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ETS sector, thousand tons of CO2 eq.:
Thousand tonnes of CO2 eq.
Statistics Finland, greenhouse gases
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Greenhouse gas emissions in Finland: effort sharing and emissions trading sector by Year, Emission category, Greenhouse gas and Information

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Greenhouse gas emissions in Finland: effort sharing and emissions trading sector by Year, Greenhouse gas, Emission category and Information
 ETS sector, thousand tons of CO2 eq.
Emissions without LULUCF15,367
1 Energy11,854
1A1 Energy industries.
Documentation of statistics . missing
- magnitude nil
Instant preliminary data (2023) are produced with less detailed methods than the actual inventory (the years 2013 to 2022). Therefore, data for 2023 are not presented in the table on the same level of detail as the data for the previous years. Emissions as carbon dioxide equivalent, negative figures are removals. In the inventory, the climate warming potential of different greenhouse gases is translated into a common measure, i.e. carbon dioxide equivalent, using Global Warming Potential (GWP) factors. The source used for the factors are IPCC Assessment Reports (AR). Emissions data according to the abbreviation AR5 have been calculated using factors in accordance with the IPCC's Fifth Assessment Report (carbon dioxide 1, methane 28, nitrous oxide 265, F-gases 4 to 23,500). Emission category Based on the emission category according to the CRF classification that is used in the reporting of greenhouse gases to the UNFCCC and the EU. International transport (1D) is not included in total emissions but is reported in the inventory as a memo item. Greenhouse gas Greenhouse gases reported in the greenhouse gas inventory are carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) and fluorinated greenhouse gases or F-gases (HFC compounds (hydrofluorocarbons), PFC compounds (perfluorocarbons), sulphur hexafluoride SF6, and nitrogen trifluoride NF3).


* instant preliminary data



* instant preliminary data


ETS sector, thousand tons of CO2 eq.

The statistical difference of emissions trading and the inventory is a divergence caused by the methodological and definitional differences in total emissions in the emissions trading sector between the data of the Energy Authority and the greenhouse gas inventory.
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