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  1. 12dd -- Prices per square metre of new dwellings in housing companies by the form of ownership of plot, quarterly, 2015Q1-2024Q4

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    1. Region: Whole country, Greater Helsinki, Whole country excluding Greater Helsinki, Uusimaa, without greater Helsinki, ..., Northern Finland, without Oulu (15)
    2. Form of ownership of plot: Own plot, Rented plot, Plot forms in total, (3)
    3. Building type: Building types total, Terraced houses, Blocks of flats, (3)
    4. Number of rooms: Total, One-room flat, Two-room flat, Three-room flat+, (4)
    5. Quarter: 2015Q1, 2015Q2, 2015Q3, 2015Q4, ..., 2024Q4 (40)
    6. Information: Number, Price per square meter (eur/m2), (2)

  2. 12de -- Prices per square metre of new dwellings in housing companies by the form of ownership of plot, yearly, 2015-2024

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    1. Region: Whole country, Greater Helsinki, Whole country excluding Greater Helsinki, Uusimaa, without greater Helsinki, ..., Northern Finland, without Oulu (15)
    2. Building type: Building types total, Terraced houses, Blocks of flats, (3)
    3. Number of rooms: Total, One-room flat, Two-room flat, Three-room flat+, (4)
    4. Form of ownership of plot: Own plot, Rented plot, Plot forms in total, (3)
    5. Year: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, ..., 2024 (10)
    6. Information: Number, Price per square meter (eur/m2), (2)

  3. 12dg -- Prices per square metre of new dwellings in housing companies by sub-areas, yearly, 2015-2024

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    1. Region: Whole country, Greater Helsinki, Whole country excluding Greater Helsinki, Uusimaa, without greater Helsinki, inner urban areas, ..., Northern Finland, without Oulu, other areas (27)
    2. Building type: Building types total, Terraced houses, Blocks of flats, (3)
    3. Number of rooms: Total, One-room flat, Two-room flat, Three-room flat+, (4)
    4. Year: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, ..., 2024 (10)
    5. Information: Number, Price per square meter (eur/m2), (2)

  4. 12fv -- Price index of new dwellings in housing companies (2015=100) and numbers of transactions, quarterly, 2015Q1-2024Q4

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    1. Quarter: 2015Q1, 2015Q2, 2015Q3, 2015Q4, ..., 2024Q4 (40)
    2. Region: Whole country, Greater Helsinki, Whole country excluding Greater Helsinki, Helsinki, ..., Northern Finland (14)
    3. Building type: Building types total, Terraced houses, Blocks of flats, (3)
    4. Number of rooms: Total, One-room flat, Two-room flat, Three-room flat+, (4)
    5. Information: Index (2015=100), Quarterly change (index 2015=100), Annual change (index 2015=100), Number, (4)

  5. 12fw -- Price index of new dwellings in housing companies (2015=100) and numbers of transactions, yearly, 2015-2024

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 40265 Modified: 20250128 08.00

    1. Year: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, ..., 2024 (10)
    2. Region: Whole country, Greater Helsinki, Whole country excluding Greater Helsinki, Helsinki, ..., Northern Finland (14)
    3. Building type: Building types total, Terraced houses, Blocks of flats, (3)
    4. Number of rooms: Total, One-room flat, Two-room flat, Three-room flat+, (4)
    5. Information: Index (2015=100), Annual change (index 2015=100), Number, (3)

  6. 13mp -- Price index of old dwellings in housing companies (2020=100) and numbers of transactions, quarterly, 2020Q1-2024Q4*

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    1. Quarter: 2020Q1, 2020Q2, 2020Q3, 2020Q4, ..., 2024Q4* (20)
    2. Region: Whole country, Greater Helsinki, Whole country excluding Greater Helsinki, Major cities (total), ..., Rovaniemi (87)
    3. Building type: Building types total, Terraced houses, Blocks of flats, (3)
    4. Number of rooms: Total, One-room flat, Two-room flat, Three-room flat+, (4)
    5. Information: Price per square meter (EUR/m2), Index (2020=100), Quarterly change (index 2020=100), Annual change (index 2020=100), ..., Number of sales, asset transfer tax data (8)

