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Sustainable Development UN Indicators 1990-2023

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Statistics Finland
1.1.1 --- Population below the international poverty line, %:
1.2.1.a --- Population below the national poverty line, %; Men, 0-17 years:
1.2.1.b --- Population below the national poverty line, %; Women, 0-17 years:
1.2.1.c --- Population below the national poverty line, %; Men, 18-24 years:
1.2.1.d --- Population below the national poverty line, %; Women, 18-24 years:
1.2.1.e --- Population below the national poverty line, %; Men, 25-34 years:
1.2.1.f --- Population below the national poverty line, %; Women, 25-34 years:
1.2.1.g --- Population below the national poverty line, %; Men, 35-49 years:
1.2.1.h --- Population below the national poverty line, %; Women, 35-49 years:
1.2.1.i --- Population below the national poverty line, %; Men, 50-64 years:
1.2.1.j --- Population below the national poverty line, %; Women, 50-64 years:
1.2.1.k --- Population below the national poverty line, %; Men, 65-74 years:
1.2.1.l --- Population below the national poverty line, %; Women, 65-74 years:
1.2.1.m --- Population below the national poverty line, %; Men, 75 years and over:
1.2.1.n --- Population below the national poverty line, %; Women, 75 years and over:
1.2.2 --- Proportion of population living in poverty, %:
1.3.1 --- Population covered by social protection floors, %:
1.4.1 --- Population in households with access to basic services, %:
1.4.2 --- Proportion of adult population with secure tenure rights to land, %:
1.5.1 --- Number of deaths, missing and directly affected persons attributed to disasters per 100,000 population:
per 100,000 population
1.5.2 --- Direct economic loss attributed to disasters in relation to global gross domestic product (GDP):
% of GDP
1.5.3 --- Number of countries that adopt and implement national disaster risk reduction strategies:
1.5.4 --- Local governments that adopt and implement local disaster risk reduction strategies, %:
1.a.2 --- Proportion of total government spending on essential services (education, health and social security), %:
2.1.2.a --- Prevalence of moderate or severe food insecurity in the population, %:
2.1.2.b --- Prevalence of severe food insecurity in the population, %:
2.2.1 --- Prevalence of stunting among children under 5 years of age, %:
2.2.2 --- Prevalence of malnutrition among children under 5 years of age, %:
2.3.2 --- Average yearly income of small-scale food producers, purchasing power adjusted euros:
2.4.1 --- Proportion of agricultural area under productive and sustainable agriculture, %:
2.5.1.a --- Number of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture secured in either medium or long term conservation facilities:
2.5.1.b --- Number of animal genetic resources for food and agriculture secured in either medium or long term conservation facilities:
2.5.2 --- Proportion of local breeds classified with the level of risk of extinction, %:
2.a.2 --- Total official flows to the agriculture sector, euros:
3.1.2 --- Proportion of births attended by skilled health personnel, %:
3.3.1 --- Number of new HIV infections per 1,000 uninfected population:
per 1,000 uninfected population
3.3.2 --- Tuberculosis incidence per 100,000 population:
per 100,000 population
3.3.3 --- Malaria incidence per 1,000 population:
per 1,000 population
3.3.4 --- Hepatitis B incidence per 100,000 population:
per 100,000 population
3.3.5 --- Number of people requiring interventions against neglected tropical diseases:
3.5.1 --- Coverage of treatment interventions (pharmacological, psychosocial and rehabilitation and aftercare services) for substance use disorders:
3.5.2 --- Alcohol use as alcohol per capita consumption (aged 15 years and older) in litres of pure alcohol:
litres of pure alcohol
3.7.1 --- Women (aged 15-49 years) who have their need for family planning satisfied with modern methods, %:
3.7.2.a --- Adolescent birth rate per 1,000 women: Aged 10-14 years:
per 1,000 women
3.7.2.b --- Adolescent birth rate per 1,000 women: Aged 15-19 years:
per 1,000 women
3.8.1 --- Coverage of essential health services:
3.8.2.a --- Population with large household expenditures on health, %: Threshold 10%:
3.8.2.b --- Population with large household expenditures on health, %: Threshold 25%:
3.b.1 --- Target population covered by all vaccines included in their national programme, %:
3.b.2 --- Total net official development assistance to medical research and basic health sectors, euros:
3.b.3 --- Health facilities with a core set of essential medicines available on a sustainable basis, %:
4.1.1.a --- Children and young people achieving at least a minimum proficiency level in reading, %: in grades 2/3:
4.1.1.b --- Children and young people achieving at least a minimum proficiency level in reading, %: at the end of primary school:
4.1.1.c --- Children and young people achieving at least a minimum proficiency level in reading, %: at the end of lower secondary:
4.1.1.d --- Children and young people achieving at least a minimum proficiency level in mathematics, %: in grades 2/3:
4.1.1.e --- Children and young people achieving at least a minimum proficiency level in mathematics, %: at the end of primary school:
4.1.1.f --- Children and young people achieving at least a minimum proficiency level in mathematics, %: at the end of lower secondary:
4.1.2.a -- Completion rate of primary education (all):
4.1.2.b.a -- Completion rate of lower secondary education (all):
4.1.2.b.b -- Completion rate of lower secondary education (men):
4.1.2.b.c -- Completion rate of lower secondary education (women):
4.1.2.c.a -- Completion rate of upper secondary education (all):
4.1.2.c.b -- Completion rate of upper secondary education (men):
4.1.2.c.c -- Completion rate of upper secondary education (women):
4.2.2.a --- Participation rate in organized learning (one year before the official primary entry age): Total:
4.2.2.b --- Participation rate in organized learning (one year before the official primary entry age): Men:
4.2.2.c --- Participation rate in organized learning (one year before the official primary entry age): Women:
4.3.1 --- Participation rate of youth and adults in formal and non-formal education and training:
4.4.1.a --- Youth and adults with ICT skills, %: Copying or moving a file or folder, aged 16-24*:
4.4.1.b --- Youth and adults with ICT skills, %: Copying or moving a file or folder, aged 16-74*:
4.4.1.c --- Youth and adults with ICT skills, %: Copying or moving a file or folder, aged 16-89*:
4.4.1.d --- Youth and adults with ICT skills, %: Using basic arithmetic formulae in a spreadsheet, aged 16-24*:
4.4.1.e --- Youth and adults with ICT skills, %: Using basic arithmetic formulae in a spreadsheet, aged 16-74*:
4.4.1.f --- Youth and adults with ICT skills, %: Using basic arithmetic formulae in a spreadsheet, aged 16-89*:
4.4.1.g --- Youth and adults with ICT skills, %: Commissioning software, aged 16-24*:
4.4.1.h --- Youth and adults with ICT skills, %: Commissioning software, aged 16-74*:
4.4.1.i --- Youth and adults with ICT skills, %: Commissioning software, aged 16-89*:
4.4.1.j --- Youth and adults with ICT skills, %: Creating electronic presentations with software, aged 16-24*:
4.4.1.k --- Youth and adults with ICT skills, %: Creating electronic presentations with software, aged 16-74*:
4.4.1.l --- Youth and adults with ICT skills, %: Creating electronic presentations with software, aged 16-89*:
4.4.1.m --- Youth and adults with ICT skills, %: Transferring files, aged 16-24*:
4.4.1.n --- Youth and adults with ICT skills, %: Transferring files, aged 16-74*:
4.4.1.o --- Youth and adults with ICT skills, %: Transferring files, aged 16-89*:
4.4.1.p --- Youth and adults with ICT skills, %: Writing a computer program, aged 16-24*:
4.4.1.q --- Youth and adults with ICT skills, %: Writing a computer program, aged 16-74*:
4.4.1.r --- Youth and adults with ICT skills, %: Writing a computer program, aged 16-89*:
4.4.1.s --- Youth and adults with ICT skills, %: Connecting and installing new devices, aged 16-24*:
4.4.1.t --- Youth and adults with ICT skills, %: Connecting and installing new devices, aged 16-74*:
4.4.1.u --- Youth and adults with ICT skills, %: Connecting and installing new devices, aged 16-89*:
4.4.1.v --- Youth and adults with ICT skills, %: Using copy and paste tools, aged 16-24*:
4.4.1.w --- Youth and adults with ICT skills, %: Using copy and paste tools, aged 16-74*:
4.4.1.x --- Youth and adults with ICT skills: Using copy and paste tools, aged 16-89*:
4.4.1.y --- Youth and adults with ICT skills, %: Sending e-mails with attached files, aged 16-24*:
4.4.1.z --- Youth and adults with ICT skills, %: Sending e-mails with attached files, aged 16-74*:
4.4.1.zz --- Youth and adults with ICT skills, %: Sending e-mails with attached files, aged 16-89*:
4.5.1.a --- Parity indices (women/men) for children and young people achieving at least a minimum proficiency level in reading: in grades 2/3:
4.5.1.b --- Parity indices (women/men) for children and young people achieving at least a minimum proficiency level in reading: at the end of primary:
4.5.1.c --- Parity indices (women/men) for children and young people achieving at least a minimum proficiency level in reading: at the end of lower secondary:
4.5.1.d --- Parity indices (women/men) for children and young people achieving at least a minimum proficiency level in mathematics: in grades 2/3:
4.5.1.e --- Parity indices (women/men) for children and young people achieving at least a minimum proficiency level in mathematics: at the end of primary:
4.5.1.f --- Parity indices (women/men) for children and young people achieving at least a minimum proficiency level in mathematics: at the end of lower secondary:
4.5.1.g --- Parity indices (rural/urban) for children and young people achieving at least a minimum proficiency level in reading: in grades 2/3:
4.5.1.h --- Parity indices (rural/urban) for children and young people achieving at least a minimum proficiency level in reading: at the end of primary:
4.5.1.i --- Parity indices (rural/urban) for children and young people achieving at least a minimum proficiency level in reading: at the end of lower secondary:
4.5.1.j --- Parity indices (rural/urban)for children and young people achieving at least a minimum proficiency level in mathematics: in grades 2/3:
4.5.1.k --- Parity indices (rural/urban) for children and young people achieving at least a minimum proficiency level in mathematics: at the end of primary:
4.5.1.l --- Parity indices (rural/urban) for children and young people achieving at least a minimum proficiency level in mathematics: at the end of lower secondary:
4.5.1.m --- Parity indices (Low/High socio-economic status) for children and young people achieving at least a minimum proficiency level in reading: in grades 2/3:
Low/High socio-economic status
4.6.1.a --- Population achieving at least a fixed level of proficiency in functional literacy skills, %:
4.6.1.b --- Population achieving at least a fixed level of proficiency in functional numeracy skills, %:
4.a.1.a --- Proportion of schools with access to, %: (a) electricity:
4.a.1.b --- Proportion of schools with access to, %: (b) the Internet for pedagogical purposes:
4.a.1.c --- Proportion of schools with access to, %: (c) computers for pedagogical purposes:
4.a.1.d --- Proportion of schools with access to, %: (d) adapted infrastructure and materials for students with disabilities:
4.a.1.e --- Proportion of schools with access to, %: (e) basic drinking water:
4.a.1.f --- Proportion of schools with access to, %: (f) single-sex basic sanitation facilities:
4.a.1.g --- Proportion of schools with access to, %: (g) basic handwashing facilities:
4.b.1 --- Volume of official development assistance flows for scholarships, euros:
4.c.1 --- Proportion of teachers with the minimum required qualifications, %:
5.2.1.a --- Ever-partnered women and girls (15+ years) subjected to violence by an intimate partner, %: Total:
5.2.1.b --- Ever-partnered women and girls (15+ years) subjected to violence by an intimate partner, %: 15_24:
5.2.1.c --- Ever-partnered women and girls (15+ years) subjected to violence by an intimate partner, %: 25-34:
5.2.1.d --- Ever-partnered women and girls (15+ years) subjected to violence by an intimate partner, %: 35-44:
5.2.1.e --- Ever-partnered women and girls (15+ years) subjected to violence by an intimate partner, %: 45-54:
5.2.1.f --- Ever-partnered women and girls (15+ years) subjected to violence by an intimate partner, %: 55-64:
5.2.1.g --- Ever-partnered women and girls (15+ years) subjected to violence by an intimate partner, %: 65-74:
5.2.2.a --- Women and girls (15+ years) subjected to sexual violence by other than an intimate partner, %: Total:
5.2.2.b --- Women and girls (15+ years) subjected to sexual violence by other than an intimate partner, %: 15_24:
5.2.2.c --- Women and girls (15+ years) subjected to sexual violence by other than an intimate partner, %: 25-34:
5.2.2.d --- Women and girls (15+ years) subjected to sexual violence by other than an intimate partner, %: 35-44:
5.2.2.e --- Women and girls (15+ years) subjected to sexual violence by other than an intimate partner, %: 45-54:
5.2.2.f --- Women and girls (15+ years) subjected to sexual violence by other than an intimate partner, %: 55-64:
5.2.2.g --- Women and girls (15+ years) subjected to sexual violence by other than an intimate partner, %: 65-74:
5.3.1.a --- Women aged 20-24 years who were married or in a union before age 15 years, %:
5.3.1.b --- Women aged 20-24 years who were married or in a union before age 18 years:
5.3.2 --- Girls and women (birthers 17-50 years) undergone female genital mutilation/cutting, %:
5.4.1.a --- Proportion of time spent on unpaid domestic and care work, %: Total:
5.4.1.b --- Proportion of time spent on unpaid domestic and care work, %: Women:
5.4.1.c --- Proportion of time spent on unpaid domestic and care work, %: Men:
5.4.1.d --- Proportion of time spent on unpaid domestic and care work, %: 10-14:
5.4.1.e --- Proportion of time spent on unpaid domestic and care work, %: 15-24:
5.4.1.f --- Proportion of time spent on unpaid domestic and care work, %: 25-44:
5.4.1.g --- Proportion of time spent on unpaid domestic and care work, %: 45-54:
5.4.1.h --- Proportion of time spent on unpaid domestic and care work, %: 55-64:
5.4.1.i --- Proportion of time spent on unpaid domestic and care work, %: 65+:
5.4.1.j --- Proportion of time spent on unpaid domestic and care work, %: Urban 10+:
5.4.1.k --- Proportion of time spent on unpaid domestic and care work, %: Rural 10+:
5.5.1.a --- Proportion of seats held by women in, %: (a) national parliament:
5.5.1.b --- Proportion of seats held by women in, %: (b) local goverment:
5.5.2 --- Proportion of women in managerial positions, %:
5.6.1 --- Women (15-49 years) who make their own decisions on sexual relations, contraceptive use and reproductive health care, %:
5.a.1.a.a --- Agricultural population with ownership or secure rights over agricultural land, %: Total:
5.a.1.a.b --- Agricultural population with ownership or secure rights over agricultural land, %: Men:
5.a.1.a.c --- Agricultural population with ownership or secure rights over agricultural land, %: Women:
5.a.1.b --- Share of women among owners or rights-bearers of agricultural land, %:
5.a.2 --- Countries where the legal framework guarantees women’s equal rights to land ownership and/or control, %:
5.b.1.a --- Individuals (16-74 years) who own a mobile telephone, %: Total:
5.b.1.b --- Individuals (16-74 years) who own a mobile telephone, %: Men:
5.b.1.c --- Individuals (16-74 years) who own a mobile telephone, %: Women:
5.c.1 --- Systems to track and make public allocations for gender equality and women’s empowerment, %:
6.1.1 --- Proportion of population using safely managed drinking water services, %:
6.2.1 --- Proportion of population using safely managed sanitation services, %:
6.3.1 --- Proportion of wastewater safely treated, %:
6.3.2 --- Proportion of bodies of water with good ambient water quality, %:
6.4.2.a --- Level of water stress: freshwater withdrawal as a proportion of available freshwater resources, %: Total:
6.4.2.b --- Level of water stress: freshwater withdrawal as a proportion of available freshwater resources, %: Ground water:
6.4.2.c --- Level of water stress: freshwater withdrawal as a proportion of available freshwater resources, %: Surface water:
6.4.2.d --- Level of water stress: freshwater withdrawal as a proportion of available freshwater resources, %: Cooling water:
6.5.1 --- Degree of integrated water resources management implementation (0-100):
6.5.2 --- Proportion of transboundary basin area with an operational arrangement for water cooperation, %:
6.a.1 --- Amount of water- and sanitation-related official development assistance, euros:
6.b.1 --- Local administrative units with policies and procedures for participation of local communities in water and sanitation management, %:
7.1.1 --- Proportion of population with access to electricity, %:
7.1.2 --- Proportion of population with primary reliance on clean fuels and technology, %:
7.2.1 --- Renewable energy share in the total final energy consumption, %:
7.a.1 --- International financial flows to developing countries in support of clean energy research and development and renewable energy production, euros:
8.1.1 --- Annual growth rate of real GDP per capita:
8.2.1 --- Annual growth rate of real GDP per employed person:
8.3.1 --- Proportion of informal employment in non_agriculture employment, %, by sector and sex:
8.4.1.a --- Material footprint (RMC, million tonnes):
million tonnes
8.4.1.b --- Material footprint (RMC) per capita (tonnes):
8.4.1.c --- Material footprint (RMC) per GDP (USD):
8.4.2.a --- Domestic material consumption, tonnes:
8.4.2.b --- Domestic material consumption per capita, tonnes:
8.4.2.c --- Domestic material consumption per GDP, kg per euro:
kg per euro
8.5.1.a --- Average hourly earnings of employees, euros:
8.5.1.b --- Average hourly earnings of men employees, euros:
8.5.1.c --- Average hourly earnings of women employees, euros:
8.5.2.a --- Unemployment rate: Total:
8.5.2.b --- Unemployment rate: Men:
8.5.2.c --- Unemployment rate: Women:
8.5.2.d --- Unemployment rate: 15-24:
8.5.2.e --- Unemployment rate: 25-34:
8.5.2.f --- Unemployment rate: 35-44:
8.5.2.g --- Unemployment rate: 45-54:
8.5.2.h --- Unemployment rate: 55-64:
8.5.2.i --- Unemployment rate: Persons with disabilities:
8.6.1 --- Proportion of youth (aged 15-24 years) not in education, employment or training, %:
8.7.1 --- Proportion and number of children aged 5_17 years engaged in child labour, %:
8.8.1.a --- Frequency rates of fatal occupational injuries (Deaths per 100,000 employees):
Deaths per 100,000 employees
8.8.1.b.a --- Frequency rates of non-fatal occupational injuries (Injuries per 100,000 employees): Total:
Injuries per 100,000 employees
8.8.1.b.b --- Frequency rates of non-fatal occupational injuries (Injuries per 100,000 employees): Men:
Injuries per 100,000 employees
8.8.1.b.c --- Frequency rates of non-fatal occupational injuries (Injuries per 100,000 employees): Women:
Injuries per 100,000 employees
8.9.1 --- Tourism direct GDP as a proportion of total GDP, %:
8.10.1.a --- (a) Number of commercial bank branches per 100,000 adult:
per 100,000 adult
8.10.1.b --- (b) Number of automated teller machines (ATMs) per 100,000 adults:
per 100,000 adults
8.10.2 --- Adults (15+ years) with an account at a bank or other financial institution or with a mobile-money-service provider, %:
8.a.1.a --- Aid for Trade commitments, euros:
8.a.1.b --- Aid for Trade disbursements, euros:
8.b.1 --- Existence of a national strategy for youth employment:
9.1.1 --- Proportion of the rural population who live within 2 km of an all-season road, %:
9.1.2.a --- Domestic road transport, freight volume, 1,000 tonnes:
1,000 tonnes
9.1.2.b --- Domestic road transport, freight volume, million tonnekilometres:
million tonnekilometres
9.1.2.c --- Railway transport (domestic and international total), freight, 1,000 tonnes:
1,000 tonnes
9.1.2.d --- Railway transport (domestic and international total), freight, million tonnekilometres:
million tonnekilometres
9.1.2.e --- Railway transport (domestic and international total), 1,000 passengers:
1,000 passengers
9.1.2.f --- Air transport (domestic and international total), freight volume, 1,000 tonnes:
1,000 tonnes
9.1.2.g --- Air transport (domestic and international), 1,000 passengers:
1,000 passengers
9.2.1.a --- Manufacturing value added as a proportion of GDP, %:
9.2.1.b --- Manufacturing value added per capita, 1,000 euros:
1,000 euros
9.2.2 --- Manufacturing employment as a proportion of total employment, %:
9.3.1 --- Proportion of small-scale industries in total industry value added, %:
9.3.2 --- Proportion of small-scale industries with a loan or line of credit, %:
9.4.1 --- CO2 emission per unit of value added, kt CO2/ Mio euro:
kt CO2/ Mio euro
9.5.1 --- Research and development expenditure as a proportion of GDP, %:
9.5.2 --- Researchers (in full-time equivalent) per million inhabitants:
per million inhabitants
9.a.1 --- Total official international support to infrastructure, euros:
9.b.1 --- Proportion of medium and high-tech industry value added in total value added, %:
9.c.1.a --- Proportion of population covered by a mobile network: 2G technology:
9.c.1.b --- Proportion of population covered by a mobile network: 3G technology:
9.c.1.c --- Proportion of population covered by a mobile network: 4G technology:
10.1.1.a --- Year-to-year change of mean income of the bottom 40 % of population, %:
10.1.1.b --- Year-to-year change (%) of mean income of total population, %:
