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Change in hours worked:
Percentage point
Statistics Finland, growth and productivity measures
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Labor input, capital input and their contribution weights by Year, Industry and Information

This page shows the results of the figures you selected on the variable-page in PxWeb. On this result-page you can download the numbers in another format, pivot or edit them. You can also save them as a saved query, which can be sent to others or used as a link the next time you want to see these numbers with new time periods.
Labor input, capital input and their contribution weights by Year, Industry and Information
 Change in hours worked
05-09 Mining and quarrying-4.0
10-12 Food industry etc.0.7
Documentation of statistics Non-market producers (producer type T30), agriculture and housing are not included here. The industry's contribution to the productivity of the whole economy is the industry's share of the change in the productivity of the whole economy when the industry's share of the value added/output of the whole economy is taken into consideration. Capital compensation is calculated as the difference of value added and labor compensation. Labor compensation is compensation received by labor for the amount of work done. It includes the compensation of employees and the income of self- employed.


* preliminary data



* preliminary data
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