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12f7 -- 9. All data groups, 2010-2022

Choose variables

X coordinate:
Y coordinate:
Surface area:
Square metre
Inhabitants, total (HE):
Males (HE):
Females (HE):
Average age of inhabitants (HE):
0-2 years (HE):
3-6 years (HE):
7-12 years (HE):
13-15 years (HE):
16-17 years (HE):
18-19 years (HE):
20-24 years (HE):
25-29 years (HE):
30-34 years (HE):
35-39 years (HE):
40-44 years (HE):
45-49 years (HE):
50-54 years (HE):
55-59 years (HE):
60-64 years (HE):
65-69 years (HE):
70-74 years (HE):
75-79 years (HE):
80-84 years (HE):
85 years or over (HE):
Aged 18 or over, total (KO):
Basic level studies (KO):
With education, total (KO):
Matriculation examination (KO):
Vocational diploma (KO):
Academic degree - Lowest level tertiary and lower university level degrees (KO):
Academic degree - Higher university level degree (KO):
Aged 18 or over, total (HR):
Average income of inhabitants (HR):
Median income of inhabitants (HR):
Inhabitants belonging to the lowest income category (HR):
Inhabitants belonging to the middle income category (HR):
Inhabitants belonging to the highest income category (HR):
Accumulated purchasing power of inhabitants (HR):
Households, total (TE):
Average size of households (TE):
Average floor area per person (TE):
Square metre
One-person households (TE):
Young one-person households (TE):
Young couples without children (TE):
Households with children (TE):
Households with small children (TE):
Households with children under school age (TE):
Households with school-age children (TE):
Households with teenagers (TE):
One-parent households with children (TE):
Adult households (TE):
Pensioner households (TE):
Households living in owner-occupied dwellings (TE):
Households living in rented dwellings (TE):
Households living in other dwellings (TE):
Households, total (TR):
Average income of households (TR):
Median income of households (TR):
Households belonging to the lowest income category (TR):
Households belonging to the middle income category (TR):
Households belonging to the highest income category (TR):
Accumulated purchasing power of households (TR):
Free-time residences (RA):
Buildings, total (RA):
Other buildings (RA):
Residential buildings (RA):
Dwellings (RA):
Average floor area per dwelling (RA):
Square metre
Dwellings in small houses (RA):
Dwellings in blocks of flats (RA):
Other dwellings (RA):
Workplaces, total (TP):
Primary production (TP):
Processing (TP):
Services (TP):
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing (TP):
B Mining and quarrying (TP):
C Manufacturing (TP):
D Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply (TP):
E Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities (TP):
F Construction (TP):
G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (TP):
H Transportation and storage (TP):
I Accommodation and food service activities (TP):
J Information and communication (TP):
K Financial and insurance activities (TP):
L Real estate activities (TP):
M Professional, scientific and technical activities (TP):
N Administrative and support service activities (TP):
O Public administration and defence; compulsory social security (TP):
P Education (TP):
Q Human health and social work activities (TP):
R Arts, entertainment and recreation (TP):
S Other service activities (TP):
T Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use (TP):
U Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies (TP):
X Industry unknown (TP):
Inhabitants, total (PT):
Employed (PT):
Unemployed (PT):
Children aged 0 to 14 (PT):
Students (PT):
Pensioners (PT):
Others (PT):
Statistics Finland
Now you have come to the page, Choose variable. This page give you the oportunity to select which variables and values you want to display in your result of the table. A variable is a property of a statistical unit. The page is divided into several boxes, one for each variable, where you can select values by click to highlight one or more values. It always starts with the statistics variable which is the main value counted in the table.
Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.X coordinate , Y coordinate , Surface area ,

Selected 1 of total 107

Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.WHOLE COUNTRY , 00100 Helsinki keskusta - Etu-Töölö (Helsinki) , 00120 Punavuori - Bulevardi (Helsinki) ,

Selected 0 of total 3,027

Optional variable
Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.2010 , 2011 , 2012 ,

Selected 1 of total 13

Number of selected data cells are:
(maximum number allowed is 300,000)