10.1.1.c --- Growth rate of the mean of equivalent disposable money income per capita in the bottom 40% of population (2015 = 100):
2015 = 100
10.1.1.d --- Growth rate of the mean of equivalent disposable money income per capita in total population (2015 = 100):
2015 = 100
10.1.1.e --- Income share of the bottom 40 % of the population, %:
10.2.1.a --- People with activity limitations living below 60 per cent of median income, %: Men, 16-24 years:
10.2.1.b --- People with activity limitations living below 60 per cent of median income, %: Women, 16-24 years:
10.2.1.c --- People with activity limitations living below 60 per cent of median income, %: Men, 25-34 years:
10.2.1.d --- People with activity limitations living below 60 per cent of median income, %: Women, 25-34 years:
10.2.1.e --- People with activity limitations living below 60 per cent of median income, %: Men, 35-44 years:
10.2.1.f --- People with activity limitations living below 60 per cent of median income, %: Women, 35-44 years:
10.2.1.g --- People with activity limitations living below 60 per cent of median income, %: Men 45-54 years:
10.2.1.h --- People with activity limitations living below 60 per cent of median income, %: Women 45-54 years:
10.2.1.i --- People with activity limitations living below 60 per cent of median income, %: Men 55-64 years:
10.2.1.j --- People with activity limitations living below 60 per cent of median income, %: Women 55-64 years:
10.2.1.k --- People with activity limitations living below 60 per cent of median income, %: Men 16-64 years:
10.2.1.l --- People with activity limitations living below 60 per cent of median income, %: Women 16-64 years:
10.3.1 --- Population reporting personally felt discriminated against or harassed on the basis of discrimination, %:
10.4.1 --- Labour share of GDP, comprising wages and social protection transfers, %:
% of GDP
10.6.1 --- Members and voting rights of developing countries in international organizations, %:
10.7.1 --- Recruitment cost borne by employee as a proportion of yearly income earned in country of destination, %:
10.a.1 --- Tariff lines applied to imports from least developed countries and developing countries with zero-tariff, %:
10.b.1.a --- Total resource flows for development, by recipient and donor countries and type of flow; Million euros:
Million euros
10.b.1.b.a --- Total resource flows for development by Finland (ODA); Million euros:
Million euros
10.b.1.b.b --- Total resource flows for development, by Finland to Developing countries (ODA); Million euros:
Million euros
10.b.1.b.c --- Total resource flows for development, by Finland to multilateral recipients (ODA); Million euros:
Million euros
10.c.1 --- Remittance costs as a proportion of the amount remitted:
11.1.1 --- Proportion of urban population living in slums, informal settlements or inadequate housing:
11.2.1.a --- Proportion of population that has convenient access to public transport: Total, %:
11.2.1.b.a --- Proportion of population that has convenient access to public transport: Helsinki, Total, %:
11.2.1.b.b --- Proportion of population that has convenient access to public transport: Helsinki, Men, %:
11.2.1.b.c --- Proportion of population that has convenient access to public transport: Helsinki, Women, %:
11.2.1.b.d --- Proportion of population that has convenient access to public transport: Helsinki, 0-6 years, %:
11.2.1.b.e --- Proportion of population that has convenient access to public transport: Helsinki, 7-14 years, %:
11.2.1.b.f --- Proportion of population that has convenient access to public transport: Helsinki, 15-17 years, %:
11.2.1.b.g --- Proportion of population that has convenient access to public transport: Helsinki, 18-29 years, %:
11.2.1.b.h --- Proportion of population that has convenient access to public transport: Helsinki, 30-49 years, %:
11.2.1.b.i --- Proportion of population that has convenient access to public transport: Helsinki, 50-64 years, %:
11.2.1.b.j --- Proportion of population that has convenient access to public transport: Helsinki, 65-74 years, %:
11.2.1.b.k --- Proportion of population that has convenient access to public transport: Helsinki, 75 years or older, %:
11.3.2 --- Cities with a direct participation structure of civil society in urban planning and management, %:
11.4.1.a.a --- Total per capita expenditure per capita spent on the preservation, protection and conservation of all cultural and natural heritage, euros:
11.4.1.a.b --- Total per capita expenditure per capita spent on the preservation, protection and conservation of all cultural and natural heritage, public funding, euros:
11.4.1.a.c --- Total per capita expenditure per capita spent on the preservation, protection and conservation of all cultural and natural heritage, private funding, euros:
11.4.1.b --- Total per capita expenditure per capita spent on the preservation, protection and conservation of all cultural heritage, euros:
11.4.1.c --- Total per capita expenditure per capita spent on the preservation, protection and conservation of all natural heritage, euros:
11.5.1 --- Number of deaths, missing persons and directly affected persons attributed to disasters per 100,000 population:
per 100,000 population
11.5.3.a --- Damage to critical infrastructure attributed to disasters, euros:
11.6.1 --- Proportion of municipal solid waste regularly collected and managed in controlled facilities out of total municipal waste generated, %: all cities:
11.7.1 --- Average share of the built-up area of cities that is open space for public use for all, %:
11.7.2.a --- Proportion of persons victim of physical harassment, schoolchildren, grades 8 and 9, %:
11.7.2.b --- Proportion of persons victim of sexual harassment, schoolchildren, grades 8 and 9, %:
11.b.1 --- Number of countries that adopt and implement national disaster risk reduction strategies:
11.b.2 --- Local governments that adopt and implement local disaster risk reduction strategies, %:
12.1.1 --- Number of countries with sustainable consumption and production (SCP) national action plans or SCP mainstreamed as a priority or a target into national policies:
12.2.1.a --- Material footprint (RMC, million tonnes):
million tonnes
12.2.1.b --- Material footprint (RMC) per capita (tonnes):
12.2.1.c --- Material footprint (RMC) per GDP (USD):
12.2.2.a --- Domestic material consumption, tonnes:
12.2.2.b --- Domestic material consumption per capita, tonnes:
12.2.2.c --- Domestic material consumption per GDP, kg per euro:
kg per euro
12.3.1.a --- Food loss index, %:
12.3.1.b --- Food waste index, %:
12.4.1 --- Number of parties to international multilateral environmental agreements on hazardous waste:
12.4.2.a --- Hazardous waste generated per capita (kilograms):
12.4.2.b.a --- Hazardous waste treated; Total (1,000 tonnes):
1,000 tonnes
12.4.2.b.b --- Hazardous waste treated, by type of treatment; Landfill and other (1,000 tonnes):
1,000 tonnes
12.4.2.b.c --- Hazardous waste treated, by type of treatment; Incineration (1,000 tonnes):
1,000 tonnes
12.4.2.b.d --- Hazardous waste treated, by type of treatment; Recovery as energy (1,000 tonnes):
1,000 tonnes
12.4.2.b.e --- Hazardous waste treated, by type of treatment; Recycling and backfilling (1,000 tonnes):
1,000 tonnes
12.5.1.a --- National recycling rate: Community waste (%):
12.5.1.b --- National recycling rate: Community waste (tons of material recycled):
tons of material recycled
12.6.1 --- Number of companies publishing sustainability reports:
12.7.1 --- Number of countries implementing sustainable public procurement policies and action plans:
12.a.1 --- Support to developing countries on research and development for sustainable consumption and production, euros:
13.1.1 --- Number of deaths, missing persons and directly affected persons attributed to disasters per 100,000 population:
per 100,000 population
13.1.2 --- Number of countries that adopt and implement national disaster risk reduction strategies:
13.1.3 --- Proportion of local governments that adopt and implement local disaster risk reduction strategies:
14.1.1.b --- Coastal plastic debris density (Pieces of litter/1 000 m2):
Pieces of litter/1 000 m2
14.2.1 --- Proportion of national exclusive economic zones managed using ecosystem-based approaches, %:
14.3.1 --- Average marine acidity (pH) measured at agreed suite of representative sampling stations:
14.4.1 --- Proportion of fish stocks within biologically sustainable levels:
14.5.1 --- Coverage of protected areas in relation to marine areas:
14.7.1 --- Sustainable fisheries as a proportion of GDP in small island developing States, least developed countries and all countries, %:
% of GDP
14.a.1 --- Proportion of total research budget allocated to research in the marine technology, %:
14.b.1 --- Progress by countries in the degree of application of a regulatory framework which protects access rights for small-scale fisheries:
15.1.1 --- Forest area as a proportion of total land area, %:
15.1.2.a --- Proportion of sites for terrestrial and freshwater biodiversity that are covered by protected areas, %: by ecosystem type: IBA-sites, (%):
15.1.2.b --- Proportion of sites for terrestrial and freshwater biodiversity that are covered by protected areas, by ecosystem type: AZE-sites, (%):
15.3.1 --- Proportion of land that is degraded over total land area, %:
15.4.2.a --- Mountain Green Cover Index (MGCI):
15.4.2.b --- Proportion of degraded mountain land:
15.7.1 --- Proportion of traded wildlife that was poached or illicitly trafficked, %:
15.8.1 --- Proportion of countries adopting national legislation and resourcing the prevention or control of invasive alien species, %:
15.c.1 --- Proportion of traded wildlife that was poached or illicitly trafficked, %:
16.1.1.a.a --- Number of victims of intentional homicide per 100,000 population, total (Public Health System Data):
per 100,000 population
16.1.1.a.b --- Number of victims of intentional homicide per 100,000 population, males (Public Health System Data):
per 100,000 population
16.1.1.a.c --- Number of victims of intentional homicide per 100,000 population, females (Public Health System Data):
per 100,000 population
16.1.1.b.a --- Number of victims of intentional homicide per 100,000 population, total (Criminal Justice Data):
per 100,000 population
16.1.1.b.b --- Number of victims of intentional homicide per 100,000 population, males (Criminal Justice Data):
per 100,000 population
16.1.1.b.c --- Number of victims of intentional homicide per 100,000 population, females (Criminal Justice Data):
per 100,000 population
16.1.2 --- Conflict-related deaths per 100,000 population:
16.1.3.a --- Proportion of population subjected to physical, psychological or sexual violence, %: Total:
16.1.3.b --- Proportion of population subjected to physical, psychological or sexual violence, %: Men:
16.1.3.c --- Proportion of population subjected to physical, psychological or sexual violence, %: Women:
16.1.4 --- Proportion of population that feel safe walking alone around the area they live, %:
16.2.1.a.a --- Proportion of children aged 1-17 years who experienced physical punishment by caregivers within a year, comprehensive school 4. and 5. grades, %:
16.2.1.a.b --- Proportion of children aged 1-17 years who experienced physical punishment by caregivers within a year, comprehensive school 8. and 9. grades, %:
16.2.1.a.c --- Proportion of children aged 1-17 years who experienced physical punishment by caregivers within a year, upper secondary 1. and 2. year, %:
16.2.1.a.d --- Proportion of children aged 1-17 years who experienced physical punishment by caregivers within a year, vocational school, %:
16.2.1.b.a --- Proportion of children aged 1-17 years who experienced psychological aggression by caregivers within a year, comprehensive school 4. and 5. grades, %:
16.2.1.b.b --- Proportion of children aged 1-17 years who experienced psychological aggression by caregivers within a year, comprehensive school 8. and 9. grades, %:
16.2.1.b.c --- Proportion of children aged 1-17 years who experienced psychological aggression by caregivers within a year, upper secondary 1. and 2. year, %:
16.2.1.b.d --- Proportion of children aged 1-17 years who experienced psychological aggression by caregivers within a year, vocational school, %:
16.2.2.a.a --- Total number of victims of human trafficking per 100,000 population:
per 100,000 population
16.2.2.a.b --- Number of victims trafficked for forced labour per 100,000 population:
per 100,000 population
16.2.2.a.c --- Number of victims trafficked for sexual exploitation per 100,000 population:
per 100,000 population
16.2.2.a.d --- Number of victims trafficked for other purposes per 100,000 population:
per 100,000 population
16.2.3 --- Proportion of women and men aged 18_29 years who experienced sexual violence by age 18, %:
16.3.1 --- Proportion of victims of violence who reported their victimization to competent authorities, %:
16.3.2 --- Unsentenced detainees as a proportion of overall prison population, %:
16.4.1 --- Value of inward and outward illicit financial flows, euros:
16.4.2.a --- Proportion of seized, found or surrendered arms whose illicit origin or context has been traced by a competent authority, %:
16.5.1 --- Proportion of persons who paid a bribe to a public official, or were asked for a bribe by public officials, %:
16.5.2 --- Proportion of businesses that paid a bribe to a public official, or were asked for a bribe by public officials, %:
16.6.1 --- Primary government expenditures as a proportion of original approved budget, %: by sector:
16.6.2 --- Proportion of population satisfied with their last experience of public services, %:
16.7.1.a.a --- Positions in national legislature institutions, number:
16.7.1.a.b --- Proportion of positions in national legislature, men; %:
16.7.1.a.c --- Proportions of positions in national legislature, women; %:
16.7.1.a.d --- Proportions of positions in national legislature, 30 years or below; overall; %:
16.7.1.a.e --- Proportions of positions in national legislature, 30 years or below; men; %:
16.7.1.a.f --- Proportions of positions in national legislature, 30 years or below; women; %:
16.7.1.a.g --- Proportions of positions in national legislature, 40 years or below; overall; %:
16.7.1.a.h --- Proportions of positions in national legislature, 40 years or below; men; %:
16.7.1.a.i --- Proportions of positions in national legislature, 40 years or below; women; %:
16.7.1.a.j --- Proportions of positions in national legislature, 45 years or below; overall; %:
16.7.1.a.k --- Proportions of positions in national legislature, 45 years or below; men; %:
16.7.1.a.l --- Proportions of positions in national legislature, 45 years or below; women; %:
16.7.1.b.a Positions in public service, all; % of population:
16.7.1.b.b Positions in public service, men; % of men:
16.7.1.b.c Positions in national public service, women; % of women:
16.7.1.b.d Positions in national public service, 20-25 years; % of age group:
16.7.1.b.e Positions in national public service, 20-25 years; men; % of men in this age group:
16.7.1.b.f Positions in national public service, 20-25 years; women; % of women in this age group:
16.7.1.b.g Positions in national public service, 25-34 years; % of age group:
16.7.1.b.h Positions in national public service, 25-34 years; men; % of men in this age group:
16.7.1.b.i Positions in national public service, 25-34 years; women; % of women in this age group:
16.7.1.b.j Positions in national public service, 35-44 years; % of age group:
16.7.1.b.k Positions in national public service, 35-44 years; men; % of men in this age group:
16.7.1.b.l Positions in national public service, 35-44 years; women; % of women in this age group:
16.7.1.b.m Positions in national public service, 45-54 years; % of age group:
16.7.1.b.n Positions in national public service, 45-54 years; men; % of men in this age group:
16.7.1.b.o Positions in national public service, 45-54 years; women; % of women in this age group:
16.7.1.b.p Positions in national public service, 55-64 years; % of age group:
16.7.1.b.q Positions in national public service, 55-64 years; men; % of men in this age group:
16.7.1.b.r Positions in national public service, 55-64 years; women; % of women in this age group:
16.7.1.b.s Positions in national public service, 65 years and above; % of age group:
16.7.1.b.t Positions in national public service, 65 years and above; men; % of men in this age group:
16.7.1.b.u Positions in national public service, 65 years and above; women; % of women in this age group:
16.7.1.c.a Positions in judiciary, all; % of population:
16.7.1.c.b Positions in judiciary, men; % of men:
16.7.1.c.c Positions in national judiciary, women; % of women:
16.7.1.c.d Positions in national judiciary, below 25 years; % of age group:
16.7.1.c.e Positions in national judiciary, below 25 years; men; % of men in this age group:
16.7.1.c.f Positions in national judiciary, below 25 years; women; % of women in this age group:
16.7.1.c.g Positions in national judiciary, 25-34 years; % of age group:
16.7.1.c.h Positions in national judiciary, 25-34 years; men; % of men in this age group:
16.7.1.c.i Positions in national judiciary, 25-34 years; women; % of women in this age group:
16.7.1.c.j Positions in national judiciary, 35-44 years; % of age group:
16.7.1.c.k Positions in national judiciary, 35-44 years; men; % of men in this age group:
16.7.1.c.l Positions in national judiciary, 35-44 years; women; % of women in this age group:
16.7.1.c.m Positions in national judiciary, 45-54 years; % of age group:
16.7.1.c.n Positions in national judiciary, 45-54 years; men; % of men in this age group:
16.7.1.c.o Positions in national judiciary, 45-54 years; women; % of women in this age group:
16.7.1.c.p Positions in national judiciary, 55-64 years; % of age group:
16.7.1.c.q Positions in national judiciary, 55-64 years; men; % of men in this age group:
16.7.1.c.r Positions in national judiciary, 55-64 years; women; % of women in this age group:
16.7.1.c.s Positions in national judiciary, 65 years and above; % of age group:
16.7.1.c.t Positions in national judiciary, 65 years and above; men; % of men in this age group:
16.7.1.c.u Positions in national judiciary, 65 years and above; women; % of women in this age group:
16.7.2 --- Proportion of population who believe decision-making is inclusive and responsive, %:
16.8.1 --- Proportion of members and voting rights of developing countries in international organizations, %:
16.9.1 --- Proportion of children under 5 years whose births have been registered with a civil authority, %:
16.10.1 --- Verified cases of killing, kidnapping, enforced disappearance, arbitrary detention and torture of journalists, media personnel, trade unionists and human rights advocates:
16.10.2 --- Countries that adopt and implement constitutional, statutory and/or policy guarantees for public access to information:
16.a.1 --- Existence of independent national human rights institutions in compliance with the Paris Principles:
16.b.1 --- Proportion of population reporting having personally felt discriminated, %:
17.1.1 --- Total government revenue as a proportion of GDP, %: by source:
% of GDP
17.1.2 --- Proportion of domestic budget funded by domestic taxes, %:
17.2.1.a --- Net official development assistance (total) as a proportion of OECD Development Assistance Committee donors’ gross national income, %: Total:
% of GDP
17.2.1.b --- Net official development assistance to least developed countries, as a proportion of OECD Development Assistance Committee donors’ gross national income, %:
% of GDP
17.3.2.a --- Volume of remittances as a proportion of total GDP, %: Credit:
% BKT:sta
17.3.2.b --- Volume of remittances as a proportion of total GDP, %: Debit:
% BKT:sta
17.4.1 --- Debt service as a proportion of exports of goods and services, %:
17.5.1 --- Number of countries that adopt and implement investment promotion regimes for developing countries, including the least developed countries:
17.6.1.a --- Fixed Internet broadband subscriptions per 100 inhabitants: All subscriptions:
per 100 inhabitants
17.6.1.b --- Fixed Internet broadband subscriptions per 100 inhabitants: Less than 10 MBPS:
per 100 inhabitants
17.6.1.c --- Fixed Internet broadband subscriptions per 100 inhabitants: 10 MBPS or more:
per 100 inhabitants
17.7.1 --- Amount of funding for developing countries to promote the development of environmentally sound technologies, euros:
17.8.1.a --- Proportion of individuals using the Internet, %: Aged 16-74 years:
17.8.1.b --- Proportion of individuals using the Internet, %: Aged 16-89 years:
17.9.1 --- Value of financial and technical assistance committed to developing countries, euros:
17.11.1 --- Developing countries’ and least developed countries’ share of global exports, %:
17.18.2 --- Countries that have national statistical legislation that complies with the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics:
17.19.1 --- Resources made available to strengthen statistical capacity in developing countries, euros:
Statistics Finland
Now you have come to the page, Choose variable. This page give you the oportunity to select which variables and values you want to display in your result of the table. A variable is a property of a statistical unit. The page is divided into several boxes, one for each variable, where you can select values by click to highlight one or more values. It always starts with the statistics variable which is the main value counted in the table.
Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.1.1.1 --- Population below the international poverty line, % , 1.2.1.a --- Population below the national poverty line, %; Men, 0-17 years , 1.2.1.b --- Population below the national poverty line, %; Women, 0-17 years ,

