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  1. 136l -- Assets, liabilities and income of households by age of reference person, 1987-2019

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 119613 Modified: 20210608 08.00

    1. Statistic: Median, Upper quartile, Lower quartile, Households holding asset type, ..., Mean per all households (6)
    2. Ikäryhmä: All households, -24, 25-34, 35-44, ..., 75- (8)
    3. Year: 1987, 1988, 1994, 1998, ..., 2019 (9)
    4. Information: Net wealth, Net wealth (excl. savings and investment insurance policies), Net wealth (excl. forests, farmland, business wealth and savings and investment insurance policies), Total assets, ..., Average household size (32)

  2. 136m -- Assets, liabilities and income of households by household type, 1987-2019

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 187643 Modified: 20220325 08.00

    1. Statistic: Median, Upper quartile, Lower quartile, Households holding asset type, ..., Mean per all households (6)
    2. Kotitalouden elinvaihe: All households, 1. One-person households, 1.1 One-person households, under the age of 35, 1.2 One-person households, 35-64 years, ..., 6. Other households (15)
    3. Year: 1987, 1988, 1994, 1998, ..., 2019 (9)
    4. Information: Net wealth, Net wealth (excl. savings and investment insurance policies), Net wealth (excl. forests, farmland, business wealth and savings and investment insurance policies), Total assets, ..., Average household size (32)

  3. 136x -- Households' net wealth by wealth decile, 1987-2019

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    1. Year: 1987, 1988, 1994, 1998, ..., 2019 (9)
    2. Decile group: All households, I (least wealthy), II, III, ..., X (wealthiest) (11)
    3. Information: Households in population, Median, Mean per all households, Upper limit, (4)

  4. 136y -- Assets, liabilities and income of households by income decile group in, 1987-2019

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    1. Statistic: Median, Upper quartile, Lower quartile, Households holding asset type, ..., Mean per all households (6)
    2. Tulokymmenys: Total, I (Lowest-income 10 %), II, III, ..., X (Highest-income 10 %) (11)
    3. Year: 1987, 1988, 1994, 1998, ..., 2019 (9)
    4. Information: Net wealth, Net wealth (excl. savings and investment insurance policies), Net wealth (excl. forests, farmland, business wealth and savings and investment insurance policies), Total assets, ..., Average household size (32)

  5. 136z -- Assets, liabilities and income of households by net wealth decile group in, 1987-2019

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 147144 Modified: 20210608 08.00

    1. Statistic: Median, Upper quartile, Lower quartile, Households holding asset type, ..., Mean per all households (6)
    2. Nettovarallisuuskymmenys: All households, I (least wealthy), II, III, ..., X (wealthiest) (11)
    3. Year: 1987, 1988, 1994, 1998, ..., 2019 (9)
    4. Information: Net wealth, Net wealth (excl. savings and investment insurance policies), Net wealth (excl. forests, farmland, business wealth and savings and investment insurance policies), Total assets, ..., Average household size (32)

  6. 137a -- Assets, liabilities and income of households by level of education of reference person in, 1987-2019

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 82817 Modified: 20210608 08.00

    1. Statistic: Median, Upper quartile, Lower quartile, Households holding asset type, ..., Mean per all households (6)
    2. Koulutusaste: Upper secondary education, Tertiary education, Basic education or unknown, Total, (4)
    3. Year: 1987, 1988, 1994, 1998, ..., 2019 (9)
    4. Information: Net wealth, Net wealth (excl. savings and investment insurance policies), Net wealth (excl. forests, farmland, business wealth and savings and investment insurance policies), Total assets, ..., Average household size (32)

  7. 137c -- Assets, liabilities and income of households by socioeconomic group in, 1987-2019

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    1. Statistic: Median, Upper quartile, Lower quartile, Households holding asset type, ..., Mean per all households (6)
    2. Sosioekonominen asema: All households, 1. Employers, own-account workers and self-employed in agriculture, 1.1 Self-employed in agriculture, 1.2 Other self-employed persons, ..., 6. Others (12)
    3. Year: 1987, 1988, 1994, 1998, ..., 2019 (9)
    4. Information: Net wealth, Net wealth (excl. savings and investment insurance policies), Net wealth (excl. forests, farmland, business wealth and savings and investment insurance policies), Total assets, ..., Average household size (32)

  8. 137d -- Assets, liabilities and income of households by NUTS2 region in, 1987-2019

    Select part: Download: View table: Size: 112315 Modified: 20210608 08.00

    1. Statistic: Median, Upper quartile, Lower quartile, Households holding asset type, ..., Mean per all households (6)
    2. Suuralue: Whole Country, Capital district, Other Helsinki-Uusimaa, Southern Finland, ..., Åland (7)
    3. Year: 1987, 1988, 1994, 1998, ..., 2019 (9)
    4. Information: Net wealth, Net wealth (excl. savings and investment insurance policies), Net wealth (excl. forests, farmland, business wealth and savings and investment insurance policies), Total assets, ..., Average household size (32)

  9. 137f -- Assets, liabilities and income of households by housing tenure status in, 1987-2019

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    1. Statistic: Median, Upper quartile, Lower quartile, Households holding asset type, ..., Mean per all households (6)
    2. Asunnon hallintaperuste: All households, Outright owner, Owner with mortgage, Renter or other, (4)
    3. Year: 1987, 1988, 1994, 1998, ..., 2019 (9)
    4. Information: Net wealth, Net wealth (excl. savings and investment insurance policies), Net wealth (excl. forests, farmland, business wealth and savings and investment insurance policies), Total assets, ..., Average household size (32)

  10. 13di -- Listed shares and mutual funds of persons by age of person and sex, 2009-2022

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    1. Year: 2009, 2013, 2014, 2015, ..., 2022 (11)
    2. Type of investment: Listed shares and mutual funds, Mutual funds, Listed shares, Equity savings account, Listed shares (excl. equity savings account) (5)
    3. Person's age: Total, 0 - 15, 16 - 24, 25 - 34, ..., 75 - (9)
    4. Sex: Total, Males, Females, (3)
    5. Information: 10th percentile, 25th percentile, 50th percentile (median), 75th percentile, ..., Mean (10)