Presentation on screen is limited to 1,000 rows and 30 columns

Number of selected cells exceeds the maximum allowed 300,000
... confidential Paavo's homepage POPULATION STRUCTURE (HE)
Inhabitants are people residing permanently in the area. Anybody whose place of residence according to the Population Information System was in Finland at the end of the year (31 December) qualifies as an inhabitant regardless of nationality. The location of inhabitants is determined by the coordinates of the building they live in. The location of people living in institutions is determined by the coordinates of the institution, if known. However, people living in institutions without coordinates, Finnish nationals living temporarily abroad and people whose location in the municipality is unknown are not included. Approximately one percent of the population lack coordinates.
Data source:
Population structure, Statistics Finland
Latest statistical year:
The latest data in this group are valid as at 31 December 2022.
Data protection:
Data on population structure are confidential if there are less than 30 inhabitants in the area. The value in confidential fields is '...'.
Data on educational structure concern people aged 18 or over. Only one type of education has been taken into account for each person, i.e. the highest qualification acquired or the latest acquired qualification if a person has several same level qualifications. Where a person has completed the matriculation examination and a lower-level vocational qualification, the education is determined by the vocational qualification.
NB. Qualifications at the lowest level tertiary education are now classified together with lower university level degrees. Previously they were included among vocational diplomas.
Data source:
Educational structure of population, Statistics Finland
Latest statistical year:
The latest data in this group are valid as at 31 December 2022.
Data protection:
Data on educational structure are confidential if there are fewer than 30 people aged 18 or over in the area. The value in confidential fields is '...'.
Data on inhabitants' income concern people aged 18 or over. The income data are based on the disposable monetary income of inhabitants. The formation of disposable monetary income can be described as follows:
+ wages and salaries
+ entrepreneurial income
+ property income (without imputed rent)
+ current transfers received (without imputed rent)
(= gross money income)
- current transfers paid
= disposable monetary income
Current transfers paid are mainly formed of direct taxes and social security contributions. In addition, current transfers paid include compulsory pension contributions and unemployment insurance premiums, as well as child maintenance support paid. Taxes paid do not include church tax, voluntary individual insurance premiums and indirect taxes. Data in euros are given in the value of the statistical year. Data source:
Income distribution statistics, Statistics Finland
Latest statistical year:
The latest data in this group are valid as at 31 December 2022.
Data protection:
Data on income are confidential if there are fewer than 30 people aged 18 or over in the area. The value in confidential fields is '...'.
A household is formed of people who permanently live in the same dwelling. The statistical definition for a household is household-dwelling unit.
According to the Population Information System, household-dwelling units are not formed by people permanently resident in institutions, the homeless, and people residing abroad or missing. People living in buildings classified as hostels, whose accommodation does not meet the definition of a dwelling, do not form household-dwelling units.
NB. Data classes are partly overlapping.
Data source:
Dwellings and housing conditions, Statistics Finland
Latest statistical year:
The latest data in this group are valid as at 31 December 2022.
Data protection:
Data on size and stage in life of households are confidential if there are fewer than 30 households in the area. The value in confidential fields is '...'.
A household is formed of people who permanently live in the same dwelling. The statistical definition for a household is household-dwelling unit. The income data are based on the disposable monetary income of households.The formation of disposable monetary income can be described as follows:
+ wages and salaries
+ entrepreneurial income
+ property income (without imputed rent)
+ current transfers received (without imputed rent)
(= gross money income)
- current transfers paid
= disposable monetary income
Current transfers paid are mainly formed of direct taxes and social security contributions. In addition, current transfers paid include compulsory pension contributions and unemployment insurance premiums, as well as child maintenance support paid. Taxes paid do not include church tax, voluntary individual insurance premiums and indirect taxes. Data in euros are given in the value of the statistical year. Data source:
Income distribution statistics, Statistics Finland
Latest statistical year:
The latest data in this group are valid as at 31 December 2022.
Data protection:
Data on the income of households are confidential if there are fewer than 30 households in the area. The value in confidential fields is '...'.
The primary source of Statistics Finland's data on buildings and free-time residences is the Population Information System of the Digital and Population Data Agency into which municipal building supervision authorities report data concerning building projects subject to building permits. Shelters and kiosks of light construction, buildings used only in agricultural production, or saunas and outhouses of residential buildings are not included in the building stock. Free-time residences are also not included in the building stock but in the stock of free-time residences. The building stock and the stock of free-time residences do not contain the same buildings as an individual building is classified as belonging to either the building stock or the stock of free-time residences. Permanently occupied free-time residences are included in the stock of dwellings and therefore also in the building stock, but not in the stock of free-time residences. Classification is based on the Classification of Buildings 2018.
Data source:
Buildings and free-time residences, Statistics Finland
Latest statistical year:
The latest data in this group are valid as at 31 December 2022.
Data protection:
Data on dwellings are protected if there is only one building, one residential building or fewer than 10 dwellings in the area. The value in confidential fields is '...'.
Data on free-time residences is not protected.
The number of people working in an area can be used to indicate the number of workplaces in that area. Thus, every employed person is considered to form one workplace. People working part-time also represent one workplace. If a position is filled by another person, e.g., in the case of maternity leave, it may represent two workplaces. Employment may also be temporary or short-term. A person's industry is determined by the industry of their workplace. All people working at the same establishment are given the same industry, regardless of their occupation. The data are based on Statistics Finland's Register of Enterprises and Establishments.
NB. Deficiencies in source information may distort the number of workplaces. For example, in the absence of more precise information, the workplace of somebody employed by a multi-establishment enterprise will be placed in the municipality of the main establishment of the enterprise. Persons for whom no workplace coordinates are found are excluded from the database. Approximately seven to nine percent of the workplaces per year lack coordinates. For example, it is difficult to deduce exact coordinates for workplaces of industries N (Administrative and support service activities) and T (Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods-and services-producing activities of households for own use).
Data source:
Employment, Statistics Finland
Latest statistical year:
The latest data in this group are valid as at 31 December 2022.
Data protection:
Data on workplaces are protected if there are fewer than 10 workplaces in the area. The value in confidential fields is '...'.
Inhabitants are people residing permanently in the area. Anybody whose place of residence according to the Population Information System was in Finland at the end of the year (31 December) qualifies as an inhabitant regardless of nationality. The location of inhabitants is determined by the coordinates of the building they live in. The location of people living in institutions is determined by the coordinates of the institution, if known. However, people living in institutions without coordinates, Finnish nationals living temporarily abroad, and people whose location in the municipality is unknown are not included. Approximately one percent of the population lack coordinates.
Data source:
Employment, Statistics Finland
Latest statistical year:
The latest data in this group are valid as at 31 December 2022.
Data protection:
Data on main type of activity are confidential if there are fewer than 30 inhabitants in the area. The value in confidential fields is '...'.