Selected 1 of total 553

Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.1990 , 1991 , 1992 ,

Selected 1 of total 34

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(maximum number allowed is 300,000)

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. = missing data


1.1.1 --- Population below the international poverty line, %

Suomen indikaattori kuvaa suhteellisen pienituloisuusrajan alapuolella elävien henkilöiden osuutta kyseisestä väestöryhmästä (ns. köyhyysriskissä elävät henkilöt). Pienituloisia ovat henkilöt, joiden kotitalouden käytettävissä olevat rahatulot kulutusyksikköä kohden ovat alle 60 prosenttia kansallisesta mediaanitulosta

1.2.1.a --- Population below the national poverty line, %; Men, 0-17 years

Suomen indikaattori kuvaa suhteellisen pienituloisuusrajan alapuolella elävien henkilöiden osuutta kyseisestä väestöryhmästä (ns. köyhyysriskissä elävät henkilöt). Pienituloisia ovat henkilöt, joiden kotitalouden käytettävissä olevat rahatulot kulutusyksikköä kohden ovat alle 60 prosenttia kansallisesta mediaanitulosta

1.2.1.b --- Population below the national poverty line, %; Women, 0-17 years

Suomen indikaattori kuvaa suhteellisen pienituloisuusrajan alapuolella elävien henkilöiden osuutta kyseisestä väestöryhmästä (ns. köyhyysriskissä elävät henkilöt). Pienituloisia ovat henkilöt, joiden kotitalouden käytettävissä olevat rahatulot kulutusyksikköä kohden ovat alle 60 prosenttia kansallisesta mediaanitulosta

1.2.1.c --- Population below the national poverty line, %; Men, 18-24 years

Suomen indikaattori kuvaa suhteellisen pienituloisuusrajan alapuolella elävien henkilöiden osuutta kyseisestä väestöryhmästä (ns. köyhyysriskissä elävät henkilöt). Pienituloisia ovat henkilöt, joiden kotitalouden käytettävissä olevat rahatulot kulutusyksikköä kohden ovat alle 60 prosenttia kansallisesta mediaanitulosta

1.2.1.d --- Population below the national poverty line, %; Women, 18-24 years

Suomen indikaattori kuvaa suhteellisen pienituloisuusrajan alapuolella elävien henkilöiden osuutta kyseisestä väestöryhmästä (ns. köyhyysriskissä elävät henkilöt). Pienituloisia ovat henkilöt, joiden kotitalouden käytettävissä olevat rahatulot kulutusyksikköä kohden ovat alle 60 prosenttia kansallisesta mediaanitulosta

1.2.1.e --- Population below the national poverty line, %; Men, 25-34 years

Suomen indikaattori kuvaa suhteellisen pienituloisuusrajan alapuolella elävien henkilöiden osuutta kyseisestä väestöryhmästä (ns. köyhyysriskissä elävät henkilöt). Pienituloisia ovat henkilöt, joiden kotitalouden käytettävissä olevat rahatulot kulutusyksikköä kohden ovat alle 60 prosenttia kansallisesta mediaanitulosta

1.2.1.f --- Population below the national poverty line, %; Women, 25-34 years

Suomen indikaattori kuvaa suhteellisen pienituloisuusrajan alapuolella elävien henkilöiden osuutta kyseisestä väestöryhmästä (ns. köyhyysriskissä elävät henkilöt). Pienituloisia ovat henkilöt, joiden kotitalouden käytettävissä olevat rahatulot kulutusyksikköä kohden ovat alle 60 prosenttia kansallisesta mediaanitulosta

1.2.1.g --- Population below the national poverty line, %; Men, 35-49 years

Suomen indikaattori kuvaa suhteellisen pienituloisuusrajan alapuolella elävien henkilöiden osuutta kyseisestä väestöryhmästä (ns. köyhyysriskissä elävät henkilöt). Pienituloisia ovat henkilöt, joiden kotitalouden käytettävissä olevat rahatulot kulutusyksikköä kohden ovat alle 60 prosenttia kansallisesta mediaanitulosta

1.2.1.h --- Population below the national poverty line, %; Women, 35-49 years

Suomen indikaattori kuvaa suhteellisen pienituloisuusrajan alapuolella elävien henkilöiden osuutta kyseisestä väestöryhmästä (ns. köyhyysriskissä elävät henkilöt). Pienituloisia ovat henkilöt, joiden kotitalouden käytettävissä olevat rahatulot kulutusyksikköä kohden ovat alle 60 prosenttia kansallisesta mediaanitulosta

1.2.1.i --- Population below the national poverty line, %; Men, 50-64 years

Suomen indikaattori kuvaa suhteellisen pienituloisuusrajan alapuolella elävien henkilöiden osuutta kyseisestä väestöryhmästä (ns. köyhyysriskissä elävät henkilöt). Pienituloisia ovat henkilöt, joiden kotitalouden käytettävissä olevat rahatulot kulutusyksikköä kohden ovat alle 60 prosenttia kansallisesta mediaanitulosta

1.2.1.j --- Population below the national poverty line, %; Women, 50-64 years

Suomen indikaattori kuvaa suhteellisen pienituloisuusrajan alapuolella elävien henkilöiden osuutta kyseisestä väestöryhmästä (ns. köyhyysriskissä elävät henkilöt). Pienituloisia ovat henkilöt, joiden kotitalouden käytettävissä olevat rahatulot kulutusyksikköä kohden ovat alle 60 prosenttia kansallisesta mediaanitulosta

1.2.1.k --- Population below the national poverty line, %; Men, 65-74 years

Suomen indikaattori kuvaa suhteellisen pienituloisuusrajan alapuolella elävien henkilöiden osuutta kyseisestä väestöryhmästä (ns. köyhyysriskissä elävät henkilöt). Pienituloisia ovat henkilöt, joiden kotitalouden käytettävissä olevat rahatulot kulutusyksikköä kohden ovat alle 60 prosenttia kansallisesta mediaanitulosta

1.2.1.l --- Population below the national poverty line, %; Women, 65-74 years

Suomen indikaattori kuvaa suhteellisen pienituloisuusrajan alapuolella elävien henkilöiden osuutta kyseisestä väestöryhmästä (ns. köyhyysriskissä elävät henkilöt). Pienituloisia ovat henkilöt, joiden kotitalouden käytettävissä olevat rahatulot kulutusyksikköä kohden ovat alle 60 prosenttia kansallisesta mediaanitulosta

1.2.1.m --- Population below the national poverty line, %; Men, 75 years and over

Suomen indikaattori kuvaa suhteellisen pienituloisuusrajan alapuolella elävien henkilöiden osuutta kyseisestä väestöryhmästä (ns. köyhyysriskissä elävät henkilöt). Pienituloisia ovat henkilöt, joiden kotitalouden käytettävissä olevat rahatulot kulutusyksikköä kohden ovat alle 60 prosenttia kansallisesta mediaanitulosta

1.2.1.n --- Population below the national poverty line, %; Women, 75 years and over

Suomen indikaattori kuvaa suhteellisen pienituloisuusrajan alapuolella elävien henkilöiden osuutta kyseisestä väestöryhmästä (ns. köyhyysriskissä elävät henkilöt). Pienituloisia ovat henkilöt, joiden kotitalouden käytettävissä olevat rahatulot kulutusyksikköä kohden ovat alle 60 prosenttia kansallisesta mediaanitulosta

1.2.2 --- Proportion of population living in poverty, %

Suomen indikaattori kuvaa suhteellisen pienituloisuusrajan alapuolella elävien henkilöiden osuutta kyseisestä väestöryhmästä (ns. köyhyysriskissä elävät henkilöt). Pienituloisia ovat henkilöt, joiden kotitalouden käytettävissä olevat rahatulot kulutusyksikköä kohden ovat alle 60 prosenttia kansallisesta mediaanitulosta

1.3.1 --- Population covered by social protection floors, %

Osuus väestöstä, joita koskee sosiaaliturva/pohjaturva, sukupuolen mukaan, lapset eriteltyinä, työttömät, vanhukset, vammaiset, raskaana olevat naiset, vastasyntyneet, työtapaturmien uhrit, köyhät ja haavoittuvassa asemassa olevat

1.4.2 --- Proportion of adult population with secure tenure rights to land, %

Aikuisväestön osuus, jolla on varma hallintaoikeus maahan laillisesti tunnustettuine asiakirjoineen ja jotka pitävät oikeuksiaan maahan turvattuina sukupuolen ja hallintaoikeuden mukaan

1.5.2 --- Direct economic loss attributed to disasters in relation to global gross domestic product (GDP)

Suorat katastrofeihin aiheuttamat taloudelliset menetykset suhteessa maailmanlaajuiseen bruttokansantuotteeseen

1.5.3 --- Number of countries that adopt and implement national disaster risk reduction strategies

Niiden maiden lukumäärä, jotka ovat hyväksyneet ja toimeenpanevat kansallisia katastrofiriskiä vähentäviä strategioita katastrofiriskien vähentämistä koskevan Sendain toimintaohjelman 2015-2030 mukaisesti

1.5.4 --- Local governments that adopt and implement local disaster risk reduction strategies, %

Niiden paikallishallintojen osuus, jotka ovat hyväksyneet ja toimeenpanevat kansallisten katastrofiriskiä vähentävien strategioiden mukaisia paikallisia katastrofiriskiä vähentäviä strategioita

1.a.2 --- Proportion of total government spending on essential services (education, health and social security), %

Julkisten menojen osuus, jotka kohdistuvat välttämättömiin palveluihin (koulutus, terveys ja sosiaaliturva), %

2.1.2.a --- Prevalence of moderate or severe food insecurity in the population, %

Kohtalaisen tai vakavan ravinnon epävarmuuden esiintyvyys väestön keskuudessa, perustana Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES)

2.2.1 --- Prevalence of stunting among children under 5 years of age, %

Kitukasvuisuuden esiintyminen (pituus iän mukaan < 2 mediaanin keskihajonnasta WHO:n (World Health Organization) kasvukäyrien (Child Growth Standard) mukaisesti) alle 5-vuotiailla

2.2.2 --- Prevalence of malnutrition among children under 5 years of age, %

Aliravitsemuksen esiintyminen (paino pituuden mukaan >+2 tai <-2 mediaanin keskihajonnasta WHO:n kasvukäyrien (Child Growth Standard) mukaisesti) alle 5-vuotiailla, tyypeittäin (ali- ja ylipaino)

2.3.1 --- Volume of production of one per labour day in farming, grazing and forestry (Purchasing power adjusted value)

Tuotannon määrä työpanosyksikköä kohden maatilan/laiduntilan/metsätalousyrityksen kokoluokan mukaan

2.5.1.a --- Number of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture secured in either medium or long term conservation facilities

Ruuaksi ja maatalouteen tarkoitettujen kasvien ja eläinten geenivarojen lukumäärä varastoituna keskipitkän tai pitkän aikavälin säilytyssuojiin

2.5.1.b --- Number of animal genetic resources for food and agriculture secured in either medium or long term conservation facilities

Ruuaksi ja maatalouteen tarkoitettujen kasvien ja eläinten geenivarojen lukumäärä varastoituna keskipitkän tai pitkän aikavälin säilytyssuojiin

2.5.2 --- Proportion of local breeds classified with the level of risk of extinction, %

3.1.1 --- Maternal mortality ratio

Number of maternal deaths during a given time period per 100,000 live births during the same time period. The annual number of female deaths from any cause related to or aggravated by pregnancy or its management (excluding accidental or incidental causes) during pregnancy and childbirth or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy, irrespective of the duration and site of the pregnancy, expressed per 100,000 live births, for a specified time period.

