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  1. 12af -- Deaths by sex, 1751-2023

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 27222 Modified: 20240524 08.00

    1. Year: 1751, 1752, 1753, 1754, ..., 2023 (273)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Information: Deaths, (1)

  2. 12ag -- Deaths by age (1-year) and sex, 1980-2023

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 62636 Modified: 20240524 08.00

    1. Year: 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, ..., 2023 (44)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age: Total, 0, 1, 2, ..., 112 (114)
    4. Information: Deaths, (1)

  3. 12ah -- Deaths by month, 1945-2023

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 15673 Modified: 20240524 08.00

    1. Year: 1945, 1946, 1947, 1948, ..., 2023 (79)
    2. Month of occurrence: Months total, January, February, March, ..., December (13)
    3. Information: Deaths, (1)

  4. 12ak -- Deaths by age (5-year), sex and area, 1990-2023

    Select part: View table: Size: 1566742 Modified: 20240524 08.00

    1. Year: 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, ..., 2023 (34)
    2. Area: WHOLE COUNTRY, Akaa, Alajärvi, Alavieska, ..., Äänekoski (310)
    3. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    4. Age: Total, 0, 1 - 4, 5 - 9, ..., 95 - (22)
    5. Information: Deaths, (1)

  5. 12al -- Crude death rate, 1751-2023

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 29673 Modified: 20240524 08.00

    1. Year: 1751, 1752, 1753, 1754, ..., 2023 (273)
    2. Information: Crude death rate, per mille, Deaths, Mean population, (3)

  6. 12am -- Life expectancy at birth by sex, 1751-2023

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 11794 Modified: 20241018 08.00

    1. Year: 1751-1760, 1761-1770, 1771-1780, 1781-1790, ..., 2023 (78)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Information: Life expectancy at birth, years, (1)

  7. 12an -- Life expectancy at birth by sex and region, 1990-1992 -- 2021-2023

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 24628 Modified: 20241018 08.00

    1. Year: 1990-1992, 1991-1993, 1992-1994, 1993-1995, ..., 2021-2023 (32)
    2. Region: WHOLE COUNTRY, MA1 MAINLAND FINLAND, MK01 Uusimaa, MK02 Southwest Finland, ..., MK21 Åland (22)
    3. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    4. Information: Life expectancy at birth, years, (1)

  8. 12ap -- Life table by age and sex, 1986-2023

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 231304 Modified: 20241018 08.00

    1. Year: 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, ..., 2023 (38)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Age: 0, 1, 2, 3, ..., 100 (101)
    4. Information: Probability of death, per mille, Survivors of 100,000 born alive, Life expectancy, years, (3)

  9. 12aq -- Infant mortality, 1751-2023

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 31542 Modified: 20240524 08.00

    1. Year: 1751, 1752, 1753, 1754, ..., 2023 (273)
    2. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    3. Information: Infant mortality, per mille, Infant deaths, (2)

  10. 12as -- Vital statistics by month and area, 1990M01-2023M12

    Select part: View table: Size: 6977908 Modified: 20240528 08.00

    1. Area: WHOLE COUNTRY, Akaa, Alajärvi, Alavieska, ..., Äänekoski (310)
    2. Information: Live births, Deaths, Natural increase, Intermunicipal in-migration, ..., Population (21)
    3. Month: 1990M01, 1990M02, 1990M03, 1990M04, ..., 2023M12 (408)

  11. 12at -- Vital statistics and population, 1749-2023

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 51855 Modified: 20240528 08.00

    1. Year: 1749, 1750, 1751, 1752, ..., 2023 (275)
    2. Information: Live births, Deaths, Natural increase, Intermunicipal migration, ..., Population (11)

  12. 12au -- Vital statistics and population by area, 1990-2023

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 790816 Modified: 20240528 08.00

    1. Year: 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, ..., 2023 (34)
    2. Area: WHOLE COUNTRY, Akaa, Alajärvi, Alavieska, ..., Äänekoski (310)
    3. Information: Live births, Deaths, Natural increase, Intermunicipal in-migration, ..., Population (21)