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Statistics Finland
EUR million
Statistics Finland
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Credits by purpose of use and by borrower sector, by quarter starting from 2014 by Year, Quarter, By lender sector and Data

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Credits by purpose of use and by borrower sector, by quarter starting from 2014 by Year, Quarter, By lender sector and Data
 New consumer creditsStock of consumer creditsNew credits for other purposes
S124-S127 Other financial corporations..1,806..
Small loan companies and pawn brokers..109..
TOTAL: Other financial corporations exl. insurance corporations and general governement..1,915..
S124-S127 Other financial corporations4131,83912
Small loan companies and pawn brokers55960
TOTAL: Other financial corporations exl. insurance corporations and general governement4681,93512
S124-S127 Other financial corporations4231,86912
Small loan companies and pawn brokers511030
TOTAL: Other financial corporations exl. insurance corporations and general governement4751,97212
S124-S127 Other financial corporations4391,9678
Small loan companies and pawn brokers39940
TOTAL: Other financial corporations exl. insurance corporations and general governement4782,0618
S124-S127 Other financial corporations5142,02211
Small loan companies and pawn brokers671280
TOTAL: Other financial corporations exl. insurance corporations and general governement5822,15011
S124-S127 Other financial corporations5231,98410
Small loan companies and pawn brokers1001400
TOTAL: Other financial corporations exl. insurance corporations and general governement6232,12410
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