3.2.1 --- Under-five mortality rate

Number of deaths in 0-4 years old age group per 1,000 children in age-group 0-4 year old. Under-five mortality rate, Data source: register, Data availability: from 1990 on, updated annually, Data quality, sources of discrepancy: -, Calendar: Data collection: deaths during year t in the end of January year t+1. Data release/publishing: usually in April year t+1, Methodology: Number of deaths at age 0-4 and population of the same age are used to calculate death rates which are then converted into age-specific probability of dying. Formula. q(x)=2*n*m(x)/2+n*m(x), where m(x) is death rate and n=5. Data provider and contact email addresses: Statistics Finland:

3.2.2 --- Neonatal mortality rate

Deaths among live births during the first 28 completed days of life per 1,000 live births.

3.3.1 --- Number of new HIV infections per 1,000 uninfected population

Infectious Diseases Register.

3.3.2 --- Tuberculosis incidence per 100,000 population

Infectious Diseases Register.

3.3.3 --- Malaria incidence per 1,000 population

Infectious Diseases Register.

3.3.4 --- Hepatitis B incidence per 100,000 population

Infectious Diseases Register.

3.3.5 --- Number of people requiring interventions against neglected tropical diseases

WHO (Country adjusted data).

3.4.1 --- Mortality rate attributed to cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes or chronic respiratory disease

Probability of dying between the ages of 30 and 70 years from cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes or chronic respiratory diseases, defined as the per cent of 30-year-old-people who would die before their 70th birthday from cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, or chronic respiratory disease, assuming that s/he would experience current mortality rates at every age and s/he would not die from any other cause of death (e.g., injuries or HIV/AIDS). This indicator is calculated using life table methods. Cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes or chronic respiratory diseases: ICD-10 underlying causes of death I00-I99, COO-C97, E10-E14 and J30-J98. Life table: A table showing the mortality experience of a hypothetical group of infants born at the same time and subject throughout their lifetime to a set of age-specific mortality rates.

3.4.2.a --- Suicide mortality rate: Total

The Suicide mortality rate as defined as the number of suicide deaths in a year, divided by the population, and multiplied by 100 000. The ICD-10 codes for suicide are: X60-X84, Y87.0.

3.4.2.b --- Suicide mortality rate: Men

ICD10: X60-X84, Y87.0. Kuolemat 100 000 asukasta kohden.

3.4.2.c --- Suicide mortality rate: Women

ICD10: X60-X84, Y87.0. Kuolemat 100 000 asukasta kohden.

3.5.1 --- Coverage of treatment interventions (pharmacological, psychosocial and rehabilitation and aftercare services) for substance use disorders

Hoitotoimenpiteiden kattavuus (farmakologinen, psykologinen ja kuntouttava hoito ja jälkihoito) huumeiden haittavaikutusten vuoksi, %

3.5.2 --- Alcohol use as alcohol per capita consumption (aged 15 years and older) in litres of pure alcohol

Alkoholin haitallinen käyttö, määriteltynä kansallisesti alkoholin kulutuksena litroina puhdasta alkoholia henkilöä kohden (15 vuotta täyttäneet) kalenterivuoden aikana

3.6.1 --- Death rate due to road traffic injuries

Killed in road traffic accidents per 100,000 inhabitants

3.8.1 --- Coverage of essential health services

Defined as the average coverage of essential services based on tracer interventions that include reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health, infectious diseases, non-communicable diseases and service capacity and access, among the general and the most disadvantaged population.

3.8.2.a --- Population with large household expenditures on health, %: Threshold 10%

Suomen indikaattori kuvaa suhteellisesti suuret terveysmenot maksavien osuutta väestöstä (osuus kotitalouden kulutusmenoista yli 10 prosenttia tai yli 25 prosenttia

3.8.2.b --- Population with large household expenditures on health, %: Threshold 25%

Suomen indikaattori kuvaa suhteellisesti suuret terveysmenot maksavien osuutta väestöstä (osuus kotitalouden kulutusmenoista yli 10 prosenttia tai yli 25 prosenttia

3.9.2 --- Mortality rate attributed to unsafe water, unsafe sanitation and lack of hygiene

attributable to unsafe water, sanitation and hygiene focusing on inadequate WASH services, expressed per 100,000 population: The included diseases are the WASH attributable fractions of diarrhoea (ICD-10 code A00, A01, A03, A04, A06-A09), intestinal nematode infections (ICD-10 code B76-B77, B79) and protein-energy malnutrition (ICD-10 code E40-E46). The included diseases are the WASH attributable fractions of diarrhoea (ICD-10 code A00, A01, A03, A04, A06-A09), intestinal nematode infections (ICD-10 code B76-B77, B79) and protein-energy malnutrition (ICD-10 code E40-E46).

3.9.3.a --- Mortality rate attributed to unintentional poisoning: Total

Mortality rate in the country from unintentional poisonings per year. The ICD-10 codes corresponding to the indicator includes X40, X43-X44, X46-X49.

3.9.3.b --- Mortality rate attributed to unintentional poisoning: Men

The mortality rate attributed to unintentional poisoning as defined as the number of deaths of unintentional poisonings in a year, divided by the population, and multiplied by 100 000. The ICD-10 codes corresponding to the indicator includes X40, X43-X44, X46-X49.

3.9.3.c --- Mortality rate attributed to unintentional poisoning: Women

Mortality rate in the country from unintentional poisonings per year. The ICD-10 codes corresponding to the indicator includes X40, X43-X44, X46-X49.

3.a.1.a --- Age-standardized prevalence of current tobacco use (persons 15+ years): Total

15 vuotta täyttäneillä

3.a.1.b --- Age-standardized prevalence of current tobacco use (persons 15+ years): Women

15 vuotta täyttäneillä

3.a.1.c --- Age-standardized prevalence of current tobacco use (persons 15+ years): Men

15 vuotta täyttäneillä

3.b.1 --- Target population covered by all vaccines included in their national programme, %

Includes pertussis, tetanus, diphtheria, polio, rubella and measles (annual mean).

3.b.3 --- Health facilities with a core set of essential medicines available on a sustainable basis, %

Terveydenhuollon toimipaikkojen osuus, joissa on saatavilla tarvittava määrä peruslääkkeitä kohtuuhintaan kestävällä perustalla

4.1.1.a --- Children and young people achieving at least a minimum proficiency level in reading, %: in grades 2/3

The indicator is calculated as the percentage of children and/or young people at the relevant stage of education achieving or exceeding a pre-defined proficiency level in a given subject.

4.1.1.b --- Children and young people achieving at least a minimum proficiency level in reading, %: at the end of primary school

The indicator is calculated as the percentage of children and/or young people at the relevant stage of education achieving or exceeding a pre-defined proficiency level in a given subject.

4.1.1.c --- Children and young people achieving at least a minimum proficiency level in reading, %: at the end of lower secondary

The indicator is calculated as the percentage of children and/or young people at the relevant stage of education achieving or exceeding a pre-defined proficiency level in a given subject.

4.1.1.d --- Children and young people achieving at least a minimum proficiency level in mathematics, %: in grades 2/3

The indicator is calculated as the percentage of children and/or young people at the relevant stage of education achieving or exceeding a pre-defined proficiency level in a given subject.

4.1.1.e --- Children and young people achieving at least a minimum proficiency level in mathematics, %: at the end of primary school

The indicator is calculated as the percentage of children and/or young people at the relevant stage of education achieving or exceeding a pre-defined proficiency level in a given subject.

4.1.1.f --- Children and young people achieving at least a minimum proficiency level in mathematics, %: at the end of lower secondary

The indicator is calculated as the percentage of children and/or young people at the relevant stage of education achieving or exceeding a pre-defined proficiency level in a given subject.

4.2.2.a --- Participation rate in organized learning (one year before the official primary entry age): Total

The participation rate in organized learning (one year before the official primary entry age), by sex as defined as the percentage of children in the given age range who participate in one or more organized learning programme, including programmes which offer a combination of education and care. Participation in early childhood and in primary education are both included. The age range will vary by country depending on the official age for entry to primary education.

4.2.2.b --- Participation rate in organized learning (one year before the official primary entry age): Men

The participation rate in organized learning (one year before the official primary entry age), by sex as defined as the percentage of children in the given age range who participate in one or more organized learning programme, including programmes which offer a combination of education and care. Participation in early childhood and in primary education are both included. The age range will vary by country depending on the official age for entry to primary education.

4.2.2.c --- Participation rate in organized learning (one year before the official primary entry age): Women

The participation rate in organized learning (one year before the official primary entry age), by sex as defined as the percentage of children in the given age range who participate in one or more organized learning programme, including programmes which offer a combination of education and care. Participation in early childhood and in primary education are both included. The age range will vary by country depending on the official age for entry to primary education.

4.3.1 --- Participation rate of youth and adults in formal and non-formal education and training

Nuorten ja aikuisten osallistumisaste tutkintoon ja ei-tutkintoon johtavaan koulutukseen ja harjoitteluun viimeisten 12 kuukauden aikana, %, sukupuolen mukaan

4.5.1.a --- Parity indices (women/men) for children and young people achieving at least a minimum proficiency level in reading: in grades 2/3

Parity indices require data for the specific groups of interest. They represent the ratio of the indicator value for one group to that of the other. Typically, the likely more disadvantaged group is placed in the numerator. A value of exactly 1 indicates parity between the two groups.

4.5.1.b --- Parity indices (women/men) for children and young people achieving at least a minimum proficiency level in reading: at the end of primary

Parity indices require data for the specific groups of interest. They represent the ratio of the indicator value for one group to that of the other. Typically, the likely more disadvantaged group is placed in the numerator. A value of exactly 1 indicates parity between the two groups.

4.5.1.c --- Parity indices (women/men) for children and young people achieving at least a minimum proficiency level in reading: at the end of lower secondary

Parity indices require data for the specific groups of interest. They represent the ratio of the indicator value for one group to that of the other. Typically, the likely more disadvantaged group is placed in the numerator. A value of exactly 1 indicates parity between the two groups.

4.5.1.d --- Parity indices (women/men) for children and young people achieving at least a minimum proficiency level in mathematics: in grades 2/3

Parity indices require data for the specific groups of interest. They represent the ratio of the indicator value for one group to that of the other. Typically, the likely more disadvantaged group is placed in the numerator. A value of exactly 1 indicates parity between the two groups.

4.5.1.e --- Parity indices (women/men) for children and young people achieving at least a minimum proficiency level in mathematics: at the end of primary

Parity indices require data for the specific groups of interest. They represent the ratio of the indicator value for one group to that of the other. Typically, the likely more disadvantaged group is placed in the numerator. A value of exactly 1 indicates parity between the two groups.

4.5.1.f --- Parity indices (women/men) for children and young people achieving at least a minimum proficiency level in mathematics: at the end of lower secondary

Parity indices require data for the specific groups of interest. They represent the ratio of the indicator value for one group to that of the other. Typically, the likely more disadvantaged group is placed in the numerator. A value of exactly 1 indicates parity between the two groups.

4.5.1.g --- Parity indices (rural/urban) for children and young people achieving at least a minimum proficiency level in reading: in grades 2/3

Parity indices require data for the specific groups of interest. They represent the ratio of the indicator value for one group to that of the other. Typically, the likely more disadvantaged group is placed in the numerator. A value of exactly 1 indicates parity between the two groups.

4.5.1.h --- Parity indices (rural/urban) for children and young people achieving at least a minimum proficiency level in reading: at the end of primary

Parity indices require data for the specific groups of interest. They represent the ratio of the indicator value for one group to that of the other. Typically, the likely more disadvantaged group is placed in the numerator. A value of exactly 1 indicates parity between the two groups.

4.5.1.i --- Parity indices (rural/urban) for children and young people achieving at least a minimum proficiency level in reading: at the end of lower secondary

Parity indices require data for the specific groups of interest. They represent the ratio of the indicator value for one group to that of the other. Typically, the likely more disadvantaged group is placed in the numerator. A value of exactly 1 indicates parity between the two groups.

4.5.1.j --- Parity indices (rural/urban)for children and young people achieving at least a minimum proficiency level in mathematics: in grades 2/3

Parity indices require data for the specific groups of interest. They represent the ratio of the indicator value for one group to that of the other. Typically, the likely more disadvantaged group is placed in the numerator. A value of exactly 1 indicates parity between the two groups.

4.5.1.k --- Parity indices (rural/urban) for children and young people achieving at least a minimum proficiency level in mathematics: at the end of primary

Parity indices require data for the specific groups of interest. They represent the ratio of the indicator value for one group to that of the other. Typically, the likely more disadvantaged group is placed in the numerator. A value of exactly 1 indicates parity between the two groups.

4.5.1.l --- Parity indices (rural/urban) for children and young people achieving at least a minimum proficiency level in mathematics: at the end of lower secondary

Parity indices require data for the specific groups of interest. They represent the ratio of the indicator value for one group to that of the other. Typically, the likely more disadvantaged group is placed in the numerator. A value of exactly 1 indicates parity between the two groups.

4.5.1.m --- Parity indices (Low/High socio-economic status) for children and young people achieving at least a minimum proficiency level in reading: in grades 2/3

Parity indices require data for the specific groups of interest. They represent the ratio of the indicator value for one group to that of the other. Typically, the likely more disadvantaged group is placed in the numerator. A value of exactly 1 indicates parity between the two groups.

4.6.1.a --- Population achieving at least a fixed level of proficiency in functional literacy skills, %

The proportion of youth (aged 15-24 years) and of adults (aged 15 years and above) who have achieved or exceeded a given level of proficiency in (a) literacy and (b) numeracy. Minimum proficiency level is the benchmark of basic knowledge in a domain (mathematics or reading) measured through learning assessments.

4.6.1.b --- Population achieving at least a fixed level of proficiency in functional numeracy skills, %

The proportion of youth (aged 15-24 years) and of adults (aged 15 years and above) who have achieved or exceeded a given level of proficiency in (a) literacy and (b) numeracy. Minimum proficiency level is the benchmark of basic knowledge in a domain (mathematics or reading) measured through learning assessments.

4.7.1.a --- Extent to which (i) global citizenship education and (ii) education for sustainable development are mainstreamed in national education policies

Nb. Primary and secondary education only.

4.7.1.b --- Extent to which (i) global citizenship education and (ii) education for sustainable development are mainstreamed in curricula

Nb. Primary and secondary education only.

4.7.1.c --- Extent to which (i) global citizenship education and (ii) education for sustainable development are mainstreamed in teacher education

Nb. Primary and secondary education only.

4.7.1.d --- Extent to which (i) global citizenship education and (ii) education for sustainable development are mainstreamed in student assessment

Nb. Primary and secondary education only.

4.a.1.a --- Proportion of schools with access to, %: (a) electricity

As per the WASH indicator definitions.

4.a.1.b --- Proportion of schools with access to, %: (b) the Internet for pedagogical purposes

As per the WASH indicator definitions.

