum of nine years of education. These include elementary, intermediate and primary school education. Source: Educational structure of population, Statistics Finland.

No post-basic level qualification, share of women aged 15 or over, %

Share of persons with at most basic level qualifications among all persons aged 15 or over. Individuals who have completed basic level education have a maximum of nine years of education. These include elementary, intermediate and primary school education. Source: Educational structure of population, Statistics Finland.

Persons with at least upper secondary qualifications

Persons with at least upper secondary qualifications refer to people who have completed the matriculation examination, initial vocational qualifications, further and specialist vocational qualifications as well as tertiary level qualifications. Source: Educational structure of population, Statistics Finland.

Share of persons aged 15 or over with at least upper secondary qualifications, %

Persons with at least upper secondary qualifications refer to people who have completed the matriculation examination, initial vocational qualifications, further and specialist vocational qualifications as well as tertiary level qualifications. Source: Educational structure of population, Statistics Finland.

Men with at least upper secondary qualifications

Persons with at least upper secondary qualifications refer to people who have completed the matriculation examination, initial vocational qualifications, further and specialist vocational qualifications as well as tertiary level qualifications. Source: Educational structure of population, Statistics Finland.

Men with at least upper secondary qualifications, share of men aged 15 or over, %

Persons with at least upper secondary qualifications refer to people who have completed the matriculation examination, initial vocational qualifications, further and specialist vocational qualifications as well as tertiary level qualifications. Source: Educational structure of population, Statistics Finland.

Women with at least upper secondary qualifications

Persons with at least upper secondary qualifications refer to people who have completed the matriculation examination, initial vocational qualifications, further and specialist vocational qualifications as well as tertiary level qualifications. Source: Educational structure of population, Statistics Finland.

Women with at least upper secondary qualifications, share of women aged 15 or over, %

Persons with at least upper secondary qualifications refer to people who have completed the matriculation examination, initial vocational qualifications, further and specialist vocational qualifications as well as tertiary level qualifications. Source: Educational structure of population, Statistics Finland.

Persons with tertiary level qualifications

Persons with tertiary level qualifications include persons who have completed lowest level tertiary degrees, Bachelor's degrees, Master's degrees and doctorate or equivalent level degrees. Source: Statistics Finland, educational structure of population

Persons with tertiary level qualifications, share of persons aged 15 or over, %

Persons with tertiary level qualifications include persons who have completed lowest level tertiary degrees, Bachelor's degrees, Master's degrees and doctorate or equivalent level degrees. Source: Statistics Finland, educational structure of population

Persons with upper secondary and specialist vocational qualifications

Persons with upper secondary and specialist vocational qualifications refer to people who have completed the matriculation examination, initial vocational qualifications, further and specialist vocational qualifications. Source: Educational structure of population, Statistics Finland.

Persons with upper secondary and specialist vocational qualifications, share of persons aged 15 or over, %

Persons with upper secondary and specialist vocational qualifications refer to people who have completed the matriculation examination, initial vocational qualifications, further and specialist vocational qualifications. Source: Educational structure of population, Statistics Finland.

Men with upper secondary and specialist vocational qualifications

Persons with upper secondary and specialist vocational qualifications refer to people who have completed the matriculation examination, initial vocational qualifications, further and specialist vocational qualifications. Source: Educational structure of population, Statistics Finland.

Men with upper secondary and specialist vocational qualifications, share of men aged 15 or over, %

Persons with upper secondary and specialist vocational qualifications refer to people who have completed the matriculation examination, initial vocational qualifications, further and specialist vocational qualifications. Source: Educational structure of population, Statistics Finland.

Women with upper secondary and specialist vocational qualifications

Persons with upper secondary and specialist vocational qualifications refer to people who have completed the matriculation examination, initial vocational qualifications, further and specialist vocational qualifications. Source: Educational structure of population, Statistics Finland.

Women with upper secondary and specialist vocational qualifications, share of women aged 15 or over, %

Persons with upper secondary and specialist vocational qualifications refer to people who have completed the matriculation examination, initial vocational qualifications, further and specialist vocational qualifications. Source: Educational structure of population, Statistics Finland.