  7. 13mq -- Price index of old dwellings in housing companies (2020=100) and numbers of transactions, yearly, 2020-2024*

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    1. Year: 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024* (5)
    2. Region: Whole country, Greater Helsinki, Whole country excluding Greater Helsinki, Major cities (total), ..., Rovaniemi (87)
    3. Building type: Building types total, Terraced houses, Blocks of flats, (3)
    4. Number of rooms: Total, One-room flat, Two-room flat, Three-room flat+, (4)
    5. Information: Index (2020=100), Annual change (index 2020=100), Change in prices compared to 2020, Real price index (2020=100), ..., Number of sales, asset transfer tax data (7)

  8. 13mr -- Distributions of prices per square meter of existing dwellings, quarterly, 2020Q1-2024Q4*

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    1. Quarter: 2020Q1, 2020Q2, 2020Q3, 2020Q4, ..., 2024Q4* (20)
    2. Region: Helsinki, Helsinki 1, Helsinki 2, Helsinki 3, ..., Oulu (21)
    3. Building type: Terraced houses, Blocks of flats, (2)
    4. Number of rooms: Total, One-room flat, Two-room flat, Three-room flat+, (4)
    5. Information: Lower quartile, Median, Upper quartile, (3)

  9. 13ms -- Price index of old dwellings in housing companies (2020=100) and numbers of transactions, monthly, 2020M01-2025M02*

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    1. Month: 2020M01, 2020M02, 2020M03, 2020M04, ..., 2025M02* (62)
    2. Region: Whole country, Greater Helsinki, Whole country excluding Greater Helsinki, Major cities (total), ..., Northern Finland (16)
    3. Building type: Building types total, Terraced houses, Blocks of flats, (3)
    4. Information: Price per square meter (EUR/m2), Index (2020=100), Monthly change (index 2020=100), Annual change (index 2020=100), ..., Number of sales, asset transfer tax data (10)

  10. 13mt -- Prices per square meter of old dwellings in housing companies and numbers of transactions by postal code area, quarterly, 2009Q1-2024Q4*

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    1. Quarter: 2009Q1, 2009Q2, 2009Q3, 2009Q4, ..., 2024Q4* (64)
    2. Postal code: 00100 Helsinki keskusta - Etu-Töölö (Helsinki), 00120 Punavuori - Bulevardi (Helsinki), 00130 Kaartinkaupunki (Helsinki), 00140 Kaivopuisto - Ullanlinna (Helsinki), ..., 99990 Nuorgam (Utsjoki) (1720)
    3. Building type: Blocks of flats, one-room flat, Blocks of flats, two-room flat, Blocks of flats, three-room flat+, Terraced houses total, (4)
    4. Information: Price per square meter (EUR/m2), Number of sales, asset transfer tax data starting from 2020, (2)

  11. 13mu -- Prices per square meter of old dwellings in housing companies and numbers of transactions by postal code area, yearly, 2009-2024*

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    1. Year: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, ..., 2024* (16)
    2. Postal code: 00100 Helsinki keskusta - Etu-Töölö (Helsinki), 00120 Punavuori - Bulevardi (Helsinki), 00130 Kaartinkaupunki (Helsinki), 00140 Kaivopuisto - Ullanlinna (Helsinki), ..., 99990 Nuorgam (Utsjoki) (1720)
    3. Building type: Blocks of flats, one-room flat, Blocks of flats, two-room flat, Blocks of flats, three-room flat+, Terraced houses total, (4)
    4. Information: Price per square meter (EUR/m2), Number of sales, asset transfer tax data starting from 2020, (2)

  12. 13mw -- Prices per square meter of old dwellings in housing companies and numbers of transactions by the form of ownership of plot, yearly, 2009-2024*

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 398566 Modified: 20250128 08.00

    1. Year: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, ..., 2024* (16)
    2. Region: Whole country, Greater Helsinki, Whole country excluding Greater Helsinki, Major cities (total), ..., Rovaniemi (87)
    3. Building type: Blocks of flats, one-room flat, Blocks of flats, two-room flat, Blocks of flats, three-room flat+, Blocks of flats total, ..., Building types total (6)
    4. Form of ownership of plot: Own plot, Rented plot, Plot forms in total, (3)
    5. Information: Price per square meter (EUR/m2), Number of sales, asset transfer tax data, until 2019, Number of sales, asset transfer tax data starting from 2020, (3)