4.a.1.c --- Proportion of schools with access to, %: (c) computers for pedagogical purposes

As per the WASH indicator definitions.

4.a.1.d --- Proportion of schools with access to, %: (d) adapted infrastructure and materials for students with disabilities

As per the WASH indicator definitions.

4.a.1.e --- Proportion of schools with access to, %: (e) basic drinking water

As per the WASH indicator definitions.

4.a.1.f --- Proportion of schools with access to, %: (f) single-sex basic sanitation facilities

As per the WASH indicator definitions.

4.a.1.g --- Proportion of schools with access to, %: (g) basic handwashing facilities

As per the WASH indicator definitions.

4.c.1 --- Proportion of teachers with the minimum required qualifications, %

Opettajien osuus: (a) esikouluissa, (b) perusasteella (c) alemmalla toisella asteella, ja (d) ylemmällä toisella koulutusasteella, jotka ovat suorittaneet vähintään opettajakoulutuksen minimin opetusharjoittelun etukäteen tai vaadittavan opintoihin liittyvän opetusharjoittelun asianmukaisella tasolla tässä maassa

5.1.1 --- Existence of legal frameworks to enforce and monitor equality and non_discrimination on the basis of sex

Takaako maan lainsäädäntö sukupuolten tasa-arvon ja syrjimättömyyden edistämisen, turvaamisen ja seurannan

5.2.1.a --- Ever-partnered women and girls (15+ years) subjected to violence by an intimate partner, %: Total

Proportion of women and girls aged 15 to 74 years subjected to physical or sexual violence by a current or former intimate partner in the previous 12 months, by form of violence and by age (10 year age groups). Physical violence includes acts ranging from grabbing and pushing to using a weapon. Sexual violence includes unwanted sexual touching and sexual intercourse (rape), and attempts thereof. Source: National Crime Victim Survey (Finland). The survey is a nationally representative postal survey conducted by the Institute of Criminology and Legal Policy at University of Helsinki. The target population consists of persons aged 15 to 74 years old with a permanent residence in Finland. Sample size is 14 000 persons.

5.2.1.b --- Ever-partnered women and girls (15+ years) subjected to violence by an intimate partner, %: 15_24

Proportion of women and girls aged 15 to 74 years subjected to physical or sexual violence by a current or former intimate partner in the previous 12 months, by form of violence and by age (10 year age groups). Physical violence includes acts ranging from grabbing and pushing to using a weapon. Sexual violence includes unwanted sexual touching and sexual intercourse (rape), and attempts thereof. Source: National Crime Victim Survey (Finland). The survey is a nationally representative postal survey conducted by the Institute of Criminology and Legal Policy at University of Helsinki. The target population consists of persons aged 15 to 74 years old with a permanent residence in Finland. Sample size is 14 000 persons.

5.2.1.c --- Ever-partnered women and girls (15+ years) subjected to violence by an intimate partner, %: 25-34

Proportion of women and girls aged 15 to 74 years subjected to physical or sexual violence by a current or former intimate partner in the previous 12 months, by form of violence and by age (10 year age groups). Physical violence includes acts ranging from grabbing and pushing to using a weapon. Sexual violence includes unwanted sexual touching and sexual intercourse (rape), and attempts thereof. Source: National Crime Victim Survey (Finland). The survey is a nationally representative postal survey conducted by the Institute of Criminology and Legal Policy at University of Helsinki. The target population consists of persons aged 15 to 74 years old with a permanent residence in Finland. Sample size is 14 000 persons.

5.2.1.d --- Ever-partnered women and girls (15+ years) subjected to violence by an intimate partner, %: 35-44

Proportion of women and girls aged 15 to 74 years subjected to physical or sexual violence by a current or former intimate partner in the previous 12 months, by form of violence and by age (10 year age groups). Physical violence includes acts ranging from grabbing and pushing to using a weapon. Sexual violence includes unwanted sexual touching and sexual intercourse (rape), and attempts thereof. Source: National Crime Victim Survey (Finland). The survey is a nationally representative postal survey conducted by the Institute of Criminology and Legal Policy at University of Helsinki. The target population consists of persons aged 15 to 74 years old with a permanent residence in Finland. Sample size is 14 000 persons.

5.2.1.e --- Ever-partnered women and girls (15+ years) subjected to violence by an intimate partner, %: 45-54

Proportion of women and girls aged 15 to 74 years subjected to physical or sexual violence by a current or former intimate partner in the previous 12 months, by form of violence and by age (10 year age groups). Physical violence includes acts ranging from grabbing and pushing to using a weapon. Sexual violence includes unwanted sexual touching and sexual intercourse (rape), and attempts thereof. Source: National Crime Victim Survey (Finland). The survey is a nationally representative postal survey conducted by the Institute of Criminology and Legal Policy at University of Helsinki. The target population consists of persons aged 15 to 74 years old with a permanent residence in Finland. Sample size is 14 000 persons.

5.2.1.f --- Ever-partnered women and girls (15+ years) subjected to violence by an intimate partner, %: 55-64

Proportion of women and girls aged 15 to 74 years subjected to physical or sexual violence by a current or former intimate partner in the previous 12 months, by form of violence and by age (10 year age groups). Physical violence includes acts ranging from grabbing and pushing to using a weapon. Sexual violence includes unwanted sexual touching and sexual intercourse (rape), and attempts thereof. Source: National Crime Victim Survey (Finland). The survey is a nationally representative postal survey conducted by the Institute of Criminology and Legal Policy at University of Helsinki. The target population consists of persons aged 15 to 74 years old with a permanent residence in Finland. Sample size is 14 000 persons.

5.2.1.g --- Ever-partnered women and girls (15+ years) subjected to violence by an intimate partner, %: 65-74

Proportion of women and girls aged 15 to 74 years subjected to physical or sexual violence by a current or former intimate partner in the previous 12 months, by form of violence and by age (10 year age groups). Physical violence includes acts ranging from grabbing and pushing to using a weapon. Sexual violence includes unwanted sexual touching and sexual intercourse (rape), and attempts thereof. Source: National Crime Victim Survey (Finland). The survey is a nationally representative postal survey conducted by the Institute of Criminology and Legal Policy at University of Helsinki. The target population consists of persons aged 15 to 74 years old with a permanent residence in Finland. Sample size is 14 000 persons.

5.2.2.a --- Women and girls (15+ years) subjected to sexual violence by other than an intimate partner, %: Total

Proportion of women and girls aged 15 to 74 years subjected to sexual violence by persons other than an intimate partner in the previous 12 months, by age (10 year age groups). Sexual violence includes unwanted sexual touching and sexual intercourse (rape), and attempts thereof. The survey does not include questions on the place of occurrence on sexual violence in particular (i.e. place of occurrence could be a place of physical violence and/or sexual violence). The smallest appropriate age groups, given the limitations set by the sample size and sample frame, are 10 year age groups. Source: National Crime Victim Survey (Finland). The survey is a nationally representative postal survey conducted by the Institute of Criminology and Legal Policy at University of Helsinki. The target population consists of persons aged 15 to 74 years old with a permanent residence in Finland. Sample size is 14 000 persons.

5.2.2.b --- Women and girls (15+ years) subjected to sexual violence by other than an intimate partner, %: 15_24

Proportion of women and girls aged 15 to 74 years subjected to sexual violence by persons other than an intimate partner in the previous 12 months, by age (10 year age groups). Sexual violence includes unwanted sexual touching and sexual intercourse (rape), and attempts thereof. The survey does not include questions on the place of occurrence on sexual violence in particular (i.e. place of occurrence could be a place of physical violence and/or sexual violence). The smallest appropriate age groups, given the limitations set by the sample size and sample frame, are 10 year age groups. Source: National Crime Victim Survey (Finland). The survey is a nationally representative postal survey conducted by the Institute of Criminology and Legal Policy at University of Helsinki. The target population consists of persons aged 15 to 74 years old with a permanent residence in Finland. Sample size is 14 000 persons.

5.2.2.c --- Women and girls (15+ years) subjected to sexual violence by other than an intimate partner, %: 25-34

Proportion of women and girls aged 15 to 74 years subjected to sexual violence by persons other than an intimate partner in the previous 12 months, by age (10 year age groups). Sexual violence includes unwanted sexual touching and sexual intercourse (rape), and attempts thereof. The survey does not include questions on the place of occurrence on sexual violence in particular (i.e. place of occurrence could be a place of physical violence and/or sexual violence). The smallest appropriate age groups, given the limitations set by the sample size and sample frame, are 10 year age groups. Source: National Crime Victim Survey (Finland). The survey is a nationally representative postal survey conducted by the Institute of Criminology and Legal Policy at University of Helsinki. The target population consists of persons aged 15 to 74 years old with a permanent residence in Finland. Sample size is 14 000 persons.

5.2.2.d --- Women and girls (15+ years) subjected to sexual violence by other than an intimate partner, %: 35-44

Proportion of women and girls aged 15 to 74 years subjected to sexual violence by persons other than an intimate partner in the previous 12 months, by age (10 year age groups). Sexual violence includes unwanted sexual touching and sexual intercourse (rape), and attempts thereof. The survey does not include questions on the place of occurrence on sexual violence in particular (i.e. place of occurrence could be a place of physical violence and/or sexual violence). The smallest appropriate age groups, given the limitations set by the sample size and sample frame, are 10 year age groups. Source: National Crime Victim Survey (Finland). The survey is a nationally representative postal survey conducted by the Institute of Criminology and Legal Policy at University of Helsinki. The target population consists of persons aged 15 to 74 years old with a permanent residence in Finland. Sample size is 14 000 persons.

5.2.2.e --- Women and girls (15+ years) subjected to sexual violence by other than an intimate partner, %: 45-54

Proportion of women and girls aged 15 to 74 years subjected to sexual violence by persons other than an intimate partner in the previous 12 months, by age (10 year age groups). Sexual violence includes unwanted sexual touching and sexual intercourse (rape), and attempts thereof. The survey does not include questions on the place of occurrence on sexual violence in particular (i.e. place of occurrence could be a place of physical violence and/or sexual violence). The smallest appropriate age groups, given the limitations set by the sample size and sample frame, are 10 year age groups. Source: National Crime Victim Survey (Finland). The survey is a nationally representative postal survey conducted by the Institute of Criminology and Legal Policy at University of Helsinki. The target population consists of persons aged 15 to 74 years old with a permanent residence in Finland. Sample size is 14 000 persons.

5.2.2.f --- Women and girls (15+ years) subjected to sexual violence by other than an intimate partner, %: 55-64

Proportion of women and girls aged 15 to 74 years subjected to sexual violence by persons other than an intimate partner in the previous 12 months, by age (10 year age groups). Sexual violence includes unwanted sexual touching and sexual intercourse (rape), and attempts thereof. The survey does not include questions on the place of occurrence on sexual violence in particular (i.e. place of occurrence could be a place of physical violence and/or sexual violence). The smallest appropriate age groups, given the limitations set by the sample size and sample frame, are 10 year age groups. Source: National Crime Victim Survey (Finland). The survey is a nationally representative postal survey conducted by the Institute of Criminology and Legal Policy at University of Helsinki. The target population consists of persons aged 15 to 74 years old with a permanent residence in Finland. Sample size is 14 000 persons.

5.2.2.g --- Women and girls (15+ years) subjected to sexual violence by other than an intimate partner, %: 65-74

Proportion of women and girls aged 15 to 74 years subjected to sexual violence by persons other than an intimate partner in the previous 12 months, by age (10 year age groups). Sexual violence includes unwanted sexual touching and sexual intercourse (rape), and attempts thereof. The survey does not include questions on the place of occurrence on sexual violence in particular (i.e. place of occurrence could be a place of physical violence and/or sexual violence). The smallest appropriate age groups, given the limitations set by the sample size and sample frame, are 10 year age groups. Source: National Crime Victim Survey (Finland). The survey is a nationally representative postal survey conducted by the Institute of Criminology and Legal Policy at University of Helsinki. The target population consists of persons aged 15 to 74 years old with a permanent residence in Finland. Sample size is 14 000 persons.

5.3.1.a --- Women aged 20-24 years who were married or in a union before age 15 years, %


5.3.1.b --- Women aged 20-24 years who were married or in a union before age 18 years

Data source: register

5.6.1 --- Women (15-49 years) who make their own decisions on sexual relations, contraceptive use and reproductive health care, %

15-49-vuotiaiden naisten osuus, jotka tekevät itsenäisiä valveutuneita päätöksiä seksuaalisten suhteiden, ehkäisyvälineiden käytön ja seksuaaliterveyden osalta

5.6.2 --- Countries which guarantee equal access to women and men (15+ years) to sexual and reproductive health care, information and education

Maiden lukumäärä, joiden lainsäädäntö ja määräykset takaavat 15 vuotta täyttäneille naisille ja miehille vapaan ja tasa-arvoisen pääsyn seksuaali- ja lisääntymisterveydenhuollon palveluihin, tiedotukseen ja koulutukseen

5.a.1.a.a --- Agricultural population with ownership or secure rights over agricultural land, %: Total

(a) Maatalousväestön osuus, jolla on omistusoikeus tai varmistetut oikeudet maatalousmaahan, sukupuolen mukaan ja (b) naisten osuus maatalousmaan omistajista tai haltijoista omistajaryhmittäin

5.a.1.a.b --- Agricultural population with ownership or secure rights over agricultural land, %: Men

(a) Maatalousväestön osuus, jolla on omistusoikeus tai varmistetut oikeudet maatalousmaahan, sukupuolen mukaan ja (b) naisten osuus maatalousmaan omistajista tai haltijoista omistajaryhmittäin

5.a.1.a.c --- Agricultural population with ownership or secure rights over agricultural land, %: Women

(a) Maatalousväestön osuus, jolla on omistusoikeus tai varmistetut oikeudet maatalousmaahan, sukupuolen mukaan ja (b) naisten osuus maatalousmaan omistajista tai haltijoista omistajaryhmittäin

5.a.1.b --- Share of women among owners or rights-bearers of agricultural land, %

(a) Maatalousväestön osuus, jolla on omistusoikeus tai varmistetut oikeudet maatalousmaahan, sukupuolen mukaan ja (b) naisten osuus maatalousmaan omistajista tai haltijoista omistajaryhmittäin

5.a.2 --- Countries where the legal framework guarantees women’s equal rights to land ownership and/or control, %

Maiden lukumäärä, joilla on naisten tasa-arvoiset maanomistus- ja hallintaoikeudet takaava lainsäädäntö (mukaan lukien tapaoikeus)

5.b.1.a --- Individuals (16-74 years) who own a mobile telephone, %: Total

16-74 vuotiaat

5.b.1.b --- Individuals (16-74 years) who own a mobile telephone, %: Men

16-74 vuotiaat

5.b.1.c --- Individuals (16-74 years) who own a mobile telephone, %: Women

16-74 vuotiaat

5.c.1 --- Systems to track and make public allocations for gender equality and women’s empowerment, %

Maiden lukumäärä, joilla on seurantajärjestelmä sukupuolten tasa-arvon ja naisten voimaantumisen seurantaan

6.2.1 --- Proportion of population using safely managed sanitation services, %

Väestön osuus, joka käyttää turvallisesti hoidettuja saniteettipalveluja, mukaan lukien käsienpesumahdollisuudet vedellä ja saippualla

6.4.2.a --- Level of water stress: freshwater withdrawal as a proportion of available freshwater resources, %: Total

Vesien käytön voimaperäisyys: makean veden käyttö osuutena käytettävissä olevista vesivaroista, %

6.4.2.b --- Level of water stress: freshwater withdrawal as a proportion of available freshwater resources, %: Ground water

Vesien käytön voimaperäisyys: makean veden käyttö osuutena käytettävissä olevista vesivaroista, %

6.4.2.c --- Level of water stress: freshwater withdrawal as a proportion of available freshwater resources, %: Surface water

Vesien käytön voimaperäisyys: makean veden käyttö osuutena käytettävissä olevista vesivaroista, %

6.4.2.d --- Level of water stress: freshwater withdrawal as a proportion of available freshwater resources, %: Cooling water

Vesien käytön voimaperäisyys: makean veden käyttö osuutena käytettävissä olevista vesivaroista, %

7.2.1 --- Renewable energy share in the total final energy consumption, %

This indicator is based on renewable energy consumed for electricity, heating and cooling, and transport with actual and normalised hydro- and wind-power generation and expressed as a share against gross final energy consumption. Source: Eurostat (Energy statistics - main indicators, code: t2020_31)

7.3.1 --- Energy intensity measured in terms of primary energy and GDP

Energy intensity has been calculated by dividing total energy supply with gross domestic product. Source of the data is Eurostat's database ( Total energy supply is from table Simplified energy balances [nrg_bal_s] with chosen variables UNIT: Thousand tonnes of oil equivalent (TOE), SIEC: Total and NRG_BAL: Gross inland consumption. Gross domestics product is from table GDP and main components (output, expenditure and income) [nama_10_gdp] with chosen variables UNIT: Current prices, million purchasing power standards and NA_ITEM: Gross domestic products at market prices.