Persons with lowest level tertiary qualifications

The lowest level of tertiary education lasts for two to three years after the upper secondary level. Examples of these qualifications include the qualification of a technician engineer, diploma in business and administration, and diploma in nursing, which are not university of applied sciences degrees. Source: Educational structure of population, Statistics Finland.

Persons with lowest level tertiary qualifications, share of persons aged 15 or over, %

The lowest level of tertiary education lasts for two to three years after the upper secondary level. Examples of these qualifications include the qualification of a technician engineer, diploma in business and administration, and diploma in nursing, which are not university of applied sciences degrees. Source: Educational structure of population, Statistics Finland.

Men with lowest level tertiary qualifications

The lowest level of tertiary education lasts for two to three years after the upper secondary level. Examples of these qualifications include the qualification of a technician engineer, diploma in business and administration, and diploma in nursing, which are not university of applied sciences degrees. Source: Educational structure of population, Statistics Finland.

Share of persons aged 15 or over with lowest level tertiary qualifications, %

The lowest level of tertiary education lasts for two to three years after the upper secondary level. Examples of these qualifications include the qualification of a technician engineer, diploma in business and administration, and diploma in nursing, which are not university of applied sciences degrees. Source: Educational structure of population, Statistics Finland.

Women with lowest level tertiary qualifications

The lowest level of tertiary education lasts for two to three years after the upper secondary level. Examples of these qualifications include the qualification of a technician engineer, diploma in business and administration, and diploma in nursing, which are not university of applied sciences degrees. Source: Educational structure of population, Statistics Finland.

Women with lowest level tertiary qualifications, share of women aged 15 or over, %

The lowest level of tertiary education lasts for two to three years after the upper secondary level. Examples of these qualifications include the qualification of a technician engineer, diploma in business and administration, and diploma in nursing, which are not university of applied sciences degrees. Source: Educational structure of population, Statistics Finland.

Persons with bachelor's degrees

Completion of bachelors degrees requires three to four years of full-time studies after upper secondary level education. Bachelors degrees include bachelor's degrees from universities of applied sciences and universities. Source: Educational structure of population, Statistics Finland.

Persons with bachelor's degrees, share of persons aged 15 or over%

Completion of bachelors degrees requires three to four years of full-time studies after upper secondary level education. Bachelors degrees include bachelor's degrees from universities of applied sciences and universities. Source: Educational structure of population, Statistics Finland.

Men with bachelor's degrees

Completion of bachelors degrees requires three to four years of full-time studies after upper secondary level education. Bachelors degrees include bachelor's degrees from universities of applied sciences and universities. Source: Educational structure of population, Statistics Finland.

Men with bachelor's degrees, share of men aged 15 or over, %

Completion of bachelors degrees requires three to four years of full-time studies after upper secondary level education. Bachelors degrees include bachelor's degrees from universities of applied sciences and universities. Source: Educational structure of population, Statistics Finland.

Women with bachelor's degrees

Completion of bachelors degrees requires three to four years of full-time studies after upper secondary level education. Bachelors degrees include bachelor's degrees from universities of applied sciences and universities. Source: Educational structure of population, Statistics Finland.

Women with bachelor's degrees, share of women aged 15 or over, %

Completion of bachelors degrees requires three to four years of full-time studies after upper secondary level education. Bachelors degrees include bachelor's degrees from universities of applied sciences and universities. Source: Educational structure of population, Statistics Finland.

Persons with master's degrees

The completion of a masters degree usually requires five to six years of full-time studying after the upper secondary level. These include masters degrees and the specialisations of medical doctors. Source: Educational structure of population, Statistics Finland.

Persons with master's degrees, share of persons aged 15 or over, %

The completion of a masters degree usually requires five to six years of full-time studying after the upper secondary level. These include masters degrees and the specialisations of medical doctors. Source: Educational structure of population, Statistics Finland.

Persons with doctoral or equivalent level degrees

A doctoral degree requires the completion of an independent study for publication or a doctoral dissertation. The degrees are academic licentiate or doctoral degrees. Source: Educational structure of population, Statistics Finland.

Share of persons aged 15 or over with doctoral or equivalent level degrees, %

A doctoral degree requires the completion of an independent study for publication or a doctoral dissertation. The degrees are academic licentiate or doctoral degrees. Source: Educational structure of population, Statistics Finland.