Postal code area

2024 postal code areas
Paavo postal code areas (statistical postal code areas) have been produced at Statistics Finland for statistics production by postal code area. The limitation has been made using geographic information methods. The basis of the limitation is the postal code of the address of a building (data source Digital and Population Data Services Agency, Population Information System, Register of Buildings and Dwellings). The postal codes of individual addresses do not form areas, so the source data have been generalized to create the postal code areas. The statistical postal code area of a building is not always the same as the postal code of the address of that building. The boundary of the postal code area is mainly located midway between two buildings with different postal codes. The accuracy of the limitation of the location is higher where there are more buildings (e.g. densely populated areas).
The data are maintained annually for new and abolished postal code areas (in accordance with the Population Information System's data) and they are released annually in January. Statistics produced with postal code area classifications from different years are not comparable.
The municipality code (regional division of 1 January 2024) of the postal code area is determined based on the surface area. An area located on the border of several municipalities gets the municipality code with the larger surface area in the area.


X coordinate

X-coordinate of a point inside the postal code area, EUREF-FIN coordinate system (ETRS89-TM35FIN). The point is not always a geographical centroid, but it is always located inside the postal code area and in the land area.

Y coordinate

Y-coordinate of a point inside the postal code area, EUREF-FIN coordinate system (ETRS89-TM35FIN). The point is not always a geographical centroid, but it is always located inside the postal code area and in the land area.

Surface area

Surface area (m2) without sea areas.

Inhabitants, total (HE)

Inhabitants are people residing permanently in the area. This is the radix of the data group.

Males (HE)

Males permanently residing in the area.

Females (HE)

Females permanently residing in the area.

