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  1. 11sf -- Gross domestic product and national income, supply and demand, annually, 1975-2023*

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    1. Transaction: B1GMH Gross domestic product at market prices, B1NMH Net domestic product at market prices, P1R Output at basic prices, income, P2K Intermediate consumption, expenditure, ..., P41K Actual individual consumption, expenditure (61)
    2. Year: 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, ..., 2023* (49)
    3. Information: Current prices, millions of euro, At previous year's prices, millions of euro, Ratio to GDP, %, Ratio to national income, %, ..., Ratio, % (13)

  2. 11t4 -- Government consumption expenditure, annually, 1975-2023*

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    1. Transaction: P3K Consumption expenditure, expenditure, P31K Individual consumption expenditure, expenditure, P32K Collective consumption expenditure, expenditure, D631K Social transfers in kind - non-market production, expenditure, D632K Social transfers in kind - purchased market production, expenditure (5)
    2. Sector: S13 General government, S1311 Central government, S1313 Local government, S13131 Local government excl. wellbeing services county administration, ..., S13149 Other social security funds (8)
    3. Year: 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, ..., 2023* (49)
    4. Information: Current prices, millions of euro, At previous year's prices, millions of euro, Changes in volume, %, Proportion of transaction, %, ..., Volume series, reference year 2015 (6)

  3. 11ws -- Employment and hours worked, annually, 1975-2023*

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    1. Transaction: E1 Employment, domestic (1 000 persons), E11 Employment, self-employed, domestic (1 000 persons), E12 Employees, domestic (1 000 persons), E2 Hours worked, domestic (1 000 000 h), ..., E22 Hours worked, employees, domestic (1 000 000 h) (6)
    2. Sector: S1 Total economy, S1Y Private sector, S11 Non-financial corporations, S12 Financial and insurance corporations, ..., S15 Non-profit institutions serving households (23)
    3. Industry: Total, A Primary production, A Agriculture, forestry and fishing (01-03), 01 Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities, ..., 97-98 Household service activities (143)
    4. Year: 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, ..., 2023* (49)
    5. Information: Original series, (1)

  4. 11yx -- Income and expenditure by sector, annually, 1975-2023*

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    1. Sector: S1 Total economy, S11 Non-financial corporations, S12 Financial and insurance corporations, S121 Central bank, ..., S2 Rest of the world (23)
    2. Transaction: P1R Output at basic prices, income, P11R Market output, income, P12R Output for own final use, income, P119R Financial intermediation services indirectly measured (FISIM), income, ..., OTES Expenditure, total, consolidated (290)
    3. Year: 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, ..., 2023* (49)
    4. Information: Current prices, millions of euro, Ratio to GDP, %, (2)

  5. 123h -- Income and production by sector and industry, annually, 1975-2023*

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    1. Sector: S1 Total economy, S11 Non-financial corporations, S12 Financial and insurance corporations, S121 Central bank, ..., S15 Non-profit institutions serving households (22)
    2. Transaction: P1R Output at basic prices, income, P11R Market output, income, P12R Output for own final use, income, P119R Financial intermediation services indirectly measured (FISIM), income, ..., P53K Net acquisitions of valuables, expenditure (21)
    3. Industry: Total, A Primary production, A Agriculture, forestry and fishing (01-03), 01 Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities, ..., 97-98 Household service activities (144)
    4. Year: 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, ..., 2023* (49)
    5. Information: Current prices, millions of euro, At previous year's prices, millions of euro, Changes in value, %, Changes in price, %, ..., Volume series, reference year 2015 (7)

  6. 123x -- Gross domestic product and national income per capita, annually, 1975-2023*

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    1. Transaction: B1GMH Gross domestic product at market prices, B1NMH Net domestic product at market prices, B5G Gross national income (GNI), B5N Net national income, ..., EP Population (1 000 persons) (15)
    2. Year: 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, ..., 2023* (49)
    3. Information: Current prices, euro, At previous year's prices, euro, Changes in volume, %, Volume index, 2015 = 100, ..., Volume series, reference year 2015 (6)

  7. 124l -- Investments and fixed capital, annually, 1975-2023*

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    1. Transaction: P51CK Consumption of fixed capital, expenditure, P51K Gross fixed capital formation, expenditure, BKANTA Gross stock, NKANTA Net stock, POISTUMA Removals (5)
    2. Sector: S1 Total economy, S11 Non-financial corporations, S12 Financial and insurance corporations, S121 Central bank, ..., S15 Non-profit institutions serving households (22)
    3. Industry: Total, A Agriculture, forestry and fishing (01-03), 01 Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities, 011-016 Agriculture, ..., 97-98 Household service activities (138)
    4. Instrument: N0 Non-financial assets total, N111 Residential buildings, N111, N112 Buildings and structures, N112 Other buildings and structures, ..., N1171 Research and development (15)
    5. Year: 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, ..., 2023* (49)
    6. Information: Current prices, millions of euro, At previous year's prices, millions of euro, Changes in volume, %, Volume series, reference year 2010, ..., At year 2010 prices (fixed base year) (7)

  8. 127s -- Household Final Consumption Expenditure, annually, 1975-2023*

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    1. Sector: S14 Households, (1)
    2. Transaction: P31DCK Households consumption expenditure in Finland, expenditure, P31NCK Consumption expenditure of households living in Finland, expenditure, P33K Consumption expenditure of resident households abroad, expenditure, P34K Consumption expenditure of non-resident households in Finland, expenditure, (4)
    3. Durability class: Total, D Durable good, SD Semi-durable goods, ND Non-durable goods, S Services (5)
    4. Consumption class: Total, 01 FOOD AND NON-ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES, 01.1 Food, 01.1.1 Bread and cereals, ..., 12.7.0.X Other services n.e.c. (394)
    5. Year: 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, ..., 2023* (49)
    6. Information: Current prices, millions of euro, At previous year's prices, millions of euro, Changes in volume, %, Changes in value, %, ..., Volume series, reference year 2023 (8)

  9. 129d -- General government revenue and expenditure, annually, 1975-2023*

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    1. Sector: S13 General government, S1311 Central government, S1313 Local government, S13131 Local government excl. wellbeing services county administration, ..., S13149 Other social security funds (7)
    2. Transaction: P1R Output at basic prices, income, P11R Market output, income, P12R Output for own final use, income, P131R Sales of non-market products, income, ..., OTES Expenditure, total, consolidated (90)
    3. Year: 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, ..., 2023* (49)
    4. Information: Current prices, millions of euro, Ratio to GDP, %, (2)

  10. 129i -- Historical series of national accounts, annually, 1860-2023*

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    1. Year: 1860, 1861, 1862, 1863, ..., 2023* (164)
    2. Industry: Total, A Agriculture, forestry and fishing (01-03), B-E Total industry (05-39), F Construction (41-43), G-T Services (45-98) (5)
    3. Transaction: B1GMH Gross domestic product at market prices, B1GPH Gross value added at basic prices, P7R Imports of goods and services, income, P71R Imports of goods, income, ..., EP Population (1 000 persons) (21)
    4. Information: At current prices, 1860-1960, mmk, At current prices, 1860-1948 mmk, At current prices, 1948-1960, mmk, At current prices, 1960-1975, mmk (SNA68), ..., Labour input index (1926=100) (17)