136m -- Assets, liabilities and income of households by household type, 1987-2019
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- Statistic: Median, Upper quartile, Lower quartile, Households holding asset type, ..., Mean per all households (6)
- Kotitalouden elinvaihe: All households, 1. One-person households, 1.1 One-person households, under the age of 35, 1.2 One-person households, 35-64 years, ..., 6. Other households (15)
- Year: 1987, 1988, 1994, 1998, ..., 2019 (9)
- Information: Net wealth, Net wealth (excl. savings and investment insurance policies), Net wealth (excl. forests, farmland, business wealth and savings and investment insurance policies), Total assets, ..., Average household size (32)