No post-basic level qualification, persons aged 20+

Individuals who have completed basic level education have a maximum of nine years of education. These include elementary, intermediate and primary school education. Source: Educational structure of population, Statistics Finland.

No post-basic level qualification, persons aged 20+, share of age group, %

Individuals who have completed basic level education have a maximum of nine years of education. These include elementary, intermediate and primary school education. Source: Educational structure of population, Statistics Finland.

Persons aged 20+ with upper secondary qualifications

Persons with upper secondary qualifications refer to people who have completed the matriculation examination, initial vocational qualifications, further and specialist vocational qualifications. Source: Educational structure of population, Statistics Finland.

Persons aged 20+ with upper secondary qualifications, share of age group, %

Persons with upper secondary qualifications refer to people who have completed the matriculation examination, initial vocational qualifications, further and specialist vocational qualifications. Source: Educational structure of population, Statistics Finland.

Persons aged 20 + with master's degrees

The completion of a masters degree usually requires five to six years of full-time studying after the upper secondary level. These include masters degrees and the specialisations of medical doctors. Source: Educational structure of population, Statistics Finland.

Persons aged 20+ with master's degrees, share of age group, %

The completion of a masters degree usually requires five to six years of full-time studying after the upper secondary level. These include masters degrees and the specialisations of medical doctors. Source: Educational structure of population, Statistics Finland.

Persons aged 20+ with doctoral or equivalent level degrees, share of age group, %

A doctoral degree requires the completion of an independent study for publication or a doctoral dissertation. The degrees are academic licentiate or doctoral degrees. Source: Educational structure of population, Statistics Finland.

Economic dependency ratio

The population structure is measured with the so-called economic dependency ratio, which calculates how many persons are outside the labour force and unemployed per one hundred employed person. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Workplace self-sufficiency

Workplace self-sufficiency expresses the ratio between the number of people working in the area and the employed labour force living in the area. If workplace self-sufficiency exceeds 100, the number of workplaces in the area is higher than the number of employed people living in the area. If the figure is below 100, the opposite is true. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Employed labour force resident in the area

Employed labour force resident in the area refers to all employed persons in the area concerned irrespective of the location of their workplaces. Employed labour force resident in the area forms the so-called employed night population. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Share of employed labour force of the population, %

Employed labour force resident in the area refers to all employed persons in the area concerned irrespective of the location of their workplaces. Employed labour force resident in the area forms the so-called employed night population. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Change in the number of employed persons from previous year, %

Employed labour force resident in the area refers to all employed persons in the area concerned irrespective of the location of their workplaces. Employed labour force resident in the area forms the so-called employed night population. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Employed labour force in primary production

Primary production comprises the TOL 2008 Standard Industrial Classification categories: A Agriculture, forestry and fishing. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Share of employed persons in primary production of all employed persons, %

Primary production comprises the TOL 2008 Standard Industrial Classification categories: A Agriculture, forestry and fishing. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Employed labour force in secondary production

Secondary production comprises the TOL 2008 Standard Industrial Classification categories: B Mining and quarrying, C Manufacturing, D Electricity, gas steam and air conditioning supply, E Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities, F Construction. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Share of employed persons in secondary production of all employed persons, %

Secondary production comprises the TOL 2008 Standard Industrial Classification categories: B Mining and quarrying, C Manufacturing, D Electricity, gas steam and air conditioning supply, E Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities, F Construction. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Employed labour force in service industries

Services comprise the TOL 2008 Standard Industrial Classification categories: G Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles, H Transportation and storage, I Accommodation and food service activities, J Information and communication, K Financial and insurance activities, L Real estate activities, M Professional, scientific and technical activities, N Administrative and support service activities, O Public administration and defence, compulsory social security, P Education, Q Human health and social work activities, R Arts, entertainment and recreation, S Other service activities, T Activities of households as employers. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Share of employed persons in service industries of all employed persons, %

Services comprise the TOL 2008 Standard Industrial Classification categories: G Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles, H Transportation and storage, I Accommodation and food service activities, J Information and communication, K Financial and insurance activities, L Real estate activities, M Professional, scientific and technical activities, N Administrative and support service activities, O Public administration and defence, compulsory social security, P Education, Q Human health and social work activities, R Arts, entertainment and recreation, S Other service activities, T Activities of households as employers. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Employed persons aged 20 to 64

