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  1. 13di -- Listed shares and mutual funds of persons by age of person and sex, 2009-2023

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    1. Year: 2009, 2013, 2014, 2015, ..., 2023 (12)
    2. Type of investment: Listed shares and mutual funds, Mutual funds, Listed shares, Equity savings account, Listed shares (excl. equity savings account) (5)
    3. Person's age: Total, 0 - 15, 16 - 24, 25 - 34, ..., 75 - (9)
    4. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    5. Information: Persons holding asset type, Asset participation rate (% of persons), 10th percentile, 25th percentile, ..., Mean (10)

  2. 151s -- Assets, liabilities and income of households by age of reference person, 1987-2023

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    1. Asset type: Net wealth, Net wealth (excl. savings and investment insurance policies and cryptocurrencies), Net wealth (excl. forests, farmland, business wealth, savings and investment insurance policies and cryptocurrencies), Total assets, ..., Net value of household main residence (29)
    2. Age group: All households, -24, 25-34, 35-44, ..., 75- (8)
    3. Year: 1987, 1988, 1994, 1998, ..., 2023 (10)
    4. Information: Lower quartile of asset type, in nominal euros, Mean of asset type, in nominal euros, Median of asset type, in nominal euros, Upper quartile of asset type, in nominal euros, ..., Sample size (13)

  3. 151t -- Assets, liabilities and income of households by household type, 1987-2023

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    1. Asset type: Net wealth, Net wealth (excl. savings and investment insurance policies and cryptocurrencies), Net wealth (excl. forests, farmland, business wealth, savings and investment insurance policies and cryptocurrencies), Total assets, ..., Net value of household main residence (29)
    2. Kotitalouden elinvaihe: All households, 1. One-person households, 1.1 One-person households, under the age of 35, 1.2 One-person households, 35-64 years, ..., 6. Other households (15)
    3. Year: 1987, 1988, 1994, 1998, ..., 2023 (10)
    4. Information: Lower quartile of asset type, in nominal euros, Mean of asset type, in nominal euros, Median of asset type, in nominal euros, Upper quartile of asset type, in nominal euros, ..., Sample size (13)

  4. 151u -- Assets, liabilities and income of households by income decile group, 1987-2023

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    1. Asset type: Net wealth, Net wealth (excl. savings and investment insurance policies and cryptocurrencies), Net wealth (excl. forests, farmland, business wealth, savings and investment insurance policies and cryptocurrencies), Total assets, ..., Net value of household main residence (29)
    2. Tulokymmenys: Total, I (Lowest-income 10 %), II, III, ..., X (Highest-income 10 %) (11)
    3. Year: 1987, 1988, 1994, 1998, ..., 2023 (10)
    4. Information: Lower quartile of asset type, in nominal euros, Mean of asset type, in nominal euros, Median of asset type, in nominal euros, Upper quartile of asset type, in nominal euros, ..., Sample size (13)

  5. 151w -- Assets, liabilities and income of households by level of education of reference person, 1987-2023

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    1. Asset type: Net wealth, Net wealth (excl. savings and investment insurance policies and cryptocurrencies), Net wealth (excl. forests, farmland, business wealth, savings and investment insurance policies and cryptocurrencies), Total assets, ..., Net value of household main residence (29)
    2. Koulutusaste: Upper secondary education, Tertiary education, Basic education or unknown, Total, (4)
    3. Year: 1987, 1988, 1994, 1998, ..., 2023 (10)
    4. Information: Lower quartile of asset type, in nominal euros, Mean of asset type, in nominal euros, Median of asset type, in nominal euros, Upper quartile of asset type, in nominal euros, ..., Sample size (13)

  6. 151v -- Assets, liabilities and income of households by net wealth decile group, 1987-2023

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    1. Asset type: Net wealth, Net wealth (excl. savings and investment insurance policies and cryptocurrencies), Net wealth (excl. forests, farmland, business wealth, savings and investment insurance policies and cryptocurrencies), Total assets, ..., Net value of household main residence (29)
    2. Nettovarallisuuskymmenys: All households, I (least wealthy), II, III, ..., X (wealthiest) (11)
    3. Year: 1987, 1988, 1994, 1998, ..., 2023 (10)
    4. Information: Lower quartile of asset type, in nominal euros, Mean of asset type, in nominal euros, Median of asset type, in nominal euros, Upper quartile of asset type, in nominal euros, ..., Sample size (13)

  7. 151x -- Assets, liabilities and income of households by socioeconomic group, 1987-2023

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    1. Asset type: Net wealth, Net wealth (excl. savings and investment insurance policies and cryptocurrencies), Net wealth (excl. forests, farmland, business wealth, savings and investment insurance policies and cryptocurrencies), Total assets, ..., Net value of household main residence (29)
    2. Sosioekonominen asema: All households, 1. Employers, own-account workers and self-employed in agriculture, 1.1 Self-employed in agriculture, 1.2 Other self-employed persons, ..., 6. Others (12)
    3. Year: 1987, 1988, 1994, 1998, ..., 2023 (10)
    4. Information: Lower quartile of asset type, in nominal euros, Mean of asset type, in nominal euros, Median of asset type, in nominal euros, Upper quartile of asset type, in nominal euros, ..., Sample size (13)

  8. 151y -- Assets, liabilities and income of households by NUTS2 region, 1987-2023

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    1. Asset type: Net wealth, Net wealth (excl. savings and investment insurance policies and cryptocurrencies), Net wealth (excl. forests, farmland, business wealth, savings and investment insurance policies and cryptocurrencies), Total assets, ..., Net value of household main residence (29)
    2. Suuralue: Whole Country, Capital district, Other Helsinki-Uusimaa, Southern Finland, ..., Åland (7)
    3. Year: 1987, 1988, 1994, 1998, ..., 2023 (10)
    4. Information: Lower quartile of asset type, in nominal euros, Mean of asset type, in nominal euros, Median of asset type, in nominal euros, Upper quartile of asset type, in nominal euros, ..., Sample size (13)

  9. 151z -- Assets, liabilities and income of households by housing tenure status in, 1987-2023

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    1. Asset type: Net wealth, Net wealth (excl. savings and investment insurance policies and cryptocurrencies), Net wealth (excl. forests, farmland, business wealth, savings and investment insurance policies and cryptocurrencies), Total assets, ..., Net value of household main residence (29)
    2. Asunnon hallintaperuste: All households, Outright owner, Owner with mortgage, Renter or other, (4)
    3. Year: 1987, 1988, 1994, 1998, ..., 2023 (10)
    4. Information: Lower quartile of asset type, in nominal euros, Mean of asset type, in nominal euros, Median of asset type, in nominal euros, Upper quartile of asset type, in nominal euros, ..., Sample size (13)

  10. 152a -- Wealth shares (%), means, medians and maximum values of decile groups, 1987-2023

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    1. Asset type: Net wealth, Total assets, (2)
    2. Wealth decile or fractile group: All households, I (least wealthy), II, III, ..., p96-100 (15)
    3. Year: 1987, 1988, 1994, 1998, ..., 2023 (10)
    4. Information: Households in population, Wealth share (%), Mean, in nominal euros, Median, in nominal euros, ..., Upper limit, in real terms (prices of the most recent statistical year) (8)