Average age of inhabitants (HE)

Average age of inhabitants is the average age by area. In calculating the average age, six months have been added to the age of each inhabitant, and then the total age has been divided by the number of inhabitants.

0-2 years (HE)

0-2 year old inhabitants permanently residing in the area.

3-6 years (HE)

3-6 year old inhabitants permanently residing in the area.

7-12 years (HE)

7-12 year old inhabitants permanently residing in the area.

13-15 years (HE)

13-15 year old inhabitants permanently residing in the area.

16-17 years (HE)

16-17 year old inhabitants permanently residing in the area.

18-19 years (HE)

18-19 year old inhabitants permanently residing in the area.

20-24 years (HE)

20-24 year old inhabitants permanently residing in the area.

25-29 years (HE)

25-29 year old inhabitants permanently residing in the area.

30-34 years (HE)

30-34 year old inhabitants permanently residing in the area.

35-39 years (HE)

35-39 year old inhabitants permanently residing in the area.

40-44 years (HE)

40-44 year old inhabitants permanently residing in the area.

45-49 years (HE)

45-49 year old inhabitants permanently residing in the area.

50-54 years (HE)

50-54 year old inhabitants permanently residing in the area.

55-59 years (HE)

55-59 year old inhabitants permanently residing in the area.

60-64 years (HE)

60-64 year old inhabitants permanently residing in the area.

65-69 years (HE)

65-69 year old inhabitants permanently residing in the area.

70-74 years (HE)

70-74 year old inhabitants permanently residing in the area.

75-79 years (HE)

75-79 year old inhabitants permanently residing in the area.

80-84 years (HE)

80-84 year old inhabitants permanently residing in the area.

85 years or over (HE)

Over 84 year old inhabitants permanently residing in the area.

Aged 18 or over, total (KO)

Inhabitants aged 18 or over living in the area. This is the radix of the data group.

Basic level studies (KO)

No qualification after basic level or qualification unknown (includes persons whose qualifications attained abroad are not known).

With education, total (KO)

People with at least an upper secondary qualification.

Matriculation examination (KO)

Matriculation examination: people having completed the matriculation examination.

Vocational diploma (KO)

Vocational diplomas include qualifications at upper secondary level (level 3, excluding matriculation examination) and post-secondary non-tertiary level (level 4).
NB. The definition of the variable has changed. Previously vocational diplomas included qualifications at the lowest level tertiary education (level 5) as well.

Academic degree - Lowest level tertiary and lower university level degrees (KO)

Lowest level tertiary education (level 5) and lower university (Bachelor's or equivalent) level education (level 6). Lowest level tertiary education includes qualifications at post-secondary non-higher vocational education, which are not included in the education system anymore.
NB. The definition of the variable has changed. Previously lowest level tertiary degrees were included among vocational diplomas.

Academic degree - Higher university level degree (KO)

Higher university (Master's or equivalent) level education (level 7) and doctorate or equivalent level degrees (level 8).

Aged 18 or over, total (HR)

Inhabitants aged 18 or over living in the area. This is the radix of the data group.

Average income of inhabitants (HR)

Average income of inhabitants (eur) is the average annual income of inhabitants.
Data in euros are given in the value of the statistical year.

Median income of inhabitants (HR)

Median income of inhabitants (eur) is obtained by listing inhabitants by the amount ot disposable monetary income. Median income is the income of the middle inhabitant. An equal number of inhabitants remain on both sides of the middle inhabitant.
Data in euros are given in the value of the statistical year.

Inhabitants belonging to the lowest income category (HR)

Inhabitants belonging to income deciles 1-2. The deciles are obtained by placing inhabitants in order by income and dividing them in ten groups containing the same amount of inhabitants.

Inhabitants belonging to the middle income category (HR)

Inhabitants belonging to income deciles 3-8. The deciles are obtained by placing inhabitants in order by income and dividing them in ten groups containing the same amount of inhabitants.

Inhabitants belonging to the highest income category (HR)

Inhabitants belonging to income deciles 9-10. The deciles are obtained by placing inhabitants in order by income and dividing them in ten groups containing the same amount of inhabitants.