8.1.1 --- Annual growth rate of real GDP per capita

Annual growth rate of real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita is calculated as the percentage change in the real GDP per capita between two consecutive years. Real GDP per capita is calculated by dividing GDP at constant prices by the population of a country or area. Data source: National Accounts.

8.2.1 --- Annual growth rate of real GDP per employed person

Annual growth rate of real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita is calculated as the percentage change in the real GDP per capita between two consecutive years. Real GDP per capita is calculated by dividing GDP at constant prices by the population of a country or area. Data source: National Accounts.

8.4.2.a --- Domestic material consumption, tonnes

Kotimainen materiaalien kulutus = Kotimaiset suorat panokset eli kotimaan luonnosta suoraan käyttöön tai talouden jatkoprosessointiin otetut materiaalit + Tuonti - Vienti

8.4.2.b --- Domestic material consumption per capita, tonnes

Kotimainen materiaalien kulutus = Kotimaiset suorat panokset eli kotimaan luonnosta suoraan käyttöön tai talouden jatkoprosessointiin otetut materiaalit + Tuonti - Vienti

8.4.2.c --- Domestic material consumption per GDP, kg per euro

Kotimainen materiaalien kulutus = Kotimaiset suorat panokset eli kotimaan luonnosta suoraan käyttöön tai talouden jatkoprosessointiin otetut materiaalit + Tuonti - Vienti

8.5.1.a --- Average hourly earnings of employees, euros

Kokonaistuntiansiot (€) per palkattu tunti. Kokonaistuntiansiot sisältävät peruspalkan lisäksi kaikki säännöllisesti maksettavat palkanlisät (työaikalisät, luontoisedut, yms.) sekä ylityöt. Kokonaistuntiansio on määritetty jakamalla palkansaajan kokonaiskuukausiansio sopimuksen mukaisella säännöllisellä viikkotyöajalla sekä lisä- ja ylityön tunneilla. Säännöllinen viikkotyöaika perustuu niihin tunteihin, joilta palkkaa on maksettu. Se ei perustu tehtyihin tunteihin. Näin ollen lyhyet sairauspoissaolot tai harmaat ylityöt eivät vaikuta säännölliseen työaikaan. Kohdejoukko: Koko- ja osa-aikaiset yli 5 hengen yrityksissä työskentelevät palkansaajat

8.5.1.b --- Average hourly earnings of men employees, euros

Kokonaistuntiansiot (€) per palkattu tunti. Kokonaistuntiansiot sisältävät peruspalkan lisäksi kaikki säännöllisesti maksettavat palkanlisät (työaikalisät, luontoisedut, yms.) sekä ylityöt. Kokonaistuntiansio on määritetty jakamalla palkansaajan kokonaiskuukausiansio sopimuksen mukaisella säännöllisellä viikkotyöajalla sekä lisä- ja ylityön tunneilla. Säännöllinen viikkotyöaika perustuu niihin tunteihin, joilta palkkaa on maksettu. Se ei perustu tehtyihin tunteihin. Näin ollen lyhyet sairauspoissaolot tai harmaat ylityöt eivät vaikuta säännölliseen työaikaan. Kohdejoukko: Koko- ja osa-aikaiset yli 5 hengen yrityksissä työskentelevät palkansaajat

8.5.1.c --- Average hourly earnings of women employees, euros

Kokonaistuntiansiot (€) per palkattu tunti. Kokonaistuntiansiot sisältävät peruspalkan lisäksi kaikki säännöllisesti maksettavat palkanlisät (työaikalisät, luontoisedut, yms.) sekä ylityöt. Kokonaistuntiansio on määritetty jakamalla palkansaajan kokonaiskuukausiansio sopimuksen mukaisella säännöllisellä viikkotyöajalla sekä lisä- ja ylityön tunneilla. Säännöllinen viikkotyöaika perustuu niihin tunteihin, joilta palkkaa on maksettu. Se ei perustu tehtyihin tunteihin. Näin ollen lyhyet sairauspoissaolot tai harmaat ylityöt eivät vaikuta säännölliseen työaikaan. Kohdejoukko: Koko- ja osa-aikaiset yli 5 hengen yrityksissä työskentelevät palkansaajat

8.5.2.a --- Unemployment rate: Total

A person is unemployed if he/she is without work during the survey week (not in paid employment or working as self-employed), has actively sought employment in the past four weeks as an employee or self-employed and would be available for work within two weeks. A person who is without work and waiting for an agreed job to start within three months is also classified as unemployed if he/she could start work within two weeks. Persons laid off for the time being who fulfil the above-mentioned criteria are also counted as unemployed. The unemployment rate is the ratio of the unemployed to the active population (labour force) of the same age, i.e. employed and unemployed persons. The unemployment rate of the total population is calculated as the ratio of 15 to 74-year-old unemployed persons to the active population (labour force) of the same age.

8.5.2.b --- Unemployment rate: Men

A person is unemployed if he/she is without work during the survey week (not in paid employment or working as self-employed), has actively sought employment in the past four weeks as an employee or self-employed and would be available for work within two weeks. A person who is without work and waiting for an agreed job to start within three months is also classified as unemployed if he/she could start work within two weeks. Persons laid off for the time being who fulfil the above-mentioned criteria are also counted as unemployed. The unemployment rate is the ratio of the unemployed to the active population (labour force) of the same age, i.e. employed and unemployed persons. The unemployment rate of the total population is calculated as the ratio of 15 to 74-year-old unemployed persons to the active population (labour force) of the same age.

8.5.2.c --- Unemployment rate: Women

A person is unemployed if he/she is without work during the survey week (not in paid employment or working as self-employed), has actively sought employment in the past four weeks as an employee or self-employed and would be available for work within two weeks. A person who is without work and waiting for an agreed job to start within three months is also classified as unemployed if he/she could start work within two weeks. Persons laid off for the time being who fulfil the above-mentioned criteria are also counted as unemployed. The unemployment rate is the ratio of the unemployed to the active population (labour force) of the same age, i.e. employed and unemployed persons. The unemployment rate of the total population is calculated as the ratio of 15 to 74-year-old unemployed persons to the active population (labour force) of the same age.

8.5.2.d --- Unemployment rate: 15-24

A person is unemployed if he/she is without work during the survey week (not in paid employment or working as self-employed), has actively sought employment in the past four weeks as an employee or self-employed and would be available for work within two weeks. A person who is without work and waiting for an agreed job to start within three months is also classified as unemployed if he/she could start work within two weeks. Persons laid off for the time being who fulfil the above-mentioned criteria are also counted as unemployed. The unemployment rate is the ratio of the unemployed to the active population (labour force) of the same age, i.e. employed and unemployed persons. The unemployment rate of the total population is calculated as the ratio of 15 to 74-year-old unemployed persons to the active population (labour force) of the same age.

8.5.2.e --- Unemployment rate: 25-34

A person is unemployed if he/she is without work during the survey week (not in paid employment or working as self-employed), has actively sought employment in the past four weeks as an employee or self-employed and would be available for work within two weeks. A person who is without work and waiting for an agreed job to start within three months is also classified as unemployed if he/she could start work within two weeks. Persons laid off for the time being who fulfil the above-mentioned criteria are also counted as unemployed. The unemployment rate is the ratio of the unemployed to the active population (labour force) of the same age, i.e. employed and unemployed persons. The unemployment rate of the total population is calculated as the ratio of 15 to 74-year-old unemployed persons to the active population (labour force) of the same age.

8.5.2.f --- Unemployment rate: 35-44

A person is unemployed if he/she is without work during the survey week (not in paid employment or working as self-employed), has actively sought employment in the past four weeks as an employee or self-employed and would be available for work within two weeks. A person who is without work and waiting for an agreed job to start within three months is also classified as unemployed if he/she could start work within two weeks. Persons laid off for the time being who fulfil the above-mentioned criteria are also counted as unemployed. The unemployment rate is the ratio of the unemployed to the active population (labour force) of the same age, i.e. employed and unemployed persons. The unemployment rate of the total population is calculated as the ratio of 15 to 74-year-old unemployed persons to the active population (labour force) of the same age.

8.5.2.g --- Unemployment rate: 45-54

A person is unemployed if he/she is without work during the survey week (not in paid employment or working as self-employed), has actively sought employment in the past four weeks as an employee or self-employed and would be available for work within two weeks. A person who is without work and waiting for an agreed job to start within three months is also classified as unemployed if he/she could start work within two weeks. Persons laid off for the time being who fulfil the above-mentioned criteria are also counted as unemployed. The unemployment rate is the ratio of the unemployed to the active population (labour force) of the same age, i.e. employed and unemployed persons. The unemployment rate of the total population is calculated as the ratio of 15 to 74-year-old unemployed persons to the active population (labour force) of the same age.

8.5.2.h --- Unemployment rate: 55-64

A person is unemployed if he/she is without work during the survey week (not in paid employment or working as self-employed), has actively sought employment in the past four weeks as an employee or self-employed and would be available for work within two weeks. A person who is without work and waiting for an agreed job to start within three months is also classified as unemployed if he/she could start work within two weeks. Persons laid off for the time being who fulfil the above-mentioned criteria are also counted as unemployed. The unemployment rate is the ratio of the unemployed to the active population (labour force) of the same age, i.e. employed and unemployed persons. The unemployment rate of the total population is calculated as the ratio of 15 to 74-year-old unemployed persons to the active population (labour force) of the same age.

8.5.2.i --- Unemployment rate: Persons with disabilities

Disability concept not in use in employment survey at the moment.

8.6.1 --- Proportion of youth (aged 15-24 years) not in education, employment or training, %

The 'share of young people not working, studying or performing compulsory military service' used by Statistics Finland's Labour Force Survey describes the share of young people aged 15 to 24 who are not working, studying for a degree or qualification, attending course training or performing military or non-military service compared to the entire age group. The figure of Statistics Finland's Labour Force Survey differs slightly from the almost corresponding NEET rate used by Eurostat. NEET is an abbreviation of 'Not in Employment, Education or Training'. The figure published by Eurostat is based on data where the population does not include young people performing military or non-military service.

8.8.1.b.a --- Frequency rates of non-fatal occupational injuries (Injuries per 100,000 employees): Total

Vähintään 4 päivän työkyvyttömyyteen johtaneet työtapaturmat per 100 000 palkansaajaa.

8.8.1.b.b --- Frequency rates of non-fatal occupational injuries (Injuries per 100,000 employees): Men

Vähintään 4 päivän työkyvyttömyyteen johtaneet työtapaturmat per 100 000 palkansaajaa.

8.8.1.b.c --- Frequency rates of non-fatal occupational injuries (Injuries per 100,000 employees): Women

Vähintään 4 päivän työkyvyttömyyteen johtaneet työtapaturmat per 100 000 palkansaajaa.

8.8.2 --- Level of national compliance of labour rights based on ILO textual sources and national legislation

Kansallinen työoikeuksien noudattamisen taso (yhdistymisvapaus ja työehtosopimukset) Kansainvälisen työjärjestön (ILO) mukaisten kirjallisten lähteiden ja kansallisen lainsäädännön mukaan, sukupuolen mukaan ja maahanmuuttaja-aseman mukaan

8.9.1 --- Tourism direct GDP as a proportion of total GDP, %

Matkailun suora BKT-osuus ja kasvunopeus

8.10.2 --- Adults (15+ years) with an account at a bank or other financial institution or with a mobile-money-service provider, %

Aikuisten osuus (15 -vuotta täyttäneet ja vanhemmat) joilla on tili pankissa tai muussa rahoituslaitoksessa tai mobiilipankki käytössään, %

8.a.1.a --- Aid for Trade commitments, euros

Kauppaa tukevan kehitysavun myönnöt ja maksatukset

8.a.1.b --- Aid for Trade disbursements, euros

Kauppaa tukevan kehitysavun myönnöt ja maksatukset

8.b.1 --- Existence of a national strategy for youth employment

Kehitetyn ja toiminnallistetun nuorisotyöllisyysstrategian olemassaolo, erillisenä strategiana tai osana kansallista työllisyys strategiaa

9.1.1 --- Proportion of the rural population who live within 2 km of an all-season road, %

Yli kahden kilometrin päässä lähimmästä ”all-season”-tiestä asuvat ovat lähinnä saarilla asuvia (ei tiedossa olevaa julkista lauttayhteyttä). Tästä on poistettu moottoriajoneuvolla ajettavat ajopolut ja kevyen liikenteen väylät

9.1.2.a --- Domestic road transport, freight volume, 1,000 tonnes

Lähde: Tilastokeskus, Tieliikenteen tavarankuljetukset

9.1.2.b --- Domestic road transport, freight volume, million tonnekilometres

Lähde: Tilastokeskus, Tieliikenteen tavarankuljetukset

9.1.2.c --- Railway transport (domestic and international total), freight, 1,000 tonnes

Kotimainen ja kansainvälinen. Lähteet: Rautatietilastot (Liikenneviraston tilastot) ja Tavaraliikenne 1990-2017 (tonnit)

9.1.2.d --- Railway transport (domestic and international total), freight, million tonnekilometres

Kotimainen ja kansainvälinen yhteensä

9.1.2.e --- Railway transport (domestic and international total), 1,000 passengers

Kotimainen ja kansainvälinen yhteensä. Lähde: Henkilöliikenne 1990-2017 (matkustajat)

9.1.2.f --- Air transport (domestic and international total), freight volume, 1,000 tonnes

Kotimainen ja kansainvälinen yhteensä. Finavian tilastot: Tavaramäärä 1998-2017

9.1.2.g --- Air transport (domestic and international), 1,000 passengers

Kotimainen ja kansainvälinen yhteensä. Finavian tilastot: Matkustajamäärät lentoasemittain 1998-2017

9.2.1.a --- Manufacturing value added as a proportion of GDP, %

Definition: Manufacturing value added (MVA) as a proportion of gross domestic product (GDP) is a ratio between MVA and GDP, both reported in volume 2010 as reference year. MVA per capita is calculated by dividing MVA in volume by population. Data source: National Accounts.

9.2.1.b --- Manufacturing value added per capita, 1,000 euros

Definition: Manufacturing value added (MVA) as a proportion of gross domestic product (GDP) is a ratio between MVA and GDP, both reported in volume 2010 as reference year. MVA per capita is calculated by dividing MVA in volume by population. Data source: National Accounts.

9.2.2 --- Manufacturing employment as a proportion of total employment, %

Definition: The indicator is represented by the share of manufacturing employment in total employment. Data source: National Accounts.

9.3.2 --- Proportion of small-scale industries with a loan or line of credit, %

Pienteollisuusyritysten osuus, joille on myönnetty luottomahdollisuus tai joilla on velkaa, %

9.4.1 --- CO2 emission per unit of value added, kt CO2/ Mio euro

CO2 emissions from combustion of fuels (source: GHG Inventory) CO2 emissions include emissions from fuel combustion Value added (source: National Accounts) refers to the value generated by any unit engaged in a production activity. In market production it is calculated by deducting from the unit's output the intermediates (goods and services) used in the production process and in non-market production by adding up compensation of employees, consumption of fixed capital and possible taxes on production and imports. Computation Method: CO2 emissions from fuel combustion are estimated based on energy consumption and on the IPCC Guidelines. The total intensity of the economy is defined as the ratio of total CO2 emissions from fuel combustion and Value Added.

9.5.1 --- Research and development expenditure as a proportion of GDP, %

Source: OECD.

9.b.1 --- Proportion of medium and high-tech industry value added in total value added, %

Yritysten rakenne- ja tilinpäätöstilasto sisältää toimialoittaisia tietoja yritysten lukumäärästä, henkilöstöstä sekä tilinpäätöksistä.

