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Number of full-time employees:
Statistics Finland, structure of earnings
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Structure of Earnings by Year, The level of education, Age group, Classification of Sectors 2023 and Information

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Structure of Earnings by Year, The level of education, Age group, Classification of Sectors 2023 and Information
 Number of full-time employees
S0 Total1,469,569
S11-S12, S15 Non-financial corporations, financial and insurance corporations and non-profit institutions serving households948,037
S13111 Budget economy of central government74,992
S0 Total1
S11-S12, S15 Non-financial corporations, financial and insurance corporations and non-profit institutions serving households1
S13111 Budget economy of central government.
S0 Total6,765
S11-S12, S15 Non-financial corporations, financial and insurance corporations and non-profit institutions serving households4,859
S13111 Budget economy of central government18
0-2 Basic education 
S0 Total96,431
S11-S12, S15 Non-financial corporations, financial and insurance corporations and non-profit institutions serving households80,543
S13111 Budget economy of central government1,219
S0 Total1
S11-S12, S15 Non-financial corporations, financial and insurance corporations and non-profit institutions serving households1
S13111 Budget economy of central government.
S0 Total2,099
S11-S12, S15 Non-financial corporations, financial and insurance corporations and non-profit institutions serving households1,679
S13111 Budget economy of central government.
3 Upper secondary education 
S0 Total548,544
S11-S12, S15 Non-financial corporations, financial and insurance corporations and non-profit institutions serving households389,908
S13111 Budget economy of central government17,354
S0 Total.
S11-S12, S15 Non-financial corporations, financial and insurance corporations and non-profit institutions serving households.
S13111 Budget economy of central government.
S0 Total4,667
S11-S12, S15 Non-financial corporations, financial and insurance corporations and non-profit institutions serving households3,180
S13111 Budget economy of central government18
Documentation of statistics ... confidential

The level of education

The level of education describes and follows mainly the structure of the school system, where education progresses in year periods from lower to higher levels of education. The classification is used only on the 1-digit level. The latest in-house classification of the level of education is used.

Age group

Age group


Number of full-time employees

Number of full-time employees
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