Accumulated purchasing power of inhabitants (HR)

Accumulated purchasing power of inhabitants (eur) is the accumulated disposable monetary income.
Data in euros are given in the value of the statistical year.

Households, total (TE)

Households, total. This is the radix of the data group.

Average size of households (TE)

Average size of households is the total number of people living in households in the area divided by the number of households.

Average floor area per person (TE)

Average floor area per person (m2) is the total floor area of dwellings divided by the number of inhabitants in the households.

One-person households (TE)

All one-person households are included despite the age of the person.

Young one-person households (TE)

Young one-person households comprise people aged under 35.

Young couples without children (TE)

Both persons in young couples are aged under 35.

Households with children (TE)

Households with children are households with at least one child aged between 0 and 17 years. Also children aged under 18 living alone or with other minors and pensioner households with minor children belong to this class.

Households with small children (TE)

Households with small children are households with at least one child aged under 3.
NB! A household that has children of different ages may fall into more than one category. A household with more than one child of the same age is only included once as a household with children.

Households with children under school age (TE)

Households with children under school age are households with at least one child aged under 7.
NB! A household that has children of different ages may fall into more than one category. A household with more than one child of the same age is only included once as a household with children.

Households with school-age children (TE)

Households with school-age children are households with at least one child aged between 7 and 12.
NB! A household that has children of different ages may fall into more than one category. A household with more than one child of the same age is only included once as a household with children.

Households with teenagers (TE)

Households with teenagers are households with at least one child aged between 13 and 17. Also children under 18 years living alone or with other minors belong to this class.
NB! A household that has children of different ages may fall into more than one category. A household with more than one child of the same age is only included once as a household with children.

One-parent households with children (TE)

One-parent households with children are households with only one adult and at least one child aged 0 to 17. Families with one adult do not belong to this category if there are other adult persons in the household.

Adult households (TE)

In adult households, all the members of the household are aged 18 to 64.

Pensioner households (TE)

Pensioner households are households in which at least one member is over 64 years of age. Pensioner households can also be households with children.

Households living in owner-occupied dwellings (TE)

Households living in owner-occupied dwellings are households whose tenure status is owner-occupied dwelling. Dwellings based on ownership of property and of housing shares are considered owner-occupied.

Households living in rented dwellings (TE)

Households with rented dwellings are households whose tenure status is rental, subsidised, interest subsidised rental and right of occupancy dwellings.

Households living in other dwellings (TE)

Households living in other dwellings are households whose tenure status in some other (like conventional life-annuity contract, kinship) or unknown.

Households, total (TR)

Households, total. This is the radix of the data group.

Average income of households (TR)

Average income of households (eur) is the average annual disposable monetary income of households.
Data in euros are given in the value of the statistical year.

Median income of households (TR)

Median income of households (eur) is obtained by listing households by the amount of disposable monetary income. Median income is the income of the middle household. An equal number of households remain on both sides of the middle household.
Data in euros are given in the value of the statistical year.

Households belonging to the lowest income category (TR)

Households belonging to income deciles 1-2. The deciles are formed by listing all persons included in the dwelling population in order based on their equivalent disposable monetary income and dividing them to ten shares that contain an equal amount of persons. Equivalent income is an income concept by which incomes of households of different types are made comparable by taking account of shared consumption benefits.
Equivalent income = the household's income divided by the number of consumption units in the household.
From 2002 the income distribution statistics have used the OECD's adjusted consumption unit scale recommended by Eurostat, the Statistical Office of the European Communities, where
- the first adult of the household receives the weight 1
- other over 13-year-olds receive the weight 0.5
- children receive the weight 0.3 (0 to 13-year-olds are defined as children)
The assumption is that income is evenly distributed inside the household between all household members in relation to the above-mentioned consumption need.

Households belonging to the middle income category (TR)

Households belonging to income deciles 3-8. The deciles are formed by listing all persons included in the dwelling population in order based on their equivalent disposable income and dividing them to ten shares that contain an equal amount of persons. Equivalent income is an income concept by which incomes of households of different types are made comparable by taking account of shared consumption benefits.
Equivalent income = the household's income divided by the number of consumption units in the household.
From 2002 the income distribution statistics have used the OECD's adjusted consumption unit scale recommended by Eurostat, the Statistical Office of the European Communities, where
- the first adult of the household receives the weight 1
- other over 13-year-olds receive the weight 0.5
- children receive the weight 0.3 (0 to 13-year-olds are defined as children)
The assumption is that income is evenly distributed inside the household between all household members in relation to the above-mentioned consumption need.