10.1.1.a --- Year-to-year change of mean income of the bottom 40 % of population, %

Suomen indikaattori kuvaa pientuloisimman 40 prosentin ja koko väestön tulojen kasvuvauhtia. Tulokäsitteenä käytetään kotitalouden käytettävissä olevia rahatuloja kulutusyksikköä kohden

10.1.1.b --- Year-to-year change (%) of mean income of total population, %

Suomen indikaattori kuvaa pientuloisimman 40 prosentin ja koko väestön tulojen kasvuvauhtia. Tulokäsitteenä käytetään kotitalouden käytettävissä olevia rahatuloja kulutusyksikköä kohden

10.1.1.c --- Growth rate of the mean of equivalent disposable money income per capita in the bottom 40% of population (2015 = 100)

Suomen indikaattori kuvaa pientuloisimman 40 prosentin ja koko väestön tulojen kasvuvauhtia. Tulokäsitteenä käytetään kotitalouden käytettävissä olevia rahatuloja kulutusyksikköä kohden

10.1.1.d --- Growth rate of the mean of equivalent disposable money income per capita in total population (2015 = 100)

Suomen indikaattori kuvaa pientuloisimman 40 prosentin ja koko väestön tulojen kasvuvauhtia. Tulokäsitteenä käytetään kotitalouden käytettävissä olevia rahatuloja kulutusyksikköä kohden

10.1.1.e --- Income share of the bottom 40 % of the population, %

Suomen indikaattori kuvaa pientuloisimman 40 prosentin ja koko väestön tulojen kasvuvauhtia. Tulokäsitteenä käytetään kotitalouden käytettävissä olevia rahatuloja kulutusyksikköä kohden

10.2.1.a --- People with activity limitations living below 60 per cent of median income, %: Men, 16-24 years

Suomen indikaattori kuvaa suhteellisen pienituloisuusrajan alapuolella elävien henkilöiden osuutta kyseisestä väestöryhmästä (ns. köyhyysriskissä elävät henkilöt). Pienituloisia ovat henkilöt, joiden kotitalouden käytettävissä olevat rahatulot kulutusyksikköä kohden ovat alle 50 prosenttia kansallisesta mediaanitulosta

10.2.1.b --- People with activity limitations living below 60 per cent of median income, %: Women, 16-24 years

Suomen indikaattori kuvaa suhteellisen pienituloisuusrajan alapuolella elävien henkilöiden osuutta kyseisestä väestöryhmästä (ns. köyhyysriskissä elävät henkilöt). Pienituloisia ovat henkilöt, joiden kotitalouden käytettävissä olevat rahatulot kulutusyksikköä kohden ovat alle 50 prosenttia kansallisesta mediaanitulosta

10.2.1.c --- People with activity limitations living below 60 per cent of median income, %: Men, 25-34 years

Suomen indikaattori kuvaa suhteellisen pienituloisuusrajan alapuolella elävien henkilöiden osuutta kyseisestä väestöryhmästä (ns. köyhyysriskissä elävät henkilöt). Pienituloisia ovat henkilöt, joiden kotitalouden käytettävissä olevat rahatulot kulutusyksikköä kohden ovat alle 50 prosenttia kansallisesta mediaanitulosta

10.2.1.d --- People with activity limitations living below 60 per cent of median income, %: Women, 25-34 years

Suomen indikaattori kuvaa suhteellisen pienituloisuusrajan alapuolella elävien henkilöiden osuutta kyseisestä väestöryhmästä (ns. köyhyysriskissä elävät henkilöt). Pienituloisia ovat henkilöt, joiden kotitalouden käytettävissä olevat rahatulot kulutusyksikköä kohden ovat alle 50 prosenttia kansallisesta mediaanitulosta

10.2.1.e --- People with activity limitations living below 60 per cent of median income, %: Men, 35-44 years

Suomen indikaattori kuvaa suhteellisen pienituloisuusrajan alapuolella elävien henkilöiden osuutta kyseisestä väestöryhmästä (ns. köyhyysriskissä elävät henkilöt). Pienituloisia ovat henkilöt, joiden kotitalouden käytettävissä olevat rahatulot kulutusyksikköä kohden ovat alle 50 prosenttia kansallisesta mediaanitulosta

10.2.1.f --- People with activity limitations living below 60 per cent of median income, %: Women, 35-44 years

Suomen indikaattori kuvaa suhteellisen pienituloisuusrajan alapuolella elävien henkilöiden osuutta kyseisestä väestöryhmästä (ns. köyhyysriskissä elävät henkilöt). Pienituloisia ovat henkilöt, joiden kotitalouden käytettävissä olevat rahatulot kulutusyksikköä kohden ovat alle 50 prosenttia kansallisesta mediaanitulosta

10.2.1.g --- People with activity limitations living below 60 per cent of median income, %: Men 45-54 years

Suomen indikaattori kuvaa suhteellisen pienituloisuusrajan alapuolella elävien henkilöiden osuutta kyseisestä väestöryhmästä (ns. köyhyysriskissä elävät henkilöt). Pienituloisia ovat henkilöt, joiden kotitalouden käytettävissä olevat rahatulot kulutusyksikköä kohden ovat alle 50 prosenttia kansallisesta mediaanitulosta

10.2.1.h --- People with activity limitations living below 60 per cent of median income, %: Women 45-54 years

Suomen indikaattori kuvaa suhteellisen pienituloisuusrajan alapuolella elävien henkilöiden osuutta kyseisestä väestöryhmästä (ns. köyhyysriskissä elävät henkilöt). Pienituloisia ovat henkilöt, joiden kotitalouden käytettävissä olevat rahatulot kulutusyksikköä kohden ovat alle 50 prosenttia kansallisesta mediaanitulosta

10.2.1.i --- People with activity limitations living below 60 per cent of median income, %: Men 55-64 years

Suomen indikaattori kuvaa suhteellisen pienituloisuusrajan alapuolella elävien henkilöiden osuutta kyseisestä väestöryhmästä (ns. köyhyysriskissä elävät henkilöt). Pienituloisia ovat henkilöt, joiden kotitalouden käytettävissä olevat rahatulot kulutusyksikköä kohden ovat alle 50 prosenttia kansallisesta mediaanitulosta

10.2.1.j --- People with activity limitations living below 60 per cent of median income, %: Women 55-64 years

Suomen indikaattori kuvaa suhteellisen pienituloisuusrajan alapuolella elävien henkilöiden osuutta kyseisestä väestöryhmästä (ns. köyhyysriskissä elävät henkilöt). Pienituloisia ovat henkilöt, joiden kotitalouden käytettävissä olevat rahatulot kulutusyksikköä kohden ovat alle 50 prosenttia kansallisesta mediaanitulosta

10.2.1.k --- People with activity limitations living below 60 per cent of median income, %: Men 16-64 years

Suomen indikaattori kuvaa suhteellisen pienituloisuusrajan alapuolella elävien henkilöiden osuutta kyseisestä väestöryhmästä (ns. köyhyysriskissä elävät henkilöt). Pienituloisia ovat henkilöt, joiden kotitalouden käytettävissä olevat rahatulot kulutusyksikköä kohden ovat alle 50 prosenttia kansallisesta mediaanitulosta

10.2.1.l --- People with activity limitations living below 60 per cent of median income, %: Women 16-64 years

Suomen indikaattori kuvaa suhteellisen pienituloisuusrajan alapuolella elävien henkilöiden osuutta kyseisestä väestöryhmästä (ns. köyhyysriskissä elävät henkilöt). Pienituloisia ovat henkilöt, joiden kotitalouden käytettävissä olevat rahatulot kulutusyksikköä kohden ovat alle 50 prosenttia kansallisesta mediaanitulosta

10.3.1 --- Population reporting personally felt discriminated against or harassed on the basis of discrimination, %

Osuus väestöstä, joka kertoo tulleensa syrjityksi tai häirityksi edellisten 12 kuukauden aikana kansainvälisen ihmisoikeuslain mukaisella tavalla

10.4.1 --- Labour share of GDP, comprising wages and social protection transfers, %

Työpanoksen osuus BKT:sta, koostuen palkoista ja sosiaaliturvamaksuista

10.b.1.a --- Total resource flows for development, by recipient and donor countries and type of flow; Million euros

Kehitysavun kokonaismäärä, vastaanottaja- ja lahjoittajamaan sekä avun tyypin mukaan (julkinen kehitysapu, suorat ulkomaiset investoinnit ja muut rahavirrat)

11.3.1 --- Ratio of land consumption rate to population growth rate

11.4.1.a.a --- Total per capita expenditure per capita spent on the preservation, protection and conservation of all cultural and natural heritage, euros

Kokonaiskustannukset (yksityiset ja julkiset), jotka aiheutuvat kulttuuriperinnön (muinaisjäännösten, rakennetun ympäristön, maiseman ja perinnebiotooppien) säilyttämisestä, suojelemisesta ja konservoinnista asukasta kohti kulttuuriperinnön tyypin mukaan jaoteltuna (kulttuuri- ja luonnonperinnön sekä näiden yhdistelmien osalta ja maailmanperintökohteiden osalta). Kokonaiskustannukset jaoteltuna kansallisiin, alueittaisiin ja kunnallisiin/paikallisiin kustannuksiin sekä kustannuserän mukaisesti (käyttökustannukset/investoinnit) ja yksityinen rahoitus jaoteltuna lahjoituksiin, yksityiseen voittoa tavoittelemattomaan sektorin kustannuksiin sekä sponsorirahoitukseen

11.4.1.a.b --- Total per capita expenditure per capita spent on the preservation, protection and conservation of all cultural and natural heritage, public funding, euros

Kokonaiskustannukset (yksityiset ja julkiset), jotka aiheutuvat kulttuuriperinnön (muinaisjäännösten, rakennetun ympäristön, maiseman ja perinnebiotooppien) säilyttämisestä, suojelemisesta ja konservoinnista asukasta kohti kulttuuriperinnön tyypin mukaan jaoteltuna (kulttuuri- ja luonnonperinnön sekä näiden yhdistelmien osalta ja maailmanperintökohteiden osalta). Kokonaiskustannukset jaoteltuna kansallisiin, alueittaisiin ja kunnallisiin/paikallisiin kustannuksiin sekä kustannuserän mukaisesti (käyttökustannukset/investoinnit) ja yksityinen rahoitus jaoteltuna lahjoituksiin, yksityiseen voittoa tavoittelemattomaan sektorin kustannuksiin sekä sponsorirahoitukseen

11.4.1.a.c --- Total per capita expenditure per capita spent on the preservation, protection and conservation of all cultural and natural heritage, private funding, euros

Kokonaiskustannukset (yksityiset ja julkiset), jotka aiheutuvat kulttuuriperinnön (muinaisjäännösten, rakennetun ympäristön, maiseman ja perinnebiotooppien) säilyttämisestä, suojelemisesta ja konservoinnista asukasta kohti kulttuuriperinnön tyypin mukaan jaoteltuna (kulttuuri- ja luonnonperinnön sekä näiden yhdistelmien osalta ja maailmanperintökohteiden osalta). Kokonaiskustannukset jaoteltuna kansallisiin, alueittaisiin ja kunnallisiin/paikallisiin kustannuksiin sekä kustannuserän mukaisesti (käyttökustannukset/investoinnit) ja yksityinen rahoitus jaoteltuna lahjoituksiin, yksityiseen voittoa tavoittelemattomaan sektorin kustannuksiin sekä sponsorirahoitukseen

11.4.1.b --- Total per capita expenditure per capita spent on the preservation, protection and conservation of all cultural heritage, euros

Kokonaiskustannukset (yksityiset ja julkiset), jotka aiheutuvat kulttuuriperinnön (muinaisjäännösten, rakennetun ympäristön, maiseman ja perinnebiotooppien) säilyttämisestä, suojelemisesta ja konservoinnista asukasta kohti kulttuuriperinnön tyypin mukaan jaoteltuna (kulttuuri- ja luonnonperinnön sekä näiden yhdistelmien osalta ja maailmanperintökohteiden osalta). Kokonaiskustannukset jaoteltuna kansallisiin, alueittaisiin ja kunnallisiin/paikallisiin kustannuksiin sekä kustannuserän mukaisesti (käyttökustannukset/investoinnit) ja yksityinen rahoitus jaoteltuna lahjoituksiin, yksityiseen voittoa tavoittelemattomaan sektorin kustannuksiin sekä sponsorirahoitukseen

11.4.1.c --- Total per capita expenditure per capita spent on the preservation, protection and conservation of all natural heritage, euros

Kokonaiskustannukset (yksityiset ja julkiset), jotka aiheutuvat kulttuuriperinnön (muinaisjäännösten, rakennetun ympäristön, maiseman ja perinnebiotooppien) säilyttämisestä, suojelemisesta ja konservoinnista asukasta kohti kulttuuriperinnön tyypin mukaan jaoteltuna (kulttuuri- ja luonnonperinnön sekä näiden yhdistelmien osalta ja maailmanperintökohteiden osalta). Kokonaiskustannukset jaoteltuna kansallisiin, alueittaisiin ja kunnallisiin/paikallisiin kustannuksiin sekä kustannuserän mukaisesti (käyttökustannukset/investoinnit) ja yksityinen rahoitus jaoteltuna lahjoituksiin, yksityiseen voittoa tavoittelemattomaan sektorin kustannuksiin sekä sponsorirahoitukseen

11.5.2 --- Direct economic loss in relation to global GDP, damage to critical infrastructure and number of disruptions to basic services, attributed to disasters

Katastrofien aiheuttamat suorat taloudelliset menetykset suhteessa globaaliin BKT:hen, vahingot perusinfrastruktuurille ja peruspalveluiden katkokset

11.5.3.a --- Damage to critical infrastructure attributed to disasters, euros

Luonnonkatastofien aiheuttamat vauriot kriittiselle infrastruktuurille

11.5.3.b --- Number of disruptions to basic services, attributed to disasters

Luonnonkatastrofien aiheuttamien peruspalveluiden häiriöiden lukumäärä

11.6.1 --- Proportion of municipal solid waste regularly collected and managed in controlled facilities out of total municipal waste generated, %: all cities

Osuus kaupunkien kiinteän jätteen määrästä, joka kerätään säännöllisesti ja kiinteästä kaupunkijätteestä käsittelyn jälkeen syntyvä lopullinen jätemäärä, kaikissa kaupungeissa

11.6.2.a --- Annual mean levels of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in cities (population weighted)

Pienhiukkasten keskimääräiset vuosittaiset pitoisuudet (PM2.5 ja PM10) kaikilla kaupunkien mittausasemilla ja painotettuina väestön määrällä

11.6.2.b --- Annual mean levels of fine particulate matter (PM10) in cities (population weighted)

Pienhiukkasten keskimääräiset vuosittaiset pitoisuudet (PM2.5 ja PM10) kaikilla kaupunkien mittausasemilla ja painotettuina väestön määrällä

11.7.1 --- Average share of the built-up area of cities that is open space for public use for all, %

Kaupunkien rakennetun alueen keskimääräinen osuus, joka on yleisölle avointa tilaa, %, kaikille, sukupuolittain ja ikäryhmittäin sekä vammaisille henkilöille

11.7.2.a --- Proportion of persons victim of physical harassment, schoolchildren, grades 8 and 9, %

Henkilöiden osuus, jotka ovat olleet fyysisen tai seksuaalisen häirinnän uhreja, %, sukupuolittain, vammaisuuden perusteella ja tapahtumapaikan mukaan, viimeisen 12 kuukauden aikana

11.7.2.b --- Proportion of persons victim of sexual harassment, schoolchildren, grades 8 and 9, %

Henkilöiden osuus, jotka ovat olleet fyysisen tai seksuaalisen häirinnän uhreja, %, sukupuolittain, vammaisuuden perusteella ja tapahtumapaikan mukaan, viimeisen 12 kuukauden aikana

11.b.1 --- Number of countries that adopt and implement national disaster risk reduction strategies

Niiden maiden määrä, jotka käyttävät ja toimeenpanevat kansallisia katastrofien vähentämisstrategioita Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030-sopimuksen mukaisella tavalla

11.b.2 --- Local governments that adopt and implement local disaster risk reduction strategies, %

Paikallishallintojen osuus, jotka käyttävät ja toimeenpanevat paikallisia katastrofien vähentämisstrategioita, jotka ovat kansallisten katastrofien riskienvähentämisstrategioiden mukaisia

12.1.1 --- Number of countries with sustainable consumption and production (SCP) national action plans or SCP mainstreamed as a priority or a target into national policies

Maiden määrä, joilla on kansalliset toimintasuunnitelmat kestävälle kulutukselle ja tuotannolle (SCP) tai SCP käytössä prioriteettina tai tavoitteena kansallisessa politiikassa

12.2.2.a --- Domestic material consumption, tonnes

Kotimainen materiaalien kulutus = Kotimaiset suorat panokset eli kotimaan luonnosta suoraan käyttöön tai talouden jatkoprosessointiin otetut materiaalit + Tuonti - Vienti

12.2.2.b --- Domestic material consumption per capita, tonnes

Kotimainen materiaalien kulutus = Kotimaiset suorat panokset eli kotimaan luonnosta suoraan käyttöön tai talouden jatkoprosessointiin otetut materiaalit + Tuonti - Vienti

12.2.2.c --- Domestic material consumption per GDP, kg per euro

Kotimainen materiaalien kulutus = Kotimaiset suorat panokset eli kotimaan luonnosta suoraan käyttöön tai talouden jatkoprosessointiin otetut materiaalit + Tuonti - Vienti

12.4.1 --- Number of parties to international multilateral environmental agreements on hazardous waste

Kansainvälisten moninkeskeisten, vaarallisiin jätteisiin ja muihin kemikaaleihin liittyvien ympäristösopimusten osapuolten lukumäärä, jotka täyttävät sitoumuksensa ja tavoitteensa välittää tietoa sopimuksen määrittelemällä tavalla

12.8.1.a --- Extent to which (i) global citizenship education and (ii) education for sustainable development are mainstreamed in national education policies

Nb. Primary and secondary education only.

12.8.1.b --- Extent to which (i) global citizenship education and (ii) education for sustainable development are mainstreamed in curricula

Nb. Primary and secondary education only.

