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Household-dwelling units:
Statistics Finland, dwellings and housing conditions
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Number of household-dwelling units and dwelling population by Area, Tenure status, Year, Size of household-dwelling unit and Information

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Number of household-dwelling units and dwelling population by Year, Area, Tenure status, Information and Size of household-dwelling unit
 Household-dwelling units
All household-dwelling units1 person2 persons
All owner-occupied dwellings1,730,041599,543661,094
All rented dwellings997,746661,251215,658
All owner-occupied dwellings6,0231,9262,355
All rented dwellings1,8261,288357
All owner-occupied dwellings3,1919311,293
All rented dwellings720487144
Documentation of statistics These statistics apply the regional division of 1 January 2023 to the whole time series. In the data for 2020, the compilation of statistics on tenure status was revised especially as concerns dwellings owned by rental housing companies. In 2014 the compilation of statistics on tenure status was revised especially as concerns unknown dwellings. Data for annexed municipalities have been combined. An exception the sub-area of Längelmäki annexing into Orivesi and Jämsä since year 2006: The entire population of Längelmäki has been combined with Jämsä during years 1985-2005. The data are therefore not comparable in the time series in all respects with the regions of Pirkanmaa and Central Finland and as well as for the municipalities of Jämsä and Orivesi.

On 1 January 2009, an area of 29.1 km2 belonging to the municipality of Sipoo was merged with Helsinki. As a result of this change, the municipal boundary between Helsinki and Sipoo and the boundary between the sub-regional units of Helsinki and Porvoo changed. The data are therefore not comparable in the time series in all respects with the sub-regional units of Porvoo and Helsinki and the municipalities of Sipoo and Helsinki.


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