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Statistics Finland
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Statistics Finland
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Reading books online or in electronic format , those aged 15 or over (2017) % by Sex, Background variable, Year, Data and Response

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Reading books online or in electronic format , those aged 15 or over (2017) % by Year, Sex, Background variable, Data and Response
Sex total   
Socioeconomic status total1981100
Employer (0-1)2377100
Upper-level employee (2)3565100
Socioeconomic status total2080100
Employer (0-1)2674100
Upper-level employee (2)3664100
Socioeconomic status total1882100
Employer (0-1)1585100
Upper-level employee (2)3367100
Quality descriptions
Concepts and definitions
Explanation of symbols:
. Category not applicable
.. Data not available or too uncertain for presentation, or subject to secrecy
- Magnitude nil
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