Employed labour force resident in the area refers to all employed persons in the area concerned irrespective of the location of their workplaces. Employed labour force resident in the area forms the so-called employed night population. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Employment rate of persons aged 20 to 64, %

The employment rate is the share of employed persons among the population of the same age. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Working in their municipality of residence

Employed persons whose workplace is located in their municipality of residence are those working in their municipality of residence. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Employees working in their municipality of residence, share of employed persons, %

The share of employed labour force working in their municipality of residence refers to the share of employed persons working in their municipality of residence in all employed persons living in that municipality. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Persons working outside their municipality of residence

Outward commuting refers to all employed persons whose workplace is outside their municipality of residence. Source Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Persons working outside their municipality of residence, % of employed labour force in the area

Outward commuting refers to all employed persons whose workplace is outside their municipality of residence. Source Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Persons commuting to the municipality where the workplace is located

Inward commuting refers to all persons working in a municipality whose municipality of residence is not the municipality in question. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Persons commuting to the municipality where the workplace is located, % of persons working in the area

Inward commuting refers to all persons working in a municipality whose municipality of residence is not the municipality in question. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Unemployed persons

The unemployed labour force includes all persons aged 15 to 74 who were unemployed on the last working day of the year. Data on unemployment derive from the job seeker register of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Share of unemployed persons of the population, %

Share of unemployed persons in total population in per cent. The unemployed labour force includes all persons aged 15 to 74 who were unemployed on the last working day of the year. Data on unemployment derive from the job seeker register of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Unemployed persons aged 18 to 64

The unemployed labour force includes all persons aged 15 to 74 who were unemployed on the last working day of the year. Data on unemployment derive from the job seeker register of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Share of unemployed persons in the labour force, %

The labour force (active population) includes all persons aged 15 to 74 who were either employed or unemployed in the last week of the year. Since 2005, the minimum age limit for employed persons has been 18 years. Because of the comparability of the time series, the unemployment rate has been calculated here for the population aged 18 to 74. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Unemployment risk, %

The unemployment risk refers to the share of persons who became unemployed during the year in the number of employed persons in the previous year. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland

Unemployment risk, men, %

The unemployment risk refers to the share of persons who became unemployed during the year in the number of employed persons in the previous year. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland

Unemployment risk, women, %

The unemployment risk refers to the share of persons who became unemployed during the year in the number of employed persons in the previous year. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland


A student or pupil is a person aged 15 or over who studies full-time at some educational institution and is not gainfully employed or unemployed. Persons in labour market training in the last week of the year are also counted as students. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Share of students in the population, %

A student or pupil is a person aged 15 or over who studies full-time at some educational institution and is not gainfully employed or unemployed. Persons in labour market training in the last week of the year are also counted as students. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Those in military or non-military service

Persons performing military or non-military service in the last week of the year are defined as being in military and non-military service. Persons attending reservist military refresher training during the calculation week are not considered conscripts. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Share of those in military and non-military service in the population, %

Persons performing military or non-military service in the last week of the year are defined as being in military and non-military service Persons attending reservist military refresher training during the calculation week are not considered conscripts. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Pensioners excl. those on unemployment pension

All persons who, according to the data of the Social Insurance Institution of Finland or the Finnish Centre for Pensions, receive a pension (excl. survivor's pension, part-time pension) and are not in gainful employment are considered pensioners. All persons aged over 74 have also been inferred as pensioners. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Share of pensioners in the population, %

All persons who, according to the data of the Social Insurance Institution of Finland or the Finnish Centre for Pensions, receive a pension (excl. survivor's pension, part-time pension) and are not in gainful employment are considered pensioners. All persons aged over 74 have also been inferred as pensioners. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Other inactive population

The group other inactive population consists of persons who are outside the labour force and do not belong to the following groups: aged 0 to 14, students, conscripts or pensioners. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Share of other inactive population in the population, %

The group other inactive population consists of persons who are outside the labour force and do not belong to the following groups: aged 0 to 14, students, conscripts or pensioners. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Employed persons aged 18 to 24

The employed labour force includes all persons aged 18 to 74 who were in gainful employment in the last week of the year and were not registered as unemployed job seekers at the employment offices or performing military or non-military service. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Employment rate of persons aged 18 to 24, %