12.8.1.c --- Extent to which (i) global citizenship education and (ii) education for sustainable development are mainstreamed in teacher education

Nb. Primary and secondary education only.

12.8.1.d --- Extent to which (i) global citizenship education and (ii) education for sustainable development are mainstreamed in student assessment

Nb. Primary and secondary education only.

13.1.2 --- Number of countries that adopt and implement national disaster risk reduction strategies

Maiden lukumäärä, jotka soveltavat ja toimeenpanevat kansallista riskien vähentämisstrategiaa Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 -ohjelman mukaisesti

13.1.3 --- Proportion of local governments that adopt and implement local disaster risk reduction strategies

Paikallishallintojen osuus, jotka soveltavat ja toteuttavat paikallisia katastrofien riskiä vähentäviä strategioita, jotka noudattavat kansallisia katastrofien riskiä vähentäviä strategioita

13.2.2 --- Total greenhouse gas emissions per year (thousand tons of CO2 equivalent)

Nb. Total emissions excl. LULUCF sector

13.3.1.a --- Extent to which (i) global citizenship education and (ii) education for sustainable development are mainstreamed in national education policies

Nb. Primary and secondary education only.

13.3.1.b --- Extent to which (i) global citizenship education and (ii) education for sustainable development are mainstreamed in curricula

Nb. Primary and secondary education only.

13.3.1.c --- Extent to which (i) global citizenship education and (ii) education for sustainable development are mainstreamed in teacher education

Nb. Primary and secondary education only.

14.3.1 --- Average marine acidity (pH) measured at agreed suite of representative sampling stations

Keskimääräinen meriveden happamuus (pH) mitattuna sovituilla sarjoilla ja edustavilla näytteenottopisteillä

14.4.1 --- Proportion of fish stocks within biologically sustainable levels

ICESin kalakanta-arvioihin linkit seuraavalta sivulta:

14.6.1 --- Progress by countries in the degree of implementation of international instruments aiming to combat illegal fishing

Maiden edistymisaste kansainvälisten toimien toteuttamisessa, joilla pyritään torjumaan laitonta, ilmoittamatta jäävää ja sääntelemätöntä kalastusta

14.b.1 --- Progress by countries in the degree of application of a regulatory framework which protects access rights for small-scale fisheries

Maiden edistymisaste kotitarvekalastuksen tunnustavien ja sitä suojelevin lakien/sääntelyn/politiikojen/instituutioiden käyttöönotossa, %

14.c.1 --- Countries making progress in accepting ocean-related instruments that implement international law for the sustainable use of the oceans

Maiden lukumäärä, jotka ovat edistyneet valtameriin liittyvien kansainvälistä lainsäädäntöä toteuttavien asiakirjojen ratifioinnissa, hyväksymisessä ja toteuttamisessa oikeudellisten, poliittisten ja institutionaalisten kehysten avulla valtamerten ja niiden resurssien suojelemiseksi ja kestävän käytön edistämiseksi Yhdistyneiden Kansakuntien merioikeusyleissopimuksen mukaisesti

15.1.1 --- Forest area as a proportion of total land area, %

Calculated forestry land area proportion of total land area. Forestry land breaks down into forest land, poorly productive forest land and unproductive land according to its capability of producing volume increment. On forest land the capability is 1.0 m³/ha/year or more, on poorly productive forest land 0.1-1 m³/ha/year and on unproductive land less than 0.1 m³/ha/year. Forestry land also includes nature conservation areas.

15.2.1 --- Progress towards sustainable forest management

Indikaattorille ei tällä hetkellä ole tietoja. Menetelmä kehitettävänä

15.6.1 --- Countries that have adopted legislative, administrative and policy frameworks to ensure fair and equitable sharing of benefits

Maiden lukumäärä, jotka ovat ottaneet käyttöön lainsäädännölliset, hallinnolliset ja politiikkakehikot varmistaakseen hyötyjen oikeudenmukaisen ja tasa-arvoisen jakamisen

15.8.1 --- Proportion of countries adopting national legislation and resourcing the prevention or control of invasive alien species, %

Maiden osuus, jotka soveltavat asianmukaista kansallista lainsäädäntöä ja joilla on riittäviä resursseja vieraslajien torjuntaan tai kurissa pitämiseen

16.1.1.a.a --- Number of victims of intentional homicide per 100,000 population, total (Public Health System Data)

Tiedontoimittaja/ Institution: Tilastokeskus, Statistics Finland, Käsitteet ja määritelmät/ Concepts and definitions: Tahallisiin henkirikoksiin kuolleiden miesten ja naisten vuotuinen määrä sekä henkirikoskuolleisuus 100.000 miestä/ naista/ asukasta kohti. (The annual number of male and female victims of intentional homicides and homicide mortality per 100,000 men/ women/ inhabitants). Kuvaa väkivaltarikollisuuden muutoksia ja yhteiskunnallisen väkivallan kehitystä ja sukupuolittunutta jakautumista yleisemmin. (Describes trends in violent crime and violence in society in general) . Tahallinen henkirikos/ intentional homicide: Käsite perustuu kulloinkin voimassa olleeseen kansallisessa kuolemansyytilastoinnissa käytettyyn määritelmään. Nykymääritelmä ICD 10: X85-Y09 (Concept based on national historical definitions used in cause of death statistics. Current definition ICD 10: X85-Y09). Metodologia/ Methodology: Henkirikoskuolleisuus (homicide mortality) = uhreja (victims) : vuoden lopun maassa vakinaisesti asuva väestö (resident population 31.12.) x 100.000 (100,000). Tietolähteet/ Datasources: Verkko, Veli (1948). Maailman vanhin väkivaltatilasto. Helsinki: Valtioneuvoston kirjapaino 1948. Suomen virallinen tilasto (SVT) VI B: Kuolemansyyt 1936-1986, Terveys 1987- ( Tilastokeskus: Väkiluku sukupuolen mukaan 1750 - 2017 ( Tiedontuottaja/ Data provider: Kriminologian ja oikeuspolitiikan instituutti, Helsingin yliopisto (KRIMO). Institute of Criminology and Legal Policy, University of Helsinki (KRIMO)

16.1.2 --- Conflict-related deaths per 100,000 population

No data for this indicator is currently available and its methodology is still under development.

16.1.3.a --- Proportion of population subjected to physical, psychological or sexual violence, %: Total

Proportion of population aged 15 to 74 years subjected to physical or sexual violence in the previous 12 months. Physical violence includes acts ranging from grabbing and pushing to using a weapon. Sexual violence includes unwanted sexual touching and sexual intercourse (rape), and attempts thereof . The survey does not include questions on psychological violence Source: National Crime Victim Survey (Finland). The survey is a nationally representative postal survey conducted by the Institute of Criminology and Legal Policy at University of Helsinki. The target population consists of persons aged 15 to 74 years old with a permanent residence in Finland. Sample size is 14 000 persons.

16.1.3.b --- Proportion of population subjected to physical, psychological or sexual violence, %: Men

Proportion of population aged 15 to 74 years subjected to physical or sexual violence in the previous 12 months. Physical violence includes acts ranging from grabbing and pushing to using a weapon. Sexual violence includes unwanted sexual touching and sexual intercourse (rape), and attempts thereof . The survey does not include questions on psychological violence Source: National Crime Victim Survey (Finland). The survey is a nationally representative postal survey conducted by the Institute of Criminology and Legal Policy at University of Helsinki. The target population consists of persons aged 15 to 74 years old with a permanent residence in Finland. Sample size is 14 000 persons.

16.1.3.c --- Proportion of population subjected to physical, psychological or sexual violence, %: Women

Proportion of population aged 15 to 74 years subjected to physical or sexual violence in the previous 12 months. Physical violence includes acts ranging from grabbing and pushing to using a weapon. Sexual violence includes unwanted sexual touching and sexual intercourse (rape), and attempts thereof . The survey does not include questions on psychological violence Source: National Crime Victim Survey (Finland). The survey is a nationally representative postal survey conducted by the Institute of Criminology and Legal Policy at University of Helsinki. The target population consists of persons aged 15 to 74 years old with a permanent residence in Finland. Sample size is 14 000 persons.

16.2.1.a.a --- Proportion of children aged 1-17 years who experienced physical punishment by caregivers within a year, comprehensive school 4. and 5. grades, %

1-17-vuotiaiden lasten osuus, jotka ovat kokeneet fyysistä ja/tai henkistä väkivaltaa hoitajansa taholta kuluneen kuukauden aikana

16.2.1.a.b --- Proportion of children aged 1-17 years who experienced physical punishment by caregivers within a year, comprehensive school 8. and 9. grades, %

1-17-vuotiaiden lasten osuus, jotka ovat kokeneet fyysistä ja/tai henkistä väkivaltaa hoitajansa taholta kuluneen kuukauden aikana

16.2.1.a.c --- Proportion of children aged 1-17 years who experienced physical punishment by caregivers within a year, upper secondary 1. and 2. year, %

1-17-vuotiaiden lasten osuus, jotka ovat kokeneet fyysistä ja/tai henkistä väkivaltaa hoitajansa taholta kuluneen kuukauden aikana

16.2.1.a.d --- Proportion of children aged 1-17 years who experienced physical punishment by caregivers within a year, vocational school, %

1-17-vuotiaiden lasten osuus, jotka ovat kokeneet fyysistä ja/tai henkistä väkivaltaa hoitajansa taholta kuluneen kuukauden aikana

16.2.1.b.a --- Proportion of children aged 1-17 years who experienced psychological aggression by caregivers within a year, comprehensive school 4. and 5. grades, %

1-17-vuotiaiden lasten osuus, jotka ovat kokeneet fyysistä ja/tai henkistä väkivaltaa hoitajansa taholta kuluneen kuukauden aikana

16.2.1.b.b --- Proportion of children aged 1-17 years who experienced psychological aggression by caregivers within a year, comprehensive school 8. and 9. grades, %

1-17-vuotiaiden lasten osuus, jotka ovat kokeneet fyysistä ja/tai henkistä väkivaltaa hoitajansa taholta kuluneen kuukauden aikana

16.2.1.b.c --- Proportion of children aged 1-17 years who experienced psychological aggression by caregivers within a year, upper secondary 1. and 2. year, %

1-17-vuotiaiden lasten osuus, jotka ovat kokeneet fyysistä ja/tai henkistä väkivaltaa hoitajansa taholta kuluneen kuukauden aikana

16.2.1.b.d --- Proportion of children aged 1-17 years who experienced psychological aggression by caregivers within a year, vocational school, %

1-17-vuotiaiden lasten osuus, jotka ovat kokeneet fyysistä ja/tai henkistä väkivaltaa hoitajansa taholta kuluneen kuukauden aikana

16.2.3 --- Proportion of women and men aged 18_29 years who experienced sexual violence by age 18, %


16.4.2.a --- Proportion of seized, found or surrendered arms whose illicit origin or context has been traced by a competent authority, %

Takavarikoitujen, löydettyjen ja luovutettujen aseiden osuus, joiden laiton alkuperä tai tausta on selvitetty tai todettu pätevien viranomaisten toimesta kansainvälisten mittareiden mukaisesti

16.5.1 --- Proportion of persons who paid a bribe to a public official, or were asked for a bribe by public officials, %

Henkilöiden osuus, joilla on ollut vähintään yksi kontakti viranomaiseen, ja joka on maksanut lahjuksen viranomaiselle, tai jota viranomaiset ovat pyytäneet maksamaan lahjuksen, viimeisten 12 kuukauden aikana, %

16.5.2 --- Proportion of businesses that paid a bribe to a public official, or were asked for a bribe by public officials, %

Yritysten osuus, joilla on ollut vähintään yksi kontakti viranomaiseen, ja joka on maksanut lahjuksen viranomaiselle, tai jota viranomaiset ovat pyytäneet maksamaan lahjuksen, viimeisten 12 kuukauden aikana, %

16.6.2 --- Proportion of population satisfied with their last experience of public services, %

Viimeisimpään julkisen palvelun kokemukseensa tyytyväisen väestön osuus, %

16.7.2 --- Proportion of population who believe decision-making is inclusive and responsive, %

Väestön osuus, joka uskoo päätöksenteon olevan osallistavaa ja vastuullista, sukupuolittain, vammaisuuden perusteella ja väestöryhmän mukaan

16.10.1 --- Verified cases of killing, kidnapping, enforced disappearance, arbitrary detention and torture of journalists, media personnel, trade unionists and human rights advocates

No of journalists killed for professional reasons

16.10.2 --- Countries that adopt and implement constitutional, statutory and/or policy guarantees for public access to information

Maiden lukumäärä, jotka ovat sisällyttäneet ja toimeenpanneet perustuslaillisen, lainsäädännöllisen ja /tai politiikkaperusteisen varmistuksen tiedon julkisuudelle

17.1.1 --- Total government revenue as a proportion of GDP, %: by source

20.76 Tuloihin kohdistuva taloustoimi lisää nettovarallisuutta ja vaikuttaa positiivisesti nettoluotonantoon(+)/nettoluotonottoon(-). Julkisyhteisöjen tuloista suurimman osan muodostavat yleensä julkisyhteisöjen määräämät pakolliset maksut verojen ja sosiaaliturvamaksujen muodossa. Joillakin julkishallinnon tasoilla merkittävän tulonlähteen muodostavat siirrot muilta julkisyhteisöjen yksiköiltä ja avustukset kansainvälisiltä järjestöiltä. Muut yleiset tuloluokat käsittävät omaisuustulon, tavaroiden ja palvelujen myynnin sekä muut sekalaiset siirrot kuin avustukset. Julkisyhteisöjen tulojen yhteissumma tilinpitojaksolta määritellään laskemalla yhteen saamisiin kuuluvat taloustoimet seuraavasti:

17.3.2.a --- Volume of remittances as a proportion of total GDP, %: Credit

Personal transfers and compensation of employees. Institutional information Organization(s): Statistics Finland, Concepts and definitions, Definition: Personal remittances received as proportion of GDP is the inflow of personal remittances expressed as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Concepts: Personal remittances comprise of personal transfers and compensation of employees. Personal transfers consist of all current transfers in cash or in kind made or received by resident households to or from non-resident households. Personal transfers thus include all current transfers between resident and non-resident individuals. The concepts used are in line with the Sixth Edition of the IMF's Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual (BPM6). Methodology Computation Method: Personal remittances are the sum of two items defined in the sixth edition of the IMF's Balance of Payments Manual: personal transfers and compensation of employees.

17.3.2.b --- Volume of remittances as a proportion of total GDP, %: Debit

Personal transfers and compensation of employees. Institutional information Organization(s): Statistics Finland, Concepts and definitions, Definition: Personal remittances received as proportion of GDP is the inflow of personal remittances expressed as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Concepts: Personal remittances comprise of personal transfers and compensation of employees. Personal transfers consist of all current transfers in cash or in kind made or received by resident households to or from non-resident households. Personal transfers thus include all current transfers between resident and non-resident individuals. The concepts used are in line with the Sixth Edition of the IMF's Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual (BPM6). Methodology Computation Method: Personal remittances are the sum of two items defined in the sixth edition of the IMF's Balance of Payments Manual: personal transfers and compensation of employees.

17.15.1 --- Extent of use of country-owned results frameworks and planning tools by providers of development cooperation

Maiden omistamien tulosten, viitekehysten ja suunnittelutyökalujen hyödyntämisen laajuus kehitysyhteistyötahon mukaan

17.16.1 --- Countries reporting progress in multi-stakeholder development effectiveness monitoring frameworks that support the sustainable development goals

Maiden lukumäärä, jotka raportoivat eri sidosryhmien kehityksen seurantavälineiden tehokkuuden edistymisestä, jotka tukevat kestävän kehityksen tavoitteiden saavuttamista

17.18.3 --- Countries with a national statistical plan that is fully funded and under implementation, by source of funding

Maiden lukumäärä, joilla on kansallinen tilastosuunnitelma, joka on täysin rahoitettu ja toteutettavana, rahoituslähteen mukaan

17.19.1 --- Resources made available to strengthen statistical capacity in developing countries, euros

Tietolähde: Ulkoministeriö, Suomen julkisen kehitysavun (Official Development Assistance, ODA) maksatukset tilastohankkeisiin

17.19.2.a --- Countries that have conducted at least one population and housing census in the last 10 years

Maiden osuus, jotka (a) ovat tehneet ainakin yhden väestölaskennan ja kotitaloustiedustelun viimeisten 10 vuoden aikana, ja (b) ovat saavuttaneet 100 %:n asteen syntymien rekisteröinneissä ja 80 %.n asteen kuolemien rekisteröinneissä

17.19.2.b --- Countries that have achieved 100 per cent birth registration and 80 per cent death registration

Maiden osuus, jotka (a) ovat tehneet ainakin yhden väestölaskennan ja kotitaloustiedustelun viimeisten 10 vuoden aikana, ja (b) ovat saavuttaneet 100 %:n asteen syntymien rekisteröinneissä ja 80 %.n asteen kuolemien rekisteröinneissä