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Dwelling population, persons:
Statistics Finland, income distribution statistics
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Income leve by origin, age and income decile in household-dwelling population by Origin, Year, Person's age, Income decile or fractile group and Information

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Income leve by origin, age and income decile in household-dwelling population by Origin, Year, Information, Person's age and Income decile or fractile group
Dwelling population, persons
Persons with Finnish background total4,933,729417,283459,245884,81354,64881,1612,815,525268,828193,573
Persons with foreign background total545,065130,59788,635122,96632,31928,824391,75488,98253,154
Documentation of statistics . missing Data in euros are given in the value of the latest statistical year (in real terms).
Statistical unit: person (household-dwelling population).
Consumption units : Eurostat's equivalence scale (1.0 - 0.5 - 0.3).
Due to revisions to the income concepts the figures for 1995 to 2009 and 2010 onwards are not fully comparable with each other.
Figures on children at risk of poverty are published only from 2010 onwards and on persistent risk of poverty from 2013 onwards. The income concept is not fully comparable prior to 2009 concerning child support and child maintenance allowance paid by the Social Insurance Institution. In this respect, the change to the income concept has an impact especially on the comparability over time of the at-risk-of-poverty rate of children, but it does not significantly impact the risk of poverty in the total population. More detailed information about the change to the income concept in the quality description of the statistics.


The origin is explained on the Concepts webpage, see the link.

Person's age

Person's age.

Income decile or fractile group

Income decile/fractile.


Dwelling population, persons

Dwelling population, persons. The dwelling population comprises those persons who resided permanently in dwellings on 31 December.
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