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Statistics Finland’s free-of-charge statistical databases
Population structure
11ra -- Key figures on population by region, 1990-2023
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Statistics Finland, population structure
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Key figures on population by Area, Information and Year
This page shows the results of the figures you selected on the variable-page in PxWeb. On this result-page you can download the numbers in another format, pivot or edit them. You can also save them as a saved query, which can be sent to others or used as a link the next time you want to see these numbers with new time periods.
Key figures on population by Area, Information and Year
Population 31 Dec
Population density
Saved query 174e6e37-1161-4df2-a80e-840b54778e6c
Unchanged table
Documentation of statistics
. missing
Starting from 1750 Population statistics have been digitised into PDF format in the National Library's Doria service:
Publications on Population structure and Vital statistics in Doria (in Finnish)
Publications on Population censuses in Doria (in Finnish)
These statistics apply the regional division of 1 January 2024 to the whole time series. Data for merged municipalities have been combined. Partial municipal mergers have not been taken into account in the years preceding the merger.
Population 31 Dec
Population at the end of the statistical reference period.
Population density
Inhabitants / km²
API query for this table
POST the following JSON query to the URL below to access this table from your application.
JSON query:
{ "query": [ { "code": "Alue", "selection": { "filter": "item", "values": [ "KU291" ] } }, { "code": "Tiedot", "selection": { "filter": "item", "values": [ "vaesto", "vaesto_maa_pa" ] } }, { "code": "Vuosi", "selection": { "filter": "item", "values": [ "2022" ] } } ], "response": { "format": "json-stat2" } }
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