  13. 13mv -- Prices per square meter of old dwellings in housing companies and numbers of transactions, quarterly, 2006Q1-2024Q4*

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    1. Quarter: 2006Q1, 2006Q2, 2006Q3, 2006Q4, ..., 2024Q4* (76)
    2. Region: Whole country, Greater Helsinki, Whole country excluding Greater Helsinki, Major cities (total), ..., Rovaniemi (87)
    3. Building type: Building types total, Terraced houses, Blocks of flats, (3)
    4. Number of rooms: Total, One-room flat, Two-room flat, Three-room flat+, (4)
    5. Information: Price per square meter (EUR/m2), Number of sales, asset transfer tax data, until 2019, Number of sales, asset transfer tax data starting from 2020, (3)

  14. 13mx -- Prices per square meter of old dwellings in housing companies and numbers of transactions by municipality, yearly, 2006-2023

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    1. Year: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, ..., 2023 (18)
    2. Municipality: Akaa, Alajärvi, Alavieska, Alavus, ..., Äänekoski (301)
    3. Building type: Building types total, Terraced houses, Blocks of flats, (3)
    4. Information: Price per square meter (EUR/m2), Number of sales, asset transfer tax data, until 2019, Number of sales, asset transfer tax data starting from 2020, (3)

  15. 13my -- Price indices of old dwellings in housing companies (1970=100, 1983=100, 2000=100, 2005=100, 2010=100, 2015=100), quarterly, 1988Q1-2024Q4*

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    1. Quarter: 1988Q1, 1988Q2, 1988Q3, 1988Q4, ..., 2024Q4* (148)
    2. Region: Whole country, Greater Helsinki, Whole country excluding Greater Helsinki, Major cities (total), ..., Rovaniemi (87)
    3. Building type: Building types total, Terraced houses, Blocks of flats, (3)
    4. Number of rooms: Total, One-room flat, Two-room flat, Three-room flat+, (4)
    5. Information: Index (1970=100), Real price index (1970=100), Index (1983=100), Real price index (1983=100), ..., Real price index (2015=100) (12)

  16. 13mz -- Price indices of old dwellings in housing companies (1970=100, 1983=100, 2000=100, 2005=100, 2010=100, 2015=100), yearly, 1988-2024*

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    1. Year: 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, ..., 2024* (37)
    2. Region: Whole country, Greater Helsinki, Whole country excluding Greater Helsinki, Major cities (total), ..., Rovaniemi (87)
    3. Building type: Building types total, Terraced houses, Blocks of flats, (3)
    4. Number of rooms: Total, One-room flat, Two-room flat, Three-room flat+, (4)
    5. Information: Index (1970=100), Real price index (1970=100), Index (1983=100), Real price index (1983=100), ..., Real price index (2015=100) (12)

  17. 13np -- Revisions in prices and number of sales of old dwellings in housing companies monthly, index 2020=100, 2022M01-2025M01*

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    1. Month: 2022M01, 2022M02, 2022M03, 2022M04, ..., 2025M01* (37)
    2. Region: Whole country, Greater Helsinki, Whole country excluding Greater Helsinki, Major cities (total), Whole country excluding major cities (5)
    3. Information: Latest release, monthly change, %, First release, monthly change, %, Revision, monthly change, percentage point, Latest release, yearly change, %, ..., Revision, number of sales (9)

  18. 13pz -- Revisions in prices and number of sales of old dwellings in housing companies quarterly, index 2020=100, 2022Q1-2024Q3*

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    1. Quarter: 2022Q1, 2022Q2, 2022Q3, 2022Q4, ..., 2024Q3* (11)
    2. Region: Whole country, Greater Helsinki, Whole country excluding Greater Helsinki, Major cities (total), Whole country excluding major cities (5)
    3. Information: Latest release, quarterly change, %, First release, quarterly change, %, Revision, quarterly change, percentage point, Latest release, yearly change, %, ..., Revision, number of sales (9)