Households belonging to the highest income category (TR)

Households belonging to income deciles 9-10. The deciles are formed by listing all persons included in the dwelling population in order based on their equivalent disposable income and dividing them to ten shares that contain an equal amount of persons. Equivalent income is an income concept by which incomes of households of different types are made comparable by taking account of shared consumption benefits.
Equivalent income = the household's income divided by the number of consumption units in the household.
From 2002 the income distribution statistics have used the OECD's adjusted consumption unit scale recommended by Eurostat, the Statistical Office of the European Communities, where
- the first adult of the household receives the weight 1
- other over 13-year-olds receive the weight 0.5
- children receive the weight 0.3 (0 to 13-year-olds are defined as children)
The assumption is that income is evenly distributed inside the household between all household members in relation to the above-mentioned consumption need.

Accumulated purchasing power of households (TR)

Accumulated purchasing power of households (eur) is the accumulated disposable monetary income.
Data in euros are given in the value of the statistical year.

Free-time residences (RA)

Free-time residences are all buildings the intended use of which on 31 December was a free-time residence building. The Classification of Buildings 2018 is applied to the statistics starting from the statistical reference year 2020. From this onwards the detached houses that have been reported to be in leisure-time use are no longer included as free-time residential buildings and rental holiday cottages are included instead.

Buildings, total (RA)

The total number of buildings per area. This is the radix of building data (excl. free-time residences).

Other buildings (RA)

Other buildings are intended for other than residential use, for example, commercial or office buildings or warehouses.

Residential buildings (RA)

Residential buildings are intended for residential use. Permanently occupied free-time residences are included.

Dwellings (RA)

Dwellings refer to the number of dwellings in residential buildings and other buildings. Dwelling is a unit with a floor area of at least 7 m² that is equipped with a kitchen, kitchenette or kitchen space and comprises one or more rooms, and is intended for round-the-year occupation. This is the radix of dwelling data.

Average floor area per dwelling (RA)

Average floor area (m2) is the total floor area of all dwellings divided by their number.

Dwellings in small houses (RA)

Dwellings in small houses are dwellings in detached small houses (detached or semi-detached houses) or terraced and attached houses (comprising at least three attached houses).

Dwellings in blocks of flats (RA)

Dwellings in blocks of flats are dwellings in residential blocks. They include buildings with at least three flats of which at least two are located on top of each other.

Other dwellings (RA)

Other dwellings are dwellings in residences for communities, dwellings for special groups and dwellings in other than residential buildings (e.g., office buildings).

Workplaces, total (TP)

Number of workplaces is the number of people working in the area. Thus, every employed person represents one workplace. The number also includes people working part-time. This is the radix of the data group.

Primary production (TP)

Primary production includes:
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing

Processing (TP)

Processing includes:
B Mining and quarrying
C Manufacturing
D Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
E Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities
F Construction

Services (TP)

Services include:
G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
H Transportation and storage
I Accommodation and food service activities
J Information and communication
K Financial and insurance activities
L Real estate activities
M Professional, scientific and technical activities
N Administrative and support service activities
O Public administration and defence; compulsory social security
P Education
Q Human health and social work activities
R Arts, entertainment and recreation
S Other service activities
T Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use
U Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies

A Agriculture, forestry and fishing (TP)

Exact descriptions of the industrial classification can be found in the Standard Industrial Classification 2008, TOL 2008, Statistics Finland, Handbooks 4.

B Mining and quarrying (TP)

Exact descriptions of the industrial classification can be found in the Standard Industrial Classification 2008, TOL 2008, Statistics Finland, Handbooks 4.

C Manufacturing (TP)

Exact descriptions of the industrial classification can be found in the Standard Industrial Classification 2008, TOL 2008, Statistics Finland, Handbooks 4.

D Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply (TP)

Exact descriptions of the industrial classification can be found in the Standard Industrial Classification 2008, TOL 2008, Statistics Finland, Handbooks 4.

E Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities (TP)

Exact descriptions of the industrial classification can be found in the Standard Industrial Classification 2008, TOL 2008, Statistics Finland, Handbooks 4.

F Construction (TP)

Exact descriptions of the industrial classification can be found in the Standard Industrial Classification 2008, TOL 2008, Statistics Finland, Handbooks 4.

G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (TP)

Exact descriptions of the industrial classification can be found in the Standard Industrial Classification 2008, TOL 2008, Statistics Finland, Handbooks 4.

H Transportation and storage (TP)

Exact descriptions of the industrial classification can be found in the Standard Industrial Classification 2008, TOL 2008, Statistics Finland, Handbooks 4.

I Accommodation and food service activities (TP)

Exact descriptions of the industrial classification can be found in the Standard Industrial Classification 2008, TOL 2008, Statistics Finland, Handbooks 4.

J Information and communication (TP)

Exact descriptions of the industrial classification can be found in the Standard Industrial Classification 2008, TOL 2008, Statistics Finland, Handbooks 4.

K Financial and insurance activities (TP)

Exact descriptions of the industrial classification can be found in the Standard Industrial Classification 2008, TOL 2008, Statistics Finland, Handbooks 4.

L Real estate activities (TP)

Exact descriptions of the industrial classification can be found in the Standard Industrial Classification 2008, TOL 2008, Statistics Finland, Handbooks 4.

M Professional, scientific and technical activities (TP)

Exact descriptions of the industrial classification can be found in the Standard Industrial Classification 2008, TOL 2008, Statistics Finland, Handbooks 4.

N Administrative and support service activities (TP)

Exact descriptions of the industrial classification can be found in the Standard Industrial Classification 2008, TOL 2008, Statistics Finland, Handbooks 4.

O Public administration and defence; compulsory social security (TP)

Exact descriptions of the industrial classification can be found in the Standard Industrial Classification 2008, TOL 2008, Statistics Finland, Handbooks 4.

P Education (TP)

Exact descriptions of the industrial classification can be found in the Standard Industrial Classification 2008, TOL 2008, Statistics Finland, Handbooks 4.

Q Human health and social work activities (TP)

Exact descriptions of the industrial classification can be found in the Standard Industrial Classification 2008, TOL 2008, Statistics Finland, Handbooks 4.

R Arts, entertainment and recreation (TP)

Exact descriptions of the industrial classification can be found in the Standard Industrial Classification 2008, TOL 2008, Statistics Finland, Handbooks 4.

S Other service activities (TP)

Exact descriptions of the industrial classification can be found in the Standard Industrial Classification 2008, TOL 2008, Statistics Finland, Handbooks 4.

T Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use (TP)

Exact descriptions of the industrial classification can be found in the Standard Industrial Classification 2008, TOL 2008, Statistics Finland, Handbooks 4.

U Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies (TP)

Exact descriptions of the industrial classification can be found in the Standard Industrial Classification 2008, TOL 2008, Statistics Finland, Handbooks 4.

X Industry unknown (TP)

Exact descriptions of the industrial classification can be found in the Standard Industrial Classification 2008, TOL 2008, Statistics Finland, Handbooks 4.

Inhabitants, total (PT)

Inhabitants are people residing permanently in the area. This is the radix of the data group.

Employed (PT)

Employed labour force is defined as people aged 18 to 74 who were gainfully employed during the last week of the year.

Unemployed (PT)

Unemployed labour force include people aged 16 to 64 who were unemployed on the last working day of the year. Data on unemployment derive from the job seeker register of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment.

Children aged 0 to 14 (PT)

Children aged 0 to 14.

Students (PT)

Students include persons aged 15 or over who study full-time and are not gainfully employed or unemployed. Data on students have been collected according to the situation in September. Students who were employed during the last week of the year are classified as employed.

Pensioners (PT)

Pensioners include persons who according to the Social Insurance Institution or the Finnish Centre for Pensions receive a pension or have some other pension income. All persons over 74 are also classified as pensioners. If a person aged under 75 is working while receiving pension, they are classified as employed.

Others (PT)

Others include all other persons outside the labour force except for children, students and pensioners. This group also includes conscripts.