The employed labour force includes all persons aged 18 to 74 who were in gainful employment in the last week of the year and were not registered as unemployed job seekers at the employment offices or performing military or non-military service. The employment rate is the share of employed persons of the population of the age group in question. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Employed persons aged 25 to 34

The employed labour force includes all persons aged 18 to 74 who were in gainful employment in the last week of the year and were not registered as unemployed job seekers at the employment offices or performing military or non-military service. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Employment rate of persons aged 25 to 34, %

The employed labour force includes all persons aged 18 to 74 who were in gainful employment in the last week of the year and were not registered as unemployed job seekers at the employment offices or performing military or non-military service. The employment rate is the share of employed persons of the population of the age group in question. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Employed persons aged 35 to 44

The employed labour force includes all persons aged 18 to 74 who were in gainful employment in the last week of the year and were not registered as unemployed job seekers at the employment offices or performing military or non-military service. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Employment rate of persons aged 35 to 44, %

The employed labour force includes all persons aged 18 to 74 who were in gainful employment in the last week of the year and were not registered as unemployed job seekers at the employment offices or performing military or non-military service. The employment rate is the share of employed persons of the population of the age group in question. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Employed persons aged 45 to 54

The employed labour force includes all persons aged 18 to 74 who were in gainful employment in the last week of the year and were not registered as unemployed job seekers at the employment offices or performing military or non-military service. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Employment rate of persons aged 45 to 54, %

The employed labour force includes all persons aged 18 to 74 who were in gainful employment in the last week of the year and were not registered as unemployed job seekers at the employment offices or performing military or non-military service. The employment rate is the share of employed persons of the population of the age group in question. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Employed persons aged 55 to 59

The employed labour force includes all persons aged 18 to 74 who were in gainful employment in the last week of the year and were not registered as unemployed job seekers at the employment offices or performing military or non-military service. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Employment rate of persons aged 55 to 59, %

The employed labour force includes all persons aged 18 to 74 who were in gainful employment in the last week of the year and were not registered as unemployed job seekers at the employment offices or performing military or non-military service. The employment rate is the share of employed persons of the population of the age group in question. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Employed persons aged 60 to 64

The employed labour force includes all persons aged 18 to 74 who were in gainful employment in the last week of the year and were not registered as unemployed job seekers at the employment offices or performing military or non-military service. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Employment rate of persons aged 60 to 64, %

The employed labour force includes all persons aged 18 to 74 who were in gainful employment in the last week of the year and were not registered as unemployed job seekers at the employment offices or performing military or non-military service. The employment rate is the share of employed persons of the population of the age group in question. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.


Persons aged 18 to 74 who have self-employed person's pension insurance valid in the last week of the year and who are not unemployed on the last working day of the year or conscripts or in non-military service in the last week of the year are defined as entrepreneurs. If a person has simultaneously a valid employment contract in addition to self-employed person's pension insurance, entrepreneurial income is required to be higher than earned income. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland

Share of self-employed persons among the employed, %

Persons aged 18 to 74 who have self-employed person's pension insurance valid in the last week of the year and who are not unemployed on the last working day of the year or conscripts or in non-military service in the last week of the year are defined as entrepreneurs. If a person has simultaneously a valid employment contract in addition to self-employed person's pension insurance, entrepreneurial income is required to be higher than earned income. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland

Male entrepreneurs

Persons aged 18 to 74 who have self-employed person's pension insurance valid in the last week of the year and who are not unemployed on the last working day of the year or conscripts or in non-military service in the last week of the year are defined as entrepreneurs. If a person has simultaneously a valid employment contract in addition to self-employed person's pension insurance, entrepreneurial income is required to be higher than earned income. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland

Share of male entrepreneurs of employed men, %

Persons aged 18 to 74 who have self-employed person's pension insurance valid in the last week of the year and who are not unemployed on the last working day of the year or conscripts or in non-military service in the last week of the year are defined as entrepreneurs. If a person has simultaneously a valid employment contract in addition to self-employed person's pension insurance, entrepreneurial income is required to be higher than earned income. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland

Female entrepreneurs

Persons aged 18 to 74 who have self-employed person's pension insurance valid in the last week of the year and who are not unemployed on the last working day of the year or conscripts or in non-military service in the last week of the year are defined as entrepreneurs. If a person has simultaneously a valid employment contract in addition to self-employed person's pension insurance, entrepreneurial income is required to be higher than earned income. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland

Share of female entrepreneurs of employed women, %

Persons aged 18 to 74 who have self-employed person's pension insurance valid in the last week of the year and who are not unemployed on the last working day of the year or conscripts or in non-military service in the last week of the year are defined as entrepreneurs. If a person has simultaneously a valid employment contract in addition to self-employed person's pension insurance, entrepreneurial income is required to be higher than earned income. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland

Jobs in the area

The number of persons working in a given area can be used to describe the number of jobs in that area. Each employed person is then considered to form one job. A person working part-time forms a single job by calculation. Employment relationships may also be temporary and short-term in nature. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland

Change in the number of staff years from previous year, %

The number of persons working in a given area can be used to describe the number of jobs in that area. Each employed person is then considered to form one job. A person working part-time forms a single job by calculation. Employment relationships may also be temporary and short-term in nature. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland

Change in the number of jobs in five years, %

The number of persons working in a given area can be used to describe the number of jobs in that area. Each employed person is then considered to form one job. A person working part-time forms a single job by calculation. Employment relationships may also be temporary and short-term in nature. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland

Men's jobs in the area

The number of persons working in a given area can be used to describe the number of jobs in that area. Each employed person is then considered to form one job. A person working part-time forms a single job by calculation. Employment relationships may also be temporary and short-term in nature. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland

Women's jobs in the area

The number of persons working in a given area can be used to describe the number of jobs in that area. Each employed person is then considered to form one job. A person working part-time forms a single job by calculation. Employment relationships may also be temporary and short-term in nature. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland

Jobs in primary production

Primary production comprises the TOL 2008 Standard Industrial Classification category: A Agriculture, forestry and fishing. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Share of jobs in primary production, %

Primary production comprises the TOL 2008 Standard Industrial Classification categories: A Agriculture, forestry and fishing. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Jobs in secondary production

Secondary production comprises the TOL 2008 Standard Industrial Classification categories: B Mining and quarrying, C Manufacturing, D Electricity, gas steam and air conditioning supply, E Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities, F Construction. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Share of jobs in secondary production, %

Secondary production comprises the TOL 2008 Standard Industrial Classification categories: B Mining and quarrying, C Manufacturing, D Electricity, gas steam and air conditioning supply, E Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities, F Construction. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Jobs in services

Services comprise the TOL 2008 Standard Industrial Classification categories: G Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles, H Transportation and storage, I Accommodation and food service activities, J Information and communication, K Financial and insurance activities, L Real estate activities, M Professional, scientific and technical activities, N Administrative and support service activities, O Public administration and defence, compulsory social security, P Education, Q Human health and social work activities, R Arts, entertainment and recreation, S Other service activities, T Activities of households as employers. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Share of jobs in services, %

Services comprise the TOL 2008 Standard Industrial Classification categories: G Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles, H Transportation and storage, I Accommodation and food service activities, J Information and communication, K Financial and insurance activities, L Real estate activities, M Professional, scientific and technical activities, N Administrative and support service activities, O Public administration and defence, compulsory social security, P Education, Q Human health and social work activities, R Arts, entertainment and recreation, S Other service activities, T Activities of households as employers. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Jobs with unknown industry

Comprises the TOL 2008 Standard Industrial Classification category: X Industry unknown. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Share of jobs with unknown industry, %

Comprises the TOL 2008 Standard Industrial Classification category: X Industry unknown. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Jobs in manufacturing

Manufacturing comprises the TOL 2008 Standard Industrial Classification category C Manufacturing. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Share of jobs in manufacturing, %

Manufacturing comprises the TOL 2008 Standard Industrial Classification category C Manufacturing. The share was calculated from all jobs (persons working in the area). Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Jobs in manufacturing, men

Manufacturing comprises the TOL 2008 Standard Industrial Classification category C Manufacturing. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Share of jobs in manufacturing of men's all jobs, %

Manufacturing comprises the TOL 2008 Standard Industrial Classification category C Manufacturing. The share was calculated from men's all jobs (men working in the area). Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Jobs in manufacturing, women

Manufacturing comprises the TOL 2008 Standard Industrial Classification category C Manufacturing. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland

