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Number of households in population:
Statistics Finland, statistics on living conditions
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Satisfaction with dwelling by Statistical grouping of municipalities, Form of tenure, Year and Information

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Satisfaction with dwelling by Statistical grouping of municipalities, Form of tenure, Year and Information
Number of households in population
Whole country 
All households2,919,000
Owner-occupied dwelling1,806,400
Rented dwelling1,033,700
Urban municipalities 
All households2,135,700
Owner-occupied dwelling1,200,800
Rented dwelling867,400
Semi-urban municipalities 
All households416,100
Owner-occupied dwelling314,100
Rented dwelling95,500
Documentation of statistics . missing . = sample size less than 10 (percentage shares) or under 30 (number of units).
Life satisfaction on a scale from 1 (very dissatisfied), 2 (fairly dissatisfied), 3 (satisfied), 4 (very satisfied).
The data collection method of the survey was changed in 2022. Due to the change in the data collection method, data for 2022 may involve uncertainties as to the comparability with previous years. For more information see the documentation of the statistics.
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