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Apprehension, arrest and remand total:
Statistics Finland, statistics on offences and coercive measures
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Coercive measures of the police, customs and border guard by Year, Duration of coercive measure, Sex, Age, Main offence or other matter and Information

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Coercive measures of the police, customs and border guard by Year, Duration of coercive measure, Sex, Age, Main offence or other matter and Information
 Apprehension, arrest and remand total
Offences, infractions and police tasks total61,941
Offences and infractions total42,833
1 Offences against penal code42,832
0 - 14 
Offences, infractions and police tasks total20
Offences and infractions total4
1 Offences against penal code4
15 - 17 
Offences, infractions and police tasks total1,539
Offences and infractions total1,532
1 Offences against penal code1,532
Offences, infractions and police tasks total54,724
Offences and infractions total37,340
1 Offences against penal code37,339
0 - 14 
Offences, infractions and police tasks total3
Offences and infractions total3
1 Offences against penal code3
15 - 17 
Offences, infractions and police tasks total1,414
Offences and infractions total1,407
1 Offences against penal code1,407
Offences, infractions and police tasks total7,202
Offences and infractions total5,482
1 Offences against penal code5,482
0 - 14 
Offences, infractions and police tasks total17
Offences and infractions total0
1 Offences against penal code0
15 - 17 
Offences, infractions and police tasks total125
Offences and infractions total125
1 Offences against penal code125
Alle 1 days 
Offences, infractions and police tasks total19,510
Offences and infractions total18,516
1 Offences against penal code18,514
0 - 14 
Offences, infractions and police tasks total11
Offences and infractions total9
1 Offences against penal code9
15 - 17 
Offences, infractions and police tasks total784
Offences and infractions total767
1 Offences against penal code767
Offences, infractions and police tasks total16,875
Offences and infractions total16,025
1 Offences against penal code16,023
0 - 14 
Offences, infractions and police tasks total9
Offences and infractions total8
1 Offences against penal code8
15 - 17 
Offences, infractions and police tasks total694
Offences and infractions total677
1 Offences against penal code677
Offences, infractions and police tasks total2,633
Offences and infractions total2,489
1 Offences against penal code2,489
0 - 14 
Offences, infractions and police tasks total2
Offences and infractions total1
1 Offences against penal code1
15 - 17 
Offences, infractions and police tasks total90
Offences and infractions total90
1 Offences against penal code90
1 - 1.9 days 
Offences, infractions and police tasks total4,196
Offences and infractions total3,620
1 Offences against penal code3,620
0 - 14 
Offences, infractions and police tasks total0
Offences and infractions total0
1 Offences against penal code0
15 - 17 
Offences, infractions and police tasks total211
Offences and infractions total202
1 Offences against penal code202
Offences, infractions and police tasks total3,576
Offences and infractions total3,089
1 Offences against penal code3,089
0 - 14 
Offences, infractions and police tasks total0
Offences and infractions total0
1 Offences against penal code0
15 - 17 
Offences, infractions and police tasks total195
Offences and infractions total186
1 Offences against penal code186
Offences, infractions and police tasks total620
Offences and infractions total531
1 Offences against penal code531
0 - 14 
Offences, infractions and police tasks total0
Offences and infractions total0
1 Offences against penal code0
15 - 17 
Offences, infractions and police tasks total16
Offences and infractions total16
1 Offences against penal code16
Documentation of statistics .. not applicable
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