Share of jobs in manufacturing of women's all jobs, %

Manufacturing comprises the TOL 2008 Standard Industrial Classification category C Manufacturing. The share was calculated from women's all jobs (women working in the area). Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Jobs in construction

Construction comprises the TOL 2008 Standard Industrial Classification category F Construction. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Share of jobs in construction, %

Construction comprises the TOL 2008 Standard Industrial Classification category F Construction. The share was calculated from all jobs (persons working in the area). Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Jobs in construction, men

Construction comprises the TOL 2008 Standard Industrial Classification category F Construction. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Share of jobs in construction of men's all jobs, %

Construction comprises the TOL 2008 Standard Industrial Classification category F Construction. The share was calculated from men's all jobs (men working in the area). Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Jobs in construction, women

Construction comprises the TOL 2008 Standard Industrial Classification category F Construction. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Share of jobs in construction of women's all jobs, %

Construction comprises the TOL 2008 Standard Industrial Classification category F Construction. The share was calculated from women's all jobs (women working in the area). Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Jobs in trade

Trade comprises the TOL 2008 Standard Industrial Classification category G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Share of jobs in trade, %

Trade comprises the TOL 2008 Standard Industrial Classification category G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles. The share was calculated from all jobs (persons working in the area). Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Share of jobs in trade, men

Trade comprises the TOL 2008 Standard Industrial Classification category G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Share of jobs in trade of men's all jobs, %

Trade comprises the TOL 2008 Standard Industrial Classification category G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles. The share was calculated from men's all jobs (men working in the area). Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Share of jobs in trade, women

Trade comprises the TOL 2008 Standard Industrial Classification category G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Share of jobs in trade of women's all jobs, %

Trade comprises the TOL 2008 Standard Industrial Classification category G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles. The share was calculated from women's all jobs (women working in the area). Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Jobs in accommodation and food service activities

Accommodation and food service activities comprise TOL 2008 class I Accommodation and food service activities. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Share of jobs in accommodation and food service activities, %

Accommodation and food service activities comprise TOL 2008 class I Accommodation and food service activities. The share was calculated from all jobs (persons working in the area). Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Jobs in education

Education comprises the TOL 2008 Standard Industrial Classification category P Education. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Share of jobs in education, %

Education comprises the TOL 2008 Standard Industrial Classification category P Education. The share was calculated from all jobs (persons working in the area). Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Jobs in education, men

Education comprises the TOL 2008 Standard Industrial Classification category P Education. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Share of jobs in education of men's all jobs, %

Education comprises the TOL 2008 Standard Industrial Classification category P Education. The share was calculated from men's all jobs (men working in the area). Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Jobs in education, women

Education comprises the TOL 2008 Standard Industrial Classification category P Education. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Share of jobs in education of women's all jobs, %

Education comprises the TOL 2008 Standard Industrial Classification category P Education. The share was calculated from women's all jobs (women working in the area). Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Jobs in human health and social work activities

Human health and social work activities comprise the TOL 2008 Standard Industrial Classification category Q Human health and social work activities. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Share of jobs in human health and social work activities, %

Human health and social work activities comprise the TOL 2008 Standard Industrial Classification category Q Human health and social work activities. The share was calculated from all jobs (persons working in the area). Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Jobs in human health and social work activities, men

Human health and social work activities comprise the TOL 2008 Standard Industrial Classification category Q Human health and social work activities. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Share of jobs in human health and social work activities of men's all jobs, %

Human health and social work activities comprise the TOL 2008 Standard Industrial Classification category Q Human health and social work activities. The share was calculated from men's all jobs (men working in the area). Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Jobs in human health and social work activities, women

Human health and social work activities comprise the TOL 2008 Standard Industrial Classification category Q Human health and social work activities. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Share of jobs in human health and social work activities of women's all jobs, %

Human health and social work activities comprise the TOL 2008 Standard Industrial Classification category Q Human health and social work activities. The share was calculated from women's all jobs (women working in the area). Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Jobs in the information sector

The number of persons working in the industries of goods, service and content production (broad definition) is counted as jobs in the information sector. Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland.

Share of jobs in the information sector, %

The number of persons working in the industries of goods, service and content production (broad definition) is counted as jobs in the information sector. The share was calculated from all jobs (persons working in the area). Source: Employment statistics, Statistics Finland